Hai, ini wawancara imajiner berdasarkan fakta kepada teman-teman kita, Billy dan Bella.
Hi guys, this is an imaginer interview based on fact to our friends, Billy and Bella.
Wawancara ini dimaksudkan supaya kalian bisa lebih mengenal Billy dan Bella lebih dekat.
This interview is meant to bring you to get to know Billy and Bella more personally.
Jadi marilah kita memulai wawancara ini.
So let's start this interview.
Pembaca, hari ini saya ada bersama dengan Billy dan Bella. Hai Billy, hai Bella, senang deh bisa bertemu dengan kalian.
Readers, I am with Billy and Bella today. Hi Billy, hi Bella, it is a pleasure to meet you guys.
Bella tersenyum. Billy tersipu malu.
Bella smiles. Billy blushes shyly.
So, apa kabarnya, Billy? Bella?
So, what's up, Billy? Bella?
Baik, Bella menjawab sambil mengibaskan ekornya penuh semangat sementara Billy cuma tersenyum kecil.
Good, Bella answered as she wagged her tail excitedly while Billy just smiled slightly.
Tapi sebelum kita mulai wawancara, tolong dong perkenalkan diri kalian. Yang mana Billy, yang mana Bella ya? Mungkin ada yang belum bisa membedakan. Saya sendiri juga masih agak bingung nih.
But before we start our interview, could you please introduce yourself. Which one of you is Billy, which one is Bella? Some probably still can't tell it. I myself am a bit confuse.
Yang di kiri ini aku, Bella, jawab Bella.
I am at the left, said Bella.
Yang burik itu si Billy.
The mottled one is Billy.
Bella melirik Billy. Yang dilirik cuek saja.
Bella glanced at Billy who looked unbothered.
Kalian kelihatan hampir sama ya.
You guys look almost same.
Beda dong, kata Bella.
Certainly not, said Bella.
Maksudnya kita sama hitamnya, Billy nyengir.
He meant we both are black, Billy grinned.
Ga juga, Bill, Bella melirik Billy. Aku ga burik dan kaki depanku warnanya coklat susu terang.
No really, Bill, Bella glanced at Billy. I'm not mottled and my front feet are bright beige.
Ah, jadi sekarang saya sudah mulai bisa membedakan antara Billy dan Bella.
Ah, so now I can tell the difference between Billy and Bella.
Bella dan Billy sama-sama mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails.
Ok, pertanyaan berikutnya.. kalian umur berapa sih?
Ok, next question.. how old are you guys?
Kata mama Keke, kita lahir tanggal 12 Agustus 2017, Bella mengingat-ingat. Jadi bulan ini umur kita kira-kira 6 bulan.
According to mama Keke, we were born on 12 August 2017, Bella recalled. So this month we are about 7 months old.
Wah, kalian masih bayi.
Oh, you're still babies.
Bella dan Billy kembali mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Once again Bella and Billy wagged their tails.
Pewawancara tertawa melihatnya.
This made the interviewer laughed.
Mau nanya nih, kalian tahu siapa nama orang tua kalian?
I want to ask you this, do you know your parents' names?
Bella dan Billy saling berpandangan.
Bella and Billy exchanged glance.
Mama Keke, Billy menjawab.
Mama Keke, Billy answered.
Dulu sebelum ada mama Keke kita dirawat sama mama Grace, Bella mengingat-ingat.
Before mama Keke we were cared by mama Grace, Bella recalled.
Kapan itu?, tanya Billy, aku kok ga ingat ya.
When was that?, asked Billy, I don't remember.
Sudah lama, jawab Bella, kita masih bayi banget waktu itu.
It was a long time ago, said Bella, we were small babies at that time.
Pewawancara mendehem pelan.
The interviewer cleared his throat softly.
Maksud saya tadi, orang tua kandung kalian.
I meant, your biological parents.
Bella dan Billy kembali saling berpandangan.
Once again Bella and Billy exchanged glance.
Mama kandung kalian namanya Oneng. Papa kandung kalian namanya Sapi.
Your biological mother's name is Oneng. Your biological father's name is Sapi.
