Seorang teman menjuluki saya beruang kutub karena saya tahan
friend dubbed me polar bear because I seem to have this sort of feezing temperature-proof.
Jadi sementara orang-orang lain menggeletar kedinginan,
membungkus diri dengan jaket, syal, selimut dan kaus kaki wol, saya cuek saja
memakai baju yang bahannya tipis atau hanya bercelana pendek dengan atasan
tanpa lengan kalau saya berada di rumah.
when people shiver or wrap themselves in jacket, shawl, blanket and wool socks,
I am perfectly comfortable in my clothes which most made from thin fabric or
when I am at home shorts and sleeveless shirt are my favorite casual clothes.
Bahkan ketika udara di Bogor menjadi sangat dingin karena
selama hampir 2 minggu setiap hari hujan turun tanpa henti, saya masih
tenang-tenang saja.
when the temperature in Bogor dropped down after having non-stop rain for
nearly 2 weeks, I stayed cool.
Bukan berarti udara dan angin dingin itu tidak terasa. Saya
hanya tidak suka membungkus badan dengan jaket, syal, selimut atau kaus kaki
doesn’t mean I don’t feel the cold weather and the freezing wind. The thing is
I dislike wrapping myself in jacket, shawl, blanket or wool socks.

I wrap myself in jacket or shawl, it is to keep my body warm when I walk under
the pouring rain with my pants rolled up and wearing sandals.
Soalnya kaki saya tidak tahan dingin. Kalau dia basah dan di
tiup angin dingin.. aduh mak, dinginnya menjalar naik ke badan, bikin perut
jadi sakit and kemudian kepala juga ikut sakit.
feet can’t stand the cold. If they are wet and the freezing wind blows.. brrr..
the cold crawl up to my body, it hurts my stomach and eventually gives me bad
Malam hari kadang mau tidak mau saya harus tidur berselimut
karena kalau tidak kaki saya akan kram terkena udara dingin. Padahal saya tidak
tahan tidur berselimut. 1-2 jam kemudian selimut itu akan jatuh ke lantai
karena saya tendang-tendang.. hehe..
night sometimes I have no choice than to cover myself with blanket or otherwise
my feet would cramp when they are cold. The problem is I can’t stand to sleep
with blanket covering me. 1-2 hours later I would kick the blanket until it is
fell to the floor.. lol.
Waktu saya menginap 3 hari 2 malam di rumah Santi, saya baru
tahu kalau anak lelakinya tergolong beruang kutub seperti saya juga. Tidur
harus pakai AC yang temperaturnya disetel di angka yang paling rendah. Kalau
tidak begitu, dia tidak akan bisa tidur.
I spent 3 days and 2 nights at Santi’s place, I found out that her son is another polar bear just like me. When he goes to bed the airconditioned must be set to the lowest temperature. Otherwise he can’t sleep.
Lucunya Kenzie ternyata alergi udara dingin. Dan kalau
alerginya kumat, gejalanya seperti pilek.
thing is Kenzie allergic to cold. It would give him sympthoms as if he were
having flu.
Jadi dia harus tidur dengan AC yang dipasang dengan
temperatur paling rendah tapi karena dia alergi pada udara dingin maka dia
harus tidur berselimut… hehe..
he has to sleep with the airconditioned set into the lowest temperature but
since he is allergic to the cold, he has to cover himself in blanket… lol..
Nah, selama 3 hari dan 2 malam itu Santi, Klara, Kenzie dan
saya tidur sekamar di lantai atas sementara suami Santi tidur di kamar bawah.
Santi, Kenzie dan saya tidur di satu kasur yang digelar di lantai.
in those 3 days and 2 nights Santi, Klara, Kenzie and I slept in the same
bedroom upstair while Santi’s husband slept in the bedroom downstair. Santi,
Kenzie and I slept on the mattress that laid on the floor.
Saya menjuluki kamar itu kutub utara saking dinginnya. Udara
di luar sudah mulai sejuk karena hujan turun terus menerus dan masih ditambah
dengan dinginnya AC yang dipasang di dalam kamar itu.
called that bedroom the north pole because it was so freezing in there. The
weather has been cooled down out of the non-stop rain and still we had the
airconditioned turned on.
