Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Friday, November 30, 2018

On School Break

Kemana dan ngapain aja saya waktu libur sekolah kira-kira enam bulan lalu?

Where and what did I do on school break about six months ago?

Enam bulan lalu?

Six months ago?

Becanda lo!

You gotta be kidding!

Yang kejadian enam bulan lalu baru masuk postingan sekarang?

You just make a post about the things that happened six months ago?

Haha.. bener cyn, karena beberapa bulan terakhir ini ada hal-hal yang bikin mau ngepost buat blog itu kok ya rasanya susah banget.

Haha.. gotta that right, hun, because in the past few months there were some distracting things that made it hard to make a post.

Jadi ini cerita rapelan tentang liburan sekolah.

So this is the summary of school holiday stories.

Ya, ada sih yang sudah saya tulis dalam postingan tersendiri tapi ada juga yang belum.

Well, I have made blog posts about some of them but others were not.

Jadi biar praktis semua dimasukin ke postingan ini aja deh.

To make it practical I just put everything in this post.

*  *  *  *  *

Ya, sebetulnya sih naluri keluyurannya sudah mulai dari sebelum libur sekolah.

Actually, my wandering around instinct has worked before school holiday started.

Anggaplah pemanasan..

Take it as holiday warming up..

Jadi kemana dong saya kira-kira dua bulan sebelum libur sekolah?

So where did I go about two months before school holiday?

The Voyage

Jumat, 20 April 2018

Friday, 20 April 2018

Sebelum ke sana denger-denger ada tempat yang katanya bagus buat foto-foto.

Before I went there I heard there is a good place to take pictures.

Hasil googling: kayaknya sih lumayan bagus ni tempat.

Googling result: looks like a quite nice place.

Lokasinya juga tidak terlalu jauh dari kolam renang The Jungle.

It is near The Jungle swimming pool.

Jadi janjianlah saya dan seorang teman untuk pergi bareng ke sana.

So a friend and I decided to go there together.

Tempatnya lumayanlah. Jelek nggak, wow banget juga nggak.

It is quite ok. Not bad, but it's not a very wow either.

Karena waktu kita ke sana cuaca lagi mendung jadi selain udara jadi adem (di sini pohonnya kurang banyak dan kurang rindang jadi ga kebayang gimana kalau pas lagi tengah hari yang terik banget mataharinya) dan foto-fotonya juga jadi bagus.

It was cloudy when we got there so it was cool (there are not lots of tree and the trees are not shaddy so I can't imagine how it would be like in hot suny day) and it made the photos look good.

Harga tiketnya tidak mahal. Cuma Rp.15.000,-. 

The ticket was cheap. Just Rp.15.000,-

Tapi kalau sekarang tidak tahu berapa harganya. Waktu kita ke sana tempatnya masih baru dan karenanya lagi gencar dipromosikan so tiketnya jelas dimurahin.

I don't know how much is ticket now. When we went there the place was newly open and they were promoting it by selling cheap ticket.

Buat yang pengen foto-foto dengan latar belakang berbau eropa, tiketnya nggak mahal-mahal amat dan tempatnya terhitung dekat, ke sini aja.

For those who want to take pictures with european scenery background, the entrance ticket is not too expensive and the place is not far, this is the place.

*  *  *  *  *

Gimana kalau lagi bete tapi ogah nge-mall, males nonton, emoh nongki-nongki?

What to do when you are so bored but don't feel like going to the mall, not into watching movie nor go hanging out.

Ya, cari sesuatu yang menarik buat dikerjain atau pergi ke tempat yang asyik buat didatengin.

Well, find something interesting to do or go to cool places.

Duluuuu banget saya pernah ikutan psikotes dan para psikolog jenius yang menciptakan soal begitu banyak itu menyimpulkan saya adalah seorang yang bosenan.

Long long time ago I took a psychology test and those genius psycholog who invented a very long test concluded I am a person who gets bored easily.


Sudah ngerjain kuestioner yang begitu banyak dan ngabisin waktu lebih sejam.. kesimpulannya segitu doang.

After working on lots and lots of questioner and spent almost an hour.. that was the result.

Lebih hebatnya lagi respon dari para senior saya yang menerimanya sebagai hal yang negatif.

What more amazing is my seniors respond who took it as something negative.


