Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Thursday, September 30, 2010

senin tgl 27/9 aku kesel banget. 2 x batal bawa anak2 latihan ke lapangan buat lomba hari rabu di kebon raya gara2 tongkat paralon yg di pake buat lomba menggiring bola.

Aku maunya sementara tu tongkat lon ada, kita kan bisa latihan pake tongkat2 kayu yg sebetulnya dari hari jumat jg udah di pake buat latihan itu & selain itu kita jg bisa latihan lari estafet bendera. Eh, emang dasar kepsek maunya … maunya jg … dr pd ntar jd adu debat di depan ortu muridku … yah, apa boleh buat aku ngalah (1/2 ati tapi …)

Begitu tongkat paralon datang, udah jam 10. udah panas dong. Jd d latihannya di depan sekolah yg jalanannya ga rata alias naik turun. Mana nyaman buat di pake latihan … hih !!

Udah gitu surat pemberitahuan lomba ke kebon raya & ke kidzania yg aku ketik di bilang salah, bikin ortu murid bingung.

Segimana bingungnya sih ? apanya yg jd bikin bingung ? trus apa susahnya sih nerangin ke ortu murid kalo emang mereka ga ngerti / bingung dg pemberitahuan yg kita kasih ?

aku suka heran ama kepsek. Ngomong ama ortu murid kok kayak ogah banget sih ? takut banget di salahin, phobia di debat. Kalo emang ada yg terlalu skeptis / banyak maunya kan bisa di ajak komunikasi … lg pula, kita yg pegang kendali kok …

trus, siang2 dia masuk ke kls TK A tempat aku & 5 anak TK B lagi les calistung. ‘brisik sih’, katanya … lha, aku kebingungan jdnya krn selama 5 thn aku ngajar calistung gaya ngajarku memang “rame”. Kok protesnya br sekarang sih ? tp kok, aku liat asistenku ngikik … rupanya kepsek nyariin dia. Di kira udah ngacir ga pamit pdhal dia lg duduk manis di pojok kelas nyusun pelajaran buat besok.

Oh …. Jd kepsek td nyari alasan supaya bisa menongolkan diri di kls kita. Tp krn bawaan dirinya “cepet mengkritik, lambat (lupa) memuji” so alasan yg di pakenya bunyinya negatif … cape d ….

So, gimana ga puyeng aku seharian ini ampe jd ilang semangat buat online. Rasanya pengen langsung pulang & bobo. Bener jg, bangun tidur badan seger, hati dingin, otak jernih lg … he he he …

Tapi Tuhan kasih penghiburan jg lho. Lg kesel2 gitu .. eh, pas jam makan di kls, March, muridku nyamperin sambil bawa kue coklat bekalnya & bilang “ini buat bu keke” … aduh, hati yg lg sumpek jd rada terhibur ...

I was so upset this Monday. 2 times today the headmaster stopped me when my assistant & I were about to take the kids to the field near the school to practice on the numbers of sport they’ll take part at Wednesday’s kindergarten competition at Bogor Botanical Garden.

It was all because of the sticks we would use for practice must be bought first. I’ve told her that I’d take the kids to the field to practice since last week so today the sticks should've already prepared  but if they haven't I thought it wouldn't be matter because we could use our wooden sticks but she insisted that we should wait for the hockey sticks to be bought first.

I was pretty upset because it was become sunnier & of course hotter. Well, when the sticks arrived at school it was at around 10 am & was already too hot to have it practice at the field so we practiced it infront of the school which isn’t nice to be used as a place to practice anything because the road is narrow & a bit steep.

That wasn't the only thing that upset me because later the notification letters I typed for that competition & for our study trip next month were also critized. She said they have confused parents. So what’s making them confuse ? was it difficult to clear the matters ? why is the headmaster hesitate to talk to parents, why she seems to dislike comments / critics / too many questions from parents ?

Another incident happened at around 11 am in my classroom when I tutored 5 kids from the class for the 5 year olds. The headmaster suddenly came & said “why is it so noisy” which a bit puzzled me because for 5 years everybody know my tutoring style is noisy. So why came & made such a comment now ?

But then I saw my assistant giggled. She sat in the corner of the class preparing tomorrow’s teaching materials. She told me she saw the headmaster looked around for her thinking she has left without saying goodbye to her so the headmaster went to my classroom to see if my assistant was there & she made that kind of excuse to cover up her real intention.

With all those things no wonder I went home moody & lost interest to go online. I’d rather go home & go to bed. Well, it did refresh me when I wake up.

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