“Kamu mau ikutan apa?” Andre menatap saya dengan muka heran.
“You are going to a what?” Andre looked at me
with amazement in his face.
“BBQ. Hari Sabtu malam ini”
This Saturday night”
“Bukan itu. Acara apa?”
that. What is the event?”
“Persekutuan Pemuda”
Dan dia tertawa.
he laughed.
“Kenapa?” saya memandangnya. Bingung. Apanya yang lucu, coy?
I stared at him. Puzzled. What is so funny, dude?
“Mereka selalu taruh kamu dalam kelompok pemuda” Andre
tersenyum “Jadi muda terus ya”
always put you in youth group” Andre smiled “Keeps you young”
“Omong-omong soal awet muda…, mendingan kamu ikut saya saja
deh” dia menatap saya penuh harap.
of staying young…, better come with me instead” he stared at me with hope in
his eyes.
“Oh? Mau kemana?”
Where to?”
“Ada beberapa orang yang harus saya temui soal kerjaan.
Setelah itu kita bisa ke Hard Rock”
are some people I should meet. Work. After that we can go to Hard Rock”
“Sudah lama kan kita tidak ke sana” dia nyengir “Ayolah,
say. Musiknya enak. Minumannya enak. Dan berdansalah sama saya”
haven’t been there for quite some time” he grinned. “Come on, babe.
They’ve got great mucis. Great booze.
And dance with me”
Kurang ajar, dia tahu betul saya susah nolak kalau di ajak
ke HRC. Tapi saya mikir. Pulang dari HRC
pasti subuh. Padahal saya harus bangun lebih pagi setiap hari Minggu.
he knew that I hardly say no when anyone asks me to go to HRC. But I thought it
over. HRC means arriving home at dawn. And I have to go to work more early
every Sunday.
Melihat saya diam saja, berpikir, menimbang-nimbang.. yah,
biasa kan… si Keke memang begitu… kebanyakan mikir, kata Andre… hehe..
me went quiet, thinking, considering.. well, yeah.. that’s Keke… think too
much, said Andre… lol..
Dan tahu-tahu lagu ‘Don’t You Want It’, lagu lamanya Five
terdengar. Kunyuk, dia mutarin lagu itu..
the song ‘Don’t You Want It’, Five’s old song was played. WTF, he played that song..
Saya tertawa jadinya. Apalagi ketika Andre menarik tangan
saya, memeluk saya dan kami berdansa di ruang tamu itu.
gave me the laugh. Especially when Andre pulled my hand, hold me and we danced
in that livingroom.
“Kita pergi Jumat depan saja ya” saya membujuknya “Sabtu
saya tidak akan bisa biar pun misalnya tidak ada acara itu. Besoknya kan
Minggu. Saya bisa ngantuk nanti di tempat kerja kalau malamnya kita ngeluyur”
go there next Friday, ok” I talked gently “I can’t on Saturday. Even without that
event. The next day is Sunday. I would be sleepy at work if we went out until
wee hour the night before”
“Hmm…” dia malah mencium saya “Janji?”… nafasnya terasa
hangat di telinga saya.
he kissed me “Promise?”… I felt his warm breath on my ear.
Sabtu (21/9) itu.. jam 5 sore hujan turun dan makin lama
makin deras. Sampai jam 6 sore, yang datang baru 4 orang selain saya dan teman
That Saturday (Sept 21st)... it rained at 5 pm and it got into pouring
rain. By the time it was 6 pm, there were only 4 people beside me myself and my
Setengah jam sebelumnya ‘adik’ saya menelpon.
hour earlier my ‘brother’ called.
“Kak, hujannya besar sekali” katanya “Saya tidak bisa datang
kalau begini”
is pouring rain, sis” he said “I can’t make it there under this rain”
“Ya, jangan maksa diri, D” jawab saya “Lagian kasihan istri
kamu yang belum sembuh bener. Dia belum kuat di ajak jalan dalam keadaan cuaca
kayak gini”
then don’t, bro” I replied “Beside, you can’t take your wife here. She isn’t
strong enough to be taken in this kind a weather.
Tapi dalam hati saya mendongkol.
was cursing inside.
Sialan benar hujan ini! Kenapa sih harus milih tepat di saat
kami akan mengadakan acara ini.
this rain! Why should it pick the time when we were having this event?
Semangat saya sudah turun sampai ke titik yang paling bawah.
spirit sunked to the lowest point.
