Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Monday, October 8, 2012

Xena.. er, the tomboy princess?

Masih ada yang ingat atau tahu film Xena, The Warrior Princess, yang pernah disiarkan di salah satu stasiun tv swasta sekitar tahun 1990an.

Nah, dulu saya pernah dijuluki Xena oleh teman-teman saya saking tomboynya saya. Sebelumnya saya juga pernah mendapat julukan cewek ganteng, cewek macho. Hehe.

Bukan salah bunda mengandung kalau saya terlahir dengan pembawaan begini. Saya tidak suka memakai rok, rambut selalu pendek, lebih suka menyandang ransel dan bersepatu kets. Bahkan sewaktu SMA dulu pernah beberapa kali naik gunung dan hampir saja memilih taekwondo sebagai kegiatan eskul kalau tidak karena dilarang bokap yang mungkin tidak mau anak perempuan satu-satunya menjadi semakin macho. Hehe.

Keke's collection of hairpin
Belakangan ini saya agak merubah penampilan dan semuanya berawal dari hal-hal yang tidak terduga. Yang pertama adalah tiba-tiba saja bosan dengan gaya rambut. Berubahlah gaya sisirannya. Kemudian ditambahi jepit rambut.

 Sesudah itu urusan alas kaki. Lagi jalan-jalan ke Ekalokasari (Elos) tiba-tiba lihat ada sepatu cantik. Setelah dicoba, kok kayaknya enak dikaki dan bentuknya pun pas dengan model kaki saya. Walau mata saya hampir copot ketika melihat harganya 200 ribu!. Tapi ya sudahlah, berhubung saya kepingin banget, saya belilah sepatu itu. Udahannya sih dengan hati agak dag-dig-dug dan rasa bersalah karena telah menghamburkan duit 200 ribu hanya untuk sepasang sepatu, saya menunggu komentar si bule.

Dan tidak membutuhkan waktu lama bagi dia untuk melihat ada yang beda dengan kaki saya.

“New shoes?” dia bersiul. Sepatu baru?


“Looks beautiful on you”. Kelihatan cantik dikaki kamu.

“Do you think so?”. Beneran?

“Is this mean you gonna throw away those sneakers?”. Jadi kamu ga bakal pake lagi tuh sepatu kets kamu?

“Well, actually, I’m thinking of getting a new one”. Sebetulnya sih lagi mikir buat beli sepatu kets yang baru.

“Why don’t you wear something nice like these?”. Dia mengangkat sebelah kaki saya dan meletakkannya diatas lututnya. Kenapa sih kamu ga mulai pake sepatu model gini aja?

“They are not cheap” saya menahan napas. Ini ga murah.

“How much are they?”. Berapa harganya?

“Two hundred thousand”. Dua ratus ribu.


“No! I couldn’t afford it if they were in dollar”. Saya spontan tertawa. Ga bakal mampu gue beli kalo harganya dalam dollar.

“Rupiah?” dia tersenyum lalu merogoh kantong, mengambil dompetnya.

“I don’t need any reimbursement” kata saya buru-buru. Ga perlu diganti.

“I don’t mind” dia mengulurkan uang 200 ribu. Saya ga keberatan.

“Honey, I bought them with your money” saya tertawa. Saya beli sepatu ini pake duit kamu kok.

“Really?” dia mengerutkan kening. Kelihatan bingung. “when did I give you two hundred thousand rupiah?”. Kapan saya kasih ke kamu duit 200 ribu?

Duh, kakek… lupa dia kalau beberapa hari sebelumnya kami pergi ke toko buku dan dari sekian ratus ribu duit yang dia berikan ke kasir ternyata kelebihan 200 ribu. Berhubung saat itu telpon selularnya berdering dan dia sibuk mencatat sesuatu, kasir lalu memberikan uang itu kepada saya.

“Hold them for me” katanya waktu saya mengulurkan uang itu kepadanya. Tolong pegang dulu.

Jadi uang itu akhirnya terbawa oleh saya. Entah kenapa lupa saja untuk dikembalikan padahal saya bawa-bawa terus dalam dompet. Sampai akhirnya saya memakainya untuk membeli sepatu ini.

“Have you already forgot when we went to the bookstore and…” sudah lupa waktu kita ke toko buku..

“Ah, ya, the change..” dia tertawa “is that two hundred thousand?”. Oya, duit kembaliannya.. emangnya ada 200 ribu?

“Yes” jawab saya takut-takut. “you are not mad at me?”. Kamu ga marah?

“Why would I get mad to you?” dia terlihat heran. Kenapa saya harus marah ke kamu?

“Because I spent it all for these shoes”. Karena saya ngabisin tu duit buat beli sepatu ini.

Tawanya spontan meledak mendengar kata-kata saya “don’t be silly”. Dipeluknya saya. “It’s priceless to make you a woman”. Ga ada harga yang terlalu mahal buat bikin kamu jadi perempuan.

Semprul!. Hehe.  

Saya ikut tertawa. Lega sekaligus kesal. Emang dikata gue bukan perempuan?. Hehe.

“You know what? Why don’t we go shopping now and find some dresses, gowns, skirts and handbag that matched with these beautiful shoes?” dia memberikan tawaran yang saya yakin perempuan manapun tidak akan menolak. Bayangin aja, ditawarin mau dibelikan baju dan tas sama pacar.

Tapi respon saya adalah…

“No!. You know I don’t like those stuff”. Ga!. Kamu kan tahu saya ga suka sama benda-benda seperti itu. “I love my backpack and my pants”. Saya lebih suka pake ransel dan celana panjang.

Dia menatap saya dengan tatapan putus asa dan sambil menghela napas panjang dia menjatuhkan kepalanya dipundak saya.

