“Ke, sudah beli hadiah buat Belinda?” tanya wali kelas TK B Kamis pagi ini (26/5).
“Yaa, belon tuh, bu” saya nyengir “mana saya sempat”
“Saya beli pigura foto di Okedoku. Murah. Cuma 6 ribu” .. hehe. Wah, ketahuan deh modalnya. Jangan bilang-bilang Belinda ya.
“Bu, mau ga saweran sama saya hadiahnya?” tiba-tiba saya mendapat ide.
“Boleh aja” wali kelas TK B nyengir. Dia senang karena uangnya kembali 3 ribu. Saya juga senang karena tidak perlu repot memilih dan membeli hadiah. Hehe. Kalau tidak salah istilahnya simbiosis ya? Saling menguntungkan, gitu loh.
Tugas hari ini ada 3 setelah kami selesai berlatih main drama dan menari. Haduh. Tapi gerahnya itu, bo! Kelar latihan rasanya bukan cuma baju saya yang bisa di peras. Badan saya rasanya juga bisa diperas saking basah kuyup oleh keringat.
Sudah begitu kepsek setiap kali masuk ke kelas saya pasti akan menutup pintu kelas. Buset dah. Edun, panas-panas begini pintu ditutup??!! Mateng saja kami semua yang ada di dalam. Karena itu begitu beliau pergi, pintu itu saya buka lagi. Jadi mondar-mandirlah pintu itu dibuka-tutup-buka-tutup-buka lagi. Kalau pintunya bisa ngomong pastilah dia sudah ngomel panjang pendek. Hehe.
Tugas anak-anak yang pertama adalah menebalkan dan menulis huruf x. Lalu gambarnya di warnai.
Yang tidak mengerti pun bukan artinya harga mati. Ini tugas pertama dalam hal pengurangan. Jadi semua hanya soal pembiasaan saja. Kalau sudah terbentuk pengertian bagaimana cara mengerjakan pengurangan maka semua pasti akan bisa.
Tugas terakhir adalah menggunting boneka kertas. Wah. Rada juling saya. Anak ada yang mengeluh tidak bisa menggunting karena kertas ukuran A4 itu saya lipat menjadi 4 lipatan. Yang lain menggunting tidak karuan sampai kakinya dan kepala boneka ada yang putus. Weleh. Ini bonekanya habis di tabrak kereta api ya, saya menggoda mereka.
Setelah memotret di dalam kelas saya, tempat yang dijadikan lokasi untuk melangsungkan acara ultah itu, saya memilih untuk keluar mencari udara segar dan sejuk.Yang pertama adalah berfoto dulu dengan mamanya Nico (memakai topi Hokben) dan mamanya Kim didepan pintu kelas saya.
Keke, mamanya Nico & mamanya Kim di depan kelas saya / With Nico's mom (infront of me) & Kim's mother infront of my class |
Nico |
Kim |
Eh, ternyata yang diluar akhirnya membuat acara sendiri. Dari mulai ngobrol dan bercanda sampai berfoto-foto.
Jadilah foto-foto dengan pose gila seperti yang terlihat di bawah ini saat saya berfoto bersama Mamanya Michelle, Grace (mamanya Manuel, murid TK B), Esther (mamanya Dea), Mamanya Celnis (murid PG) dan Apin, mamanya Justin. Michelle, Dea dan Justin adalah anak-anak di kelas saya.
Celnis. Anak Playgroup / Celnis is Playgroup student |
Mama Michelle ikut gabung / Michelle's mother joined us |
Manuel |
Dea |
Michelle |
Justin |
Stevany |
![]() |
Keke & Mamanya Nico / Keke with Nico's mother. Making faces |
Tergelak-gelaklah saya kemudian mendengar mamanya Nico tertawa terbahak-bahak saat melihat hasil foto tadi karena dia tidak menyangka akan ada ‘penampakan’ muncul dibelakangnya saat sedang berfoto tadi. Hehe.
Dari semua ortu murid yang pernah saya temui dan kenal selama 6 tahun mengajar di TK ini, baru angkatan tahun 2009-2010 dan angkatan tahun 2010-2011 yang gila-gila orangnya. Dalam artian asyik banget untuk di ajak gaul. Sebegitu asyiknya sampai tidak terasa seperti hubungan guru dengan ortu murid karena kami seperti teman sebaya saja.
Saya sangat senang karena mereka juga bisa saling berteman baik satu dengan lainnya. Bahkan bisa dikatakan lumayan kompak. Tetaplah seperti itu selamanya. Tapi yang pasti saya akan sangat merindukan ‘kegilaan’ mereka.
Selamat Ulang Tahun ya, Belinda. Terima kasih buat goodie bag dan brownies kukusnya yang yummy.
Terima kasih untuk semua berkat dan kegembiraan yang diberikan kepada saya pada hari ini.
“What did you get for Belinda’s birthday?” B class teacher asked me this Thursday morning (May 26th).
“I haven’t got any time to buy her any present”
“I got her a photo frame which isn’t too expensive”
“Would you mind that we share that present?” I suddenly got an idea “I’ll pay half of its price”
She didn’t mind. She even happy to get half of her money back while I was happy that I didn’t need to spend time to buy it.
I gave the kids 3 tasks after we ran our play and dance rehearsals. But it was so darn hot that I was dripping with sweat literally. With all the heat headmaster would close the door whenever she came into my classroom. Man, it would boil us all inside! So once she left the room I opened the door again. This went repeatedly that I swear the door would yell out its frustration being shut-open-shut-reopen by headmaster and me. Lol.
I asked the kids to write the letter x.
Do subtraction which they could do pretty well considering there were just Justin and Kim who had the highest rate of difficulty on understanding how to do subtraction. The other 13 kids who attend class today could do it after heard me earlier explanation on how to do this task or after they got more personal explanation.
But this is the first time I gave them such task so it’s just a matter of time before they get used with it and then has no more problem to do subtraction.
The last task is to cut the paper doll. It made me quite tense to see how they couldn’t cut it well that there were missing legs and even one head. Lol. Is your doll just been hit by a train? I joked the kid who accidentally cut his or her doll’s leg.
For me, though, the fun began during Belinda’s birthday party. After taking some pictures in my classroom where the party was taken place, I went outside to get some fresh and cool air.
So eventually we who were outside made our own show. Not just joking around and chatting. We took pictures with these crazy poses as they’re shown below.
I didn’t even know precisely how funny we were on those photos before I uploaded them to the netbook. Its bigger screen allowed me to have a clearer view. It made myself laugh to see that there was a ‘dracula’ (Stevany’s father) behind us the girls (that consists the moms of Michelle, Dea, Justin, Manuel and Celnis. Michelle, Dea, Justin and Stevany are the kids in my class) who made funy poses.
I’ve earlier taken pictures with the moms of Nico and Kim (both kids are in my class too) infront of my class.
Another picture is actually made out of my prank. I saw Nico’s mother was posing infront of her cellphone camera. I quietly sneaked behind her and making funny face before rushedly left before she realized I stood behind her.
I laughed it out loud when I heard she laughed merrily after seeing the picture. Completely unaware of my presence behind her when the picture was taken. Lol.
Of all the parents I’ve met or known in my 6 years of teaching in this kindergarten, the ones in the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years are the craziest people. It means they’re a bunch of cool people.
My relationship with them isn’t formal as teacher – parents kind of relationship. Not at all. We’re like friends. Good friends. I’m happy to see that they can get along well with one another. They have strong togetherness feeling. May this stay forever.
I will definitely miss them a lot.
Happy Birthday, Belinda. Thank you a lot for the goodie bag and steamed brownies.
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