Teman saya dan saya sama-sama ingin supaya ‘adik’ saya dan
istrinya bisa ikut acara ini karena mereka tidak bisa ikut acara persekutuan
lansia ke Melrimba beberapa hari lalu.
friend and I wanted to have my ‘brother’ and his wife joined this even because
they couldn’t join the elderly fellowship to Melrimba Garden few days ago.
Tapi yah, mau bilang apa? Acara tetap harus berjalan.
yeah, nothing could be said. The show must go on.
Tapi malam itu agaknya terjadi terlalu banyak hal.
there were too many things happened in one night.
“Ibu, di panggil pak satpam!” seru seorang anak kecil
menghampiri saya.
the guard asked for you!” exclaimed a little boy as he came to me.
Saya mengikutinya keluar dan…
followed him outside and…
Nafas saya mau berhenti rasanya melihat halaman depan gelap
dan sepetak atap rubuh. Air hujan mengucur deras melalui lubang itu. Rupanya suara gedubrak keras yang tadi terdengar asalnya dari atap yang roboh ini.
felt I stopped breathing when I saw the dark front yard and a partition on the
roof fell down. Water poured down through the hole. So the loud noise I heard few minutes ago was the sound of the roof falling down.
“Hujannya besar sekali, bu” seru satpam “Atapnya tidak kuat.
Lampu depan ini korslet”
hell of a rain, ma’am” exclaimed the guard “The roof couldn’t hold it. It cut
off the light bulbs”
Haduh, keluh saya. Bingung. Mimpi buruk bener.
I whined. Lost. This is nightmare.
Saya masuk ke ruangan saya. Berpikir-pikir siapa yang akan
saya telpon untuk minta tolong karena saya tidak bisa mengatasi perkara ini
went to my room. Thinking who should I call for help because I couldn’t deal
with it all by myself.
Ada dua orang yang terpikir oleh saya untuk di telpon dan
saya sedang akan menelpon senior saya ketika saya mendengar seseorang di luar
memanggil nama saya.
were two people whom I wanted to call and I was about to call my senior when I
heard someone called my name from outside the room.
Saya menjawab sambil cepat-cepat keluar dan nyaris
bertabrakan dengan senior saya!
called out my reply as I rushedly went out and almost bumped into my senior!
Saya terlalu kaget sampai tidak sempat berpikir kenapa kok
tiba-tiba beliau datang.
was too surprised that I didn’t even think why suddenly he was there.
Tapi aduh, leganya saya melihatnya sampai nyaris saya
melompat dan memeluknya.. hehe.. ya, kalau ini ayah saya sendiri atau Andre,
pasti tanpa ragu saya akan melakukan itu.
how glad I was to see him that I almost jumped up and gave him a hug.. lol..
well, if that was my own father or Andre, I wouldn’t hesitate to do that.
Dan beliau mengambil alih.
he took over the matter.
Sementara itu saya tidak lagi berpikir tentang persekutuan
pemuda. Lagi pula, saya harus standby di dalam ruangan saya.
the meantime I didn’t think about the youth fellowship anymore. Beside, I had
to standby in my room.
“Ke, elu mau ikut ga?” tanya seorang dari mereka yang
mengikuti acara itu ketika keluar dari ruangan.
you coming?” asked one of the youth fellowship participant when they left the
Oh iya ya… acara BBQ.
yes… the BBQ.
BBQ-nya seru, ramai. Tapi ampun, asapnya…!!
BBQ was fun and merry. But the smoke…!!
Mereka yang perempuan ribut mengeluhkan bau asap sambil
mengendusi rambut masing-masing.
girls complained about the smell from the smoke as they sniffed their long
Wah, untung saya belum mandi.. hehe.. padahal sebelumnya
saya sempat jadi bahan ledekan karena saya satu-satunya di antara mereka yang
belum mandi. Tuh… enakan juga mandi dan cuci rambutnya nanti sebelum tidur.
Jadi pas mau tidur, badan serta rambut sudah bersih dan wangi.
lucky me who hasn’t taken a bath.. lol.. and before this they teased me for
being the only one among them who hasn’t taken a bath. There.. it would be
better to take a bath and a shower before going to bed. So I went to bed with
my body and hair clean and smell good.
“Gimana acaranya?” jam 10 malam Andre menelpon ketika saya
sudah berbaring di atas tempat tidur darurat.
was it?” Andre called at 10 pm when I was already on what I called my creation
of a bed.
Dan dia tertawa terbahak-bahak mendengar cerita saya.
he laughed it out loud when he heard how the night went.
“Malam yang luar biasa ya?”
hell of a night, isn’t it?
Ya, malam yang luar biasa… saya tersenyum sendiri.
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