Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sabtu (9/10) lega ga ada macet lagi. Macet dr selasa s/d kamis itu krn aa perumahan yg lg di aspal. trus ni pagi jg lg beruntung dpt angkot yg ga ngetem lama & cepet dpt banyak penumpang. jarak cetek bs makan waktu lama kl pake kendaraan umum. 

Tiap Sabtu ada kebaktian / ibadah. ya, ini kan sekolah Kristen tp aa jg murid beragama Budha & 2 thn lalu ada yg Muslim. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dong, coy ... he he he ...

Ibadah di kls TK A so gelar karpet lah .. anak PG (playgroup) duduk di deret depan. anak TK A di tengah & TK B di belakang. 

aku suka hari Sabtu krn anak2 pake baju bebas. anak perempuan bajunya lucu2. bikin gemes.

"bu keke, vanny pake baju baru" Stevanny dateng2 langsung pamer baju batik hijaunya.

"o ya .. bagus banget. beli di mana ?"

"di jawa"

"boleh dong tukeran ama baju bu keke ?" kataku ngegodain dia

"ih, ibu" dia ketawa

Kepsek yg jd MC waktu ibadah ... eh, tiba2 dia batuk2. aku ke kantor mo ambil air mineral gelas tp kok pintu kantor di kunci ?? aku balik lg ke kls TK A, nanya teteh si petugas kebersihan yg pegang kunci2 sekolah selain kepsek & wali kls TK B. 

"kunci di emak" bisik teteh

kunci teteh di pegang kepsek ? ngapain ? kan biasanya tu kunci di pegang & malah di bawa si teteh. kok ada angin apa ni hari tu kunci di sandera ama kepsek ? trus kl tiba2 ada telpon gimana ?

Siangnya teteh baru cerita kenapa kantor di kunci & kuncinya di bawa kepsek. ga mau ada yg liat keadaan di dlm kantor. kayak gudang, gitu alasan kepsek. kayak gudang apaan ? sejak sekolah kebanjiran bln lalu, kantor udah kita rapihin. yg bikin kumuh itu kasurnya si kepsek yg nangkring di belakang pintu. 

aku sendiri ga habis pikir kenapa kok kasur di simpen di situ. aku udah pernah protes ke kepsek. apa lg setelah nyaris kepalaku ketiban kasur brengsek itu waktu aku yg ga tau ada kasur di belakang pintu kantor pd 1 pagi lari buru2 masuk ke kantor buat angkat telpon yg berdering.

sukur waktu itu masih pagi banget so lon ada murid / ortu murd yg bisa menyaksikan ibu guru kelontangan ketiban kasur di kantor di susul sumpah serapahku yg beterbangan saking kaget & keselnya ... he he he ..

yah, begitulah ... tiap orang punya alasan di balik tiap tindakan yg menurutnya ok tp di mata orang lain jd sesuatu yg di anggap ga masuk akal ..

waktu kantong persembahan yg di edarin sampe ke Justin, anak itu tiba2 panik "uangnya ga ada" kan tadi di taro di kantong ... wah, ampe aku ahirnya j ikut ngerogoh-rogoh kantong celananya. tp kok bs ga ada ya ? wah, tadi aku liat sendiri kok dia masukin uang 2rb itu ke kantong kirinya. kok sekarang jd bs ga ada ?

tiba2 ... lho, apa itu nyembul di bawah paha kirinya ? ya astaga ! itu dia duitnya ! kok bisa keluar sendiri dr bawah celana ? & aku ampir aja ngakak .. kantong Justin bolon g !! ... he he he ...

anak2 sekarang lumayan udah bs nulis tgl. Claris, Stevanky, Stevany & Vivien bs nulis sendiri tanpa di bantu. 10 lainnya di bagi dlm 2 kelompok antara yg 1/2 bisa & yg masih total hrs di bantu guru. tp rasanya ga ada yg lebih nyenengin dr pd ngeliat dr yg tadinya ga bisa ahirnya jd bisa.

Kelvin luput dr perhatian aku & evelyn so hasil mewarnainya .. astaga !! kadang rasanya aku pengen punya 10 tangan & 10 mata d ... he he he ...

abis mewarnai, potongan gambar di gunting ya .. 10 anak yg masuk hari ini di bagi 2 kelompok supaya terkontrol. bahaya kl ga di awasi apa lg ini kegiatan yg pake gunting. 

abis di gunting cari pasangannya & tempel (pintu dg jendela, bantal dg guling, meja dg kursi). tp yah, udah diterangin & malah ditunjukin masih jg Justin & Farell ga ngerti2 ... lha, ngegonggonglah aku ahirnya ... he he he ..

yap, kelar ! kataku setelah March nyelesain tugas itu tp dia malah nanya kelar itu apa sih, bu ? ... oh, itu artinya selesai, beres .. oh, March ngangguk2 & di luar dugaanku dia ga nunggu buat langsung praktekin kata baru itu krn tiap kali ada temennya yg kumpulin bukunya ke aku langsung d dia bilang "kelar" & abis beresin mainannya dia nengok ke aku sambil bilang "kelar, bu" ... he he he ... aku geli ngeliat ulah anak yg 1 ini ..

