Belum lama ini seorang teman datang ke kantor saya dengan
membawa anak laki-lakinya yang berusia tiga bulan.
Not too long
ago a friend came to my office, bringing her three months old son.
Kami bertiga yang sedang berada diruangan saya segera
mengerumuninya dan kami bergantian ingin menggendong anak lelakinya, termasuk
saya walaupun agak takut-takut karena sudah lebih dari tiga tahun tidak
menggendong bayi.
The three of
us who were in my room imidiately swarmed all over her and excitedly took turn
in holding her son, including me though I was a bit scared because I haven’t
hold any babies in three years.
Kami mengajak anak itu mengobrol, bernyanyi, bercanda,
memutarkan lagu dan gembira ketika berhasil membuatnya tersenyum, tertawa dan
mengeluarkan celotehan kecil.
We talked to
him, sang, teased him, played song and cheered when seeing him smiled, laughed
and bubbling his baby talk.
Tidak diragukan lagi kehadiran tamu kecil ini mencerahkan
suasana. Memberikan warna pada rutinitas kerja yang membosankan. Membuat satu
hari bisa terasa berbeda.
It is
undoubtful this little visitor has brightened up the mood. Gave color to the
boring routine at work. Made the day felt different.
Kecil tapi memberi dampak besar.
Small but
gives huge effect.
* * *
* *
Beberapa hari lalu ketika sampai di kantor dan akan membuka
pintu gerbang, saya kaget melihat ada seekor kupu-kupu hinggap di ujung bawah
pegangan pintu gerbang.
Few days ago
I was surprised, when I got at the office and was about to open the gate, to
see a butterfly perched on the gate’s handle.
Dia diam saja biar pun pintu gerbang bergerak-gerak ketika
saya buka.
It stayed
still though the gate was moving when I opened it.
Saya masuk ke ruangan saya dan segera melupakannya karena
sibuk dengan berbagai macam urusan kantor.
I got into my
room and soon forgot all about it as I became busy with work.
Hampir setengah jam kemudian saya keluar dan melewati pintu
gerbang.. lho, kupu-kupunya masih ada.. jadi saya fotoin deh..
It was nearly
half hour later when I got out and passed that gate.. hey, the butterfly was
still there.. so I took photos of it..
Lucunya beberapa menit kemudian dia pun terbang.. malu kali
ya di potret sama saya atau merasa tujuan kedatangannya sudah tercapai.. yaitu
buat narsis di depan saya.. hehe..
Funny thing
is it flew away few minutes later.. would it get camera shy or felt it has
accomplished its visiting mission.. which was to be the object of my camera..
Hanya seekor kupu-kupu yang penampilannya tidak mengesankan
dan tidak memiliki warna yang memukau tapi kehadirannya pagi itu bisa membuat
saya melanjutkan pekerjaan dengan hati ringan.
It was just a
butterfly which appearance wasn’t impressive nor had beautiful colors but its
presence that morning could make me continue my work with a lighter heart.
Kecil tapi memberi dampak besar.
Small but
gives huge effect.
* * *
* *
“Nitip ya, Ke” pagi itu Vincent muncul diruangan saya dengan
membawa sebuah kotak bekal.
“Keke, could
I leave this here?” Vincent came to my room that morning bringing with him a cookie
Saya melihat tangannya basah dan kotak itu juga basah.
I saw his
hands were wet and so was the box.
“Basah deh meja gue” saya mengerutkan kening “Elu habis
ngapain sih? Nyuci tempat bekal lu? Keringin dulu dong, ada serbet tuh di
pantry sana”
“You make my
desk wet” I raised my eyebrows “What have you been doing? Washed your cookie
box? There is a napkin in the patry, go there and wipe this box with it”
“Pssst..” dia berbisik sambil membuka tutup kotak itu dan
menunjukkan isinya pada saya.
“Pssst..” he
whispered as he opened the box and showed me what was in it.
“Kura-kura!” saya berseru kaget “Kura-kura siapa?”
“Turtle!” I
exclaimed in my surpriseness “Whose turtle is this?”
“Punya gue” dia nyengir “Baru beli”
“Mine” he
grinned “Just bought it”
Saya meletakkan kura-kura kecil itu di atas telapak tangan
saya. Untuk beberapa detik kami bertatapan.
I put that
small turtle on my palm. We stared at each other for few seconds.
Dengan hati-hati dia menjulurkan kepalanya. Menengok ke kiri
dan ke kanan. Lalu dia menunduk, mengamati telapak tangan saya sebelum bergerak
It carefully
sticked out its head. Looked to the left and right. After that it looked down,
observing my palm before it moved slowly.
Saya tertawa geli merasakan kaki-kaki kecilnya bergerak di
atas telapak tangan saya.
I laughed,
tickled when its tiny feet moved on my palm.
Vincent mengambil hp saya dan memotret kami berdua.
