1 Mei, Hari Buruh, hari libur..
May 1st,
Labour Day, public holiday..
Jalan-jalan, yuk..
5 hari sebelumnya kami mendapatkan ide itu.
Let’s go somewhere.. 5 days earlier we came up with
that idea.
Kota Tua jadi pilihan kami.
The Old
Town was set as the destination.
Berangkat dari Bogor sekitar jam 1 siang. Sampai di Kota jam
3 sore. Semakin sore katanya daerah Kota Tua semakin ramai. Apalagi kalau hari
libur nasional.
We would
leave from Bogor at around 1 pm. Would arrive in Kota at around 3 pm. More people come to The Old
Town area in the afternoon. It draws more crowds in public
Tadinya saya agak ragu untuk pergi karena mengingat angkot
yang melayani rute menuju kompleks perumahan tempat tinggal saya biasanya mulai
jarang di atas jam 8 malam.
I was
hesitated to go though over the thought that the vehicle serving the route to
my housing complex is difficult to find after 8 pm.
Sekalipun sudah ditawari untuk menginap di rumah teman, tetap saja saya masih
Though I was
offered to spend the night at a friend’s place, it couldn't cast away my hesitation.
2 hari sebelum berangkat, saya berubah pikiran.
I changed
my mind 2 days prior to the date.
Garing saya di rumah. Hal-hal yang saya lihat dan dengar di
rumah hanya seputar tentang penyakit, cerita tentang tetangga yang menyebalkan,
mencuci, memasak dan hal-hal seperti itulah.
I was so
not in the mood to stay home. The things I saw and heard at home were just
around unhealthy bodies, stories about annoying neighbor, washing, cooking and
sort of things.
Saya juga lagi garing dengan Andre gara-gara dia bikin ulah
yang bikin saya batal mengajaknya ikut. Padahal sebelumnya saya berpikir
mumpung dia libur juga, kenapa tidak saya ajak saja dia. Teman saya kan pergi
dengan istrinya. Enak kalau jalan-jalan kali ini kami disertai dengan pasangan masing-masing.
I was also
not in tune with Andre for the things he did that made me changed my mind about
asking him to come with us. I have thought about it because he had a day off on
that day so it would be great to have him with us. My friend would go with his
wife so it would be fun if I didn’t go partnerless.
Sehari sebelumnya saya menitipkan baju saya pada teman saya
itu karena saya menerima tawarannya untuk menginap dirumahnya sepulang dari
A day
before we left I gave my friend my clothes as I accepted his offer to spend a
night at his place after we got back to Bogor.
Hari Kamis, 1 Mei… Bogor macet cet cet cet… sudah gitu
May 1st… awful traffic in Bogor… and it was so hot..
Belum sampai ke stasiun kereta api, saya tidak tahan dan
memilih turun dari angkot dan berjalan kaki.
Half way to
the train station, I couldn’t take it anymore and chose to get off the vehicle
and went there on foot.
Kereta api yang kami tumpangi berangkat dari stasiun Bogor
sekitar jam 2 siang.
The train
we rode in left Bogor at around 2 pm.
Dari stasiun Kota kami berjalan sedikit menuju Museum
Fatahillah yang halamannya penuh dengan orang dan makin sore makin ramai.
We walked
to Fatahillah Museum from Kota train station. Crowds of people were already
packed in its square and still more people came there.
Tapi museumnya tutup setiap hari libur. Yee.. gimana
ceritanya.. hari libur justru banyak orang datang ke situ.
To my
disappointment, the museum closed on public holidays. Geez.. why?.. it is the
time when lots of people come there.
Jadi kami hanya berputar-putar dan berfoto di sekitar tempat
So we just
wandered around the place and took pictures.
Tidak mengecewakan sih karena ada banyak yang bisa dilihat.
However, there were plenty to see so it wasn't that bad.
Ada orang-orang yang berdandan dan bergaya seperti patung.
Kita bisa berfoto dengan mereka dan memberikan uang sukarela. Saya lihat
rata-rata memberikan uang Rp.5.000, segitu itulah yang saya berikan setelah
berfoto dengan mereka. Oya, kalau berfoto dengan mereka boleh 2-3 kali ganti
gaya kok. Malah sering si ‘patung’ yang memberi arahan gaya kepada mereka yang berfoto
dengannya.. hehe.. dan beberapa ‘patung’ menyediakan perlengkapan aksesoris
seperti topi dan pistol mainan.