“What’s wrong of being a woman?”. Emang kenapa sih ga mau jadi perempuan?

“I am a woman”. Saya perempuan.

“Then start act like a woman”. Kalau gitu bersikaplah seperti perempuan.

“And all this time I behave like a man?”. Memangnya selama ini saya berkelakuan kayak lelaki?

“In some ways” matanya berkilat jenaka. Dalam beberapa hal.

Saya ngakak “how ridiculous” dan saya menciumnya “so this is a man who just gave you a kiss?”. Konyol betul. Jadi yang baru aja nyium kamu ini adalah seorang lelaki?

“Not when we kiss” dia meraih saya dalam pelukannya dan mencium saya. Tidak kalau sudah sampai ke urusan ciuman.

Jadi elu kata gue mahluk hermaphrodite gitu? Berkelamin ganda? Hehe.

Tapi ternyata ibu Martha pun berkomentar sama.

Keke & Mrs. Martha
 “Ke, rambut sudah pake jepit, sepatu sudah keren gitu, jangan bawa tas ransel dong” katanya “kalau mau pake ransel juga, pilih ransel yang rada feminin modelnya. Terus, jalannya jangan kayak tentara mau maju ke medan perang dong”

Huahahaha…, saya pun tertawa gelak-gelak sampai sakit perut, apalagi setelah melihat bu Martha memperagakan cara berjalan seorang perempuan dan teringat pada gaya saya berjalan yang memang benar-benar terlalu ‘gagah’ untuk seorang perempuan. Hehe.

Haduh, tidak pernah terbayang bahwa pada suatu masa dalam hidup saya, saya harus belajar bagaimana jadi perempuan. Hehe.

Psst, jadi cewek itu ribet.. bet.. bet…

I think sometime in the 1990-s, there was a tv series of Xena, The Warrior Princess. Anyone remembers it?.

It was during those time when my friends called me Xena because I was so very tomboy. Before that they already called me macho girl and handsome girl.

It is not the fault of my mother to bear a child that turns so tomboy like me. Dislike skirt, prefer to wear pants, fond of backpack and knickers. Back in highschool I even had several experiences of went hiking to the hills and mountains. I also nearly took taekwondo as my extracurricular activities if it wasn’t because of my dad who stopped me joined it. He probably worried it would turn his only daughter become more tomboy. Lol.

I have been changing my appearance and they were all started unexpectedly. First, the hair. I changed my hairstyle and start to use my old hairpins.

Next was the shoe. One afternoon I saw a pair of pretty shoes in Ekalokasari (Elos) mall. It looked neat on my feet and felt good too on them. though it almost made my eyes popped out when I saw the price tag. 200 thousand rupiah!. But I wanted them so much that I bought them. Later I waited nervously for my 'dear' friend's reaction to see me wearing these new shoes along with the guilt feeling over spending so much money for a pair of shoes.

It didn't take long for him to notice it.

“New shoes?” he whistled.


“Looks beautiful on you”.

“Do you think so?”.

“Is this mean you gonna throw away those sneakers?”.

“Well, actually, I’m thinking of getting a new one”

“Why don't you wear something nice like these?”. He took my foot and placed it on his lap.

“They are not cheap”I hold my breath.

“How much are they?”.

“Two hundred thousand”.


“No, of course not" I laughed "I couldn't afford it if they were in dollar”.

“Rupiah?” he smiled as he took out his wallet.

“I don't need any reimbursement”I stopped him.

“I don't mind”he handed me two hundred thousand rupiah.

“Honey, I bought them with your money”I laughed.

Really?”he looked confused and surprised at the same time. “when did I give you two hundred thousand rupiah?”.

Oh, dear grandpa.. he forgot few days earlier we went to a bookstore and of the hundreds of thousand rupiah he gave the cashier, two hundred thousand rupiah were returned to him but because his cellphone rang and he needed to scribble down something, the cashier gave the money to me.

“Hold them for me”he said when I wanted to give it to him.

So I kept it in my wallet and kept forgetting to give it to him until I saw those shoes and spent all of those two hundred thousand rupiah to buy them.

“Have you already forgot when we went to the bookstore and…”

“Ah, ya, the change..”he laughed“is that two hundred thousand?”.

“Yes”I finally got the guts to ask him“you are not mad at me?”.

“Why would I get mad to you?”he looked puzzled.

“Because I spent it all for these shoes”.

He bursted out his laugh “don't be silly”. He hugged me tightly “It's priceless to make you a woman”.


I laughed though. Relieved. But tickled too. So you think I am not a female?.

“You know what? Why don't we go shopping now and find some dresses, gowns, skirts and handbag that matched with these beautiful shoes?”he gave the offer that I am certain no woman would say no.

But my response was…

“No!. You know I don't like those stuff. I love my backpack and my pants”.

He stared at me with frustration look on his face before he put his head on my chest.

“What's wrong of being a woman?”.

“I am a woman”.

“Then start act like a woman”.

“And all this time I behave like a man?”.

“In some ways”his eyes teased me.

I laughed it out loud “how ridiculous”and I kissed him“so this is a man who just gave you a kiss?”.

“Not when we kiss”he hold me close and kissed me.

So am I a hermaphrodite creature? Someone with double genitals? Lol.

But Mrs. Martha also had the same opinion about my appearance.

“Keke, with that kind of hairstyle, decorated with hairpin and those shoes, forget the backpack. But if you can't live without it, there are backpack with feminine design. And don't walk like you're marching to the battle field”

Hahaha… I laughed so hard that it hurt my stomach, especially to see her showing me the proper girly walk and reminded of my own walk that definitely is too macho for a female.

It never crossed my mind though that one day I would have to learn how to be a female.

Psst, I tell ya one thing, it is absolutely not easy to act wholly like a female.

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