Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Shopping Spree - The Trip

“Aye pengen beli baju”

“I want to buy some clothes”

“Buat natalan”

“For Christmas”

“Baju-baju buat kerja sudah pada butut. Itu gue beli tahun 1995an”

“My clothes for work have worn out. I bought them in the 1995s”

Kami berempat berembuk dan kesepakatan pun dibuat; ke Mangga Dua hari Selasa (2/12). Tiga dari kami bebas tugas setiap hari Selasa.

The four of us discussed it and made an arrangement; go to Mangga Dua on Tuesday (Dec 2nd).

Bukan berarti di Bogor kurang mall atau pertokoan. Kesepakatan ini dibuat karena kami sama-sama ingin jalan bareng dan karena ingin tahu Mangga Dua itu kayak gimana sih.

It doesn’t mean there is not enough malls or stores in Bogor. The deal was made because we wanted to go out together and because we wanted to know what Mangga Dua looks like.

                                   * * * * *

Selasa, jam 8.30 pagi..

Tuesday, 8.30 am..

Kami berkumpul di stasiun kereta api. Nyantai aja ya. Pilih kereta yang masih kosong supaya semua dapat duduk.

We gathered at the train station. Not in a hurry. Let’s take the less crowded train so everyone could get a seat.

Nah, kalau empat orang yang punya rasa humor kurang lebih sama sudah pada ngumpul, di jamin, sepanjang perjalanan pulang pergi pasti ramai dengan canda, tawa dan ledekan.

So, when four people with same sense of humor get together, the trip was definitely filled with jokes, laugh and tease.

Kelucuan pertama terjadi saat kami meminta tolong (setengah maksa) petugas KA untuk memotret kami berempat di depan kereta api yang lagi parkir.

The first funny incident happened when we asked (insistly) the train officer to take our picture infront of the train.

“Tu ada petugasnya”

“There’s the officer”

“Dia lagi tugas”

“He is on duty”

“Temannya lagi ga ngapa-ngapain”

“His friend isn't”

“Mas, tolong potretin kita donggg!”

“Sir, please take our picture!”

Sementara yang tiga sibuk berdebat, yang satu lagi sudah berteriak memanggil petugas itu.. hehe..

While the three of us were busy debating with one another, the other has called out to the officer.. lol..

                                            * * * * *

Kelucuan kedua adalah perkara pipis.. hehe..

The second funny thing is regarding taking a pee.. lol..

Seorang dari kami sampai dijuluki ‘keran dol’ karena rajin pipis. Padahal dia masih muda.

One of us got the nickname ‘broken tap’ because she went to the toilet to take a pee more often than the rest of us. And she is considerably young.

“Ckckck.. Kalah dia sama yang nenek-nenek” kata rekan kami yang paling tua “yang nenek-nenek malah jarang kencing”

“Hmm.. look at her” said our colleague who is the oldest among us “and I am the oldest among you all, and this granny doesn’t pee often”

Tapi soal pipis bisa jadi nyebelin buat yang nungguin. Di stasiun Bogor, misalnya, saking lamanya nunggu dua dari kami yang lagi pipis, saya dan rekan saya yang paling tua itu sampai sempat foto-fotoan.. hehe..

But this pee thing could be upsetting for the ones who waited. At Bogor train station, for example, me and our oldest colleague could take some photos of ourselves while we waited so long for the other two returned from the toilet after peed.. lol..

Kejadian yang sama terjadi lagi setelah kami selesai makan siang di Mangga Dua. Lagi-lagi saya dan rekan kami yang paling tua menunggu mereka berdua kembali dari toilet.

Same thing happened after we had lunch at Mangga Dua mall. Once again me and our oldest colleague waited while the other two went to the toilet to pee.

Tunggu punya tunggu.. kok lama banget ya? Ini pada ketiduran di toilet atau toiletnya ada di Bogor sih?

Minutes passed.. what took them so long? Are they fall to sleep in the toilet or the toilet is in Bogor?

“Telponnya ga di angkat, Ke” kata rekan saya.

“They didn’t answer the phone, Keke” said my colleague.

“Pesan BB saya juga belum di jawab” kata saya.

“My BB message hasn’t answered yet either” I told her.

Wah, kami mulai gelisah. Apa ada yang sakit? Atau terjadi sesuatu karena toiletnya berada agak jauh dari tempat kami makan.

We both became restless. Were any of them got sick? Or something happened because the toilet was quite far from the place we had lunch.

“Saya susul dulu deh, Ke” kata rekan saya.

“Let me see what’s keeping them so long” said my colleague.

Beberapa menit kemudian dia kembali sambil setengah menggerutu karena rupanya dua kawan kami itu mampir ke toko sepatu dalam perjalanan kembali dari toilet.. hadeeuuhh, bilang-bilang dong..

Few minutes later she returned, half grumbled because the two made a stop at a shoe shop on their way back from the toilet.. geez guys, you could call or message us to let us know about it..

Jengkel tapi juga lucu, kami menyusul mereka. Dan kami pun berfoto di depan kaca di toko sepatu itu.

Upset but tickled by it, we met them at the shoe shop. And we took photo infront of its mirror.

Kelucuan ketiga terjadi ketika saya pipis di stasiun Jakarta Kota. Kami akan pulang ke Bogor tapi kereta belum datang. Jadi saya memanfaatkannya dengan pergi pipis dulu.

The third one happened when I went to the toilet at Jakarta Kota train station. We were going back to Bogor but the train hasn’t arrived. So I went to the toilet to pee.

Eh, waktu keluar dari toilet, saya lihat yang lainnya sudah bergegas pergi.. waduh, keretanya sudah datang ya? Kok ga pada bilang-bilang sih? untung pas saya keluar dari toilet sehingga saya masih melihat mereka, coba kalau saya keluar dan mereka sudah tidak ada.. bingung kan nyariin pada kemana..

When I got out the toilet, I saw the others were walking hurriedly.. the train has arrived? Why didn’t anyone came to the toilet to tell me about it? lucky me to get out of it in time to see them leaving, how if I were few seconds late and they have left the place where they waited.. would make me search for them frantically..

Saya pun lari terbirit-birit mengejar mereka sampai tidak sadar seorang dari kami sedang pergi ke toko. Nah lo, kok gue yang tadi ditinggalin, malah akhirnya jadi yang duluan naik ke kereta.. hehe..

I hurriedly ran to catch up with them that I didn't realize of them went to a nearby convenient store. Once I was aboard the train, I thought whatta?? I was the one you guys left behind, only to become the first one who got on board the train.. lol..

Belakangan juga saya baru tahu rupanya selagi saya pipis, seorang dari mereka berfoto dengan memakai topi yang saya beli di Mangga Dua.. “buruan foto, mumpung yang punya topi lagi pipis”

Later I found out that while I was in the toilet, one of them took picture of herself wearing the hat I bought at Mangga Dua.. “hurry, take my picture while the hat’s owner is in the toilet”

Hahaha.. seru kan?

Hahaha.. isn't it hysterical?

Ceritanya berlanjut lagi dipostingan berikutnya.

The story continues in my next post.

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