Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

miss, Michelle poop ...

Senin (11/10) pagi dingin banget di Bogor ! dinginnya nembus selimutku. ya ga heran, kata nyokap, tu selimut udah uzur. umurnya lebih tua dr aku ... he he he

aduh, pake acara macet pula .. untung ketolongan bisa nebeng naik motor papanya Friskilla (Friskilla lulusan TK kita 3 thn lalu). tp begitu turun .. wah, kupingku kok kayaknya rada2 tuli tuh ke tiup angin super dingin ini ..

Senin lagi. upacara lagi ... bosen d ...

Kelvin sepanjang upacara hrs di pegangin evelyn krn kl ga gitu pasti nempel terus ama tantenya. tp selesai upacara .. eh, dia dg gagah perkasa cepet banget masuk ke kls. aku & evelyn sejenak saling pandang2an krn surprise ngeliatnya & trus kita toss ... he he he ... gitu kek tiap hari, vin ...

kl TK B pelajaran bhs Inggris hari Jumat jam 9, TK A tiap Senin jam 9. lg enak2 mewarnai tiba2 Clarissa teriak "bu guru, bau ..." nah, siapa kentut ? & aku ketawa liat anak2 itu trus tengok kiri kanan, depan belakang sambil mengendus-endus, terutama yg duduk di dekat Claris.

"bu, Michelle pup" kata Kim yg duduk di depan Michelle

& dg muka memelas Michelle ngeliat ke aku ... wah, beneran nih ?

"sakit perut, bu" bisiknya

yuk, kita ke wc kl gitu, aku gandeng dia sambil sambar sabun cairku & tisu. aduuuuh! begitu sampe di dlm wc baru keliatan "parah"nya ... belepotan semua, coy ! paha, kaki ampe kena sepatu ... aduh, ini mah diare ! ups, sori ... mudah2an baca blog ini ga sambil makan ya ... he he he

udah rapi aku bersihin semua, pakein celana dr sekolah, gosokin perutnya dg minyak kayu putih & dia balik lg ke kls, mulai mewarnai.

5 menit kemudian .... "bu, Michelle pup lg" ... ah ???!!

wah, ni ga beres d ... aku panggil teteh, petugas kebersihan sekolah. sori teh, tolongin ni anak bentar. aku mau telponin ortunya supaya datang jemput. ni anak jelas2 sakit ..

'dia ga mau aku cebokin, bu' lapor teteh waktu aku nyusul ke wc abis nelpon. 'maunya ama bu keke' ... & di dlm wc Michelle berdiri berlinangan air mata, belepotan dg kotorannya ... aih ...

aduh, sayang ... maaf ya. bu keke nelpon papa mama mu dulu biar datang jemput kamu. mana sini, yuk, ibu bersihin. jangan nangis ya, kataku ke dia

waduh, bener2 anugerah banget terlahir jd orang ga jijikan ... he he he ... yah, sambil ngebersihin aku ajak dia ngobrol. mamanya datang waktu aku lagi makein sepatunya.

udah gitu, ga mau pulang ... mau main puteran dulu ... alamak, kl tiba2 kamu pup lg, gawat, Michelle ... udah ga ada celana buat ganti nih ... yah, terpaksalah di gendong mamanya & aku angkat dia ke atas motor krn dia ga mo naik ke motor ... nangis  ...

masih agak ngos2an aku balik ke kls tp ga bs nyantai. hilir mudik terus di dlm kls.

krn di dlm kls ga boleh pake sandal, dr pagi aku nyeker .. he he he .. soalnya sepatuku sepatu kets & aku ga betah make terus2an. gerah ...

sepatu sih ada tp semua itu dr jaman waktu aku masih kerja kantoran so memang modelnya ok tp ga nyaman buat di pake jln, apa lg buat lari ! orang kantoran kan lebih banyak kerja sambil duduk. guru, terutama guru TK, mana bs kayak gitu.

sengaja kelompokku les calistungnya aku mulai lebih awal. les buat anak TK B itu mulai jam 11 s/d 12 tp krn ni hari aku mo ke warnet so jam 10.45 aku udah mulai.

Devi kok bs lupa ya cara ngitung tambah2an ? Jevan yg tadinya lemot banget ni hari malah lebih baik.

Cindi, aku mulai dg ra yg di kombinasiin dg ba bi bu be bo & sa si su se so ... biar pun lambat tp kemajuannya ada. ga bikin aku jd kecil hati lg ngajarin dia baca.

Cleymens udah bs di lepas jln sendiri sekarang. aku udah kasih latihan soal2 pilihan ganda, soal dg jawab betul salah, misahin puluhan - satuan, penjumlahan bersusun & berkelompok. sukurlah, bengongnya udah jauh banget berkurang. awal2 les ... aduh .., minta ampun ! ngerjain 1 soal pake acara bengong 5 menit ampe saban2 aku hrs sentak dia 'Cley, jangan bengong!' ... he he he ...

Wilson udah lebih lancar dg ahiran 'ng'.