Mama Oneng dan papa Sapi, Bella menggumam.
Mama Oneng and papa Sapi, Bella murmured.
Seperti apa mereka?, tanya Billy.
What do they look like?, asked Billy.
Kalian tidak ingat?
You don't remember?
Bella dan Billy menggeleng.
Bella and Billy shook their heads.
Saya punya foto mama Oneng.
I have a picture of mama Oneng.
Bella dan Billy mengamati foto itu.
Bella and Billy stared at that photo.
Cantik, Bella menggumam.
Pretty, Bella murmured.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya tanda setuju.
Billy agreed by wagging his tail.
Dari mana dapat foto ini?, tanya Bella.
Where do you get this photo?, asked Bella.
Dari mama Grace.
From mama Grace.
Apa dia punya foto papa kami?, tanya Billy.
Does she have our papa's photo?, asked Billy.
Pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto.
The interviewer showed a photo.
Fotonya tidak terlalu bagus. Kabur
It is not a good photo. It's blur.
Jadi ini papa kita?, tanya Bella.
So this is our papa?, asked Bella.
Dia hitam, gumam Billy.
He is black, Billy murmured.
Dan kecil, Bella tersenyum. Dia mirip kamu, Bill.
And small, Bella smiled. He looks like you, Bill.
Apa anak mereka cuma kita?, tanya Billy.
Are we their only children?, Billy asked.
Oh tidak, pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto lagi, semua ada tujuh.
No, the interviewer showed another photo, there are seven.
Kemana yang lima?, Bella memperhatikan foto itu.
Where are the other five?, Bella stared at that photo
Tinggal kalian dan satu lagi yang masih hidup, pewawancara berkata pelan.
Only the two of you and another one who are alive, the interviewer spoke softly.
Billy dan Bella menatap tak percaya.
Billy and Bella stared in disbelief.
Ini saudara kalian satu-satunya yang masih hidup, pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto.
This is your only surviving sister, the interviewer showed a photo.
Dia kurus dan kecil, gumam Billy beberapa saat kemudian.
She is skinny and small, Billy muttered a short while later.
Dia dirantai, Bella menggigil. Ngeri. Dia tidak bisa kemana-mana. Kasihan dia. Opa dan mama tidak pernah merantai kami.
She is chained, Bella shivered. Horrified. She can't go anywhere. Poor little thing. Opa and mama never chained us.
Apa dia bahagia?, bisik Billy.
Is she happy?, Billy whispered.
Bella lalu menatap pewawancara.
Bella looked at the interviewer.
Terima kasih sudah menunjukkan kepada kami foto papa dan mama kandung serta saudara-saudara kami, katanya. Tapi buat kami, mama kami adalah mama Keke dan papa kami adalah opa. Mereka keluarga kami. Kami bahagia hidup dengan mereka.
Thank you to show us photos of our biological papa and mama along with photos of our siblings, she said. But to us, our mama is mama Keke and our papa is opa. They are our family. We live happily with them.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya tanda setuju.
Billy agreed by wagging his tail.
Kalian sayang banget ya ke mama Keke dan opa?
You guys love mama Keke and opa very much, don't you?
Bella dan Billy mengibaskan ekor mereka dengan penuh semangat.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails excitedly.
Mama Keke dan opa sayang ke kami, mau terima kami apa adanya, Billy menengok ke arah Bella yang mengiyakan. Bahkan waktu aku sakit dan hampir mati, mama Keke dan opa tetap merawat aku. Berdoa sungguh-sungguh buat kesembuhan aku. Sabar menghadapi aku bahkan ketika beberapa bulan lalu tulang punggungku sakit sekali dan setiap hari aku nangis kesakitan. Suaraku melengking-lengking sampai kedengaran ke tetangga yang rumahnya paling ujung. Sejak itu juga aku tidak bisa jalan. Aku pipis, pup, makan, tidur dan main cuma bisa sambil merangkak-rangkak di lantai. Mama Keke atau opa yang membersihkan aku kalau aku pipis dan pup. Mama Keke harus kerja ekstra berat buat bersihin lantai.
