Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Incy Wincy Spider ...

Rabu (6/10) kena macet lagi. sukur mampetnya pas udah deket perumahan tempat lokasinya sekolah. ahirnya aku milih turun, nyebrang & jln kaki.

naik beca ? oh, mau banget tp ongkosnya 3 ribu bikin aku harus memperlakkan beca sebagai alternatif angkutan kl sikon udah kepepet banget ... so sekali naik beca rasanya ah ... nikmat sekali serasa meluncur di atas BMW ... he he he .. tp krn jd sering jln kaki bikin badan sehat, kuat & ... kurus ! ya, ga semoleg dulu lah ... he he he

nyampe sekolah jam 7.15. ada banyak waktu buat pipis dulu ... he he he ... repot dong kl di tengah2 ngajar terus kebelet kencing .. so wajib pagi2 begitu nyampe sekolah langsung cuci tangan & pipis ... trus abis itu baru siapin materi utk les calistung anak TK B dlm kelompokku / buat pelajaran hari ini.

Sekar & Farell datang paling awal. papanya Farell malah sempet curhat ke aku. ya, aku ga cuma guru anak2 mereka. aku jg berteman dg para ortu itu. pokoke, kl ama aku nyantai & cuek ajalah ...

Sekar seperti biasa irit ngomong. duduk manis di depan aku nontonin aku. tiap kali aku berdiri / pindah, dia ngebuntut. aku duduk lagi, dia ikut duduk... he he he .. bu keke ada magnetnya kali ya ?

haduh, tobat dah ama mainan putaran itu yg tiap pagi hrs 2 x di gotong krn sebelon masuk kls kan baris dulu di halaman sekolah yg cuma sepetak itu. ya, kl ga terbuat dr besi sih mending .. di sini kita cewe2 (entah itu guru / ortu murid) wonder woman semua ... he he he ... xena ...

yuk mewarnai gambar anak perempuan lagi menyapu halaman ..

oalaaaah, Justin ! nak, nak, kamu penganut aliran pablo picasso / affandi sih ? gambarnya uwer2an gitu ... hiiii ...

tp Kimberly bikin aku & evelyn rasanya ga puas2nya liatin hasil mewarnainya. rapi & bagus banget. Echa, Vivien, Claris & Stevanky juga tp punya Kim yg paling top. gila aja tuh masa lomba di Kebon Raya minggu lalu sama sekali ga ada yg jd juara sih ??

aku duduk di paling belakang selama Evelyn cuap2 ngajar di depan kls. duduk pasti selalu di samping Justin. sekalian ngejagain dia. tp ahirnya malah susah kl ga ngobrol ama dia. abis dia suka banget ngobrol ama aku. ni pagi kita ngobrolin laba2 & ahirnya nyanyi (pelan2) lagu " Incy wincy spider went up the water spout. down came the rain & washed the spider out ... " wah, lanjutannya bu keke ga inget, Justin .. 'ah, gpp, bu' kata Justin sambil megang tanganku & ber- hm ... hm .. hm ... ngikutin nada lagu itu bikin aku pun ikut bersenandung bareng dia ... he he he ...

Justin ga keluar kls pas jam pulang. bantuin bu guru rapihin meja kursi tp hari ini Farell ikut bantuin. mereka ber 2 yg badannya paling besar, tinggi & sama2 anak lama dr Playgroup. makasih ya, nak ...

pulang nge-net dulu ah ... he he he ... cuma aku satu2nya guru di sekolah ini yg gila komputer & gila internet. pulang keujanan d .. aduh, masih 1/2 basah ga bisa langsung pulang krn ada jadwal hrs ngajar les ..

Glad that on Wednesday morning (Oct 6th) the road started to jammed 1/2 way to school so I got off the car, crossed the road & walked to school.

why not taking tricycle ? that's a luxury for me. for the reason of saving transportation expense I only ride on it in emergencies cases so once I could ride on it ... oooh, it feels so good as if riding on a BMW .. lol .. but my body has become healthier so commuting mostly on foot has given lots of positive effect. I've lost some weight too ... not making me skinny of course but at least I'm not as chubby as before ..

Arrived in school at 7.15 am. go to the rest room first & then preparing teaching / tutoring material.

Sekar & Farell got in school earlier than the others. Farell's dad even had a chance to unburdened his problems to me. well, I'm not just the kids' teacher, I'm be friended with the kids' parents too.

Sekar is always be on few words mode. she sat quietly infront of me watching me. she followed me around when I stood up & moved around. she'd site again when I sat down. it's what she does. sometimes I feel like she's always in my orbit / as if I were a magnet ... lol ..

The merry-go-round is really someting. we've to move it a side every morning at 8 am because the kids are form a line in school's tiny front yard so we've to move it. yeah, we're all wonder woman .. lol ...

ok kids, let's colour this drawing of a girl sweeping the yard ...

ow ... ow ... Justin ! seems that u must be pablo picasso's follower .. lol ... but on the contrary Kimberly's colouring made evelyn & I couldn't stop admiring it because she did it very well.

Echa, Vivien, Clarissa & Stevanky's colouring were good too but Kim's outshone them all. that's why I still don't know why she / the others didn't win last week's competition at Bogor Botanical Garden.

I sat next to Justin in the back row while evelyn taught infront of the class. chatty Justin gained me in a talk about spider & we ended up singing softly " Incy wincy spider went up the water spout. down came the rain & washed the spider out ... " oh, I don't remember the next line, I stipped singing. that's ok, said Justin & put his hand on mine & started humming the song. at the end we both holding hands as we softly humming that song. Stevanky who sat infront of us turned his head to stare at us & grinned ... lol ...

after school Justin always stays in the classroom helping evelyn & I put the desks & chairs next to the wall as the room is going to be swept & mopped. he even cleaned the whiteboard after that. this time Farell lend a hand. they're the tallest & the biggest kids in my class. well, done boys ! thanks ...

went to internet cafe to go ol after school. I'm the only teacher in my school who's crazy about computer & internet. got caught under the pouring rain on the way home. I was 1/2 wet & couldn't go straight home as I've to tutor a first grader girl at 2 pm ...

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