Charlos keliru mulu pi jd di ... salah dong ! dia hapus & ganti dg ... ki ... yah, salah ! dia hapus lg & dia tulis bi ... cape d ... Charlos ! pi ! pi ! pi ! pa pi pu pe po ! .... kl masih jg ga bisa, bu keke gigit kamu nanti, kataku saking gemesnya ... eh, malah pd ketawa rame2 ... he he he ... yah, tp sukurlah ahirnya ketemu jg tu pi setelah nyaris bikin rambutku jd kribo ... he he he ....

ok, rebes. tumpuk dulu meja kursi, matiin lampu, ambil tas, pake sepatu & topi ... teh, kuserahkan pd mu klsku ... ok, boss! jawab teteh sambil masuk ke kls buat nyapu & ngepel di situ ...

yuk cabut ! kataku ke evelyn. aku sengaja pulang cepet ni hari krn mo nebeng dia naik motornya ke warnet krn dia lewatin warnet favoritku tiap hari.

hrs nguber ketinggalan nginput blog. hari ini aku bebas merdeka dr les tp ga mo pulang kesiangan. takut ujan. tp mataharinya ternyata melotot seharian ini ...

It was so freezing this Monday morning (Oct 11th). the chill crept in though I had my blanket covering me almost from head to toe .. lol .. 'no wonder', mom said, 'that blanket is older than u so it's worn out' but it's my dear blankie .. lol ...

man, traffic jam again ?! glad met Friskilla's father who gave me a ride to school on his motorcycle (Friskilla was a former student in our kindergarten) .. but the feezing wind made my ears couldn't hear well ...

Monday again ... flag ceremony again ... boring ...

Evelyn had to hold Kelvin all through the flag ceremony or he'd run to his aunt. but when it was time for us to get in the classroom, he walked straight & entered it all by himself making me & evelyn stared at each other, surprised to see it & then we did 'high five' ... lol ... why don't u enter ur classroom like this everyday, Kelvin ?

I teach English in the class for the 5 year olds every Friday at 9 am to 10 am. it's every Monday at same hour in my own class.

so we were enjoying our colourig when all of sudden Clarissa called out to me "miss, it smells bad here" ok, who fart ? I jokingly asked & laughed to see the whole kids in the classroom started to look around & sniffed, especially those who sat near Clarissa.

"miss, Michelle poop" said Kim who sat infront of Michelle

& with sad look on her face Michelle stared at me ... oh boy ...

"it's my stomach" she wishpered

ok, let's go to the toilet, I hold her hand as I grabbed my liquid soap & tissue ... but oh man ! once we got there, I saw she was covered with feces all over her even to her shoes ! this is diarrhea ! .... oops sorry, I hope you're not eating while reading this ... lol ...

I cleaned it all. put on school's clean shorts o her because she didn't have spare clean underwear. I rubbed her stomach with medicial oil to make it warm. & she went back to class & started colouring.

about 5 minutes later ... "miss, Michelle poop again" oh no !!

something is definitely wrong so I asked school's cleaning lady to take her to toilet while I phoned her parents to come & pick her up. then I ran to the toilet to find Michelle stood with teary eyes & feces all over her. 'she won't let me clean her', said school's cleaning lady to me

ok, let me clean u. don't cry. I went to call ur parents to come & bring u home because you're obviously unwell, I spoke to her softly.

man, I'm telling u it's really a huge blessing for me to be born not easily disgusted .. lol ..

I talked to Michelle gently as I cleaned her to calm her down. her mom arrived when putting on her shoes.

& with all that she had just been through, she refused to be taken home ! she wanted to play on the merry go round ... Michelle, if u poop again, we'd all be in trouble ... so her mom had to carry her & I held her up to the motorcycle because she refused to get on it as she cried ...

still catching up o my breathe after they left,  I went back to my class & had no time to sit & rest as I soon walked back & forth there ..

since sandals r 'forbidden' in class, I've been walking barefoot since morning .. lol .. I wear snicker but I can't stand to wear it in long time. it makes my feet hot.

well ya, I've other shoes but they're the shoes I wore when I had office job. they're fancy shoes, good to look at but not designed for comfort if u wear it to move around a lot, let alone to wear it for running. office job doesn't require much moving. we do the work mostly by sitting. it's not the case if u are a teacher, especially kindergarten teacher.

ran tutoring for the 5 year olds in my group early. it usually runs at 11 am for an hour but since I needed to go to internet cafe, I started it at 10.45 am.

Devi forgot how to do additional. Jevan on the contrary did quite well.

Cindi did more progress. it maybe slow but it's better than nothing at all. it doesn't discouraged me to teach her reading.

Cleymens r working on first grader quiz. he's doing much better now. at least he no longer spend 5 minutes stupefied while doing each number on the quiz I gave him.

Wilson is doing better o the dictation.

Charlos on the other hand kept mistakenly pi with di, then with bi, after that with ki ... Charlos, if u still don't know how to write pi, I'd bite u, I told him in despair & they all laughed. it took a while before he could write it correctly when I thought I had every hair o my head sticked out ... lol ..

ok done ! I moved the tables & chairs by the wall, turned off the light, took my backpack, hat & put on my snicker.

let's go ! I said to evelyn & off we went riding o her motorcylce. she passes my favourite internet cafe everyday so she gives me a ride everytime I need to go there after school. I needed to catch up on my blog entry as I was 2 days behind & though I didn't have other tutoring today, I didn't want to stay long at the internet cafe either. fearing it'd rain in the afternoo but it was so very too sunny today ..

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