Mama Keke and opa love us, they accept us just the way we are, Billy turned to Bella who quietly nodded. Even when I was ill and nearly died, mama Keke and opa take care of me. They pray with all their hearts for my healing. They are patient to me even at hard times when few months ago my back hurt so much and I cried everyday. My crying was so loud it could be heard by neighbors who lives down the road. Eversince that I can't walk. I pee, poop, eat, sleep and play by crawling on the floor. Mama Keke or opa clean me when I pee and poop. Mama Keke must work extra hard to clean the floor.
Ya, mama Keke sudah menceritakannya, pewawancara mengelus-elus kepala Billy.
Yes, mama Keke has told me about it, the interviewer caressed Billy's head.
Aku kepingin cepat bisa jalan lagi, Billy menunduk. Selama ini aku ngerepotin mama Keke dan opa.
I wish I could walk again soon, Billy looked down. I have been giving trouble to mama Keke and opa.
Jangan berpikir begitu, Billy. Pewawancara spontan merangkul Billy.
Don't think like that, Billy. The interviewer embraced Billy spontaneously.
Kita semua sayang kamu, Bill. Bella menciumi muka adiknya. Kamu pasti akan bisa berjalan lagi. Kan kita sudah mulai latihan jalan.
We all love you, Bill. Bella kissed her brother's face. You'll be able to walk again. We have started giving you walking physiotheraphy, right?
Dan kata mama Keke, ada banyak kemajuan baik. Pewawancara teringat pada cerita Keke kalau tanggal 14 April Billy sudah bisa digendong. Dia ditaruh di atas tempat tidur Keke dan bisa bermain-main dengan Bella di sana. Lalu siangnya dia digendong ke dapur untuk dimandikan.
And mama Keke said there are many good progress. The interviewer remembered Keke said Billy could be carried on 14 April. He was then put on Keke's bed where he and Bella happily played. Later on the afternoon he was carried to the kitchen to be bathed.
Tapi aku senewenan. Aku gampang panik, gumam Billy. Semua karena aku takut sakit.
But I'm jumpy. I am easily panicked, Billy murmured. All because I fear pain.
Pewawancara dan Bella bertukar pandang.
The interviewer and Bella exchanged glances.
Pewawancara teringat Keke pernah mengatakan tentang hal yang sama. Penghalang terbesar untuk Billy bisa berjalan adalah bukan kaki-kaki atau otot-ototnya tapi pada mentalitasnya. Itu yang bikin Keke dan opa jadi frustrasi dan kesal.
The interviewer remembered Keke has mentioned the same thing. The biggest obstacle to make Billy walks again is not on his feet nor his muscles but it is on his mentality. It is what frustrates and upset both Keke and opa.
Pewawancara melihat Bella memberi isyarat lewat tatapan matanya. Pindah topik. Cepat.
The interviewer saw Bella gave him a sign through her eyes. Change the topic. Quick.
Kalian sayang banget ya ke mama Keke?
You guys love mama Keke very much, don't you?
Bella dan Billy langsung mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Bella and Billy quickly wagged their tails.
Kalau gitu suka bantuin mama Keke ga?
Then anyone ever helps mama Keke?
Bantuin ngegerecokin sih iya, Billy tersenyum.
Giving her messy things for sure, Billy smiled.
Ah nggak, Bella menyundul kepala adiknya, aku suka bantuin mama kok. Dari masih kecil.
No, Bella poked her brother's head, I like helping mama. I have even been doing it since I was younger.
Ah, ada foto-fotonya nih dari mama Keke.
Ah, there are photos from mama Keke.
Pewawancara menunjukkan sederetan foto.
The interviewer showed some photos.
Tuh kan, Bella nyengir.
You see, Bella grinned.
Oh, dia sih demennya gangguin mama, Billy terkekeh.
Oh, she likes to annoy mama, Billy gigled.
Kata siapa?, Bella menyenggol pipi adiknya.
Says who?, Bella touched her brother's cheek.
Aku suka dengar mama ngomelin kamu, Billy menjulurkan lidahnya.
I heard mama yelled at you, Billy sticked out his tongue.
