After the wedding |
was the wedding yesterday?” asked Andre that Sunday evening (July 7th)
when we were sitting in the porch.
Saya diam sejenak. Berpikir. Mengingat-ingat runtutan
peristiwa pernikahan ‘adik’ saya.
went silent for a while. Thinking. Recalling the events of my ‘brother’s’
“Bogor macet gila-gilaan. Untung kamu tidak ikut. Kalau
tidak, penyiksaan lahir batin. Jarak yang normalnya bisa ditempuh paling lama
cuma setengah jam hari Sabtu itu bisa sampai satu jam lebih” saya nyengir
“bedak sudah sampai luntur kena keringat. Bikin senewen karena takut telat”
traffic in Bogor was unbelievable that Saturday. Good thing that you didn’t
come along. It was one hell of a torture. The route to the church that usually
takes less than half hour had taken us an hour to get there” I grinned “my
makeup was wiped off by my sweats. Not to mention feeling nervous thinking we
would get there late”
“Kan lebih enak kalau naik mobil saya” Andre melirik saya.
Ada nada tertentu dalam suaranya yang sudah saya kenal sebagai awal dari tanda
bahaya, menandakan dia sedang kesal “kamu tidak usah berpanas-panas dalam angkot”
would be better if you rode in my car” Andre glanced at me. There was this tune
in his voice that I have known too well, not a good sign because it indicated
that something irritated him “you wouldn’t have to get hot and sweaty in
Saya tahu kalau saya menanggapi, kami bisa berdebat atau
mungkin malah jadi bertengkar. Dan saya sedang tidak punya tenaga, keinginan
atau waktu untuk itu. Padahal sebetulnya saya tidak suka mendengar nada
suaranya itu. Tapi saya diam saja.
knew if I reacted it would open the door to an argument or might even a fight.
And I just didn’t have the energy, mood or time for that. I didn’t like that
tune of course. But I didn’t say a word.
“Yang tidak datang telat mungkin hanya pengantinnya,
keluarga mereka, paduan suara dan panitia” saya tertawa mencoba mengalihkan
perhatian sekaligus menetralisir suasana “kita sudah termasuk cepat, hanya
telat 15 menit. Yang lain rata-rata setengah jam sampai satu jam”
ones that were not late must be the bride, groom, their families, the choirs
and the wedding organizer” I laughed trying to change the subject and
neutralized the mood “we were not that late that we got there 15 minutes after
1 pm. The others came half hour or even an hour late”
Saya melanjutkan dengan bercerita tentang orang-orang yang
saya temui disana. Ada banyak yang saya jarang temui sehingga rasanya seperti
went on by telling him about the people I met there. It is not like we can meet
everyday so there was this feeling of having a reunion upon meeting them.
“Aneh rasanya memikirkan bahwa ‘adik’ saya sekarang sudah
beristri” gumam saya “rasanya baru kemarin kami berdua ngobrol, bercanda,
bertukar pendapat, curhat sampai sebel-sebelan. Beberapa hari sebelumnya kita
berdua makan es krim di kantor”
is kind a odd to think that my ‘brother’ is married now” I murmured “it feels
like yesterday that we sat and talked, joked, have a discussion, shared our
feelings and drove each other crazy. Few days before the wedding we had ice
cream in the office”
“Es krim?” Andre keheranan “di kulkas ada banyak es krim”
cream?” Andre looked puzzled “we have got plenty stock of ice cream in the
Saya tertawa jadinya “ya, segala macam rasa dan merek ada di
laughed “yes, we have got all kind of flavor and brand in the fridge”

So I
told him that for helping my ‘brother’ spreading his wedding invitation, he had
to treat me Magnum ice cream.
“Bukan karena saya tidak bisa atau tidak mampu beli sendiri”
saya tersenyum “tapi es krim itu hanya menjadi cara saya untuk mendapatkan
perhatian, untuk membangun keakraban, kedekatan antara dua sahabat”
was not that I couldn’t buy it or didn’t have the money to buy it myself” I
smiled “the ice cream was just my way to get his attention, to nurture our
closeness, the two best friends”
Andre diam saja. Duduk melonjorkan diri di kursi malas.
