Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Monday, October 11, 2010

TGIF ? ummm ...

"Pagi, bu" Jumat pagi (8/10) Justin masuk ke kls langsung nyamperin aku begitu dia masuk kls ... & .... alamak ! itu ingus ... yaelah, pagi2 dateng kok nyetor ingus sih, Justin ? ... he he he ... untung bu guru ga jijikan. mana sini diem, di bersihin dulu ...

bawa anak2 senam ke lapangan voli deket sekolah. tp matahari pagi2 gini panasnya ga enak ya. pdhal baru jg jam 8an rasanya kok udah garang banget. tp anak TK A selalu bawa topi, terinspirasi dg aku & evelyn yg selalu bertopi tiap kali kita keluar sekolah. wali kls TK B jg jd ikut2an bertopi tp kok anak2nya ga jd ikut terinspirasi ama bu gurunya ya ... 

abis itu anak TK A duduk dulu yuk di kolam ikan sambil kita latihan nyanyi lagu Indonesia Raya sembari ngadem. 

evelyn bilang enakan latihan nyanyi ga di kls krn kepsek suka main masuk & tanpa ba bi bu ke kita yg resminya guru TK A langsung aja dia ambil alih komando di depan kls ... wah .. 

'Wali kelas boneka' itu dulu sebutanku untuk diri sendiri kira2 3 thn lalu waktu awal2 megang kls Playgroup (PG). 

2 thn pertama kerja di sekolah ini aku jd asisten guru. thn ke 3 baru jd wali kls PG tp biarpun raport & ijasah aku yg isi & ttd, dlm prakteknya kepsek yg menguasai kls. mungkin maksudnya mo ngajarin aku tp dg caranya bikin aku sempet berasa cuma jd pajangan selama 1 thn itu ..

aku & evelyn punya pendapat sama : percaya dong ama kita2. kita kasih yg terbaik buat anak2 itu kok. ketidaksempurnaan & kesalahan pasti ga terhindarkan untuk terjadi tp itu adalah bagian dr proses belajar & bahkan hakiki kehidupan ini ..

krn itu kita seneng banget waktu kepsek pergi dr jam 8an ... he he he ... so, jd lah atasan yg ga bikin anak buah bersukur waktu kamu ga ada. waduh, alangkah menyedihkannya kl sampe orang bersukur & bergembira untuk ketidakhadiran kita di antara mereka ... 

bhs Inggris di TK B tiap hari Jumat jam 9. berasa banget bedanya ngajar anak umur 4 thn dg anak 5 thn 

"bu, ngajar di TK B ya ?" Stevany nanya waktu aku masuk bentar ke TK A buat ambil kertas lembar laporan bulanan sekolah ke dinas pendidikan. mumpung anak TK B lagi sibuk nulis, aku bisa nulisin data2 guru di laporan itu. 

"boleh ikut ga bu ?" celetuk March. kemana ? "ke TK B ama ibu" .. hah ?? aku nyengir geli. bu keke ga lama kok di situ. "ntar balik lg kan ke TK A ?" aduh ni anak segitu takutnya di tinggal aku ya ? he he he ...

sip ... sip ... krn centengnya pergi, jam 11.30 pulang yuk .. ke warnet dulu dong. tapi jam 1-an ujan gede. yah, kejadian lg d kayak hari Rabu. ngajar les dg badan 1/2 basah ... cape d ...

"Morning, miss!' Justin entered the classroom & came directly to me that Friday (Oct 8th) ... OMG ! that mucus .. what a sight to start a day ... lol .. here, let me clean it. good thing to be born not easily disgusted ..

brought the kids to the volley ball field near the school to exercise. it was just 8 am but it was too sunny already. glad that the kids in my class had their hats, inspired by me & evelyn who always wear hats whenever we've to go out. this tropical sun has no mercy ..

but how come the kids from other class were hatless though their teacher wore hat ?

we took the kids to cool down by the fish pond near by as we practiced singing our national anthem.

Evelyn thought we'd better practice it not in class because headmaster has a habit to just enter any class & then takes control in that class without say anything to the teacher who's incharged in it.

so whenever headmaster does this, we're expected to take step backward & let her does whatever business she has on mind at that time in our class.

'Puppet Teacher', I called myself that about 3 years ago when I first incharged fully in Playgroup class (it's the class for the 3 year old kids) after spent 2 years as teacher's assistant.

on paper it showed I was that class teacher but it was the headmaster who ruled in the class. maybe she wanted to show me how to incharge a class but her way made ma felt I were a teacher in display ...

both evelyn & I have same opinion : trust us. we give & do our best for the kids. imperfectness & mistakes are of course unavoidable but that's part of learning & developing process.

we were so happy when headmaster left to attend a meeting at 8 am. there, be a wise boss so u don't make ur men find ur presence upsetting that they'd all chorus their rejoice when you're not around. I find it so pathetic ..

it's English at the class for the 5 year olds every Friday at 9 am. so I went there. there's a huge different in teaching 4 year olds & 5 year olds ..

"r u teaching in that class?" asked Stevany when I went to my classroom to take school's monthly report. I thought since the kis in the other class were busy with the quiz I gave them I'd better work on that report.

"can I come with u?" asked March. where ? "to that class with u" .. I hold myself not to laugh & just smiled. I won't stay there long, I told him. "so you'll be back afterwards?" he chased me with that question, needed to be convinced that I'd be back ... lol ..

well, since the "watchman" (the headmaster) was out, we coul all leave school at 11.30 am. all work is done. all kids were already gone home too.

yes ! go ol at my favourite internet cafe. but oh no .. !! it was pouring down at 1 pm just like on wednesday & once again I had to tutor with my clothes 1/2 wet ... sigh ...

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