Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Good Job!

Bagus sekali!

Good job!

Pernah dengar seorang ibu mengatakan kalimat itu pada anaknya ketika si anak melakukan sesuatu yang baik?

Have you heard a mother said that to her child when the child did something good?

Atau mungkin seorang guru yang mengatakan kalimat itu pada muridnya yang akhirnya berhasil melakukan sesuatu dengan benar.

Or maybe a teacher says that to a student who finally could do something right.

Seorang pelatih bertepuk tangan sambil menyerukan kata-kata itu pada tim yang dilatihnya sebagai apresiasi untuk kerja keras tim dalam berlatih.

A coach claps his hands as he exclaims those words to his team who have work hard in their training.

*  *  *  *  *

Bagus sekali!

Good job!

Itu adalah pujian, penghargaan dan pengakuan terhadap hal baik yang dilakukan oleh seseorang.

It is a praise, an appreciation and an acknowledgement to good thing done by somebody.

Ingatkah saat kita mengatakan Good job! pada anak kita ketika dia dengan tertatih-tatih berjalan menghampiri kita.

Remember when we said Good job!  to our child when he or she stumbled his or her way to walk toward us.

Ingatkah saat kita mengatakan Good job! padanya sewaktu dia berhasil menuliskan huruf a walaupun bentuknya masih mencang-mencong.

Remember when we said Good job!  to the kid when he or she wrote the letter a though it looked more like a scribble.

Ingatkah saat kita mengatakan Good job!  padanya ketika kita melihat kamar tidurnya telah dibersihkannya dengan rapi.

Remember when we said Good job!  to him or her for tidying his or her room neatly.

Sekecil apa pun pencapaian yang berhasil diraih oleh anak kita, kita mengatakan Good job! 

We said Good job!   to any achievement our child have achieved no matter how insignificant it was.

Saya punya pertanyaan, Kenapa kita mengatakan Good job!  pada anak kita?

I want to ask something, Why do we say Good job! to our child?

*  *  *  *  *

“Bu Keke” anak lelaki kecil itu masuk ke ruangan saya sambil membawa selembar kertas.

“Miss Keke” the little boy entered my room bringing with him a sheet of paper.

Diserahkannya kertas itu ke saya.

He handed me that paper.

Saya mengenalinya sebagai fotocopy lagu yang setiap hari Minggu saya letakkan di atas mimbar.

I recognized it as copy of song that I put on the pulpit every Sunday.

Omanya yang sedang bersih-bersih pasti memintanya untuk menyerahkan kertas itu ke saya karena dia tahu saya akan menyimpannya kembali dalam file saya.

His grandmother who was doing some cleaning must has asked him to give the paper to me since she knew I am keeping a file of those copies.

Good job! “ kata saya “Terima kasih ya, sayang”

Good job!” I said to him “Thank you, dear”

Senyumnya melebar, matanya bersinar dan ruangan saya yang kosong serta sepi itu langsung terasa hangat.

His smile widened, his eyes beamed brightly and my empty quiet room felt warm.

Hanya selembar kertas. Benda yang tidak ada artinya. Tidak bernilai tinggi.

It was just a sheet of paper. Insignificant thing. Not precious either.

Bukan kertasnya yang membuat dia tersenyum lebar dan matanya bersinar cerah.

It was not the paper that made him smiled broadly and his eyes shone brightly.

Bukan kertasnya yang membuat ruangan saya langsung terasa seperti diterangi oleh sinar matahari yang hangat dan indah.

It was not the paper that made as if a beautiful and warm sunshine shone in my room.

Bukan kertasnya yang membuat saya merasa kebahagiaan dalam hati.

It was not the paper that made me felt happiness in my heart.

Jadi, bolehkah saya kembali bertanya, Kenapa kita harus memberikan pujian, penghargaan dan pengakuan terhadap hal baik yang dilakukan oleh seseorang?
 So, may I ask this again, Why do we need to give praise, appreciation and recognition to good thing done by somebody?

*  *  *  *  *

“Kamu jangan rubah kalau saya tidak kasih kabar” demikian tulis seseorang dalam pesan whatsappnya “Seperti tanggal .. itu. Jadi pertanyaan …”

“Don’t make any change without any information from me” wrote somebody on his whatsapp messange “Like the one on.. It raised question from the ..”

Bah!, pikir saya. Dongkol. Lu kate gue sengaja bikin salah? Itu kan sama aja kayak ngegantung leher sendiri.

Wtf! I thought. Pissed. Do you think I deliberately made a mistake? It would be like hanging my own neck.

Dengan kesal saya membalas pesannya itu; “Oh maaf, itu kesalahan saya. Benar-benar tidak disengaja. Tolong dijelaskan kepada .. dan sampaikan permohonan maaf saya juga. Terima kasih”

Still pissed I replied his message; “Oh I apologize, it was my mistake. A real unintentional one. Please explain that to .. and please send my apology to them. Thank you”

Oleh karena beberapa kesalahan yang saya lakukan di masa lalu, oleh karena hal-hal dalam kepribadian saya, oleh karena saya berani tampil sebagai diri saya sendiri, oleh karena saya berbeda.. semua itu membuat citra diri saya bernoda di mata beberapa orang.