Woi! Ni, gue kasih tahu.. orang yang gampang bosen itu sebetulnya orang yang pinter dan menarik.

Hey! Let me tell you this.. a person who gets bored easily is actually a smart and interesting person.

Karena dia gampang bosen, otaknya jadi kreatif nyari sesuatu.. apa pun.. yang bisa dia kerjain atau tempat yang bisa dia kunjungin buat hilangin kebosanannya itu.

Since he or she is easily bored, the mind gets creative finding something.. anything to do or places to visit to get rid that boredom.

Mekarsari Water Kingdom

Ini hasil ketika saya mulai merasa garing dengan rutinitas.

It was the result when I started to feel bored with routinity.

Jadi ceritanya nih, waktu rekan kerja saya bercerita akan ada acara renang di sekolah cucunya, reaksi saya...

So here what happened, when my colleague said her grandson's school would take the students out for a swim, my reaction was... 


"I wanna come too!"

Ya, nggak ada yang keberatan saya ikut asal bayar.. hehe..

Well, nobody said I couldn't go as long as I paid my share.. haha..

Rabu, 9 Mei 2018

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Pergilah saya. Bersenang-senanglah saya setengah harian itu.

Off I went. Had a great time on half of that day.

Dan berjanjilah saya pada diri saya sendiri, gue nggak bakal datang lagi ke situ.

And I made a promise to myself, I will never come again.

Tempatnya sih nggak jelek. Banyak pilihan kolam renang untuk anak-anak. Bersih pula.

The place is ok. There are many kinds of swimming pool for kids. They are also clean.

Tapi yang nyebelin adalah tidak semua bilik di kamar mandinya ada shower. Adanya di ruang terbuka (masih di dalam kamar mandi) tapi masa sih mandi telanjang rame-rame?

But the annoying thing is not all booth in the wash room has shower inside it. They are outside, in the big open room (still in the wash room) but think this, would you like to go naked while shower in such an open space?

Yah, misi menghilangkan kebosanan sih sudah tercapai..

Anyway, the getting rid boredom mission has accomplished..

*  *  *  *  *

Gimana kalau tetanggaan sama museum?

How if you have a museum next door?



Pasti gitu deh reaksi kamu.

That must be your reaction.

Tapi enam tahun tetanggaan belum pernah sekali pun main ke situ.

However, for six years I have never visited this neighbor.

Kok bisa gitu?

Why not?

Hehe.. Tidak tertarik.

Not interested.. haha.

Saya termasuk manusia yang suka museum tapi yang satu ini tidak menarik perhatian saya.

I am the museum type of person but I found this one uninteresting.

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018.

Saturday, 23 June 2018.

Mendekati tengah hari...

As it was near noon...

"Keu, gue sama anak-anak di museum"

"Keke, me and the kids are in the museum"


Teman merangkap rekan guru.

A friend and also a fellow teacher.

"Yoi, gue ke situ"

"Ok, I meet you there"

Jadi deh akhirnya saya masuk museum itu juga.

So eventually I visited it.

Ngilangin penasaran.

For the sake of curiousity too.

Dan seperti yang saya duga, dalamnya memang tidak menarik.

And just as I have thought, it is not really interesting.

Ketemu Yohana dan trio krucil jauh lebih menarik.. hehe..

It was more interesting to meet Yohana and her kids.. haha..

*  *  *  *  * 

Di awal liburan..

At the beginning of school holiday..

Ketika semangat liburan masih tinggi, energi melimpah dan duit di kantong masih tebal..

When holiday spirit was high, lots of energy and money was no object..

Jalan-jalan ke Jakarta yookkk!!

Let's go to Jakarta!!

Monas here we come!

Ssst.. ceritanya sudah pernah saya tulis dan karena panjang, males ah nulis lagi di sini. Saya kasih linknya aja ya.

Psst.. since I have written about it and since it is a long story, I kind a lazy to rewrite it here. So here is the link.

Selain ke Monas hari Selasa, 12 Juni 2018, saya dengan Yohana serta the krucils mengunjungi beberapa museum di daerah Kota Tua pada hari Selasa, 3 Juli 2018.

Beside to visiting Monas on Tuesday 12 June 2018, Yohana, her kids and I visited some museums on Kota Tua (Jakarta Old Town) on Tuesday, 3 July 2018.

