Minggu (27/7).. jam 4 pagi.. duh, ini sudah pagi ya?.. 5
menit lagi ah..
Sunday (July 27th)..
4 am.. is it morning already?.. give me 5 more minutes..
4.15.. ya ampun! Sudah jam berapa sekarang?
4.15 am.. gosh! What
time is it now?
4.25.. ga pengen bangun, ga pengen kerja.. eh, ga tau diri, lu! bukannya bersyukur
punya pekerjaan.. bukannya bangun dengan hati bersyukur, ini malah berkeluh
kesah.. hiks..
4.25 am.. don’t wanna
get up, don’t wanna go to work.. hey, you, stop
whinning! Should be grateful to have a job.. should get up with a grateful
heart, instead, you groan..
4.35.. belum, Doggie, belum boleh keluar.. ini masih pagi
banget. Nanti ya..
4.35 am.. no, Doggie,
you can’t go out yet.. it’s still dark outside. Later ok..
Jam 5.. Ke, sarapan
yang bener dong, mana kenyang makan secuil begitu.. komentar bokap sewaktu
melihat porsi sarapan saya yang super duper seuprit.. yah, jam 5 pagi begini
yang ada sih bukan lapar tapi ngantuk..
5 am.. Keke, that’s not
a proper portion.. dad protested when he saw my tiny portion of breakfast.. geez,
at this hour I am not hungry, I am sleepy..
5.30.. belum, Doggie.. belum boleh keluar.. jangan
ngebuntutin terus dong (Doggie membuntuti saya karena ingin saya membukakan
pintu supaya dia bisa keluar. Saya mandi, dia duduk di depan pintu kamar mandi.
Saya dandan di kamar, dia ikut masuk dan membaringkan diri di lantai. Saya
sarapan, dia duduk di dekat kaki saya..)
5.30 am.. no, Doggie..
you can’t get out yet.. stop following me around (Doggie followed me around
because he wanted me to open the door so he could get outside the house. I took
a bath and he sat infront the bathroom door. I get dressed, he got inside and
lied down on the floor. I had breakfast, he sat near my foot..)
Jam 6.15.. mang, mau
jalan atau ngetem?.. ga apa-apa kalau mau ngetem, tapi jangan ngajak-ngajak
saya.. (buset si Keke.., pagi-pagi sudah judes ke supir angkot.. hehe..
sori mang, tapi percuma aja keluar rumah pagi-pagi cuma buat duduk bengong di
angkot yang lagi ngetem. Kalau ngetemnya cuma 5 menit sih ok aja, tapi 15
menit, bro.. Jaka Sembung ngasah golok banget)
6.15.. are you leaving now or are you gonna wait
for passanger?.. that’s fine if the last is your option, carry on without me..
(Nice, Keke.., it’s still early to be nasty to angkot driver.. hehe.. sorry, but
what’s the point of leaving the house early in the morning only to sit in
angkot that is waiting for passanger. It’s ok if it’s just for 5 minutes, but
15 minutes, bro.. you don’t wanna see me go crazy)
6.30.. kalau angkot jalannya ga kayak kura-kura, ga rajin
berhenti dan jalanan bebas macet, 10 menit sampai.. jalan kaki dikit kira-kira
5 menit.. sampai deh di kantor.
6.30.. if angkot doesn’t
go as slow as a turtle, not making many stops and the traffic is not jammed, it
takes only 10 minutes.. follow by walking about 5 minutes.. and I get at the
6.35 - 8.00.. cek dan ricek, persiapan-persiapan terakhir
sebelum ibadah mulai lengkap dengan segala kemeriahan hal-hal yang bikin
senewen.. pagi ini misalnya.. Ke, windows
di laptop ga bisa dibuka.. waduh??.. 5 menit kemudian.. Beres, Ke..
6.35 - 8.00.. check and
re-check, last preparation before the service began, all full with merry nerve
breaking stuff.. this morning for example.. Keke,
can’t open windows in laptop.. huh??.. 5 minutes later.. it’s working,
Baru lagi tarik napas lega.. Ka, sudah jam 7.45.. pembicaranya belum datang. Dia tahu kan lokasi
kita? atau kena macet?.. iya, nanti gue telpon biar tahu posisinya ada dimana
dia.. eh, baru angkat telpon, pembicaranya masuk..