By some mistakes I did in the past, by some things in my personality, by the fact that I am not reluctant to be myself, that I am different.. I know my image is stained in some people’s eyes.

Tahu ga? Saya tidak peduli.

Know what? I don’t give a damn.

Saya tidak peduli apakah mereka memuji, menghargai atau mengakui hal-hal baik dalam diri saya.

I don’t give a damn whether they praise, appreciate or recognize the good things in me.

Buat apa saya peduli? Toh, selama hampir lima tahun ini fokus perhatian mereka lebih tertuju pada segala yang tidak baik yang ada dalam diri saya.

Why should I give a damn anyway? After all, for almost five years they have put their attention more on the bad sides in me.

*  *  *  *  *

Kapan kita berhenti menghargai sesama kita?

When do we stop appreciating our fellow human being?

Pertanyaan ini mengisi pikiran saya selama berhari-hari setelah saya sakit dan melihat bagaimana sikap orang-orang disekitar saya terhadap diri saya.

This question was in my mind for days after I got sick and seeing how people around me treated me.

Tiga minggu saya sakit lumayan parah. Setelah sembuh badan saya memerlukan waktu lebih dari tiga minggu untuk memulihkan dirinya.

I was sick pretty bad for three weeks. After I got healed it took more than three weeks for my body to recover.

Dalam kurun waktu itu saya hanya tidak masuk selama enam hari. Itu juga tidak sekaligus enam hari. Sekali tidak masuk tiga hari. Dua kali tidak masuk kan jadi total enam hari.

During those period I was off work for just six days. It was not all six days in a row. Each time I was off work it consisted of three days. Twice makes total of six days.

Jadi sebagian besarnya saya tetap masuk kerja dan itu betul-betul meminta perjuangan fisik, mental, emosi dan terutama iman.

So I came to work most of those time and it really required physical, mental, emotion and most of all faith strength.

Jangan salah paham, ini bukan berarti saya kepingin mendapat sertifikat penghargaan atau piala untuk semua itu.

Don’t take it wrong, this does not mean I want an appreciation certificate or a trophy for all those things.

Saya menuliskan semua ini karena saya melihat dan mengalami sendiri bagaimana manusia begitu cepat menemukan kesalahan seseorang dan lambat untuk memberikan penghargaan.

I write this down because I saw and experienced it myself how people are so fast in finding somebody’s mistake and slow in giving appreciation.

Apakah orang-orang di kantor tidak tahu saya sakit? Mereka tahu kok. Saya memberitahu mereka setiap kali saya tidak masuk.

Did the people in the office have no idea that I was sick? They knew. I let them knew everytime I couldn’t come to work because I was sick.

Hal yang menyedihkan adalah saya bisa menghitung dengan jari tangan saya berapa orang yang peduli dan mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang terdekat dengan saya.

The sad thing is I can count with my fingers the number of people who cared and those are the ones who close to me.

Lha, lantas yang lainnya kemana?

Where the hell are the others?

Yang lain.. wah, hahaha banget deh.. contohnya orang yang mengirimkan pesan whatsapp itu. Dia tahu saya sakit tapi tidak terlintas dipikirannya bahwa kesalahan yang saya perbuat itu kemungkinan disebabkan karena badan saya yang lagi sakit bikin pikiran saya error dan konsentrasi saya kacau.

The others.. well, so very hahaha.. take the guy who sent that whatsapp message. He knew I was sick but it didn’t cross his mind that the error was probably caused by my sick body which made my mind didn’t work well and screwed my concentration.

Dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani pun saya bisa bikin salah. Lha apalagi kalau saya dalam keadaan sakit dan harus seret badan yang sakit itu ke kantor buat kerja.

I can make mistake when I am physicaly and mentally healthy. What would it happen when I was sick and had to drag that sick body to work.

Disini terlihat jelas bagaimana orang tidak menghargai sesamanya.

It shows clearly how people don’t have any appreciation toward their fellow human beings.

*  *  *  *  *

Saya pernah bekerja enam tahun sebagai guru TK dan sampai sekarang pun saya tetap mengajar walau cuma sebagai guru les.

I worked for six years as kindergarten teacher and I am still teach though just as a tutor.

Saya tidak memiliki ijasah guru dan saya juga bukan psikolog tapi pengalaman saya sebagai guru selama sebelas tahun menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan dalam pemberian teguran dengan pujian memberikan keseimbangan dalam jiwa seseorang.

I don’t have any teaching degree and I am not a psychologist either but eleven years experience as teacher shows how balancing reprimand with praise balances someone’s psyche.  

Kalau saya bisa mengkritik satu titik kecil dari kesalahan atau kelemahan murid saya, itu berarti saya harus menyeimbangkannya dengan menghargai setitik kecil hal baik yang ada dalam diri murid tersebut.

If I can criticize one tiny dot of an error or flaws in my student then it means I have to make it balance by appreciate one tiny good thing in him or her.

