Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Friday, October 15, 2010

hmmm ... rabu pagi (13/10) kepsek udah negor aku kenapa adiknya Jovan, anak baru di kls Playgroup (PG) kemarin dibiarin masuk kls & malah di ijinin ikut dpt gambar dr pak Tio buat di warnai ..

dlm hal aturan ortu / wali murid ga boleh masuk ke dlm kls aku & kepsek punya pandangan beda.

buat kepsek aturan itu hrs di jlnkan tanpa kompromi dlm artian dr hari pertama murid sekolah di sini, ortunya udah ga boleh ikut masuk ke kls. sementara aku walau ga nentang aturan itu tp mau berkompromi buat kasus2 tertentu.

maksudnya gini, ga semua anak punya nyali / pede sama besarnya. jd wajar aja kl ada anak yg di awal masal sekolahnya ga langsung berani & mandiri buat berada di dlm kls / di sekolah tanpa di dampingin ortu / walinya. nah, buat anak2 seperti ini perlu waktu sebelon ahirnya mereka bs beradaptasi.

lha, di aturan tata tertib sekolah aja di kasih tenggang waktu 3 minggu buat anak tsb di dampingi ortu / walinya selama ada di sekolah. walau pd prakteknya ada yg butuh waktu lebih lama sebelum ahirnya bisa di lepas sendiri di dlm kls / tanpa ditungguin dr masuk sampe pulang sekolah.

nah, s/d hari Selasa tgl 12/10 itu Jovan br 4 x masuk & dg ngeliat tipe anaknya ya ga masuk akal aja dong tu anak trus diharuskan langsung bisa mau tinggal di dlm kls tanpa ditemenin nyokapnya.

sedangkan Vivien & Kelvin yg lebih tua dr Jovan aja kalo lg entah gimana masih suka ga mo lepas dr nyokapnya pdhal udah 3 bln mereka jd murid TK A. ya, segala sesuatu itu kan perlu proses. ga main langsung abakadabra, simsalabim.. langsung jreng jadi sesuai dg yg kita inginkan.

kadang perbedaan persepsi ini bs jd bahan buat aku bersitegang dg kepsek walaupun ahirnya aku lebih milih diam, ngalah & tutup kuping tp di mana aku bisa, ada saat2 dimana peraturan2 yg menurut aku bs jln pake kompromi, itu aku lakuin. resikonya ya kl ketauan kepsek, aku kenal omel tp gpp lah, yg penting tujuan terbaik utk anak2 itu bs terlaksana.

duduk lg di samping Justin. nyanyi lg d kita ber 2 pelan2 tp bukan lagu incy wincy spider lg. dia lg demen ama lagu burung hantu "matahari terbenam, hari mulai malam, terdengar burung hantu, suaranya merdu .. ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ... he he he ...

saking lg nge-fansnya ama ni lagu ampe dia ngotot ke evelyn pengen maju ke depan kls buat nyanyiin tu lagu ... he he he .. abis itu dia maksa pengen jg bikin gambar orang di whiteboard krn liat evelyn ngegambar orang & ga jd kecil ati biarpun gambarnya diketawain temen2 sekelasnya ... he he he ...

Farell bikin evelyn spanning krn mewarnainya lambat banget. kl Kelvin rada mandek di tengah jln tp akibatnya mereka ber 2 ketinggalan. temen2nya udah istirahat di luar, mereka msh hrs tinggal di kls. bukannya kita kejam tp ini ngajarin anak disiplin & bertanggung jawab.

Michelle udah masuk setelah Senin diare & Selasa aku suruh ga masuk biar bs istirahat di rmh. ternyata ini pun belon 100%. gara2 terlalu semangat main puteran di jam istirahat, pas pulang jd mabok & muntah. yah, istirahat lg d besok di rmh ...

istirahat main uber2an dg Devi, Tania, Calvin, Brili (anak2 TK B) & Vivien, March, Michelle, Echa & Dea .. kl udah gitu aku bs ga ada bedanya dg mereka .. ketawa, cekikikan, kitik2an, ledek2an & lari kejar2an .. ini bukan si keke yg umur 39 thn tp ini keke yg umur 5 thn ... he he he ... ga pake jaim, ga ada malu .. tp malah sebetulnya ini jd bikin aku & anak2 itu jd deket & menambah daya tarik sekolah di mata mereka tentunya ..

aih, makasih banget ke mamanya Clarissa yg kasih ke aku 2 foto yg dia ambil dg kameranya kemarin waktu kita foto2an di kls. so bs langsung aku upload ke FB & jg di pejeng di blog ... he he he ..

