Pernah mengalami hal-hal yang terjadi beruntun dalam waktu
sehari atau mungkin hanya dalam selang waktu beberapa menit?
Have you experienced
things happened one after another in one day or maybe in just few minutes
Hari Rabu lalu (14/8) rasanya belum ada 5 menit saya sampai
di kantor, koster datang ke ruangan saya. (koster
adalah sebutan untuk orang yang tugasnya membersihkan gereja).
Last Wednesday (August
14th) it felt as if I just got at the office for about 5 minutes
when the cleanercame to my room.
“Kak, kemarin bapak ... datang. Saya disuruh beli cat dan kuas
buat ngecat tembok dan pagar” katanya “Katanya uangnya minta ke kakak”
“Sis, Mr. ... came yesterday.
He told me to buy brush and paint to paint the wall and the fence” he said “He
said to ask you to give me the money”
Saya mengerutkan kening “Dia bilang gitu?”
I raised my eye brows
“He said that?”
Koster kantor nyengir sambil mengangguk. Walau pun belum
lama dia bekerja di kantor saya tapi dia kelihatannya tahu saja kalau saya
mulai bertanduk, bertaring dan berasap..
The cleaning boy grinned
as he nodded. He hasn’t worked here long but he can tell whenever I am pissed
Saya tertawa kering “Haduh, apa dia pikir saya pegang duit
petty cash sampai setengah juta?”
I laughed drily “Geez,
did he think I have half millions in my petty cash?”
Setiap minggu bagian keuangan memberi saya uang petty cash
masing-masing seratus ribu untuk pos keperluan kantor dan pos brt (barang rumah
Treasury department give
me one hundred rupiah each for office utilities post and for office household
Uang itu ditujukan
untuk pengeluaran-pengeluaran rutin yang ada hubungannya dengan pos
The money is to be used for each post's routine expenses.
Kalau misalnya printer kantor kehabisan tinta maka saya
harus membeli tinta baru atau mengisi ulang tinta dengan dana yang bukan
termasuk dalam kedua petty cash itu. Biasanya saya meminta uang terpisah untuk
membeli tinta itu atau membelinya dengan uang saya (kalau saldo petty cash
tidak mencukupi) dan kemudian bagian keuangan akan menggantinya.
If for example office
printer is run out of ink, I buy new ink or has it refilled using separate
funds, not using petty cash funds. I usually ask for that funds or buy it with
my own money (if petty cash is short in balance) and treasury department will
reimburse it.
Hari Rabu itu sekali pun saldo kedua petty cash tersebut
digabungkan, tetap tidak akan mencukupi untuk dipakai membeli cat dan kuas.
On that Wednesday the
balance of both petty cash was not enough to cover the expenses to buy the paint and
Belum lama ini saya mengecat rumah jadi saya tahu harga cat
tembok, cat besi dan kuas. Cat tembok yang saya pakai bukanlah kwalitas nomor
satu tapi itu saja harga sekalengnya sudah hampir seratus ribu. Nah, sudah
pasti kantor memilih cat yang kwalitasnya lebih baik dan tentu saja harganya
pasti di atas seratus ribu.
I recently painted my
house so I know the price of paint for wall and fence and brush. I used not high
quality paint to paint my house wall and its price is almost one hundred
rupiah. The office would definitely choose better quality and the price is
definitely more than one hundred rupiah.
Dan tidak mungkin satu kaleng cukup. Minimal dua kaleng. Itu
lebih dari dua ratus ribu dan itu pengeluaran hanya untuk cat tembok. Belum cat
pagar, thinner dan kuas.
And one can wouldn’t be
enough. It would need at least two cans of paint. It means it would be more
than two hundred rupiah just to buy paint for the wall. There were paint for
the fence, thinner and brushes.
Saya perkirakan diperlukan dana sekitar tiga-empat ratus
I calculated it would
cost between three-four hundred rupiah.
Saldo kedua petty cash tidak sampai dua ratus ribu karena
sudah terpakai.
Both petty cash balance
was less than two hundred rupiah as I have spent some for office necessities.
Lantas apa saya harus nombokin dengan uang pribadi saya?
Yee.. emangnya tiap hari saya bawa duit segepok?
So did I have to cover
it with my own money? Geez.. do you think I bring lots of money to work?
Ya, minta dong duitnya ke bagian keuangan.., anda pasti akan
bilang begitu.
Go ask the man in
treasury department for the money.., you would tell me that.
Masalahnya adalah, dia tidak standby setiap hari di kantor.
Saya menelponnya tapi kalau dia tidak bisa datang.. gimana yo? Padahal katanya
itu semuanya harus sudah selesai di cat sebelum tanggal 17.
The problem is, he is
not in the office everyday and it is not everyday that he can come to the
office. I did call him but if he couldn’t come.. what would it be? And the
painting work should be done before the 17th.
Yang bikin saya heran dan kesal adalah kok tidak dari
beberapa hari sebelumnya saya diberitahu. Kenapa tidak ada telpon atau sms.