Nggak, Bella melotot.
Nope, Bella glared.
Hai, sudah.. sudah. Jangan berantem, pewawancara melerai sambil tersenyum geli, Ini yuk, kita lihat foto yang lain.
Hey, come on. Knock it off, the interviewer interrupted as he couldn't help not not to smile, Here let's see other photo.
Bella dan Billy mengamati foto tersebut lalu terkekeh.
Bella and Billy stared at that photo and they gigled.
Kalian berdua ini memang seperti Bonnie dan Clyde, pewawancara nyengir.
You two are just like Bonnie and Clyde, the interviewer grinned.
Siapa?, Bella memiringkan kepalanya.
Who?, Bella tilt her head.
Dua orang yang bikin pusing banyak orang.
Two people who brought headache to many people.
Yah begitulah kita berdua, Billy nyengir.
Yeah we do, Billy grinned.
Kata mama Keke kalian kompak dalam beberapa hal. Sampai seperti kembar.
Mama Keke said the two of you are so alike in few things. Almost like twins.
Seperti..., Bella melirik Billy.
Such as..., Bella glanced at Billy.
Kita suka nyemil, Billy menjawab dengan cepat.
We like snacking, Billy quickly answered.
Pewawancara tertawa lalu menunjukkan sebuah foto.
The interviewer laughed and then showed them a photo.
Bella dan Billy mengibaskan ekor mereka dengan penuh semangat membuat pewawancara kembali tertawa.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails excitedly making the interviewer laughed again.
Nah, selain ngemil, apa lagi yang kalian berdua suka? pewawancara tersenyum sambil menatap keduanya.
So, beside snacking, what else do you guys like? the interviewer smiled as he looked at them.
Mandi, kata Billy bersamaan dengan Bella yang menjawab, dandan.
Bathing, Billy answered at the same time with Bella who answered, putting on the makeup.
Pewawancara tertawa, nah, yang satu suka mandi, yang satu lagi suka dandan.
The interviewer laughed, now, one likes bathing, the other likes putting on the makeup.
Aku ga suka mandi, kata Bella.
I don't like bathing, said Bella.
Mandi itu enak, tau, seger. Bersih. Wangi. Apalagi kalau pakai air yang panas. Aku ga suka air hangat. Billy memejamkan mata.
Bathing is fun, you know, it's freshing. Clean. Smells good. Especially with hot water. I don't like warm water. Billy closed his eyes.
Kenapa kamu tidak suka mandi? Pewawancara menatap Bella.
Why do you dislike bathing? The interviewer looked at Bella.
Dia takut air, ledek Billy, mama mesti kejar-kejar dia dulu dan lagi mandi maunya kabur-kaburan aja.
She's afraid of water, Billy teased, mama must chase her around and she always wants to run away when mama's bathing her.
Aku cuma ga suka aja diguyur sama air, Bella melengos, bukan karena takut air. Mama juga rajin banget sih. Ga pernah lupa mandiin kita seminggu sekali.
I just don't like being showered with water, said Bella, not because I'm afraid of water. Mama never forgets to bath us once a week.
Aku malah pengen mandi tiap hari, Billy menghela napas, tapi mama tidak punya waktu.
I wish I could bath everyday, Billy sighed, but mama don't have the time to do that.
Enakan juga dandan, kata Bella, tiap pagi aku nemenin mama dandan.
It's better to put on the makeup, said Bella, I do that every morning with mama.
Billy mendengus, itu sih buat perempuan.
Billy snorted, that's a girl thing.
Pewawancara tertawa mendengar perdebatan kakak beradik itu.
The interviewer laughed on hearing the brother and sister debating on each other.
Nah, kalian berdua sama nakalnya, sama-sama suka nyemil dan kalau muntah bisa berbarengan juga kata mama Keke, pewawancara menatap Billy dan Bella sambil tersenyum.
So, the two of you are naughty, like snacking and according to mama Keke, you two could vomit at the same time too, the interviewer smiled as he looked at Billy and Bella.
Bella yang lebih sering muntah, Billy melirik Bella.
Bella is the one who vomits oftenly, Billy glanced at Bella.