Kalau saya bisa dengan cepat memproklamirkan kesalahan yang diperbuat oleh murid saya maka saya harus bisa dengan cepat mengakui hal-hal baik yang telah diperbuat atau dicapainya.

If I can quickly announce any errors made by my student then it means I have to be quick in recognizing the good things he or she has done or achieved.

*  *  *  *  *

Apa dampaknya bagi seseorang ketika dia berada dilingkungan dimana orang lambat memberikan pujian, penghargaan dan pengakuan atas hal-hal baik dalam dirinya, hal-hal baik yang dikerjakan atau yang dicapainya tapi cepat dalam menemukan kesalahan dan kelemahannya.

What does the impact on somebody when he or she is in an evinronment where people are slow in giving praise, appreciation and recognition on the good things in him or her and the good things he or she does or have achieved but quick in finding his or her mistakes or weakness.

Mau tahu seperti apa rasanya? Cobalah minta seseorang selama satu hari untuk membuntutimu dan melakukan hal itu ke kamu.

Want to know how it feels? Ask somebody to spend a day following you around and do those things to you.

Kemudian evaluasi bagaimana perasaanmu. Apakah hal itu bikin kamu kesal? Marah? Gelisah? Senewen? Jadi takut atau ragu berbuat apa pun karena takut disalahin? Akhirnya memilih untuk jadi pasif? Atau kamu jadi agresif? Bersikap defensif?

After that have your feelings evaluated. Did it upset you? Made you angry? Felt uneasy? Nervous? Became afraid or losing confident to do anything for fearing to be blamed? Eventually decided to be passive? Or it made you aggressive? Acted defensively?

Nah, bagaimana seseorang dapat maju kalau dia dibayangi oleh perasaan seperti itu?

So, how can a person make progress with those feeling hanging over him or her?

Bagaimana seseorang dapat menjadi produktif kalau dia dihantui oleh perasaan demikian?

How can anybody be productive if that person is haunted by those feelings?

5 Reasons Why You Should Give Compliments

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
― Leo Buscaglia
Giving compliments is one of the most important elements of social life. It can sometimes make things happen like a magic. Compliment indicates that that the effort someone made is being noticed and praised. We must develop the habit of noticing as well as appreciating the good developments around us. Giving a true and honest compliment is a sure shot way to lift up your surroundings. Here are 5 reasons why you should compliment someone:

1. It Motivates:

Complimenting someone gives an indication that he/she is being admired. It gives motivation to the person to do something much better than before. If you praise the food your mother made, she would be happy and would make it for you again with additional love. If you praise your colleague or your workers for their hard work, they will be motivated to work even harder.

2. It Creates Positivity:

Focusing on the good and then expressing it delivers a positive effect on that person as well as on you. Your outlook turns optimistic. Compliment is a cost-free, effort-free small thing that can bring about highly positive changes in our surroundings.

3. It Spreads Love:

Complimenting your closed ones creates love. Imagine if your wife never complemented you for your smartness, wisdom, strength or hard work or if your husband never complemented you for your cooking, beauty, looks or house-work. Life would be so dull if there had been no appreciation or praise. Compliment is an essential part of any relationship. It makes the bond stronger and makes you more loveable in the eyes of others.

4. It Boosts Self Esteem:

Giving a compliment can sometimes be challenging. You can compliment someone if you feel good. It does not require any physical effort to praise someone’s skill or appearance but this little thing can build up your self esteem and you will start feeling great about yourself too. This is because once your views about others become positive you will feel confident of yourself too.

5. It Breaks Ego:

You had an argument with your friend and the discussion ended with bad feelings in your heart. You want to rebuild the same bond of friendship but your arrogance does not let you do so. Just try giving a genuine compliment to him/her with sincerity and you will find your bad ego vanish like a vapor before the sun.
You will get many chances to compliment. Don’t miss the opportunity to do wonders for someone. (editorial:
*  *  *  *  *

Bagaimana perasaan saya?

How do I feel?

Seperti gelas yang diisi air dan air itu sudah mendekati bibir gelas.

Like a glass filled with water and it is almost reach the top of the glass.

Ketika air itu melewati bibir gelas.. yah, kita tunggu saja apa yang akan terjadi..

When the water reaches the top of the glass.. well, let's see what will happen..


  1. Ya ... setiap orang memang membutuhkan perasaan dihargai agar bisa lebih maju lagi.

    1. Hai mbak Acha, tks sdh mampir & komen. Ya, betul sekali, setiap manusia butuh utk dihargai tapi sayangnya yg sering terjadi adalah; mereka menuntut ingin dihargai tapi tidak mau menghargai.

  2. makasih tulisannya bu Guru,
    saya belum punya anak, tapi bakalan berguna banget kalau udah punya nanti. nggak cuma buat anak sih ya, buat suami atau bahkan rekan kerja, it'll work! :D

    1. Hai mbak susie, makasih ya sdh mampir & sdh komen juga. Sip, saya senang kalo tulisan saya bisa berguna buat yg ngebaca :)
