Sik asyik, dapat dua hari libur. Hari Senin, 20 Agustus, libur Lebaran. Hari Selasanya memang jatah libur saya. Jarang-jarang dapat libur kejepit begini. Lumayanlah.
“Dua hari kok dikata lumayan” kata teman bule saya yang lagi menghabiskan libur musim panasnya disini “biasanya kan kamu dapat libur minimal 3 minggu”.
Itu dulu, bro, waktu gue kerja jadi guru. Sudah setahun kan gue ganti profesi. Masa lupa sih lu?.
Hehe. Tapi ketawa juga sih saya ngeliat mukanya yang frustrasi. Garing dia. Soalnya dia penasaran banget pengen ngajak saya liburan ke Bali. Tapi libur panjang Lebaran gini mana enak berwisata. Jalanan macet. Tempat wisata penuh. Maksain diri malah bikin blenger. Ngantrinya itu lho, bo, aduh, bikin stress.
“Udah deh, lu anteng-anteng aja dulu sama gue di Bogor” kata saya membujuk “Ntar kalo gue cuti dan musim liburan sudah lewat, baru kita jalan, ok”.
“Kapan itu?”
“Sekalian aja ntar bulan Desember”
Yah, gitu deh terjemahan bebas dari percakapan kami. Sori ya, ga saya tampilin fotonya. Kalau penasaran siapa dia, hmm…, harus lihat wallpaper di hp saya.
So anyway, dibandingin sama orang-orang yang rata-rata bisa libur antara 7-10 hari, saya cuma dapat 2 hari. Tapi tidak enak juga kalau kelamaan dan tidak plesiran. Bete.
Buat saya sih, 2 hari ini betul-betul buat istirahat. Enak banget bisa bangun diatas jam 7 pagi. Bangun tidur tidak usah langsung buru-buru ngacir buat mandi, sarapan, dandan trus berangkat kerja.
Tapi… waduh… 6 sms ada terlihat dilayar hp.
“Pagi non, sudah bangun belon?”
“Tok, tok, tok… bangun dong”
“Putri tidur beneran nih”
“Tukang tidur! Bangun! Sudah siang!”
“SMS gue ya kalo sudah bangun”
“Ampun, elu tidur apa pingsan sih??”
Hehe. Coba aja tebak dari siapa sms sinting itu. Saya membalas hanya dengan satu kata…
Tapi gara-gara sms itu saya jadi bangun beneran. Apalagi setelah ingat kalau hari Senin (20/8) saya punya tugas segudang. Nyuci, ganti seprei, mandiin si doggie, ngepel.
Semua cling. Saya gempor.
“Jalan yuk” sms dari si bawel datang siangnya.
Duh, siang-siang panas nyokot begini kok ngajak jalan. Ogah ah.
“Ye, kan gue ga ngajak elu jalan kaki. Gue jemputlah elu. Pake mobil sewaan yang ada ac”
“Angin Cepoi-Cepoi gitu?”
“Itu naik andong”
Hehe. Ok ga tuh temen bule saya yang satu ini? Samaan gokilnya dengan saya.
“Gue lagi banyak kerjaan di rumah” tolak saya lagi. 1001 alasan deh.
“Makanya kalo libur jangan kerja rodi gitu dong”
Kerja rodi apaan?. Kagak tahu dia kalau si doggie sudah sebulan kagak gue mandiin. Sama tuh. Seprei ogut juga begitu. Hehe. Jangan salahkan aku, ini gara-gara pilek yang bikin tenaga hancur-hancuran rasanya.
Nah, trus habis mandiin si doggie, mau ga mau lantai harus di pel. Ya, tahu dong kayak apa kalau anjing basah kuyup? Biar pun sudah dikeringin pake handuk, tetap aja udahannya dia mengibaskan bulu-bulunya sekuat-kuatnya, lantas lari ngibrit keluar. Habis deh ubin basah semua.
Terpaksa kan harus dikeringin dari pada ntar emak gue main ski. Ya gitu deh kalau di rumah ada manula. Lantai kering aja dia bisa jatuh kepleset, apalagi kalau lantainya basah.
So, sekalian aja di pel biar jadi bersih.
Nah, hari Selasanya giliran bersih-bersih yang lain. Kamar mandi, kompor gas, meja dan jendela sudah pada ngantri nunggu kapan mereka dapat giliran dibersihin sama si Keke.