Kenapa bisa gitu?, tanya pewawancara.
Why?, asked the interviewer.
Bella mengangkat bahu, ga tahu kenapa. Kadang-kadang aku mual. Kadang-kadang perut berasa ga enak karena mau pup.. eh, trus jadi mual. Kadang-kadang aku muntah habis makan rumput.. jadi mama dan opa suka ngomel kalau lihat aku makan rumput.
Bella shrugged, I don't know. Sometimes I feel sick. Sometimes my stomach doesn't feel good as I want to poop.. but then it makes me feel sick. Sometimes I threw up after I ate grass.. mama and opa would grunt if they saw me ate grass.
Lantas dikasih obat?, tanya pewawancara.
Are you given medicine for that?, asked the interviewer.
Ya, obat anti mual, Bella mengangguk.
Yes, a medicine to get rid the sickness, Bella nodded.
Lantas kita dikasih makan bubur ya, Bell?, Billy menjilat bibirnya.
After that we would get some porridge, right, Bell? Billy licked his lips.
Iya, bubur hangat. Enak deh, Bella mengibaskan ekornya.
Yes, warm porridge. It's so yummy, Bella wagged her tail.
Kalian cuma makan bubur?, tanya pewawancara.
Do you only have porridge?, asked the interviewer.
Billy menggeleng, kita makan nasi pakai ayam rebus atau ayam semur, suka juga pakai usus, ati, ampela. Kalau mama atau opa lagi masak mie goreng kita makan nasinya pakai mie. Pernah juga pakai baso dan sosis.
Billy shook his head, we have rice with boiled chicken or chicken stew, sometimes we get intestine, liver, giblets. When mama or opa cook fried noodle, we have rice with fried noodle. Sometimes meatball and sausage.
Dog food? tanya pewawancara.
Dog food? the interviewer asked.
Cuma buat cemilan, jawab Bella.
Only for snack, said Bella.
Keras, Billy nyengir, capek makannya. Pegel rahang aku. Jadi aku telen aja ga dikunyah lagi.
It's hard, Billy grinned, needs to chew hard. My jaw got tired. So I just swallowed it without chewing.
Enak sih, Bella memandang Billy, tapi malamnya aku muntah.
It's quite yummy, Bella looked at Billy, but later at night it made me vomit.
Waduh.. pewawancara geleng-geleng kepala prihatin tapi tidak bisa menahan senyum.
Oh man.. the interviewer shook his head but couldn't help not to smile.
Eh, itu foto waktu mama dan opa pulang dari petshop. Kita dapat mainan, Billy mengibaskan ekornya dengan semangat ketika melihat foto yang ditunjukkan oleh pewawancara.
Wait, that's a photo when mama and opa just got home from petshop. We've got toys, Billy wagged his tail excitedly when he saw the photo showed by the interviewer.
Ya, aku suka sama tulang-tulangan dan bolanya, Bella ikut mengibaskan ekor.
Yes, I love the bone and the ball, Bella wagged her tail too.
Kalian suka main?, pewawancara mengelus kepala Bella dan Billy.
You like playing?, the interviewer caressed Bella and Billy's heads.
Kita selalu main berdua, Billy menjilat tangan pewawancara dengan lembut.
We always play together, Billy gently licked the interviewer's hand.
Paling enak main sama mama, Bella melompat-lompat, lari berputar-putar, mama bisa bikin permainan yang asyik. Aku juga suka gelitikin mama.
It's more fun playing with mama, Bella jumped around, ran in circle, mama could come up with fun play. I also love tickling mama.
Mama ga pernah marah kalau tangannya kita gigit-gigit. Sampai biru-biru dan merah, Billy tersenyum, kalau opa ga mau.
Mama never got upset when we bite her hand. It gives bruishes, Billy smiled, opa, on the contrary, dislike it.
Aku malah pernah bikin kaki mama luka, Bella nyengir.
I have even hurt mama's leg, Bella grinned.
Kok bisa? pewawancara kaget.
How did you do that? the interviewer startled.
Aku lompat-lompat. Kaki mama kena kuku aku, jawab Bella kelihatan menyesali peristiwa itu.
