Benda kedua yang saya anggap mengagumkan setelah smartphone
adalah mesin cuci milik teman saya.
The second awesome thing for
me, after smartphone, is my bestfriend’s washing machine.
Ketika pertama kali melihatnya saya pikir mesin cuci ini
sama saja seperti mesin cuci lainnya.
When I first saw it I
thought it was just like any other washing machine.
Teman saya mengobrol dengan saya sambil mencuci baju.
My friend chatted with me
as she washed her laundry.
Sambil lalu saya perhatikan dia membuka keran air untuk
mengisi mesin cuci itu. Memasukkan baju-baju kotor ke dalam mesin cuci itu.
Menuangkan deterjen cair. Sejauh itu tidak ada yang aneh..
I slightly saw her open
the tap to fill the washing machine with water. Put the dirty clothes in it.
Poured liquid detergent. So far nothing was out of ordinary..
Dia menekan tombol dan mesin cuci mulai berputar. Dituangnya
cairan pewangi dan pelembut pakaian. Nah, ini mulai sedikit aneh..
She pressed the button
and the washing machine started to work. She poured clothes softener. Well, it
was started to look a bit odd..
“Kok dituang sekarang?”
“Why do you put it on the
washing machine now?”
“Iya, nanti kalau sudah dibilas, dia langsung ngerendam
dalam pewangi” jawab teman saya dengan santai.
“Yes, after the clothes
are rinsed, it will soak them in the softener” said my friend calmly.
Saya belum sepenuhnya mengerti bahwa semua itu dikerjakan
sendiri oleh si mesin cuci. Saya kira teman saya yang akan mengerjakannya.
I didn’t completely grasp
the idea that the whole thing would be done all by the washing machine. I
thought that what my friend would do.
“Nah, beres” teman saya nyengir “Yuk kita cari makanan”
“I’m done” my friend
grinned “Let’s get something to eat”
Lha, kan belon kelar nyuci..
Excuse me, you haven’t
done with your laundry..
Teman saya ngakak menertawakan kebingungan saya “mesinnya
bisa kerja sendiri”
This gave my friend a big
laugh at my confusion “the machine can work by itself”
Maksud lo?
What do you mean?
Mesin cuci itu demikian canggihnya sehingga dia bisa
mengatur sendiri berapa banyak air yang diperlukan sesuai dengan banyaknya
cucian dan deterjen, lalu setelah sekian menit memutar pakaian, mesin akan
berhenti bekerja dan membuang air, mengalirkan air bersih untuk membilas,
memutar pakaian, membuang air bilasan, mengalirkan air bersih kembali dan
mencampurkan cairan pewangi, sekian menit kemudian air rendaman itu dibuang dan
pakaian pun dikeringkan.
The washing machine is so
sophisticate, it can do its own measurement on the water needed to wash the
clothes, few minutes after wash the clothes, it stops and let out the dirty
water, put clean water into the washing tub to clean the clothes off the
detergent, spin them all, let out the dirty water and put clean water again to
be mixed with the clothes softener, few minutes later it let out the water and
dry the clothes.
Gelooo.. hebat amat nih mesin cuci..
No kidding.. it’s
really one hell of a washing machine you have there..
Ketika kami kembali ke rumah setelah membeli makanan,
pakaian sudah kering. Hebat!
The clothes were dry when
we returned home after went out to get something to eat. Awesome!
Wah, seandainya saya punya mesin cuci kayak gitu.
Man, I wish I have one
like that.
Angkat jempol untuk mereka yang menciptakan benda-benda
hebat seperti itu.
Thumbs up to those who
invented awesome stuff like that.
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