Tapi ceritanya belum pernah saya posting. Nanti deh masuk postingan dengan tema dari museum ke museum kalau libur sekolah lagi tahun 2019 ini.

But I have not made any post about it. I will write about it about museum touring on this year's school break.

*  *  *  *  *

Mendekati akhir liburan..

As school holiday came to an end..

"Ke, jalan-jalan yuk"

"Keke, let's go somewhere"

Ya, mau kemana dulu?

Yes, where to?

Yang deket dan ga mahal.

Somewhere near and not costly.

Mau jalan ke tempat yang bagus tapi ga jauh dan ga mahal?

Wanna go to a nice place that is not far and not expensive?


Ke tukang mie pangsit deket kantor gue aja ye. Deket tuh. Murah pula.

Let's go to noodle vendor near my office. It's close. It's cheap too.


Weits! Jangan melotot ke gue. Ditawarin ke sini, ogah. Diajak ke sana, nggak mau.

Wait! Don't roll your eyes to me. I offered a place, you turned it down. I asked you to go here and there, you said no.

Maunya kemane dong?

Where do you want to go?

Setelah googling.. akhirnya..

After done some googling.. finally..


Ketemu nih!

Found it!

Di BTM (Bogor Trade Mall) ada 3D Trick House.

There is this 3D Trick House in BTM (Bogor Trade Mall).

Kita ke situ aja deh. En jangan pada bawel ye.

Let's go there. And don't grunt.

Jumat, 29 Juni 2018.

Friday, 29 June 2018.

Ketemuanlah kita di BTM. Saya yang duluan sampai. Langsung naik ke lantai yang paling atas, lantai lima.

So we met at BTM. I was the one who got there first. Went to the top floor, the fifth floor.

Karena tidak tahu di mana lokasi 3D Trick House (nggak ada plang namanya) setelah mendarat di lantai 5, masuklah saya ke bioskop dan nanya ke satpam.

Since I didn't know where this 3D Trick House located, I went directly to the security in the movie theatre at the fiftth floor.

Eh, dia juga kagak tahu..

He didn't know either..


Ini saking kurang info, kurang promosi atau emang karena baru buka kemaren sih?

Is it because of lack of information, lack of promotion or it was just opened yesterday?

Dalam keadaan bingung saya jalan aja muterin lantai lima itu dan..

In confusion I decided to walk around that fifth floor and..


Tu dia! Ga taunya deket amat sama bioskop.

There it is! So close with the movie theatre.

Tempatnya ya.. jangan dibandingkan sama yang di Puncak atau yang ada di Jungle Mall.. yang ini bukan tandingannya.

The place is.. don't compare it with the ones in Puncak or in Jungle mall.. this one is out of the league.

Gambar-gambarnya memang ada yang bener-bener kelihatan ilusi 3 dimensinya tapi ada juga yang kelihatan kayak gambar biasa.

Some pictures really give 3 dimension illusion but others looked like ordinary pictures.

Tapi lumayanlah untuk menghibur hati dan mendapat beberapa foto yang bagus.

But it is quite entertaining and it gave few good photos.

Pulangnya kite kongkow dulu. Lapeeerrr, cuyy..

We went to get something to eat before going back home. We were starving, maaan..

*  *  *  *  *

Jadi gitu deh cerita liburan sekolah tahun lalu.

So there are the stories of last year's school holiday.

Bentar lagi mau libur sekolah nih.

Pretty soon it is going to be another school holiday.

Asyiiikk.. enaknya kemana dulu ya buat pemanasan?

Cool.. where will I go for holiday warming up?

Tunggu ceritanya ok.

Wait for the story, ok.


  1. museum di sini itu memang banyak yg kurang menarik yaaa. ga dibikin interaktif. hanya kotak kaca, barang display, dan informasi minim. pantes sih museum di jakarta aja murah2 banget tp sepi :(. padahal aku kalo traveling, pasti seneng main ke museum. apalagi yg isi dlmnya bagus, banyak informasi, interaktif juga.. kan jd semangat utk tahu sejarahnya :)

    1. Museum yang bagus kayaknya cuma yang ada di Kota Tua deh, Fan. Yang lain sih kurang menarik & lokasinya jauh buat mereka yang tinggal di luar Jakarta.