I was jumping. My nail scratched mama's leg, Bella looked sorry for that incident.
Aduh! Pasti sakit. Mama marah ke kamu ga?, pewawancara kaget.
Ouch! It must be hurt. Did mama angry to you?, the interviewer looked startled
Kalau soal bercanda sih mama ga pernah marah, kata Bella, biar pun tangannya jadi biru-biru, lecet atau bibirnya berdarah..
It never upset mama when it comes to playing, said Bella, eventhough it gives bruishes to her hands, scratch or made her lip bled..
Tunggu! Bibir mama kenapa?, pewawancara kaget.
Wait! What happens to mama's lip?, it shocked the interviewer.
Bibir mama kegigit aku, Bella menunduk, tapi itu ga sengaja. Bener. Aku ga akan mau sengaja gigit mama.
I bit mama's lip, Bella bowed her head, but it was an accident. It really was an accident. I wouldn't deliberately bite mama.
Terlalu semangat main, kata Billy, Bella juga pernah ga sengaja gigit, nginjak dan jatuh di atas aku.
Got too excited when playing, said Billy, Bella has accidentally bit, stepped and fell on me.
Bella mengibaskan ekornya dengan pelan, kasihan mama. Bibirnya bengkak.
Bella wagged her tail slowly, poor mama. Her lip swelled.
Harus hati-hati kalau bermain, pewawancara mengelus kepala Bella, untung lukanya cuma kecil. Untung juga mama ga marah.
Gotta be careful when you are playing, the interviewer caressed Bella's head. Luckily it was just a small wound. And luckily too it didn't make mama angry at you.
Mama cuma marah kalau dia lagi nyapu atau ngepel dan kita gangguin, Billy nyengir, atau kalau kita ngacak-ngacak.
Mama gets angry when we disturb her while she is sweeping or mopping the floor, Billy grinned, or when we made a mess.
Nakal juga kalian ya, pewawancara tertawa, pernah dihukum dong?
You two are naughty, aren't you?, the interviewer laughed, have you got punishment?
Yang paling sering kena omel sih si Bella, Billy terkekeh, tapi aku juga pernah kena sentil.
Bella gets yelled often, Billy giggled, but I was flicked once.
Hukumannya cuma disentil? tanya pewawancara
Flicking is the only punishment? asked the interviewer.
Bella menggeleng, pantat dipukul.
Bella shook her head, got smack on the butt.
Pewawancara tertawa.
The interviewer laughed.
Tapi mama ga pernah lama kalau marah, kata Billy.
But mama never keeps her anger for long, said Billy.
Bella mengangguk, sedih sih kalau mama marah tapi aku malah lebih sedih kalau mama harus pergi kerja.
Bella nodded, it upset me when mama got angry but it upset me more when she has to go to work.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya, iya. Tapi mama suka pulang siang atau malah ada yang seharian di rumah.
Billy wagged his tail, yes. But sometimes mama gets home in the afternoon or even stay the whole day at home.
Oh, itu di hari liburnya, kata pewawancara, tapi kan masih ada opa yang setiap hari ada di rumah.
Oh, it is on her day off, said the interviewer, but there is opa who stays home everyday.
Pengen mama tiap hari ada di rumah, Bella menghela napas, aku dan Billy sayang opa tapi kalau mama ga ada di rumah rasanya sedih.
I wish mama stay home every day, Bella sighed, Billy and I love opa but without mama at home it feels sad.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya.
Billy wagged his tail.
Mama kan harus kerja, pewawancara tersenyum.
Mama has to work, the interviewer smiled.
Nanti kalau mama ada di rumah, datang ya?, Bella mengibaskan ekornya dengan semangat.
Would you come when mama is at home?, Bella wagged her tail excitedly.
Pewawancara mengangguk, tentu.
The interviewer nodded, sure.
Nah, seandainya hewan peliharaanmu bisa bicara.. apakah yang akan diceritakannya tentang dirinya, tentang hidupnya, tentang kamu..?
So, if your pet could talk.. what would it say about itself, about his/her life, about you..?
