Beberapa hari lalu rekan saya sedang menceritakan tentang
celana pendek yang dipakainya. Lalu entah bagaimana dia rupanya teringat pada
celana pendeknya yang sobek ketika dia berjongkok. Insiden yang bikin dia
senewen setengah mati karena terjadinya di kantor.
“Add it with a tank top,
worn off jeans jacket, punk hairstyle and tattoo” I went on “Of Dora Emon and
Shaun The Sheep”
“Hah??” rekan saya kontan tertawa geli “Penampilan sudah
sangar gitu, tatonya gambar Doraemon, Shaun The Sheep?? Sekalian aja bawahnya
pake sandal Hello Kitty warna pink”
“Whatta??” she
spontaneously laughed “A rocker with Doraemon, Shaun The Sheep tattoo?? Why
not having a pair of Hello Kitty pink sandals too?”
A laugh is not just a
days ago a colleague told me about the shorts she wore. As she was telling this
she remembered another shorts that ripped when she kneeled. An incident that
made her panic because it happened in the office.
“Shouldn’t sew it” she said
“It would be rocker style shorts”
“Lebih mantap lagi kalau atasannya tank top, jaket jeans
belel yang juga sobek-sobek, rambut gaya punk dan ber-tato” saya menambahkan
“Tapi tatonya gambar Doraemon, Shaun The Sheep..”



Kami berdua tertawa terpingkal-pingkal membayangkan seperti
apa penampilannya dengan atribut seperti itu.
We had quite a laugh
thinking how she would look like with those outfit.
“Waduh, meriah betul ketawanya” kata rekan saya yang lain
ketika dia masuk ke ruangan saya. Dia ikut tertawa padahal dia tidak tahu apa
yang sedang kami tertawakan.
“What a laugh you have
here” another colleague said as she entered my room. She was laughing though
she didn’t know what we were laughing about.
Ketika kami ceritakan tentang penampilan rocker nyeleneh itu, dia
tidak bisa membayangkan apanya yang lucu tapi toh dia tidak bisa tidak tertawa ketika mendengar kami berdua
kembali tertawa terpingkal-pingkal saat menceritakan padanya tentang penampilan
imajinari tersebut.
She couldn’t see what was
so funny when we told her about our imajinary rocker appearance in that kind of
outfit. However, she couldn’t hold herself not to laugh when she heard us
laughing as we told her about it.
* * *
* * *
“Tukang-tukangnya hari ini absen lagi” ibu saya bercerita
tentang para tukang yang sedang membangun rumah tetangga kami “Sering banget
tidak datangnya”
“The construction worker are absent again
today” my mother told me about the workers who are building our neighbor’s
house “They have been absent too often”
“Ya mungkin mereka lagi pada datang bulan” jawab saya sekenanya
karena sedang makan.
they probably are having their period” I said it without thinking because I was eating my dinner.
Ibu saya terpana mendengar jawaban saya.. untuk kemudian
tertawa geli.
stunned my mother.. a moment later she laughed.
“Tukangnya lagi datang bulan” ibu saya terpingkal-pingkal “Ada-ada
aja kamu”
are having their period” she laughed “You are so sily”
Saya cuma nyengir. Tidak menduga jawaban ngasal itu
menggelitik rasa humor dan imajinasi ibu saya.
grinned. Not expected to make her tickle with my imaginary sily answer.
Tapi saya senang mendengarnya tertawa.
I love to hear her laugh.
Selama 3 tahun kesehatannya menyiksa tidak hanya dirinya
tapi juga saya dan ayah saya. Pada waktu itu ada hari-hari dimana rasanya
matahari tidak akan pernah menyinari kehidupan kami lagi.
3 years her health condition tortured not only herself but me and my father as
well. At that time there were days when it felt as if the sun wouldn’t shine in
our lives anymore.
Dalam 3 tahun itu rasanya kalau bisa saya rela bertukar
nyawa dengannya asalkan dia bisa kembali sehat dan ceria lagi.
those 3 years I felt I would give my life for her if it could make her well and
cheerful again.
Tapi kesehatannya membaik sejak awal tahun ini. Kemajuannya
bahkan sangat pesat. Kami semua sangat gembira dan bersyukur.
she gets better since the beginning of this year. There is quite a progress in
her health. We are so very happy and grateful for that.
* * *
* * *
“Pak, kalau gudang genset kita pakai untuk office boy,
lantas gensetnya kita taruh dimana?” tanya saya pada senior saya.
“Sir, if we
use generator’s storage room for office boy’s room, where are we going to put the
generator?” I asked my senior.
“Taruh diluar” jawab beliau.
was his answer.
“Siapa yang mau tanggung jawab kalau hilang?”
“Who would
take the responsibility if it is stolen?”
“Dibikinin teralis, Ke. Kayak kandang anjing gitu”
“We will
make sort of cage for it, Keke. Like dog’s cage”
“Oh” saya mengangkat bahu “Gensetnya dikandangin”
“Oh” I
shrugged my shoulder “So it will be put in a cage”
“Iya, biar dia ga kabur” senior saya menatap saya sambil
“Yes, so it
won’t run away” my senior stared at me and grinned.
“Tinggal dipasangin pelang awas genset galak” jawab saya ikut nyengir.
“Put a sign
beware of fierce generator” I said as
I grinned broadly.