Just sighed the relief..
Sis, it’s 7.45.. the speaker hasn’t
arrived yet. Does he knows our location? Or got stuck in the traffic?.. I’ll
call him to know where he is now.. well, I was just picked up the phone
when the speaker walked in..
Dan orang-orang terus berdatangan. Hai, Keke.. pagi, Keke..
semua gembira bertemu dengan saya.. orang yang mereka temui seminggu sekali..
And people came. Hi, Keke.. morning, Keke.. everyone looked happy to meet me.. somebody whom
they met once a week..
Saya juga gembira bertemu dengan mereka.
I was happy to meet them
as well.
-- Absence
makes the heart longed --
8.15.. wah, perut kukuruyuk nih.. semua sudah duduk manis di
ruang ibadah, ruangan saya sepi.. enaknya sarapan ronde kedua. Bekal makan siang
di makan dikit ah.. hmm, sambil ngopi.. sedappp..
8.15 am.. aww, my
stomach just screamed.. well, everyone has taken their seat in the room,
leaving my room empty.. perfect time to have second round of breakfast. I’ve
got my lunch meal, just had some of it.. mmm, with a glass of coffee.. yumm..
Tidak ibadah?
Not attending the
Ga takut jadi kafir lu? Ga takut sama penilaian orang? Ga
takut sama neraka?
Not afraid to become a
gentile? Not worry about what people may think about you? Not scared of hell?
Kehidupan adalah ibadah, Tuhan mengajar lewat hal-hal yang
terjadi dalam kehidupan dan Dia bicara lewat perbuatan, sikap serta kata-kata
saya atau orang lain.
Life is the service, God
teaches through the things in life and He speaks through my own attitude,
behavior and words, mine or others.
Saya punya cara dan pengertian sendiri tentang ibadah.
Lantas kenapa kalau hal itu tidak sama dengan cara dan pengertianmu? Memangnya
isi kepala kita harus selalu sama?
I have my own way and
understanding about service. What’s the big deal if it’s different with
yours? Must we have same minds?
11.00.. ibadah sudah lama selesai. Orang-orang pulang. Ah, sepi juga akhirnya.
Tinggal saya dan teman-teman terdekat. Ka,
kita jalan-jalan yuk ke PGB..Jadilah saya dan tiga orang teman pergi ke mal PGB. Window shopping dan akhirnya beli ini itu juga.
11 am.. the service has long over. People have gone home. It was quiet.. ah, at last.. There were just me and few closet friends stayed in the office. Hey sis, let's go to PGB mall.. so me and three friends went there. Window shopping that ended up with each of us bought stuff.
Besok Lebaran dan di pinggir jalan penuh dengan pedagang
musiman. Wah nyesel ga bawa kamera. Mmm..
kalau motret tapi ga beli dagangannya, kira-kira bakal di sambit pake sandal ga
ya sama abang penjualnya?.. hehe..
It’s Lebaran day
tomorrow and the sidewalk was full with vendors. Shot, I forgot to bring my
camera. Mmm.. but if I just take pictures without buying anything, would the
vendor throw his sandal at me?.. lol..
Jadi deh motretnya ngumpet-ngumpet dan pake kamera hp..
tidak terlalu berharap fotonya bakal bagus tapi ternyata hasilnya tidak
jelek-jelek banget.
So I sneaked to take
picture and it was using my cellphone.. didn’t expect it to be a good one but
it turned out not so bad.
Wah, banyak banget orang di dalam mall PGB. Sampai susah jalan. Tapi kami maju
terus, pantang mundur dong..
Gosh, it was so crowded in PGB Mall.
Hard to get through such crowd. But we kept moving, not a quitter..
Jam 1 siang.. kami berpisah. Pulang ke rumah masing-masing.
1 pm.. we splitted. Went
Sampai rumah; mandi, makan dan tidurrr..
Arriving home; took a shower, had lunch and went to bed..
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