“Gue nginep lagi deh di kantor hari Sabtu ini” kata saya
sambil tertawa. Teman saya nyengir.
“I will
spend a night again at the office this Saturday” I laughed while saying this.
My friend grinned.
“Resiko jabatan” katanya yang bikin saya kembali tertawa.
hazard” he said that made me laugh again.
Ya, dari bulan Agustus sampai September ini sudah 5 kali
saya menginap di guest room kantor. Saya menginap bukan karena begitu cintanya
dengan kantor sampai bikin saya jadi ogah pulang.. hehe..
In between
August to this present date I have been spending 5 nights at the
office’s guest room. Well, I didn’t stay over because I loved the office so
much it made me didn’t want to go home.. lol..
Saya menginap karena saya harus mengikuti acara-acara yang
berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang berlangsung sampai malam.
I stayed
over at the office because I had to attend events held by the office which went
on to the evening.
Kalau sudah malam begitu angkot yang ke arah rumah saya
umumnya penuh dengan karyawan yang pulang kantor, kalau naik ojek.. wah..
ongkosnya lebih mahal ditambah full angin malam pula.. sampai di rumah bisa
masuk angin, apalagi kalau hujan.
Angkot (car
used as public transportation in my town) fulls with people going home from
work at those hours in the evening. I could take ojek (motorcycle used as public
transportation option) but it charges higher than angkot fares and not to
mention getting lots of night wind.. I would get sick once I got home.. and how
if it was raining?
Nah, kalau saya sakit, yang rugi kan kantor juga.. jadi yah,
demi kesehatan, kenyamanan, keselamatan dan ketentraman bersama.. lebih baik
saya menginap di kantor. Toh ada kamar tamu yang nyaman dan ada mahasiswi
magang untuk menemani saya.
My office
would not be benefited if I fell ill, right?.. so for the sake of health,
comfort, safety and peace of mind.. I better stay over at the office. There is
a nice guest room and an intern to accompany me.
Sekarang kondisinya jauh lebih enak dan aman dibandingkan dengan 1-2
tahun lalu ketika saya menginap di ruang kelas yang tidak ada tempat tidur hingga
saya tidur di lantai beralas beberapa tikar dan koran, tanpa teman dan diiringi
dengan rasa harus berjaga-jaga karena ada beberapa satpam kantor yang justru
membuat saya merasa tidak aman.
It is much
better and safe now compare to the condition 1-2 years ago when I had to spend
a night at a classroom where there was no bed and I had to sleep on the
mat and newspapers on the floor, no company and with be on guard feeling
because there were office guards whom didn’t make me feel safe around them.
Tapi karena lagi ngomongin tentang menginap lagi di kantor... saya baru sadar.. iya ya, kok kayaknya tahun ini saya jadi sering sekali menginap di
rumah teman atau di kantor.
But as I was talking about spending a night at the office.. I just realized.. yeah, I have been staying at a friend’s place or in the office more often
this year.
Lihat saja 'catatan nginap' saya dibawah ini;
Just take a look at my 'stay over for the night record';
Office : Agustus tgl 14, 23, 29. September tgl 6 dan 13.
Yohana : 19 Agustus
Santi : 12-15 Januari, 8-10 Juni
Dodo-Ninda : 1 Mei
Marianne : 10 Mei
Bu Marta : 14 Februari
Santi & her family. She's my best friend from college |
Office : August 14, 23, 29. September 6 and 13.
Yohana : August 19
Santi : January 12-15, June 8-10
Dodo-Ninda : May 1
Marianne : May 10
Mrs. Marta : February 14
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Dodo & his wife, Ninda. We went to Jakarta on our day off & I spent a night at their place on that day |
Saya menginap selalu karena alasan-alasan di atas tadi. Ikut acara kantor atau habis jalan-jalan dengan teman dan pulangnya malam. Jadi lebih baik menginap di kantor atau di rumah teman. Nah, ternyata menginap itu membawa banyak dampak positif pada diri saya.
Yohana, a friend & former colleague |
I spend a night in the office or at a friend's place only for the above reasons; after attending office's events or after hanging out with friends that made me had no choice than to stay over because it was late in the evening. However, it actually brings many positive impact on me.
Saya jadi lebih mandiri, lebih pede dan lebih fleksibel.
It makes me
more independent, have more self-confident and become more flexible.
Di rumah ada papa yang selalu mengurusi saya. Kalau saya
menginap di rumah Andre, dia sama saja mengurusi dan memanjakan saya. Tapi
kalau saya menginap di kantor atau di rumah teman, mana ada yang mau begitunya
ngurusin dan manjain saya. Sikon itu memaksa saya untuk mengurusi diri sendiri
dan itu memberikan pengaruh yang baik untuk diri saya karena saya dipaksa untuk
bisa mandiri
Dessy, an intern in my office. We got back after 8 pm so I spent a night at the office's guest room |
I have my
father takes care of me at home. When I stay at Andre’s place, he is no
different than my father, so caring and spoiling me. but when I stay in the
office or at a friend’s place, who would be so caring and spoiling to and that
gives good impact on me as situation forced me to be independent.
Saya juga jadi lebih flesibel, tidak menuntut semua harus
sesuai dengan harapan atau kemauan saya. Belajar untuk jadi lebih sabar, tidak
gampang ngambek atau tersinggung.
Mrs. Martha sat next to me while Marianne was at her side. I spent a night at Marianne's place after this event |
I also
become more flexible, not demand things have to go on my expectation or my
wishes. Learning to have more patience, not easily get upset or offended.
Yah, kalau kamu tinggal di satu tempat yang bukan milikmu
dan yang tidak membuatmu harus keluar duit, kamu harus bisa menyesuaikan diri
dengan segala sesuatu dan dengan manusia-manusia yang berada di sana. Kamu
tidak bisa menuntut semua harus seperti yang ada dirumahmu sendiri, apalagi
kalau kamu berada di rumah seseorang yang menerimamu dengan segala kerelaan
Well, if you stay in a place which is not yours and not required you to pay a single penny to stay there, you have to adjust yourself with the things and the people in there. You can’t demand things have to be as the ones you have at your own house, especially when you stay at somebody’s place who with open arms gives you a place to stay for the night or for few days.
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