Senior saya kontan tertawa.
This gave
him a big laugh.
* * *
* * *
“Nonton apa sih kamu kok sampai lucu banget kayak gitu”
Andre menghampiri saya.
“What is it that you are
watching that makes you laugh merrily?” Andre came to me.
Saya kaget melihatnya “Kirain kamu lagi tidur”
It surprised me to see
him “I thought you were sleeping”
“Ah, ga bisa tidur” dia duduk di samping saya. Dipeluknya
saya “Lagi nonton apa sih? Dari tadi saya dengar kamu ketawa lucu banget”
“Couldn’t sleep” he sat
next to me. Gave me a hug “What are you watching? It must be so funny to make
you laugh like that”
“Itu” saya menunjuk layar televisi yang sedang menayangkan
film kartun Marsha.
“That” I pointed at the
tv screen. The cartoon Marsha was playing.
“Ya ampun” Andre tertawa “Jadi dari tadi kamu nonton film
“Man” he laughed “So you
have been watching cartoon?”
Dia menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya. Lalu diciumnya saya
dengan gemas.
He shook his head. Then
he kissed me.
“Begini deh kalau punya pacar masih suka nonton film kartun”
katanya geli “Mulai dari Mickey tikus, Donald bebek, Scooby Doo, Shaun The
Sheep.. sekarang ini apa kartun apa?”
“This is what you get if
you have a girlfriend who likes cartoon” he smiled “From Mickey mouse, Donald
duck, Scooby Doo, Shaun The Sheep.. up to.. say again, what cartoon is this
“Marsha” saya mencubitnya “Ssh.. jangan berisik.. tuh, anak
kecil itu namanya Marsha. Dia nakal banget. Jahil. Temannya si beruang yang
sayang sama dia tapi suka dibikin pusing dengan berbagai ulahnya”
“Marsha” I pinched him
“Ssh.. quiet.. there, the little girl is Marsha. She is so naughty.
Mischievous. Her friend, the bear, loves her but has oftenly have the headache
over her many mischievousness”
“Umur berapa sih kamu?” Andre meledek saya “Baru lima tahun
“How old are you?” he
teased me “Just five years old, aren’t ya?”
“Bawel” saya tertawa sambil mendorong mukanya karena
jenggotnya menggelitik ketika dia sengaja menggosokkan pipinya ke pipi saya
“Tuh, tonton aja si Marsha”
“Noisy” I laughed as I
pushed his face away because his beard tickled me when he deliberately caressed
his cheek on my cheek.
Jadilah sore itu kami duduk berpelukan sambil menonton film
kartun Marsha. Dan beberapa kali saya mendengar Andre tertawa melihat berbagai
ulah Marsha atau si beruang.
So we sat and hugging
each other on that afternoon as we watched the cartoon Marsha. And several
times I heard Andre laughed seeing Marsha and the bear’s actions.
Diam-diam saya tersenyum. Senangnya mendengar dia tertawa.
Sore itu terasa lebih indah karenanya.
I smiled quietly. Happy
to hear him laugh. It made the afternoon brighter.
* * *
* * *
Hanya tawa.. hal yang sangat sederhana.. terlalu sederhana
sampai rasanya tidak lagi memiliki arti.
Laugh.. a simple thing.. so simple that it has become meaningless.
Tapi cobalah pergi ke rumah sakit. Suara tawa jarang
terdengar di sana.
Go to the hospital. You rarely hear the sound of laugh there.
Lalu bagaimana saat berhadapan dengan guru yang galak atau atasan
yang punya tekanan darahnya melebihi tinggi gunung Everest? Rasanya tersenyum
saja sudah merupakan kejahatan besar ketika berada dengan mereka.
How would it be
like when having the presence of killer teacher or the boss whose blood
pressure is higher than mount Everest? Even a smile would feel like committing
a big crime at their presence.
Tapi tertawa tidak hanya melonggarkan urat syaraf yang
But laughing is
not just to chill the nerve.
Mendengar suara tawa orang-orang tersayang mampu membawa
It brings such a
joy to hear the laugh of loved ones.
Hampir seminggu setelah saya kembali ke Bogor setelah
melewatkan waktu tiga hari, dua malam bersama Santi dan keluarganya, saya masih
bisa mengingat dengan jelas suara tawa Kenzie.
It was nearly a
week has passed that I got back to Bogor after spent three days, two nights
with Santi and her family, I can still recall the sound of Kenzie laughing.
Dan saya juga sangat merindukannya.
And I miss him
so much.
Beberapa hari lalu senior saya menelpon saya dan kemudian
mampir ke kantor. Dua minggu kami tidak bertemu karena beliau sakit. Alangkah
senangnya saya ketika melihatnya dan mendengar tidak hanya suaranya tapi juga
Few days ago my
senior called me and later stopped by at the office. We haven’t met for two
weeks because he was sick. I was so happy to see him and to hear not only his
voice but also his laugh.
Saat itu saya sadar bahwa selama dua minggu saya merasa
kehilangan beliau, seseorang yang bukan saja seorang senior tapi telah menjadi
seorang kawan, sahabat, seorang figur ayah.
At that moment I
realized I missed him not just as a senior but a friend, a bestfriend, a father
Ada arti lebih dari sebuah tawa.
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