Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

kampret ? karpret ? ... ??

Senin pagi (25/10) ini tumben datang2 Sekar langsung ngomong "wangi" sambil ngulurin boneka kelinci putih kecil punyanya "abis di cuci"

hmmm .. betul, kataku sambil mengendus bonek itu tapi masih heran sekaligus seneng kok Sekar yg biasanya irit ngomong pagi ini bisa jadi sedikit 'rame' gara2 bonek ini

karena tema pelajaran tentang binatang so dari minggu lalu aku minta anak2 di kelasku kalo punya boneka binatang tolong di bawa dong ke sekolah. malah hari Sabtu lalu aku ikut bawa boneka babi punyaku juga .. he he he ...

hari ini lebih banyak yg bawa bonek & lebih vatiatif pula .. bagus ... evelyn malah bawa boneka ulat & kodok punya anaknya ampe di tanyain "buat apaan, ma?" .. he he he ...

Vivien bawa boneka kucing, Echa boneka babi yg mirip guling .. he he he .. Michelle bonek kelinci, Stevany bebek & Stevanky kepiting biarpun kemaren sore mamanya sms aku nanyain apa bener di suruh bawa boneka .. Stevanky anak laki, ga punya boneka .. yee .. boneka apa dulu dong yg di minta buat di bawa .. he he he ...

Justin mo ngadat karena liat temen2 bawa boneka trus pengen pulang ambil boneka spidermannya .. ya, besok kan masih bisa, Justin .. ga usah jadi ngotot gitu dong ... bu Keke aja ga bawa boneka kok ...

"ibu bawa waktu kita duduk di kampret ya?" katanya serius

ah ?? .. waktu kita apa ? .. kok kupingku kayaknya nangkep kata yg rada aneh ... apa d, Justin ? duduk di mana ?

"itu bu ..." Justin ngulangi "karpret"

ha ?? ... kampret ? karpret ? .. otakku muter. rada susah konsen karena aku udah mulai geli tapi berusaha nahan ketawa karena Justin lagi serius banget

yah, toh ahirnya ketawaku meledak juga ga tertahan lagi setelah aku ngerti maksudnya. bukan kampret atau  karpret tapi karpet ! he he he ... oalah, nak ... nak ...

hari Sabtu ada ibadah di sekolah yg bertempat di kelas TK A so tiap Sabtu di gelar karpet di ruang kelas TK A. & hari Sabtu kemaren aku bawa boneka babi punyaku ke sekolah. itu maksud Justin tadi ...

aduh, kakiku di injek anak ! tu kaki udah kecil makin jadi kecil d karena keinjek. kalo kerja di sekolahan, "keselamatan" kaki & sepatu terancam so jangan pake sepatu terbuka kalo ga mo lecet karena keinjek anak

Sekar, the girl with few words surprised me this Monday morning (Oct 25th) when she said "fragrant" & handed me her little white bunny doll "it's been washed"

mmmm ... it sure does, I burried my nose in it, still surprised but also happy she was 'chatty' because of the doll

we're learning about animals so since last week I've asked the kids in my class to bring their animal character dolls to school if they have it. I've even brought my piggy doll last Saturday.

more kids brought their dolls today. good. even evelyn brought her daughter's frog & worm dolls though she was asked "what is that for, mom?"

Sekar & Michelle brought their bunny dolls, Vivien brought cat doll, Echa brought piggy doll that looks like a bolster, Stevany brought duck doll & Stevanky brought crab doll though his mom texted me yesterday saying that he doesn't have a doll, he's a boy ... well, it's not a girly girl doll that I asked to bring to class..

Justin nearly had tantrum upon seeing his classmates brought dolls & he wanted to go home to get his spiderman doll. oh come on ..., you can bring it to class tomorrow, I told him, I don't bring my doll today as you can see yourself ..

"oh yeah, you've brought it when we sat on campret" he said being dropped dead serious

a what ? ... I thought I heard a weird word, say that again, Justin ..

"there .. when we sat on carpret" he still deadly serious

what's that ? .. campret ? carpret ? I thought hard to understand what words were they though it was hard to consentrate because I tried not to laugh

well yeah ... at the end I couldn't hold my laugh anymore especially after I understood what he was trying to say & that was "carpet" that Justin misspelled it as campret & then carpret ... lol ...

school held service every Saturday & it takes place in our class so we put the carpet on the floor. I brought my piggy doll last saturday. that's what Justin was trying to say .. oh my ... lol ...

ouch !! a kid stepped on my foot ! it's a small feet, you know .. I think it became smaller after a kid stepped on it. ... lol ... if you work in school, there's always the ever present danger to the safety of your feet & shoes so better wear thick shoes that covers the whole of your feet ..

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