Pemberitahuan hanya lewat koster. Tidak kontak langsung ke saya atau ke bagian
What amazed and upset me
is why didn’t I get any advance information about this thing. No call nor text.
The information was passed to me by the office cleaner. No personal call to me
nor to the treasury department.

I texted the man who
ordered the painting. Informed him the office cash was not enough and my
suggestion for him to personally contact the treasury department. I also called the treasury department person in charge, informed him about the funds for painting office gate and front wall and that office petty cash balance was not enough to cover it.
Gimana akhirnya? Untung saja bagian keuangannya mau datang ke kantor besoknya. Jadi bapak-bapak yang bersangkutan itu bisa saling bertemu dan bicara langsung tentang urusan perduitan.
How it ends? Good thing treasury department person in charge could come to the office the next day. So those gentlemen could meet and thus could talk directly about the painting funds.
* * * * *
Masih keriting dengan urusan di atas.., eh, cat merah dan
putih yang saya minta untuk dibeli ternyata belum di beli.
Still very much annoyed
by the above matter.., well, the red and white paints I asked to buy haven’t
been bought yet.
Saya lihat tiang-tiang bambu yang dipakai untuk mengibarkan
bendera warna cat merah dan putihnya sudah pudar. Jadi saya minta supaya koster
membeli cat merah dan putih. Nah, koster lain langsung dengan gagah perkasa
menawarkan diri untuk membeli cat itu. Jadi saya pun memberinya uang tiga puluh ribu
untuk membeli cat dan kuas.
I noticed the bamboos
used as flag poles had their red and white color faded. So I asked the cleaner
to buy red and white paints. Another cleaner with solid confident offered
herself to buy those paints. So I gave her thirty thousand rupiah to buy the
paints and brush.
Itu kejadiannya hari Senin..
It was on Monday..
48 jam kemudian.. kok
tiang-tiangnya belum di cat?
48 hours later.. howcome the poles have not painted yet?
Karena cat dan kuas belum dibeli..
Because the paint and brush have
not been bought yet.
??... Kenapa belum?
.. Kata si bapak tidak perlu di cat.. demikian jawaban yang saya dapatkan. Si bapak disini merujuk pada suami ybs.
..He said they don’t
need to be painted.. that was the answer given to me. This 'he' referred to her husband.
Lho? Tiang bendera
di cat kan adalah keputusan saya, bukan keputusan suami ibu.., saya menggigit
bibir karena ketelepasan bicara dengan nada judes.
The poles needed to be painted is my decision, not your husband’s decision.., I
bite my lip for have spoken in harsh tone.
Haduh.. haduh..
F***.. f***..
Yah, akhirnya baru hari itu cat dan kuas dibeli. Memerlukan waktu dua hari untuk mengeringkan tiang-tiang yang sudah di cat.
Well, the paints and brush were bought that day. It took two days to dry the poles after they were painted.
* * * * *
Kelar dengan dua urusan di atas.. ah, enaknya ngopi dulu deh
buat ngilangin kesel. Dan perut juga lapar nih. Baru ingat kalau tadi kan bawa
bekal roti.
After those matters were
done.. uh, coffee would be nice to release the stress. And my stomach has just
screamed. I just remember I brought a sandwich to the office.
Satu mug kopi dingin dan roti.. hmm..
A mug of ice coffee and
sandwich.. hmm..
Saya menaruh mug kopi, membuka tempat bekal saya,
memperhatikan setumpuk kerjaan di atas meja dan mulai memilah-milah mana yang
harus saya kerjakan..
I put the coffee mug,
opened my snack box, observed the papers on the desk and started to sort the
ones I should work on first..
Saya meraih mug kopi, mengangkatnya, siap untuk menikmati
tegukan pertama ketika.. telpon berdering.. dan mug kopi pun terpaksa
diletakkan kembali..
I took the coffee mug,
raised it up, ready to enjoy the first sip when.. the phone rang.. and the
coffee mug should be put back on the table..
“Kak, saya ga bawa dompet” suara panik rekan saya terdengar
lewat telpon “Gimana saya bayar angkot?”
“Sis, I didn’t bring my
wallet” my colleague panicked voice heard over the phone “How would I pay
angkot fare?”
Holy crap..
“Tenang, nanti kalau sudah sampai, kamu bilang ke supirnya
supaya tunggu dulu. Kamu minta duit ke satpam. Kan pos satpam di depan kantor.
Disitu selalu ada satpam. Pinjam duit dulu dari satpam yang jaga disitu”
“Easy, when you arrive
at the office, tell the driver to wait. You go to the security, the post is at
the front, right, you go there and asked the guard there to borrow some money
to pay for angkot fare”
“Nanti kalau kamu kelar rapat, saya suruh koster jemput
“I will send the cleaner
to pick you up from the meeting”
Ok. Satu masalah lagi teratasi.. sekarang minum kopi dulu..
“Ok. Another problem was solved.. it's coffee time now..
