Selasa (12/10) pagi kepsek udah ngeselin. Irene, anak TK B, yg ikut les calistung dlm kelompokku ga les lg Oktober ini tp kepsek pikir dia udah dr bln lalu berhentinya so uang les aku yg dia bayar hari ini ga termasuk Irene.
aku bs ngerti d kl kepsek lupa tp kan Irene itu masuk kelompokku, masa iya aku jg lupa sih ? yg bikin kesel itu kepsek baru percaya setelah nanya ke wali kls TK B ... hih ...
Krn kepsek pergi, aku dinas di kls Playgroup (PG) hari ini tp anak PG kok jd bawel
banget ya ?. semua berebut mo ngomong, mo cerita. apa mereka emang begini ? aku nanya teteh, si petugas kebersihan sekolah. ah, boro2, bu, kata teteh yg tau betul sikon di kls PG krn dia memang di angkat jd asisten kepsek di kls itu tanpa surat pengangkatan & tanpa penyesuaian gaji ... hiks ...
kl ada kepsek anak2 pd diam. di suruh nyanyi ogah, cerita apa lg ... mmm ... ogah nyanyi ? aku ingat kemaren kepsek bilang kl mo minta anak PG nyanyi hrs pake cara main,
misalnya ngedarin bola sambil nyanyi rame2 & anak yg megang bola waktu lagu abis, dia yg dpt giliran nyanyi ke depan.
aku udah siap dg bola tp ... ah, pengen tau ... jd aku nyeletuk 'siapa mo nyanyi?' ... kok langsung pd angkat tangan dg semangat ?? he he he ...
'bu, ibu balik lg d megang PG' kata teteh 'yg tentram bukan anak aja tp saya jg' & mulailah dia numpahin 1001 keluh kesahnya hrs dampingin kepsek & soal kls PG yg memang terasa banget bedanya dg waktu aku yg dinas di situ.
aku nyengir dengernya. kl aku balik ke PG, ortu murid TK A bs pd demo semua termasuk evelyn yg udah fobia aja kl dia hrs ngajar TK A bareng kepsek ... he he he
bukannya kepsek ga bs ngajar tp kepribadian, umur & gaya ngajarnya lebih cocok
diterapin di SD / SMP, buat anak2 TK dia kurang cocok.
weh, tp krn tau ni hari kepsek ga ada di sekolah seharian, aku bawa kameraku krn pengen foto2an dg anak PG & TK A ... eh, ahirnya nyokap2 mereka ikut2an motretin kita ..
 |
Dea, Sekar, Nico, March, Stevanky, Farell, Clarissa, Stevany & Kimberly
are in the front line (left to right); Vivien, Kelvin & Echa at my right,
Justin stood behind Stevanky, Evelyn at my far right side |
he he he ...
masuk FB d, evelyn ketawa godain aku & ibu2 yg punya akun di fb ... he he he .. tau aja dia ...
tp buat aku ada tujuan lain yg
bikin aku rajin bikin foto di sekolah. buat dokumentasi pribadi krn 1 momen itu ga akan bs di ulang lg. contohnya ya anak2 ini ... waktu berlalu sekejap rasanya & masa2 mereka sekolah di sini akan berlalu jg.
lucunya waktu dulu kerja kantoran, punya tempat kerja & penampilan mentereng + gaji seabrek, aku malah ga hobi motret ... abis, obyeknya jg ga napsuin buat di potret ...
he he he ... beda dg anak2 ini yg serba spontan, lugu & yg aku sayang banget !!
selain bawa kamera, aku jg bawa DVD '2012' yg aku pinjam dr Janet, murid les bhs Inggrisku. ga punya DVD player di rumah so mumpung kepsek ga ada, bisa muter tu DVD di sekolah.
awalnya cuma aku yg nonton sendirian sambil makan. tiap hari aku bawa bekal makan siang krn kita di tahan hrs ada di sekolah ampe jam 12 siang tp sekolah ga sediain makan siang. masa tiap hari mo jajan ??
eh, evelyn gabung dg aku nonton DVD itu di kls PG. ga lama kemudian wali kls TK B ngikut. yah, jd lebih banyak ngobrolnya dr pd nontonnya d ... he he he .. tp eh, tiba2 wali kls TK B keluar & balik2 ngegotong kasur si kepsek yg di umpetin di balik pintu kantor ... hah ??!! .. aku melotot. ngapain geret2 tu kasur ke sini ??