Hi guys, this is an imaginer interview based on fact to our friends, Billy and Bella.
Wawancara ini dimaksudkan supaya kalian bisa lebih mengenal Billy dan Bella lebih dekat.
This interview is meant to bring you to get to know Billy and Bella more personally.
Jadi marilah kita memulai wawancara ini.
So let's start this interview.
* * * * *
Pembaca, hari ini saya ada bersama dengan Billy dan Bella. Hai Billy, hai Bella, senang deh bisa bertemu dengan kalian.
Readers, I am with Billy and Bella today. Hi Billy, hi Bella, it is a pleasure to meet you guys.
Bella tersenyum. Billy tersipu malu.
Bella smiles. Billy blushes shyly.
So, apa kabarnya, Billy? Bella?
So, what's up, Billy? Bella?
Baik, Bella menjawab sambil mengibaskan ekornya penuh semangat sementara Billy cuma tersenyum kecil.
Good, Bella answered as she wagged her tail excitedly while Billy just smiled slightly.
Tapi sebelum kita mulai wawancara, tolong dong perkenalkan diri kalian. Yang mana Billy, yang mana Bella ya? Mungkin ada yang belum bisa membedakan. Saya sendiri juga masih agak bingung nih.
But before we start our interview, could you please introduce yourself. Which one of you is Billy, which one is Bella? Some probably still can't tell it. I myself am a bit confuse.
Yang di kiri ini aku, Bella, jawab Bella.
I am at the left, said Bella.
Yang burik itu si Billy.
The mottled one is Billy.
Bella melirik Billy. Yang dilirik cuek saja.
Bella glanced at Billy who looked unbothered.
Kalian kelihatan hampir sama ya.
You guys look almost same.
Beda dong, kata Bella.
Certainly not, said Bella.
Maksudnya kita sama hitamnya, Billy nyengir.
He meant we both are black, Billy grinned.
Ga juga, Bill, Bella melirik Billy. Aku ga burik dan kaki depanku warnanya coklat susu terang.
No really, Bill, Bella glanced at Billy. I'm not mottled and my front feet are bright beige.
Ah, jadi sekarang saya sudah mulai bisa membedakan antara Billy dan Bella.
Ah, so now I can tell the difference between Billy and Bella.
Bella dan Billy sama-sama mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails.
Ok, pertanyaan berikutnya.. kalian umur berapa sih?
Ok, next question.. how old are you guys?
Kata mama Keke, kita lahir tanggal 12 Agustus 2017, Bella mengingat-ingat. Jadi bulan ini umur kita kira-kira 6 bulan.
According to mama Keke, we were born on 12 August 2017, Bella recalled. So this month we are about 7 months old.
Wah, kalian masih bayi.
Oh, you're still babies.
Bella dan Billy kembali mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Once again Bella and Billy wagged their tails.
Pewawancara tertawa melihatnya.
This made the interviewer laughed.
Mau nanya nih, kalian tahu siapa nama orang tua kalian?
I want to ask you this, do you know your parents' names?
Bella dan Billy saling berpandangan.
Bella and Billy exchanged glance.
Mama Keke, Billy menjawab.
Mama Keke, Billy answered.
Dulu sebelum ada mama Keke kita dirawat sama mama Grace, Bella mengingat-ingat.
Before mama Keke we were cared by mama Grace, Bella recalled.
Kapan itu?, tanya Billy, aku kok ga ingat ya.
When was that?, asked Billy, I don't remember.
Sudah lama, jawab Bella, kita masih bayi banget waktu itu.
It was a long time ago, said Bella, we were small babies at that time.
Pewawancara mendehem pelan.
The interviewer cleared his throat softly.
Maksud saya tadi, orang tua kandung kalian.
I meant, your biological parents.
Bella dan Billy kembali saling berpandangan.
Once again Bella and Billy exchanged glance.
Mama kandung kalian namanya Oneng. Papa kandung kalian namanya Sapi.
Your biological mother's name is Oneng. Your biological father's name is Sapi.
Mama Oneng dan papa Sapi, Bella menggumam.
Mama Oneng and papa Sapi, Bella murmured.