Vincent took
my cellphone and took our photos.
Lucunya si kura-kura ini menengok ke arah Vincent persis
ketika di foto.
Funny thing
is this turtle turned to look at Vincent right at the time when he took our
Selama kira-kira dua jam kura-kura ini dititipkan ke saya.
Dia berjalan mondar-mandir dalam kotak bekal Vincent, kadang-kadang menjulurkan
kepalanya untuk melihat saya.
For about two
hours the turtle was left under my care. It moved around in Vincent’s cookie
box, sometimes it sticked out its head to look at me.
Kalau dia sudah bosan atau karena ingin menjelajah dunia
luar, dia memanjat keluar kotak bekal itu lalu berjalan di atas meja saya. Apa
pun yang ada didepannya akan dipanjatnya.
When it got
bored or for wanting to explore the world outside the box, it climbed up and
walked around my desk. It climbed whatever objects lied infront of it.
Kadang dia naik ke atas buku yang sedang saya tulis dan
berhenti diam persis di tempat yang sedang saya tulisi.
Sometimes it
climbed up the book I was writing on and stopped exactly at the spot where I
was writing a note.
“Eh, jangan disitu dong” saya menaruhnya di tempat lain.
Tapi dia segera berjalan cepat-cepat untuk kembali lagi.
“No, not
there” I put it in other part of the table. But it moved quickly to return to
its spot.
“Bandel ya” saya berdecak kesal tapi juga lucu “Mau
dibalikin ke dalam kotak?”
something, aren’t you?” I clicked my tongue, felt a little tickle “Would you
want me to put you back in the box?”
Dia menatap saya dan kemudian berbalik, berjalan cepat-cepat
ke arah lain.
It stared me
and then turned around, walked fast toward other direction.
Sedetik saya bengong, lalu tertawa.. ini kebetulan atau dia
ngerti ya?
It stunned me
for a second, before I bursted out my laugh.. is this a coincidence or it
understood what I was telling it?
Vincent bilang taruh saja kura-kura itu dalam kotak bekalnya
dan ditutup setengah saja. Tapi saya kasihan. Jadi selama dua jam itu saya
biarkan dia berkeliaran di atas meja saya tapi saya jadi harus mengawasinya
karena takut dia terjun bebas ke lantai.
Vincent told
me to put it in the box and let the cover opened half. But I felt pity for it.
So I let it wandered around on my desk for two hours though I had to keep an
eye on it for fearing it would take a free fall onto the floor.
Pagi itu saya mendapatkan teman kecil.
I got myself
a little friend that morning.
Saya lega ketika Vincent datang dan membawanya pulang tapi
sedih juga melihatnya dibawa pergi.
I was relief
when Vincent came and took it home but it also felt sad to see it left my
Kecil tapi memberi dampak besar.
Small but
gives huge effect.
* * *
* *
Saya baru saja bangun tidur. Sambil menguap lebar-lebar,
saya membuka tirai jendela.. dan mata saya seakan melompat keluar ketika
melihat seekor laba-laba berada di bawah jendela.
I just awoke.
As I yawned broadly, I opened the curtain.. and my eyes were like popping out
when I saw a spider under the window.
Saya segera berlari keluar untuk memanggil ayah saya supaya
dia menyingkirkan laba-laba itu.
I ran outside
to find my father and asked him to get rid it.
Sementara menunggu ayah saya datang, takut-takut saya masuk
kembali ke kamar. Laba-laba itu masih berdiri diam. Saya segera mengenalinya.
Itu laba-laba yang sama yang pernah merayap di tangan saya ketika saya sedang
mengecat tembok pagar.
While waiting
for my dad, I returned to my bedroom, peeking dreadingly at the spider. It was
still there. I quickly recognized it as the same spider that crawled on my arm
when I was painting the fence.
Hidih, kok dia bisa nemu jalan buat masuk ke kamar saya?
How on earth
could he find a way to get into my bedroom?
“Heran deh, si Keke
kok masih sama aja ya, kalau kita ketemu kok langsung lari?” pikir si laba-laba
“Padahal kan cuma mau bilang selamat pagi”
“I just don’t get it, Keke is still
the same, whenever we met she just ran away” thought the spider “I just wanted
to say good morning”
Kecil tapi memberi dampak besar.
Small but
gives huge effect.
* * * * *
Update; Senin 8 Desember, ada lagi tamu kecil yang datang ke kantor saya yang langsung jadi meriah.. hehe..
Updated; Monday, December 8th, another little visitor came to my office and made it a merry one.. lol..
* * *
* *
Jadi begitulah beberapa pengunjung kecil yang masing-masing
mampu untuk memberikan dampak luar biasa pada saya.
So there are
few little visitors that each has capability to bring huge impact on me.
Semua menjadi pengingat bagi kita bahwa yang kecil itu bukan berarti tidak memiliki arti.
They remind
us how being small is not making it meaningless.
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