“Kak, ada tamu” koster mengetuk pintu ruangan saya. Yaaa.. kopi tersayang, mau kapan ya saya bisa minum kamu..
“Sis, there’s someone to
see you” the cleaner knocked my door. Sigh.. my dear coffee, it seemed I couldn't have the time to drink you..
* * * * *
Kelar dengan tamu dan beberapa urusan administrasi..
After the guest left and
several paper work later..
Eh, tadi lagi mau ngapain ya?.. saya berpikir-pikir.. oh
iya, kan lagi mau minum kopi, makan roti dan ngerjain beberapa kerjaan..
What was I about to do a
moment ago?.. I thought it a while.. oh yes, I was about to drink my coffee,
have my sandwhich and do some paper work..
Tapi kayaknya kebelet pipis nih. Terakhir kali saya pipis,
waktu di rumah, kira-kira jam 7, sebelum berangkat ke kantor. Sekarang sudah
jam 11!
But I needed to pee. The
last time I pee was at home, at around 7 am, before I left to work. It is 11
Baru sampai di depan pintu toilet.. telpon diruangan saya
berdering.. waduhh.. saya lari pontang-panting ke ruangan..
I just got to toilet
door.. the phone in my room rang.. arrgghh.. I ran back to my room..
“Keke, ibu-ibu yang tugas hari Minggu nanti semuanya berkebaya.
Kamu belum dikasih tahu ya?”
“Keke, the ladies whom will be in charge this Sunday wear kebaya. You haven’t been informed, have you?”
Oh, belum bu.. sori, tadi sms saya salah dong..
No, I haven’t, ma’am..
sorry, so I spread the wrong information in my previous text..
Yah, berarti saya harus kirim sms koreksi.. aduh, tahan,
Ke.. jangan ngompol ya.. kebelet pipis banget nih tapi ini sms juga penting..
So, it means I had to
send pass the right information by text.. aww, hold it, Keke.. don’t pee your pants..
I am so needed to pee but this is an important text..
Kelar mengirim sms itu.. saya lari pontang panting ke
toilet.. yah, sebelum ada telpon lagi berdering, sebelum ada tamu lagi yang
datang, sebelum ada krisis lagi, sebelum ada masalah lagi, sebelum, sebelum dan
sebelum… gue pipis duluuu!
Once done with that
text.. I ran back to the toilet.. yeah, before the phone rang, before another
guest came, before another crisis appears, before another problem hit, before,
before and before… let me go peeee!
* * * * *
Kembali ke ruangan saya..
Back to my room..
“Ke, besok kita pergi survey duitnya ada ga?” tanya rekan
“Keke, do we have some
money for the survey tomorrow?” asked my colleague.
“Duit? Duit buat apa?” dengan begonya saya bertanya.
“Money? What money?” I
dumbedly asked.
“Buat bayar konsumsi, bayar tiket masuk, bayar uang panjar
buat sewa tempat”
“To pay for lunch, the
entrance ticket to the park, the rent down payment”
Nah lo.. saya kan ikut survei sebagai seksi dokumentasi.
Oh no.. I am going on that survey to make documentation.
“Siapa yang harus ngurusin soal-soal begini?” tanya saya.
“Who is incharge for
these kind of things?” I asked.
“Ketua bidang ..” jawab rekan saya “Telpon deh, Ke, tanya
apa duitnya sudah siap?”
“The head of ..” replied
my colleague “Call her, Keke, ask if the money is ready?”
Saya pun menelpon..
I made that phone call..
“Berapa ya, Ke?” wadoh.. besok pagi mau jalan dan belum ada perkiraan mau bawa uang berapa
“How much do you think,
Keke?” you gotta be kidding me.. we will
go tomorrow morning and you have no idea how much money we should bring?
Setelah hitung menghitung dan sedikit berdiskusi, kami
sepakat lima ratus ribu.
After doing some
calculating and a little discussion, we agreed five hundred thousand would be
“Tolong telponin ibu ... ya, Ke. Aku lagi di jalan
“Could you do me a favor
to call Mrs. ..., Keke. I am on the road right now”
Saya menelpon lagi..
I made another phone
* * * * *
Sorenya saya kembali sendiri diruangan saya. Sambil
mengerjakan beberapa kerjaan, saya pasang earphone untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu
berirama cepat. Sesekali saya berdiri untuk menandak-nandak mengikuti irama
lagu yang menghentak itu.
I was alone in my room
in the afternoon. As I did some work, I put my earphone to listen to fast beat
songs. Sometimes I got up to dance around while listening to those songs.
Yah, mesin saya yang panas kan harus didinginkan dan saya
tidak bisa mendinginkannya dengan berdoa, duduk diam atau mendengarkan musik
Yeah so my heated
machine needed to be cooled down and I can’t do that by praying, sit in silence
or listening to slow music.
Jadi saya menandak-nandak dan membayangkan memukul drum
sekeras-kerasnya diiringi oleh lagu-lagu seperti ini.
So I danced around and
imagining hitting the drum as hard as I could as these songs played.
Oh, yes.. they
cooled me down..
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