Memandang langit bertabur bintang. Saya tidak berkata apa-apa lagi. Tidak mau
mengganggu ketenangan ini. Juga karena takut. Kami saling mencintai tapi ada
hal-hal yang mengganggu hubungan kami akhir-akhir ini. Saya memilih untuk
selalu mengelak demi menghindari pertengkaran.
said nothing. He sat there on his rocking chair. Staring at the stars on the
evening sky. I went quiet. Didn’t want to spoil the quietness. Also because
felt uneasy. We love each other but there are things that came between us
lately. I prefer not to bring up the subject to avoid the quarrel.
Tapi kemudian jam 3 subuh saya terbangun. Gelisah.
Akhir-akhir ini saya sebetulnya sedang galau walaupun dari luar saya kelihatan
biasa-biasa saja, bahkan tetap ceria.
I woke up at 3 in the morning. Feeling anxious. I have been feeling uneasy
lately though managed to appear normal, even remain cheerful.
Pelan-pelan saya bangkit supaya tidak membangunkan Andre
yang sedang terlelap. Saya merenungi wajahnya. Mendengarkan bunyi napasnya.
Lalu berjinjit-jinjit keluar dari kamar.
I got up, trying not to make a sound that could wake Andre. I took a
moment to study his face. Listened to him breathing. Then tiptoed went outside
the bedroom.
Saya ke dapur, mengambil segelas air. Tanpa menyalakan
went to the kitchen, got myself a glass of water. Not turning the light.
Gelombang kegelisahan datang. Saya membuka kulkas. Ada
buah-buahan tapi saya tidak berselera bahkan dengan hanya melihatnya. Dan
terpandang oleh saya berderet kotak es krim. Itu yang saya ambil.
A wave
of anxieties swept over me. I opened the fridge. There were fruits but I felt no
desire to even looked at them. And the boxes of ice cream seemed just the
perfect one. I took one of them.
Tanpa bersuara, saya menarik laci, mengambil sendok, menarik
kursi makan dan pada jam 3 pagi saya duduk sendirian di dapur, gelap-gelapan
sambil makan es krim. Hehe. Kalau tidak karena sedang galau sejadi-jadinya,
saya tentu tidak akan melakukan hal seperti ini. Saya jarang terbangun di tengah
I opened the drawer, took a spoon, pulled a chair and at 3 am I sat alone, in
the dark, eating ice cream. Lol. I wouldn’t do such thing if I was not really
troubled. I rarely got up at night.

The first scoop… mm.. the chocolate flavor filled my every sense. And I felt myself flown back to the side of the road, under the burning sun at noon, looking for public vehicle to get to the church where my ‘brother’ was having his wedding on that Saturday (July 6th) at 1 pm and it was passed 12 pm and we were like in the middle of nowhere. The tension was high.
Sendokan kedua… mm… stroberi. Pernikahan sudah berlangsung
ketika kami tiba. Semua sepakat memilih duduk di deretan kursi paling belakang,
di pojok kanan, menghindari semprotan AC. Dari sana, saya hanya bisa melihat
punggung ‘adik’ saya dan istrinya. Saya mengira-ngira apa yang sedang
dipikirkannya saat itu. Kami telah menjadi rekan kerja dan berkawan dekat
selama dua tahun. Masing-masing telah saling mengenal sifat, kepribadian dan
kebiasaan satu dengan lainnya. Tapi saat itu saya seperti melihat orang lain
yang berada di depan sana.
scoop… mm… strawberry. The wedding has already started when we got there. We
agreed to sit at the back, on the right row. None of us wanted to sit near the
AC. From my seat I could only see the back of my ‘brother’ and his wife. I
wondered what he was thinking. We have been bestfriends for two years. We have
known each other’s characters, personalities and habits. But at that very
moment I felt like I was looking at a stranger.
Sendokan ke tiga… mm… vanilla? Saya memincingkan mata
mencoba melihat kotak es krim di depan saya. Tadi apa ya yang saya ambil?
Rupanya karena pikiran sedang kemana-mana, saya main asal comot saja dari
kulkas. Ya, sutralah. Ini juga enak kok.
scoop… mm… vanilla? I tried to examine the ice cream box infront of me. Which
box did I take? Well yeah, so my mind was wandering around that I just took a
box of ice cream from the fridge without seeing which flavor was it. Heck,
never mind. This one tasted good anyway.
