Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hari Perlombaan / Competition Day

Hari H (rabu, 29/9). jam 6.15 pagi aku udah ngetem di sekolah. Siapin 3 meja lipat yg mo di pinjem vivien, stevanky & echa krn mreka ga punya pdhal kl mo ikut lomba mewarnai hrs bawa meja lipat, krayon & tisu.

Bagian bawah meja lipat itu aku tempelin kertas yg aku tulisin TK. Abdi Wacana & no telpnya. Abis itu nyiapin obat2an, tisu, alas plastik buat duduk, ngabsen anak TK A, bagi2 tugas siapa yg bakal ngawasin anak2 yg ikut lomba mewarnai, lari estafet bendera, mindahin bola dg paralon & menggiring bola. Jd ada 4 tim yg ikut. Tiap tim di awasin sama 1 guru.

Jam 7.10 2 angkot datang. Eits, doa dulu dong. Abis doa heboh pd naik ke angkot … ada yg milih sendiri, ada yg nempel ke aku, ada yg panic krn mama2 ga ikutan nebeng di angkot. Vivien lg meriang, ga bias di bujuk .. ya udah, ikut mama d. yg lain sih malah pd enjoy bisa jln2 naik angkot bareng temen2 & ibu gurunya. Saking semangatnya malah susah di suruh duduk.

Eh, kepsek nyuruh aku di angkot anak TK B. 12 anak TK B ; 2 di depan, 10 di belakang & 1 nyokap yg dpt kompensasi nemenin anaknya. Ok, yuk jln …. Sepanjang jln kita ngobrol, nyanyi, bcanda, kitik2an, main tebak2an. Eh, di tengah jln ketemu ama 1 anak TK B yg telat. Angkut, bang ! … he he he … lha, di depan gerbang kebon raya di samping kantor pos ketemu lg sama 1 anak TK B. yak, angkut lg, bang …

Setelah 5 thn jd guru TK & ikutan dlm lomba tahunan ini bikin aku ga bingung lg mikir apa yg hrs di kerjain begitu sampe di lokasi lomba (deket kafe dedaunan). Daftar dulu dong … mata hrs jelalatan nyari tempat pendaftaran ulang krn lokasinya luas jd tiap lomba ga berdekatan tempatnya.

Wah, lokasi lomba menggiring bola posisinya jauh banget di ujung. Mana rumputnya basah, tanahnya lembek bekas ujan semalem. Aih, ancur d tu celana putih. Mana bisa di pake lg buat ngajar besok … hiks .. hiks …

Gile, bolanya berat banget ! mana tim kita anak TK A yg kecil2. March & Michelle ampe udah mo nyerah kl ga kita teriakin kasih semangat. Kasian mreka. Kita nomor 2 dr bawah. Memang dr awal ga target buat menang. Aku ga kecewa. Malah bangga liat mreka betul2 berusaha mati2an & tetap ceria.

Abis itu balik ke posko … wah, emak2 itu ga cuma udah  ngegelar alas plastik tp jg udah sibuk buka bekal ampe bikin aku geleng2 kepala krn br sekali ini yg namanya makanan blimpah banget dr mulai asinan, rujak, pecel, sop, tahu tempe, sayur kangkung ampe pare, mie goreng, sambel, kerupuk, emping, kue, agar2 & ada yg bawa popcorn jg !

Gile dah ! he he he … comot kiri, comot kanan ahirnya kekenyangan. Wah, pdhal msh hrs jln ke tempat pendaftaran tadi buat minta kupon pengambilan piala. Aduh mak, jangankan buat jln, buat bangun aja susah. Perutnya kepenuhan … he he he …

Pulang jam 11an. Keluar dr gerbang 3 yg deket jln jalak harupat. Puji sukur banget bisa ikut mobilnya stevanky. Ga kebayang kl hrs naik angkot (mana ga di kasih uang transport) & jln kaki dg bawa 4 piala berat. Ini malah di anter ampe depan rumah ! he he he …


D-day (wed, sept 29th). arrived in school at 6.15 am. 

prepared 3 folding tables for 3 kids who wanted to borrow them. they participated in colouring number. also prepared first aid medicines, tissue, plastic mattress, checked the kids in my class to make sure they've arrived in school & arraged who would incharged in each team. 

the kids were divided in 4 teams to participate in 4 numbers. so each of us incharged a team.

7.15 am the cars arrived. let's pray first. after that it was a bit hectic deciding who's going to be put in the first / second car. there were kids who made the decision themselves, others glued to me, very few kids panicked seeing their moms would take different car. 

there were 12 kids in my car & a mom who got special permission to accompany her boy. ok, let's go !

we met a girl on the way who was late. she got into my car & off we went. the kids in my car are from the class for the 5 year olds so being older making them more independent. nobody had tantrum / car sick making the trip to Bogor Botanical Garden fun & merry. we chatted, sing, joked & played riddle. 

we met another kid at Bogor Botanical Garden entrance gate. it's so wide that it has 3 gates. the one we entered is next to post office. 

so after 5 years working as kindergarten teacher & participated in this annual competition, I knew what to do once we got there. each of us have to re-register the team we each incharged & then took the team to the racetrack.

my team's racetrack was so far away. plus the ground was muddy. there goes my white pants ... got mud all over it ... sigh ... & I wanted to wear it to school tomorrow ..

my team came second to the last. but I'm proud because they've shown good spirit & they did their best. it wasn't their fault that they lost. the ball is so heavy & the team members are the kids from my class who are short & small. 

we returned to our school's post where the moms have set a place to picnic & oh man ... !!, I've never seen so many food & beverages ! from appetizer, main course to dessert ! somebody even brought popcorn !. 

at the end it was difficult for me to get up because my stomach was so full ... lol !!

I thought I'd have to take public transportation from Bogor Botanical Garden after the competition was over. so glad parents of a kid in my class drove me home. thanks a lot ! so grateful I didn't have to take public transportation & walk under the hot sun carrying 4 heavy trophies that we won from the competition

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