Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"runny nose" day

Begitu Evelyn masuk ke kls Jumat pagi ini (Oct 15/10), kita berdua spontan ketawa krn dia masuk sambil srat srot buang ingus ke tisu bertepatan dg aku yg jg lg srot buang ingus di dlm kls ... begitulah cara kita berdua saling mengucapkan selamat pagi hari ini .... he he he ...

panasnya ga enak tp aku ga mau nyalain kipas angin krn rasanya badanku yg lg keringat dingin ga enak kena angin.

Dea seneng banget aku duduk di sampingnya. Echa & Sekar yg duduk di depannya jg senang. tp ujung2nya mereka maunya duduk nengok ke belakang mulu. yah, serba salah .. kl aku pindah ke sebelah Justin, dia pasti ngajak ngobrol aku & Nico sama Stevany yg duduk di depanny pasti ikut jd susah konsen nantinya .. yee, kl ada bu Keke di deket siapa pun bawaannya jd pengen ngobrol, becanda & bermanja-manja ya ... he he he

Sekar nangis krn waktu jam makan dia belon kelar mewarnai. ya, masih ada yg senasib kok .. tuh, Kelvin, Dea, Justin, Vivien, Farell, March, Nico jg belon selesai kok

Justin ! Justin ! .. aku hrs berkaok-kaok 3-4 kali sebelon Justin datang

cuci tangan dulu, kataku sambil naro sabun cairku di telapak tangannya.

kls bu Keke eksklusif, kata evelyn geli krn cuma aku yg mo bela2in ngebagi sabunku ke anak2 tiap cuci tangan sebelon makan. selain buat ngajar mereka soal kebersihan, aku jg mikir mana bersih tangan kl cuma di gosok pake air ...

abis cuci tangan, anak2 itu suka cium2 telapak tangannya ... hmmmm, wangi ... he he he ... pdhal itu sabun yg sama yg mereka pake buat cuci tangan selama 3 bln ini

kepsek pergi jam 10an. kita2 bubar jam 11.45an. reaksi kita2 ini ke kepsek sebetulnya ga beda dg anak2. kl terlalu di kekang & di atur, bukannya jd nurut tp malah berontak. kl evelyn & si teteh bagian kebersihan sekolah udah terang2an berontaknya, aku masih rada nahan diri. sementara wali kls TK B yg keliatannya paling kalem .. hmm ... ga bisa di tebak ...

Once evelyn entered the classroom this Friday morning (Oct 15th), she & I both laughed because she blew her nose as she came in when at the same time I also blew my nose in the classroom & so that's how we said our good mornings ... lol ...

it was sunny but it didn't make me feel any better. I've got cold sweat so I didn't turn on the fan though it was hot in the classroom

Dea was so happy to have me sat next to her. Echa & Sekar who sat infront of her also thrilled but at the end they sat facing us ... well, if I moved to sit next to Justin, he'd chat endlessly with me & it would make Stevany - Nico who sat infront of him would want to join into our chat ... so, miss Keke makes everybody wanna chat, joke & ask for affection, eh ? .. lol ...

Sekar cried because she hasn't done her colouring when it was snack time. look around, Sekar, I told her, it's not just you. Kelvin, Dea, Justin, Vivien, Farell, March, Nico haven't done it too.

Justin ! .. I called out 3-4 times before he came to me

here, wash ur hand, I put my liquid soap on his palm

miss Keke's class is exclusive, evelyn once teased me because I'm the only teacher who insists to have the kids in where ever class I'm incharged to wash their hands not just with water, sharing my liquid soap with them. it's not only to teach them about cleanliness

the kids like to smell their palms after wash their hands ... mm... it smells good, is their regular comments no matter they've wash their hands with that same soap for 3 months ... lol ..

headmaster left school at around 10 am. we left at around 11.45 am. our reaction to her is almost the same with the kids if there are too many restriction applied to them. we wanna break lose

evelyn & the school's cleaning lady have done it unpretentiously while I still hold myself. even the calmest teacher in the class for the 5 year olds too has her own way to rebel toward headmaster's rules, regulation & demands ...

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