Saya mengulum es krim itu dan merasakannya meleleh di dalam
mulut. Dingin. Manis. Lidah saya yang tadi terasa kering, panas dan agak pahit
pelan-pelan berubah menjadi terasa seperti es krim ini.
I let
the ice cream melted slowly in my mouth. Cold. Sweet. My dry, hot and bitter
tongue slowly felt like the ice cream.
Dan pikiran saya kembali melayang ke pernikahan ‘adik’ saya.
Keprihatinan masa kecil dan mudanya karena kesulitan ekonomi seperti terlupakan
saat itu, hanyut dalam kegembiraan, keharuan, cinta dan harapan dalam
my mind flew back to my ‘brother’s’ wedding. His hardship during his childhood
and youth due to his family’s financial situation seemed to drift away with the
happiness, love and hope in his wedding.
Bukankah kita semua memiliki hal-hal asam, pahit dan getir
dalam kehidupan masing-masing?
we all have our own sour and bitterness in our lives?
Bukankah kita ingin yang asam, pahit dan getir itu berganti
rasa menjadi manis?
we all wish that sour and bitterness be replaced with sweetness?
Sendokan ke empat… tiga rasa.. sedikit coklat, sedikit
stroberi dan sedikit vanilla. Bertiga mereka mengisi mulut saya. Berbeda rasa
tapi sama manisnya.
scoop… three flavors.. a bit of chocolate, a bit of strawberry and a bit of
vanilla. They filled my mouth. Different flavors but the same sweetness.
Dan saya berpikir tentang Andre. Juga tentang laki-laki lain
yang selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini mengisi hati serta pikiran saya siang
dan malam.
And I
thought about Andre. Also about another man who has been in my heart and mind
in the past few months.
“Apa kamu pikir laki-laki itu mencintai kamu?” kata-kata
Andre terdengar kembali di telinga saya. Itu yang dikatakannya ketika kami
bertemu di rumah temannya bulan lalu. Ketika kami berbaikan kembali.
you think he is in love with you?” Andre’s words came to my ears. He said that
when we met at his friend’s house last month. When we reconciled.
Saya mendorong kotak es krim itu. Menghela napas. Yah,
manalah saya tahu apa yang ada di dalam hati orang lain? Memangnya saya tukang
sihir yang bisa membaca pikiran orang lain?
I pushed
that box of ice cream. Took a deep breath. Geez, what am I that I could tell
what is in people’s mind? Were I some kind of a witch that could read your
Saya telah banyak bergaul dengan lelaki dari berbagai macam
jenis. Beberapa diantaranya menjadi orang-orang yang dekat dalam keseharian
maupun dalam hati. Dengan yang lainnya saya pergi makan, nonton atau hanya jadi
teman nongkrong.
have known lots of men. Some are close in daily basis or by the heart. While
the others entertain me when we hang out together, going on lunches, dinners,
go to the movies or somewhere else.
Saya bangkit. Membuka kulkas. Mengembalikan es krim yang
tadi saya ambil ke dalamnya dan meraih kotak yang lain.
I got
up. Opened the fridge. Put back the ice cream on it and took another box.
Andre tidak terlalu suka manis. Mungkin karena dia merokok.
Tapi dia tahu saya gila es krim, coklat dan keju jadi tanpa saya minta dia
mengisi kulkas dengan persediaan tiga macam makanan kesukaan saya itu.
is not fond of sweeties. Perhaps because he smokes. But he knows I am crazy
about ice cream, chocolate and cheese so without being asked by me, he stuffed
the fridge with those sweeties.
Mm… rasa moka mengisi mulut saya. Apa yang kurangnya dengan
Andre? 5 tahun kami bersama sekalipun sebagian besarnya kami lewati dengan
hidup terpisah oleh jarak yang sangat jauh. Berat untuk orang lain. Tapi saya
malah bersyukur karenanya. Saya tipe orang yang mandiri. Berjauhan dengan Andre
membuat saya tidak jadi cengeng, bahkan menjadi semakin kokoh dan tegar apalagi
dengan adanya kesusahan yang datang silih berganti, nyaris bertubi-tubi.
mocca flavor filled my mouth. What makes Andre less loveable? We have been
together for 5 years though we spend most of it living far away from each
other. Unbearable for some people. On the contrary it makes me grateful. I am
an independent woman. Living an ocean away from Andre makes me stronger and
tougher especially with troubles that hitting like waves.