Tiko ... tiko ... siapa mo beli majalah Tiko ? .. kemaren udah 10 anak TK A beli. hari ini 2 anak lg beli.. nah, kepsek bilang kl aku ga langsung nawarin ke anak2 nanti susah jualnya ... mana buktinya ??!! krn itu mbok ya jangan terlalu negatif ke segala sesuatunya dong ...

aduh ni cuaca yg rada antik bikin alergiku kumat setelah nyampe di rmh. mata gatel, idung gatel, tenggorokan gatel ... wah, ngocor d idung kayak keran bocor ... hiks ...

I just got in school that wednesday morning (Oct 13th) & headmaster already admonished me for allowing Jovan's mother & brother to be in Playgroup (PG) class yesterday & to join the other PG kids in colouring session.

headmaster & I have different perspective about school's regulation of not allowing students' parent / custodian to accompany the students in the classroom.

headmaster applies this regulation nearly without compromise while though I'm not against the regulation, I make compromises in special cases.

it's because not all kids have the same self confident / character to make them able to accept & adapt with school's life at short time / instantly ...

school's regulation itself actually allows parent / custodian to accompany their kid in class for 3 weeks though some kids need more than 3 weeks before they can stay in class & school all by themselves.

so Tuesday (Oct 12th) was Jovan's 4th time attending school & seeing his character, it's impossible to expect him able to stay in class all by himself right away / in short time ..

Vivien & Kelvin, 2 kids in my class who are older than Jovan still in the process to be independent. & school's been going for 3 months now. so everything needs process. can't have everything happen instantly according to our wishes.

this differences sometimes make headmaster & I have conflict though I then chose to step back but whenever I see opportunity to bend the regulation I do that right away though the risk if I get caught I've to deal with headmaster's disagreement but I do what I think I should do for the kids' good sake.

I sat beside Justin again & we sang a song softly again. it wasn't incy wincy spider but it's the owl song 'the sun is setting & night is come, an owl is singing with its beautiful voice .. koo .. koo .. koo .. koo .. koo .. koo .. koo ...

Justin likes this song very much that he insisted to sing it infront of the class & then also wanted to draw a man after he saw evelyn drawed it on the whiteboard. & didn't discourage though his classmates laughed at his drawing.

Farell gave evelyn headache because of his slow colouring. Kelvin spent most of his colouring time to look around. either way made them both had to stay in the classroom while their classmates have done their colouring, had snack time & went outside to play.

Michelle attended school today after had a day off yesterday to recover from diarrhea. she pooped her panties twice while in class on Monday. but obviously she hasn't recover thoroughly because she got dizzy after played on the merry go round & threw up. I gave her special permission to have 1 more day off tomorrow.

I spent our break time playing chase & catch me with Devi, Tania, Calvin, Brili (the kids from the class for the 5 year olds) & Vivien, March, Michelle, Echa & Dea from my class. well so, it wasn't 39 year old keke playing with them. it was the 5 year old child in me who played with them because at time like that I was no difference with them, I don't feel embarrassed by that. it even draws me closer with the kids & make them like school's life even more.

Clarissa's mom gave me 2 pics that she took of me, evelyn & the kids in my class yesterday. thanks to that I could upload it to FB & also on my blog.

anyone wants to buy Tiko children magazine ? .. 10 kids in my class have bought it yesterday. 2 more bought it today. & headmaster said I'd get it hard to sell them if I don't offer it to the parents of the kids in my class right away. oh yeah ? says who ? no such thing happen. so don't be so negative ..

this weather is really at its oddest peak. it's been raining for weeks & then it stops & for 4 days it was sunny. dry & hot. had itchy throat, nose & eyes. had runny nose too... darn! I can't have any allergy sympthoms now ..

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