“Yah, kapan dong kita bisa jalan?”
“Ntar, kalo gue cuti”
“September?? Keburu gue balik kalee ke Amrik”
“Lha, tanggal pulang elu di tiket pesawat kan open date”
“Iya biarpun judulnya open date tapi kan ga berarti gue pulang September tahun 2013”
“Itu malah lebih bagus” saya nyengir.
“Baby, kalau mau kamu gitu ya artinya kita langsung kawin” dia mengulum senyum.
Hehe. Bener kan. Kita berdua samaan gokilnya…
Great! I’ve got 2 days off! Monday, August 20th was Idul Fitri day. Tuesday is my day off. It is not everyday that I could have two days off.
“What’s so great about it?” protested my American friend who is spending his summer vacation here “you usually have 3 weeks off”
That was then when I worked as kindergarten teacher. Bro, have you forgotten that it’s been a year that I no longer work as teacher?
Still, I couldn’t help not to laugh at him seeing his frustration over wanting to take me to Bali for a holiday. But this is not the right time to go anywhere. It’s Lebaran festive combine with school vacation. Making it stressful for holidaying, with the roads jammed, long queque and lots of people swarming at beach, amusement parks etc. Oh no, it would be nightmare for me.
“Just stay here in Bogor until this holiday peak season is over” I persuaded “I will take my leave and we will go away, ok”
“When will that be?”
“And why don’t you just make it to December instead?”
Sorry I don’t put his photo. Yes, very unlike me to do so. If you’re curious about this friend, I make his photo as my cellphone wallpaper.
Anyway, compare to most employees who got 7-10 days off, I’ve got only 2 days. Not so bad if it seen from the fact that it had to be spent at home. Look it from the bright side, 2 days off at home wouldn’t make you get bored.
I dedicated these 2 days for getting the rest I badly needed. It felt so good not to have to get up early in the morning and didn’t have to rushedly go to the bathroom to take a bath, have breakfast, get dressed and go to work.
It felt so great to lay down in bed, listened to the birds chirping, neighbor’s dog barked and heard the soft sound of my dog breathing as it slept on the floor next to my bed.
I took my cellphone. Put on the earphone. Played some music on it. Oh man, it was heaven..
Until I saw 6 messages on the screen..
“Morning, girl. Are you awake?”
“Knock, knock.. wake up”
“Sleeping beauty… definitely”
“Rise and shine, sleepy head!”
“Text me after you awake”
“I wonder if you’re asleep or fainted?”
Lol. Guess who sent me those texts? Yep, I’ve got only one word to text to him..
But those texts really awoke me. Especially after I remembered that I had quite lots of things I had to do on that Monday (August 20th). Washed the laundry, changed my bedsheet, bathed my dog and mopped the floor.
After everything clean, I slumped myself on the sofa for feeling so exhausted.
“Hey, let’s go out” he texted me in the afternoon.
It was freakingly hot and he asked me out? No way!
“It’s not like I am asking you to walk in this kind a heat. I’ll come to pick you up by my rented AC car”
“You mean the wind blowing through the window?”
“That’s if you’re taking a ride in a cart”
Lol. It is really a great pleasure to find a foreign friend who’s as crazy as myself.
“I’ve got tons of house chores” yeah, yeah, so 1001 excuses.
“It’s your days off and you’re slaving yourself?”
What slaving? I haven’t bathed my dog for a month and there goes the same for my bedsheet. Don’t blame me. The flu took away most of my energy.
And after bathing the dog, I had to mop the floor. Sure I have dried it with the towel but you know how dog is. It swished its body to dry its fur before it ran outside. Making the floor all wet.
I should dry it or my mom would ski on the wet floor. You know how elderly people are. Dry floor can make them slip. So I better mop it.
Tuesday came and another cleaning works awaited me. The bathroom, the stove, the tables and windows were looking forward to be cleaned by me.
“When can I take you out?”
“When I have my leave”
“What? In September? I’ll be going back to the States by then”
“You have filled the date to be an open date on your plane ticket”
“Yes, but that doesn’t make me going back, say, in September 2013”
“Well, that would be great” I grinned.
“Baby, if I would be going back that late, let’s tied the knot by then”
“You’re nuts”
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