"bu guru, tolong potongin mie nya" Michelle nyorongin tempat makannya. ok, aku potongin .. tp semenit kemudian ... "bu guru, kenyang" .. kenyang dr hongkong ??!! lha, di makan aja belon ... hah, dasar .. bilang aja minta di suapin .. he he he ...

"bu guru, putiwai" lagi ngeliatin anak2 TK A main ayunan tiba2 Kezia, anak PG nyamperin aku & langsung bilang itu

ah ... apa ?? aku ga nangkep omongan anak umur 3 thn itu

putiwai, dia ngulang ampe 2x .. suer, aku masih jg ga ngerti dia bilang apa so kebingungan aku nengok ke nyokapnya yg langsung bilang putih white ...

& spontan aku ketawa .. 1/2 lega, 1/2 malu ... buset dah ... tadinya aku pikir kata dlm bahasa apa itu ... putiwai .. haduh duh ... he he he ...

Glad that no more traffic jam on Saturday (Oct 9th). 3 days traffic jam was caused by the road to a housing area wa being asphalted. & this morning the car I rode to school got lots of passenger in short time so I could arrive early. 

we've Christian service every Saturday .. well, it's a Christian school but we also have a few Buddhist students & 2 years ago we had a Moslem student ... now, that's what I called unity in diversity..

The service is held in my classroom. the kids sit on the carpet. PG (playgroup) kids on the front, my kids on the middle & the 5 year old kids on the back row. 

I love saturday because we don't wear uniforms. the girls' clothes are cute making them look adorable. 

"miss keke, look at my new dress" Stevany greeted me that as she entered the classroom showing off her new green dress

"that's a beautiful dress. where id u buy it ?"

"in java"

"hey, why don't we switch our dresses ?" I teased her

"no way !" she laughed

the headmaster was today's MC at the service. she suddenly coughing so I went to the office to take a glass of water but it was locked. I went back to the classroom to borrow the cleaning service's key. 

I don't have it, she wishpered.

what r u talking about u don't have it ?

headmaster keep my keys, she said

howcome ? how if the phone in the office rang ? should we interrupt the headmaster only to ask for the key to the office ?

later the cleaning service lady told me that headmaster didn't want anyone enter the office & sees how messy it is. messy ? what mess ? after last month's flood, we've cleaned & rearranged it. now the only one that makes it looks unsuitable there is headmaster's mattress.

I've no idea why is it put there. I've protested it to headmaster especially after it almost hit my head when it fell down upon me one morning when I rushedly entered the office to answer a ringing phone. 

I'm so glad it happened before any kids & parents got in school so they didn't have to witness & heard all the noise when that darn mattress hidden behind the door swung down. most importantly no one heard me swearing b**, s**, d**, f** ... lol ..

well ... so .. what's normal in one's perspective is ridiculous in other person's view ..

"where's my money?" Justin panicked as he searched his pants pockets. at the end it made me searched it too. but it wasn't there. that's odd because I saw he put it in his pants left pocket.

suddenly I saw it under his left thigh. how could it get there ? & I almost burst into laughter when I realize there's a hole in his pocket .. lol ..

Kids can write date. Claris, Stevanky, Stevany & Vivien can write it by themselves. the other 10 kids must be helped by us. but there's nothing more satisfying than to see they finally able to do something they couldn't do before. 

Evelyn & I were too occuppied assisting the kids we classified as slow learner that Kelvin left to do his colouring by himself & we were shocked to see work was ... horrible ... sometimes I wish I had 10 hands & 10 eyes .. lol ..

ok, after colouring, find the match (door with window, table & chair, pillow - bollster) & follow the line to find the right box to stick its match drawing. Justin & Farell still didn't understand even after I helped them tracing the line to the box so I had to bark at them.

ok, done ! I said to March after he completed his work but he looked at me & asked what it meant. done - ready - finished mean the same. oh ... March nodded but to my surprise he didn't wait long to practice his new word. everytime his classmates gave me their work, he'd exclaim "done!" & after he put the toys back to the box, he turned to me & said "I'm done" .. I felt tickled to see this..

"miss, could u cut my noodle?" Michelle gave me her lunch box. ok .. but a minute later "miss, I'm full" what r u talking about you're full ? u haven't even took a bite .. she just used it as an excuse to make me fed her ..

"teacher, putiwai" 3 year old Kezia from Playgroup class came to me when I was watching my kids played the swing

huh ? ... what ? I didn't catch what she said

putiwai, she repeated it twice but I still couldn't understand it so I looked to her mother who quickly said 'Putih = White'

& I laughed it out loud, 1/2 relief, 1/2 embarrassed. I was wondering what language it was but it is Putih (Indonesian) = White (English) ... putiwai .. oh boy ... lol ...

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