"tenang, ke", wali kls TK B sambil cekikikan langsung nangkring dg gaya ikan duyung di atas kasur itu ... yeee ..
pulang biasalah ikut naik motornya evelyn. lumayanlah sejak ada dia aku jd ga usah pulang ngegoes naik kaki dr sekolah ampe keluar kompleks perumahan ini. beca sih ada tp kl aku kolokan tiap hari naik beca, ongkos transportku sebulan jd berapa ??
Tuesday (Oct 12th) morning & headmaster had already upset me when she thought Irene has discharged herself off the tutoring since Sept. it's not about her forgot it. it's about how she needed to convince herself by asked the teacher in Irene's class even after I told her Irene is no longer in my tutoring group starting this month. hey, Irene was in my group ! how can I forget ? I even wrote about her quited her tutoring in my blog ... lol ...
headmaster went out so I incharged in Playgroup (PG) class today but why did PG kids were so chatty ? it seems all of them talk to me at the same time. I asked this to school's cleaning lady who knows exactly the situation in that class as she has been appointed by headmaster to be her assistant there .. well, without any official letter of appointment nor followed by salary adjustment for her .. sigh ..., poor her ..
no such thing, she smiled sourly. they're all not as chatty & cheerfull as this. they don't even wanna sing, let alone being so chatty like this.
they don't wanna sing ? ... ummm .. I remember what headmaster told me to gain the kids in a game of passing the ball to appoint one by one to sing.
well, I had the ball but I wanted to know ... so I exclaimed 'ok, who wants to sing ?' & they raised their hands in excitement. I had no problem at all to make them sing. so it's not the kids who hesitate / refuse to sing... too obvious ..
'why don't u back incharge in this class?' asked the cleaning lady 'it would not just for the kids' sake but also for me'
I smiled but if I do that, the kids' parents in my class would protest .. & evelyn would too as she has become headmaster phobia ... lol ...
I'm not saying headmaster is an awfully horrible teacher but her personality, age & teaching style aren't suitable for kindergarten.
I brought my camera to school after I knew headmaster would go out today. I wanted to take pictures with the kids in my class & in PG .. well, at the end their moms also took our pics ... lol ...
would be on FB then, evelyn teased me & the moms who have FB .. got that right ... lol ..
but for me it's about docummentation. time passes so fast & u can't have one moment ever again. the time we've the kids in this school will too passing by before we realize it. funny thing is I didn't have any interest to take picture when I had office jobs, when I worked in fancy places & had fancy appearance & huge salary. maybe because I found the people & the environment were uninteresting .. it's different with these spontaneous & unpretentious kids whom I love so much beside the camera, I also brought 2012 DVD that I borrowed from Janet, my english tutoring student. I don't have a DVD player at home so since headmaster was out, I could watch it in school. at first it was just me who watched it as I had lunch. I bring lunch box to school because headmaster keeps us in school till noon but school doesn't give us lunch. I don't wanna buy lunch everyday. evelyn then joined watching the DVD. later the teacher in the class for the 5 y. olds came & joined us but she left again & went back carrying headmaster's mattress that is kept behind office's door. what a ... ?? my eyes bulged out relax .., that teacher giggled as she jumped on to that mattress & put a mermaid pose there .. lol ... rode with evelyn on her motorcycle. glad that since she works here I don't have to walk to the public transportation shelter. well yeah .., I could take tricycle but then how much would that make in a month ? |
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