Kalau kita mendengar kata ‘museum’ maka yang muncul adalah
kesan tua, gelap, misterius, angker dan penuh dengan benda tua yang gantungi
dengan pelang ‘jangan diduduki atau jangan dipegang’.
When we hear the
word ‘museum’ the image appears to us is old, dark, myserious, spooky and full
with old stuff being tagged with ‘don’t
sit or don’t touch’ signage.
Karena umumnya museum memang seperti itu.
Most museums are
like that.
Jadi saya dan Desi sama sekali tidak menduga gedung
besar yang keren yang kami lalui dalam perjalanan menuju alun-alun Fatahilah
adalah sebuah museum.
It is why Dessy
and I were not aware that the big nice building we passed when we were on our
way to Fatahilah square is a museum.
“Gedung apa ini, ya?” kami berdua sama-sama berhenti di
depan gedung itu dan berfoto.
“What building
is this?” we stopped infront of it and took photos.
Apa ini hotel atau mall? tanya saya dalam hati.
Is this a hotel
or a mall? I asked myself.
Baru setelah selesai berfoto didepannya, saya melihat banner
besar yang tergantung di depan gedung itu bertuliskan ‘Museum Bank Indonesia’.
It was after we
took photos infront of it, I saw a big ‘Indonesian Bank Museum’ banner hanging
infront of it.
“Ya ampun!.. ini museum, Des” kata saya antara geli dan
tidak percaya “Masuk yuk”
it’s a museum” I said, tickled and amazed “Let’s get inside”
Desy, yang dari Museum Bank Mandiri mulai rewel mengajak
saya mencari makan, seperti langsung lupa dengan rasa lapar dan capeknya..
Dessy, who was
nagging me to get something to eat when we were in Mandiri Bank Museum, seemed
to forget her hungry stomach and exhaustment.. lol..
Ada tiket masuk tapi tidak dibebankan biaya.
We were given
admission ticket but it is free of charge.
Rasanya seperti tidak masuk museum. Lebih terasa seperti
masuk bangunan perkantoran. Saking tidak bersuasana museum, saya sampai
bertanya pada bapak yang bertugas mengecek barang-barang bawaan kami;
It didn’t feel
like entering a museum. It felt more like entering an office building. It has
no museum aura that it made me asked the officer who checked our bags;
“Museumnya dimana, pak?”
“Where’s the
museum, sir?”
“Ini, naik tangga, belok ke kanan” jawab si bapak yang ramah
“There, take this
stair, then go to the right” asked the nice officer.
Cuma naik kira-kira sepuluh anak tangga, belok ke kanan dan
di sudut ruangan kami di cegat oleh petugas penitipan barang (yang malas
tersenyum, tidak tertulari oleh keceriaan pengunjung dan ogah bertatap mata
dengan kami).
It took only
about ten stair, go to the right and we were stopped by an officer (who seemed
to lack in smile, the high spirit of the visitor is uncontagious to him and
avoiding eye contact with us) in the corner, all bags must not be brought
inside and thus have to be left in the room behind him.
Hmm.. serius banget sih? kesannya jadi kayak mau masuk
kantornya James Bond.. hehe..oya, saya sempat nanya boleh tidak lobi di potret dan petugasnya bilang boleh saja tapi mereka tidak mau kelihatan jadi mereka akan ngumpet dibawah meja lobi.. tuh kan, bener kayak agen rahasia aja.. hehe.. yah, saya jadi memilih beli kartu pos yang ada gambar lobi (biar aman)..
Hmm.. why is it
so serious? As if we were entering James Bond’s office.. lol.. oh, I asked if it is allowed to take photo in the lobby and the officer said yes but they prefer not to be appeared on the photo so they would hide behind the lobby counter.. see, it's so hush hush the secret agent thing.. lol.. yep, so I finally bought a postcard that has the lobby photo printed on it (just to be cautious)..
gift shop |
We went to the
entrance door.. which should be called gap than door.. maybe it was a sliding
door in the past.. when I passed it I was reminded to a senior in the office
who is chuby.. he would stuck if he pass this door.. lol.. I can’t imagine how
would it be when a tall and thick westerner pass it.. Andre is not thick but I
think he would stuck in it too.. lol..
Lobinya besar, luas dan terang. Benar-benar tidak bersuasana
The lobby is
big, wide and bright. Not giving the museum impression.
Harus saya akui, masuk museum ini serasa sedang bertualang.
Setiap belokannya penuh dengan kejutan.
I have to admit,
it felt like having an adventure in this museum. Every turn has its surprises.
Kami berfoto-foto dulu di depan lalu berbelok ke kiri dan
kami tertegun.. karena melihat di depan kami kok tembok kayu. Tapi kami tahu
ada pengunjung yang sudah lebih dulu masuk.. kami mendengar suara mereka tapi
kok kami mentok di depan tembok kayu ini (sayang saya lupa motret).
We took some
photos before we turned left and we were stunned.. there was a wooden wall
infront of us. But we knew there were visitors who have entered.. we heard
their voices but howcome we were stuck infront of this wooden wall (I forgot to take photo of it).
