Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Oh, Give Me A Break..

... From Work

Kerja.. kerja.. kerja mulu.. pol seminggu tujuh hari saya kerja. Enam hari kerja kantoran, lima hari ngajar les dan sehari ngajar di TK. 

Work.. work.. work all the time.. all the seven days a week. Work at the office for six days, five days work as a tutor and a day working as a kindergarten teacher.

Bukannya saya gila kerja.

I am not a workaholic.

Kalau gaji di satu tempat memadai untuk hidup sebulan tanpa harus mengencangkan ikat pinggang sih saya kagak bakal kerja sampe tripel begini.

If only one workplace's salary is enough to make ends meet without have to have tight money policy I wouldn't have triple jobs. 

Capek, tau..

It's really sucking out my energy, y'know..

Tapi sisi positif dari memiliki pekerjaan lebih dari satu adalah tidak menjadi bergantung seratus persen pada satu pekerjaan. So kalau terjadi apa-apa pada satu dari mereka, ga usah takut, masih ada cadangan lain yang bisa kasih penghasilan.

Anyway the positive side of having more than one jobs is not depending one hundred percent on one job. So if anything happens to one of them, no need to worry, there are still others as income source.

Makanya biar pun capek tetap saya jalani.

That is why though it is really sucking out my energy I keep doing those jobs.

Yap, walau dampak lain selain capek adalah waktu terbatas buat jalan-jalan atau cuma buat nongkrong.

Yup, though besides exhaustment it also makes me have limited time for traveling or just for hangout.

Jadi sekalinya bisa terbebas dari jadwal super padat itu rasanya sesuatu bangeeett..

So whenever I can get away from work.. oh man, I make the most out of it..

Hari Kamis, 11 Mei lalu misalnya.. hari libur nasional.. yihhaaa!!

Last Thursday, 11 May for instance.. a public holiday.. yippee!!

Saya dan papa langsung bikin rencana. 

Papa and I made a plan.

Ke BTM (Bogor Trade Mall), yuuukk.. cari DVD..

Let's go to BTM (Bogor Trade Mall).. looking for some DVDs..

Eh, tapi siapa kira hari itu ternyata jadi hari yang panjang..

Well, none of us expected it to be a long day..

Kami sampai di BTM sekitar jam 10 pagi.. panas ih.. beli eskrim dulu yuk.. hehe..

We got at BTM at around 10 am.. wheew it was hot.. let's have some ice cream, shall we?.. haha..

Ok, sudah dapat es krim, sekarang kita naik ke lantai tiga. Cari DVD..

So, we've got ice cream, now let's go to the third floor. Finding some DVDs..

Jam dua belas.. perut lapar.. ogah makan di BTM, harga makanannya ga masuk akal mahalnya. 

It was noon.. we were hungry but didn't want to have lunch at BTM, the food prices are unbelievable pricey.

Kita ke PGB Merdeka saja. Makan mie tektek di restoran langganan. Seporsi cuma lima belas ribu, banyak, enak lagi.

We went to PGB Merdeka instead. Let's have tektek noodle at our favorite restaurant. It is just fifteen thousand rupiah, big portion, taste good.

Perut kenyang.. mari kita lanjutkan perjalanan. Tujuan berikutnya adalah Rumah Sakit Karya Bakti Pertiwi. 

Now we had our stomach full.. let's continue our trip. Next destination is Karya Bakti Pertiwi Hospital.

Nengokin teman saya yang sakit DBD, check in semalam dia.

Visiting a friend who had dengue fecer, he was brought to this hospital last night.

Eh, ketemu teman-teman di sana yang mau bezoek dia juga.

Well what do you know, we met some friends there who were there to visit him too.

Aih, kami sama-sama prihatin melihat kondisi teman kami ini. Sudah kurus.. tambah kurus deh elu, Sal.. Cepat sembuh ya, saya kehilangan teman baik yang suka nemenin ngobrol dan bikin saya ketawa. Kantor sepi ga ada elu, coy.

Oh man, we were all concerned to see our friend's condition. He is thin and now he gets thinner.. Get well soon, buddy, I miss a good friend who is also a good company to talk and have a laugh with. It is so quiet in the office without you, pal.

Yah, ternyata dia harus istirahat panjaaaang.. sudah kantor jadi sepi, kerjaannya juga jadi dibagi-bagi ke saya dan rekan saya.. tapi dari pada nanti dipaksa masuk terus dia ambruk lagi, kan lebih baik dia istirahat dulu.

Well, it turned out that he needs a loooong rest.. the office has already become more quiet without him, his work has also be done by me and my colleague.. but it's better for him to have a rest than to be forced to go back to work and having him fall ill again.

Gue bener-bener kehilangan elu deh.. kenapa sih orang baik yang sakit? Yang nyebelin dan yang jahat kok pada sehat segar bugar ya? Berkah atau kutukan itu?

I really miss you, dude.. why is it the good guy get sick? The asholes and bitches remain healthy? Is it a blessing or a curse?

*  *  *  *  *

... From House Chores

Hari ini membebaskan diri dari pekerjaan rumah kecuali yang enteng-enteng kayak nyapu dan nyuci piring.

I freed myself from house chores for today except sweeping the floor and wash the dishes.

Soalnya kan hampir seharian kita pergi. Gempor deh kalau masih harus ngepel, nyuci baju atau nyetrika.

We went out from morning to afternoon. I'd be dead if I had to mop the floor, wash the laundry or do ironing.

*  *  *  *  *

... From Routinity

Tidak perlu ke kantor, tidak perlu ngerjain kerjaan rumah dan tidak perlu ngajar les itu rasanyaaaaaa... surga.. haha..

Don't have to go to work, don't have to do house chores and don't have to tutor feel like... heaven.. haha..

Apalagi malamnya nonton film. Benar-benar surga!

It makes it more special when we watched movie at night. Really heaven!

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