lagi. Horeeee!!!
Another traveling. Yippeeee!!!
berangkat dari kantor saya jam 8 pagi. Tujuan : Jimmers Mountain Resort,
We left my office at 8 am. Destination : Jimmers Mountain
Resort, Cisarua.
lancar. Sekitar satu jam kemudian sampailah kami disana.
It was a smooth trip. It took only about an hour later to
get there.
lumayan bagus. Sebagai pencinta gunung, saya suka melihat pemandangan barisan
pegunungan dikejauhan.
It is a quite nice place. Considering my fondness to
mountain, I like the mountain view at afar.
juga lumayan bagus. Oh ya, ada satu saklar dekat pintu kamar yang berfungsi
sebagai sumber listrik untuk menyalakan lampu, kipas angin dan tv.
The room is also quite nice. There is an electric switch
near the door that supplies the power to the room to turn on the lights, fan
and tv.
tidak ada AC. Oke deh, lokasinya dekat Puncak tapi udaranya tidak lagi sedingin
seperti 10 tahun yang lalu dan selain itu dua bulan terakhir ini cuacanya
Too bad there is no AC. So it is located near Puncak, the
mountain summit but the weather is not as cold as 10 years ago and beside it
has been hot in the past two months.
nyaris tidak ada. Jadi kalau mau mendapatkan udara segar, jendela atau pintu
harus dibuka. Tapi kalau malam harus ditutup dong. Jadilah di dalam kamar
terasa gerah dan pengap.
There is no ventilation. The window and door have to be
opened to get fresh air. But we couldn’t keep them open at night. So it made
the room felt hot and suffocating.
saya bercerita dia membiarkan jendela terbuka sepanjang malam saking tidak
tahan kegerahan. Enak sih adem tapi bisa-bisa yang masuk bukan cuma nyamuk,
pikir saya, apalagi kamar saya terletak paling ujung dan tamu yang menempati
kamar di atas kamar kami tidak termasuk dalam rombongan kami sehingga tidak
memberikan rasa aman untuk membiarkan jendela terbuka sepanjang malam.
My friend told me he let the window opened the whole night
as he couldn’t stand the heat. Yeah, it would be nice but mosquito was not the
only one that could get in the room, I thought, mine was down the hall and the
guests occupied the rooms above my room were not in our group so I really
didn’t feel safe to leave the windows open at night.
beres dengan urusan mengatur bawaan di kamar, kami berkumpul di ruang pertemuan
yang letaknya seperti yang terlihat dalam foto ini. Enak pas turun,
tapi pas naik.. napas jadi sesak juga. Gimana dengan orang-orang tua dalam
rombongan kami?
The meeting hall down there behind me |
After arranging our stuff in the room, we got together at
the meeting hall which location can be seen in the above picture. It is nice to
walk down there, but it needed quite a climb that could make you grasp for air.
Quite a challenge for the elder people.
inti kami justru diadakan di ruang pertemuan itu.Gempor gempor deh tu kaki.
And our main programs were held right in that meeting hall. Let's kill our feet.
pertama adalah pembukaan yang jujur saja, buat saya terasa lebih banyak
membosankan dari pada menggugah otak saya untuk merenungkan hal-hal yang
disampaikan, jadi saya senang betul waktu masuk dalam acara permainan.
First session was the opening which I honestly found it
boring than to give my brain stimulation to think about the points given to the
audience, so I was happy when it was got to the games session.
Yang ditunggu-tunggu adalah makan
siang. Makanannya lumayan enak.
Lunch was very much looked for by most of us. The meals were quite good.
Asyik juga makan sambil melihat pemandangan kolam renang.
It was nice to have lunch while watching at the swimming pool.
Acara bebas setelah makan siang dipakai untuk.. apalagi kalau bukan berfoto!!
The thing we did after lunch was to.. what else than to make our own photo session!!
Sampai di kamar pun saya dan teman saya masih berfoto-foto.Padahal mata sudah mulai mengantuk. Hehe..
Photo session continued even after my roommate and I got back to our room no matter how sleepy we already were at that time. Hehe..
Setelah puas berfoto.. "Ka, mau berenang ga?" tanya teman sekamar saya.
After ended our photo session.. "Sis, are you going for a swim?" asked my roommate.
Hmm.. mau sih tapi mata ngantuk banget. Badan capek. Males ah. Berenangnya nanti malam aja deh. Lagian berenang malam kayaknya lebih seru tuh..
Hmm.. would love to but I was so sleepy. I was tired too. Nah. I would have a night swim. It would be more fun..
Sepeninggal teman sekamar saya, eh.., saya malah nonton tv. The God Father. Film tua tapi masih enak buat ditonton. Sampai akhirnya saya ketiduran juga..
After my roommate left, well what do you know.., I watched the tv. The God Father. An old movie but still nice to be watched. I fell to sleep eventually..
Jam 4 sore saya bangun.. dohh, males banget buat ikutan acara. Untung acaranya lebih banyak permainan sehingga tidak membosankan dan bisa mengusir rasa malas serta ngantuk.
I woke up at 4 pm.. gosh, really not in the mood to attend the afternoon session. Good thing it was fun so it could improve my mood and got rid my sleepiness.
Selesai acara.. ya ampunnn, hujan!!! Batal deh berenang. Habis makan malam langsung masuk kamar, mandi dan bobo. Ogah ah ikut session yang terakhir.
After the session ended.. oh no, it rained!!! Had to cancel the night swim plan. Returned to my room after dinner, took a bath and went to bed. Skipped the last session.
Hari pertama di Jimmers pun berlalu..
So the first day at Jimmers passed..
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