“Gimana caranya masuk?” tanya Desy “Mana pintunya? Gimana
“How do we get
inside?” asked Dessy “Where’s the door? How do we open this?”
Saya juga tidak tahu. Tapi pasti ada caranya karena tidak
mungkin harus jadi Casper untuk menembus tembok. Jadi ragu-ragu saya ulurkan
tangan untuk menyentuh tembok kayu itu.. dan tembok itu bergerak! Saat itulah
saya baru sadar.. itu bukan tembok, melainkan tirai yang bentuk dan bahannya
mirip dengan bilah-bilah kayu. Tersusun dengan rapat sehingga kelihatannya
benar-benar seperti tembok.. buset..
I didn’t know it
either. But there’s got to be a way in without have to turn like Casper to go
through the wall. I hesitately reached out my had to touch that wooden wall..
and it moved! It was when I realized.. it wasn’t wall, it was curtain formed
and made from material that looked like wooden cord. It is neatly arranged that
it looked like wall.. shoot..
Kami masuk dan terpesona karena mendapati diri berada
diruangan gelap dengan layar dihiasi oleh gambar seperti seribu bintang..
kadang di antara bintang-bintang kecil itu jatuh gambar koin yang meluncur dan
We got inside
and amazed to find ourselves in a dark room with a screen that showed what
looked like thousands of star.. sometimes in between those stars a coin fell
down and spin.
Kami berbelok dan memasuki ruangan yang berdiorama tentang
perdagangan rempah-rempah. Keren. Serasa berdiri di atas dok kayu di pelabuhan
dan di tembok ada lukisan kapal-kapal kuno.
We turned and
entered a diorama room that showing spices trade. Cool. It felt like standing
on a dock at a harbor and the wall has ancient ships painted on it.
Indonesian spices |
you ain't gonna shoot a nice little girl like me, aren't you? |
Dari tiga museum yang kami kunjungi pada hari Selasa itu
(11/11) menurut saya, museum ini yang paling keren, paling bagus, paling nyaman
karena ber-AC lumayan dingin dan yang tidak memungut bayaran.
Of all three
museum we visited on that Tuesday (Nov 11th), I’d say this is the
coolest, the nicest, the most cozy because of its cool AC and the one that is
free of entrance fee.
Kami benar-benar lupa waktu ketika berada di sana.
We completely
lost track of time when we were there.
Meeting room with photos of past & present Indonesian Bank Governor |
![]() |
Hey mom, look what I found!.. *Geez, they're fake gold, honey* |
Kekurangannya mungkin pada segelintir petugas yang kurang
ramah dan toiletnya yang berada di belakang gedung.. lumayan jauh (gawat kalau
buat orang tua yang susah nahan pipis atau buat pengunjung yang sudah
The minor things
are the few officers who were less friendly and the toilet that located at the
back of the building.. quite far (not a good thing for elderly people or for
any visitor who really get urgent calling from nature)..
Toiletnya juga aneh.. baru sekali itu saya nemu toilet yang
mengharuskan orang untuk melepas alas kaki.
It is a weird
toilet.. that was the first time I met a toilet that requires people to go bare
Ada pelang ‘batas suci’.. nah, elu kata masuk laboratorium
apa?.. batas suci, bray??.. teman
saya di kantor yang melihat foto ini saja jadi tertawa,
There is a ‘sterilize
line’.. hell, what is this? A laboratory?.. dude, seriously?.. sterilize line??..
a friend in the office saw this photo and laughed,
“Itu kan akal-akalan petugas cleaning servisnya yang malas bersihin
lantai” katanya.
“It’s just the
cleaning service's way not wanting to clean the floor” she said.
Ya, lantainya memang basah.. saya sampai menggulung celana
saya karena tidak mau ujung bawahnya basah kena lantai yang basah itu. Nyebelin
udahannya, masa kaki basah masa dimasukin ke dalam sepatu atau pakai kaus kaki?
Yep, the floor
was wet.. I had to roll up my jeans because I didn’t want its lower tip to be
wet. The annoying thing is you can’t just put your wet feet on your shoes or
wear your socks, right?
Tapi tidak jauh dari toilet, kami menemukan lorong yang
bagus untuk di foto.
But near the
toilet, we found an alley that made a nice photo spot.
Badan sudah capek, perut sudah lapar, kaki sudah pegal tapi
tetap saja semangat berfoto.. hehe..
Our body was
tired, our stomach was hungry, our feet were killing us but still we were a
couple of photo enthusiast.. lol..
Oh, hal lain yang menyebalkan adalah angkot-angkot yang ngetem di depan museum ini sampai sulit untuk memotret si Desy dengan latar belakang museum karena dibelakang saya rapat parkir berderet-deret nyaris tanpa menyisakan celah. Grrr...
Another annoying thing is angkot that park infront of the museum that I had trouble taking photo of Desy with the museum as the background. Grrr...
Yah, begitulah petualangan kami berdua di Museum Bank
Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan sih, amat sangat menyenangkan.
So there you
have it, our adventure at Indonesian Bank Museum. In general, it was fun.
Petualangan kami di Kota Tua belum berakhir. Cerita
berlanjut ke postingan berikutnya..
Our adventure in
Old Town continues. The story can be read in the next post..
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