Ya ampun, saya baru ingat.., saya belum bikin postingan
tentang kunjungan saya ke museum itu.
Great, I
just remember.., I haven’t made the post about my visit to that museum.
Waktu saya pulang ke Bogor setelah menginap semalam di rumah
Santi, teman lama saya, hari Selasa 29 Oktober, saya mampir ke museum itu.
On my
way to Bogor after spending a night at Santi’s house, an old friend of mine, on
Tuesday Oct 29th, I stopped by at that museum.
Soalnya waktu itu saya masih penasaran karena Museum
Fatahilah ditutup berhubung sedang direnovasi.
I was pretty much still curious over Fatahilah Museum as I wanted to visit it but found out it is closed during renovation.
Rasanya juga sayang sudah sampai di Kota tapi kok museum itu
tidak dikunjungi. Posisinya kan dekat stasiun kereta api Beos, Kota dan
terminal bis Transjakarta. Cuma diseberang jalan.
It also
felt such a pity not visiting that museum while I was in Kota. It is near Beos
train station and Transjakarta bus terminal. It is just across the street.
even have to cross the street. Go to the underpass which is not too far from Beos train station and you get out at the side of Mandiri Museum.
Saya penasaran juga ingin tahu museum ini apa sih isinya?
Dulunya ini adalah Bank Exim (Export-Import Bank). Tahun 1999 Bank Exim, Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Bumi Daya (BBD) dan Bank Pembangunan Indonesia dilebur menjadi satu bank yaitu Bank Mandiri.
I was
curious to know what is in this museum? It used to be Export-Import Bank
(Exim Bank). In 1991 Exim Bank, Bank Dagang Negara, Bumi Daya Bank and Pembangunan Indonesia Bank merged into one bank and that is Mandiri Bank.
Adik dari ayah saya dulu bekerja di bank Exim. Dan ayah saya
sering membawa saya mengunjunginya.
father’s sister used to work in Exim bank. And my father took me there many
times to visit her.
Jadi buat saya, daerah Kota penuh dengan kenangan masa
So for
me, Kota holds so many childhood nostalgia.
Tadinya saya malas untuk mampir karena saya capek dan bawaan
saya juga kok malah jadi bertambah banyak dan bertambah berat.
I wasn’t
thinking to stop by there because I was tired and I carried more stuff and they
were heavy.
Hari Selasa pagi itu, setelah mengantarkan anak-anaknya ke
sekolah, saya dan Santi punya waktu sekitar 2 jam untuk mengobrol berdua tanpa
gangguan anak atau pekerjaan rumah. Santi ini teman dari jaman kuliah di Perbanas. Hari Senin 28 Oktober saya datang dan menginap semalam dirumahnya.
Tuesday morning, after took her children to school, Santi and I got about 2
hours for ourselves so we could chat without any disturbance from the kids or
house chores. Santi is an old friend from college. I came to her house on Monday, 28th October and spent a night there.
Ditengah-tengah obrolan, tiba-tiba dia teringat sesuatu.
Dibongkarnya lemari pakaiannya. Dikeluarkan sebuah tas kecil dan dua baju kaos
yang masih terbungkus plastik.
In the
middle of our conversation, she suddenly remember something. She went to her
closet. Took out a small bag and two t-shirts that were still wrapped by
“Bawa deh, buat elu aja. Belon dipake sama sekali sejak
dibeli” katanya.
this with you. They are brand new. I haven’t used nor wear them since I bought
them” she said.
Wah, makasih banget. Tapi gimana bawanya?
Thanks a
lot. But how I bring them home?
“Elu kan pake ransel. Sini, gue yang atur isinya. Pasti
masuk deh semua”
have your backpack. Here, let me pack them. They all can go in there”
Ya, sudah, saya pasrah saja.. walaupun ketika akan pulang..
aduh mak!.. berat juga ternyata.. hehe..
well, I let her did that.. though when it was time to leave.. gosh!.. it was
quite heavy.. lol..
Bawa beban ransel 2-5 kg sih sebetulnya biasa.
It is
not the first time I carried stuff in my backpack that weigh 2-5 kilos.
Tapi ditengah jalan menuju terminal Sumur Bor untuk naik bis
But on
the way to Sumur Bor Transjakarta bus stop..
“Mampir dulu, mau beli buah buat nyak babe elu” katanya.
“Stop by
here, want to buy some fruit for your parents” she said.
Dia belikan entah berapa kilo buah pir. Enak sih buahnya.
Manis banget. Cuma karena tidak muat dalam ransel.. ya, harus dijinjing.
I don’t
know how many kilos of pear did she buy. They are sweet tasted pears. But well,
since there was no more room in my backpack.. I had to carry them in plastic
Perpaduan ransel berat dipunggung dan jinjingan kantong
plastik yang tidak lebih ringan dari ransel bikin saya bawaannya ingin
cepat-cepat sampai di rumah.
combination of heavy backpack on my back and plastic bag I carried on hand that
was not lighter than the backpack made me wanted nothing but to get home as
soon as possible.
Tapi kemudian saya berpikir-pikir belum tentu bulan depan
saya bisa ke Kota lagi.
But then
I thought it is not like I am gonna return to Kota next month.
Dengan membulatkan tekad sambil berharap moga-moga stok
enerji saya masih banyak, saya pun masuk ke Museum Mandiri.
all the will I had while hoping I still had enough energy, I entered Mandiri
Hore, ternyata masuknya tidak kena biaya. Cuma isi buku
it is free entrance fee. Need only to fill and sign the guest book.
Apa saja yang ada di dalam museum ini?
What are
the things keep in this museum?
were old type writers, fax machines, computers, telex machine, money counter
machine, coin counter machine, log books, piano, statue.
Too bad
Andre was not there with me. We both are antiques fans.
Museum ini sih lebih cocok dikunjungi oleh anak-anak. Kalau
buat orang dewasa yang tidak suka dengan benda kuno atau yang tidak tertarik
dengan sejarah, pasti tidak akan betah berlama-lama ditempat seperti ini.
Hal lain yang saya sukai adalah melihat foto-foto gedung ini
pada tahun 1930an. Wah asyik betul ya kalau ada mesin waktu.. ingin rasanya
bisa kembali ke masa lalu.
Disana juga ada ruang teller dengan patung-patung yang menggambarkan para pegawai bank yang sedang bekerja.
There were teller room with manekins showing the bank employees were working.
I didn’t
see all the rooms. The late the day was, the less energy left in me.
Tuh, lihat saja foto-fotonya, lama-lama senyum saya makin garing.. senyum orang yang
kecapekan dan kelaparan.. hehe..
And I
couldn’t keep happy smiles anymore when I had my photos taken.. it showed me who was getting tired and getting more hungry.. lol..
Oh ya, kalau anda travelling sendirian.. jangan ragu atau
malu minta tolong orang motretin anda. Cuma ya, lihat-lihat juga orangnya
soalnya jangan nanti kamera atau hp anda malah dibawa kabur.. hehe..
Oh by
the way, if you go travelling on your own.. don’t hesitate or shy to ask other
people to take your photo. Still, you have to be careful so your camera or
cellphone won’t be taken away by that person.
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