Klara dan Santi membungkus diri dengan selimut tebal.
Sementara saya dan Kenzie yang tidur bersebelahan, cuek-cuek saja tidur
berselimut tipis.
and Santi wrapped themselves with thick blanket. While Kenzie and I, we slept
next to each other, just had one thin blanket.
Entah jam berapa, saya terbangun. Kaki kiri saya kram.
Hadohhh.. sakitnyaaaaaaa…
didn’t know what time it was when I awoke. My left foot cramped. Ouch.. it hurt
like hell..
Rupanya Kenzie menarik selimut sehingga kaki kiri saya
mencuat keluar dan dingin bikin kaki itu kram.
pulled our blanket, leaving my left foot uncovered and the cold made it
Besoknya Santi menawarkan kaus kakinya.
next day Santi offered her socks.
Waduh, jangankan tidur pakai kaus kaki, pakai sepatu saja
saya tidak tahan kalau pakai kaus kaki. Rasanya gerahhhhh banget… tapi kalau
kaki dingin, kaki saya kram... yah, saya dan Kenzie termasuk jenis manusia
aneh.. hehe..
no, left alone sleeping with socks on, I can’t wear my snickers with them. It
feels sooooo hot.. but cold makes my feet cramped… yeah, well, Kenzie and I are
weirdos.. lol..
Lain lagi ceritanya dengan Andre.
has another thing to tell.
Datang dari negara dengan 4 musim bikin dia tidak tahan
dengan udara panas asia. Tidur sekamar dengan dia terasa seakan tidur dalam
igloo, rumah es orang eskimo, saking dinginnya itu AC. Untung saya jenis
beruang kutub jadi ya tidak masalah.. hehe..
from a country with 4 seasons makes him can’t stand the warm tropical Asian
weather. Sharing bedroom with him feels like in an igloo, the ice house of the
eskimo, because it is so freezing, the work of the airconditioned of course.
Good thing I am a polar bear so that has never been a problem for me.. lol..
Beberapa hari lalu dia kembali setelah hampir 2 minggu
pulang kampung. Putra tunggalnya, Josh, datang untuk tinggal dengan kami dari natal
sampai lewat tahun baru. Dari negerinya dia berangkat sendiri naik pesawat.
Andre menjemputnya di Jakarta. Tapi pulangnya Andre ikut serta selain untuk
mengantarkan Josh kembali pada ibunya, juga untuk menengok keluarga dan
teman-teman di kampung halaman.
days ago he got back after spent nearly 2 weeks in his hometown. His only
child, josh, came to stay with us from christmas until passed new year. The boy
travelled all by himself by plane. Andre picked him up at Jakarta airport. But
Josh had Andre flew with him on the way back to his hometown as Andre needed to
bring the boy back to his mother and to see his family and friends.
“Gila, disana dingin banget” katanya ketika kami sedang
duduk-duduk berdua dan mengobrol.
it was so damn freezing there” he said to me as we sat and chatted.
“Bulan Januari kan masih musim dingin” jawab saya “Ya, jelas
aja dingin. Salju dimana-mana”
January, it’s still winter there” I replied “So, obviously it is freezing. With
the snow everywhere”
“Tapi saya tidak tahan dinginnya” dia tertawa.
I couldn’t stand the cold” he laughed.
“Nah, disini kagak tahan panas. Disana ga tahan dingin” saya
ikut tertawa “Gimana ceritanye..”
“So, you can’t stand the heat here. And you can’t stand the cold there” I laughed
“What would it make you..”
“Makanya saya senang betul sudah balik lagi ke sini” dia
mencium saya.
is why I am glad I have returned” he kissed me.
“Aww.. ini ciuman yang bisa melelehkan seluruh kutub utara”
saya tertawa.
this is the kind of kiss that could melt the whole north pole” I laughed.
Suara tawanya langsung terdengar membahana.
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