chewed a chocolate chip… mm.. Then that man made me realized how naïve I have
been that I didn’t see it that he has growing symphaty for me. I just noticed
that his kindness and attention have special meanings.
Saya bukan perempuan genit. Saya seorang yang tomboy.
Seluruh atribut saya mencerminkan semua itu. Walaupun saya seorang yang ceria
dan lucu tapi sebetulnya saya seorang yang tertutup. Saya mengendalikan
perasaan. Saya menguasai diri. Jadi saya tidak pernah 'tebar pesona' kemana-mana.
I am
not the flirty type of woman. I am a tomboy. One single look and you get the
impression of those qualifications in me. Despite the fact that I am a cheerful
and funny person, I am actually a reserved one. I control my feelings. So I never act like I spreading my charm.
Tapi ketika tangan kami bersentuhan, ketika kami bertatapan,
ketika kami bicara atau tertawa, ketika kami berdiri berdekatan, ketika pada
suatu ketika untuk sekian detik tubuh kami berdempetan… oh, saya merasa kontrol
diri saya hampir lepas.
when our hands touched, when we stared at each other, when we talk or laugh,
when we stood closely, when we had our bodies on each other for few seconds on
an occasion, oh, I felt I was losing my self control.
Tanpa sadar saya menggigiti sendok dengan geram. Kami bahkan
tidak pernah pergi berdua. Tidak pernah ada kata-kata cinta terucap. Tapi dia
menunjukkan dengan berbagai caranya sendiri bahwa dia tertarik pada saya, bahwa
dia tidak mau saya memberi perhatian pada laki-laki lain, bahwa dia memiliki
rasa dan hasrat untuk diri saya.
chewed my spoon without knowing it. We never went out together just the two of
us. We never said any love words. Yet with his own various ways he shows me
that he is interested in me, that he does not want me to give my attention to
other men, that he has feelings and passion for me.
Dan saya melemparkan sendok itu ke meja. Bunyinya yang keras
menyadarkan saya. Aduh, untung tidak membangunkan Andre.
And I
threw the spoon to the dining table. The loud sound when it hit the wooden
table stunned me. Wheew, glad it didn’t wake Andre.

Furious, I
threw that spoon out of anger realizing that I pretend to be calmed and in self
control infront of him. It is a fake. I fool myself. I am weak. I am knocked
out. He has succeededly won my heart. Like a spider, slowly and inch by inch he
knits the thread around me, making it harder for me to escape him.
Saya harus pergi. Saya berupaya mencari jalan untuk dapat
pergi. Kepergian saya akan menyelamatkan dia dan juga saya. Tapi pintu belum
juga terbuka. Saya mencoba terkurung dan terpojok.
have to flee. I try to find a way to go. It will save him and myself as well. But
the door is not yet open for me. I find myself lock inside and cornered.
Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan.
really don’t know what I should do now.
Suara orang adzan sayup-sayup dikejauhan membuat saya
otomatis melihat ke arah jam di dinding.
A voice
of someone calling for morning prayer from a far mosque made me stared at the
clock on the wall.
Jam 4 pagi! Berarti sudah satu jam saya duduk sendirian dalam
gelap di dapur, makan es krim, melamun dan berpikir. Wah. Jam 5.30 biasanya
saya bangun. Mudah-mudahan masih bisa tidur lagi. Pelan-pelan saya membereskan
es krim, mencuci sendok, gosok gigi dan berjinjit masuk ke kamar, berusaha
tidak bersuara ketika naik ke tempat tidur. Andre masih pulas.
4 am!
I have been up for an hour, sitting in the kitchen, in the dark, eating ice
cream, mind wandering and doing lots of thinking. Geez. I usually get up at
5.30 am. Hopefully I could get some sleep. I cleaned up the ice cream, washed
the spoon, brushed my teeth and tiptoed to the bedroom, trying not to make a
sound when I got into the bed. Andre was still asleep.
Yah, mudah-mudahan semua yang meresahkan dan membingungkan
ini akan berakhir dengan hal yang manis.
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