There are
people dressed up like statues. We can have our pictures taken with them and
give some money after that. I saw mostly gave Rp.5.000 so I gave the same
amount of money after had my pictures taken with them. Oh by the way, you can
have 2-3 kind of pose when you have your picture taken with them. The ‘statue’
even tell you how to pose.. hehe.. and we can even borrow accessories like hats
and toy gun from the ‘statue’.
Yang bikin kagok adalah berfoto ditontonin mereka yang
menunggu giliran untuk di foto atau mereka yang hanya ingin melihat. Jadi susah
pasang senyum alami dan kikuk buat bergaya macam-macam.
ackward to have your picture taken while watched by people who were waiting for
their turn or the passers by. Made it hard to put natural smile and had various
Selain patung-patung manusia itu, ada pertunjukan pantomim
dan band.
There were
also pantomime show and a band playing live music.
Mau naik sepeda ontel? Rp.20.000 untuk sewa selama setengah
Wanted to
ride on the bicycle? It cost Rp.20.000 for half hour.
Tur singkat dengan guide? Rp.100.000 saja kok.
Want to
have a tour with a guide? It cost Rp.100.000,-
Ada banyak pedagang kaki lima yang berjualan berbagai jenis
makanan, minuman, aksesoris, sarung tangan, kaos kaki, gantungan kunci.. nah,
untuk yang terakhir ini saya menemukan penjual yang unik karena bentuk
gantungan kuncinya dibuat seperti potongan jari jempol, telunjuk dari kaki
sampai tangan, ada yang seperti tahu, temped an sayap ayam goreng.. sampai ke
alat vital laki-laki.. hehe.. sayang Andre tidak ikut.. saya jadi tidak punya
teman buat ngetawain benda yang satu itu.
There are
many street vendors selling various kinds of food, drink, accessories, gloves, socks,
key rings.. I found one vendor who sells key rings made like thumbs, toes,
pointer finger, foot, fried tofu, tempeh, chicken wing.. to man’s penis..
hehe.. too bad Andre didn’t come.. we would have a great laugh seeing this
Ada pelukis, pembuat siluet, tukang tato paling banyak..
wah, Andre bakal ngiler kalau ngeliatnya.. tapi untung juga dia tidak ikut.
Saya tidak akan ngijinin dia buat tato di tukang tato jalanan. Siapa bisa jamin
jarumnya steril atau tidak? Saya yang ngiler pengen buat tato temporer saja
There were
street painter, silhouette painter, tattoo artist.. Andre would drool if he
were there.. but lucky he weren’t. I wouldn’t let him have tattoo from street
tattoo artist. Who could guarantee the needle. Would it properly sterilized? I
wouldn’t have temporary tattoo though I really wanted to have one.
Mau foto di depan mobil kuno? Ada tukang potretnya. Bayar
Rp.20.000 untuk selembar foto ukuran 4R.
Want to
have your picture taken infront of old cars? You can find the cars and the
photographer. Cost you Rp.20.000 for a postcard photo size.
Ada peramal juga lho. Menarik tapi saya ogah duduk dipinggir
jalan dan ramalannya di dengar sejuta umat. Ya kalau ramalannya bagus semua..
kalau ga gimana yooo?.. hehe..
There were
fortune tellers as well. Interesting but I didn’t feel like sitting on the
sidewalk and the entire passers by could hear the fortune teller tells about
the secrets of my life. Not a problem if it is a good one.. but how if not?
Kalau mau datang ke sini sebaiknya membawa uang lebih dari
Rp.100.000 supaya tidak ragu kalau mau beli ini itu, berfoto dan jajan
sepuasnya atau mungkin ikut tur naik sepeda ontel di gonceng oleh guide.
bring money more than Rp.100.000 so you can buy anything you want, take as many
photos as you wish or maybe take the tour riding on old bicycle with the guide.
Saya hanya membeli 4 gelang yang harga totalnya Rp.13.000.
I bought 4 bracelets for total of Rp.13.000,-
Kalau saya datang lagi ke tempat ini, saya pasti akan bawa
duit lebih banyak.. hehe.. soalnya ada banyak yang mau saya beli.. hehe..
When I
return to this place, I definitely will bring more money as I want to buy more
things.. hehe..
Kami sampai di Bogor hampir jam 9 malam. Tiba di rumah teman
saya mungkin sekitar jam 10. Tidur tengah malam. Haduh mak, capeknya.. tapi
senangnya juga segudang..
It was nearly 9 pm
when we got back in Bogor. It was probably 10 pm when we got at my friend’s
place. Went to bed at midnight. Gosh, I was so damn tired.. but also so damn happy..
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