Seperti apa mereka?, tanya Billy.
What do they look like?, asked Billy.
Kalian tidak ingat?
You don't remember?
Bella dan Billy menggeleng.
Bella and Billy shook their heads.
Saya punya foto mama Oneng.
I have a picture of mama Oneng.
Bella dan Billy mengamati foto itu.
Bella and Billy stared at that photo.
Cantik, Bella menggumam.
Pretty, Bella murmured.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya tanda setuju.
Billy agreed by wagging his tail.
Dari mana dapat foto ini?, tanya Bella.
Where do you get this photo?, asked Bella.
Dari mama Grace.
From mama Grace.
Apa dia punya foto papa kami?, tanya Billy.
Does she have our papa's photo?, asked Billy.
Pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto.
The interviewer showed a photo.
Fotonya tidak terlalu bagus. Kabur
It is not a good photo. It's blur.
Jadi ini papa kita?, tanya Bella.
So this is our papa?, asked Bella.
Dia hitam, gumam Billy.
He is black, Billy murmured.
Dan kecil, Bella tersenyum. Dia mirip kamu, Bill.
And small, Bella smiled. He looks like you, Bill.
Apa anak mereka cuma kita?, tanya Billy.
Are we their only children?, Billy asked.
Oh tidak, pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto lagi, semua ada tujuh.
No, the interviewer showed another photo, there are seven.
Kemana yang lima?, Bella memperhatikan foto itu.
Where are the other five?, Bella stared at that photo
Tinggal kalian dan satu lagi yang masih hidup, pewawancara berkata pelan.
Only the two of you and another one who are alive, the interviewer spoke softly.
Billy dan Bella menatap tak percaya.
Billy and Bella stared in disbelief.
Ini saudara kalian satu-satunya yang masih hidup, pewawancara menunjukkan sebuah foto.
This is your only surviving sister, the interviewer showed a photo.
Dia kurus dan kecil, gumam Billy beberapa saat kemudian.
She is skinny and small, Billy muttered a short while later.
Dia dirantai, Bella menggigil. Ngeri. Dia tidak bisa kemana-mana. Kasihan dia. Opa dan mama tidak pernah merantai kami.
She is chained, Bella shivered. Horrified. She can't go anywhere. Poor little thing. Opa and mama never chained us.
Apa dia bahagia?, bisik Billy.
Is she happy?, Billy whispered.
Bella lalu menatap pewawancara.
Bella looked at the interviewer.
Terima kasih sudah menunjukkan kepada kami foto papa dan mama kandung serta saudara-saudara kami, katanya. Tapi buat kami, mama kami adalah mama Keke dan papa kami adalah opa. Mereka keluarga kami. Kami bahagia hidup dengan mereka.
Thank you to show us photos of our biological papa and mama along with photos of our siblings, she said. But to us, our mama is mama Keke and our papa is opa. They are our family. We live happily with them.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya tanda setuju.
Billy agreed by wagging his tail.
Kalian sayang banget ya ke mama Keke dan opa?
You guys love mama Keke and opa very much, don't you?
Bella dan Billy mengibaskan ekor mereka dengan penuh semangat.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails excitedly.
Mama Keke dan opa sayang ke kami, mau terima kami apa adanya, Billy menengok ke arah Bella yang mengiyakan. Bahkan waktu aku sakit dan hampir mati, mama Keke dan opa tetap merawat aku. Berdoa sungguh-sungguh buat kesembuhan aku. Sabar menghadapi aku bahkan ketika beberapa bulan lalu tulang punggungku sakit sekali dan setiap hari aku nangis kesakitan. Suaraku melengking-lengking sampai kedengaran ke tetangga yang rumahnya paling ujung. Sejak itu juga aku tidak bisa jalan. Aku pipis, pup, makan, tidur dan main cuma bisa sambil merangkak-rangkak di lantai. Mama Keke atau opa yang membersihkan aku kalau aku pipis dan pup. Mama Keke harus kerja ekstra berat buat bersihin lantai.
Mama Keke and opa love us, they accept us just the way we are, Billy turned to Bella who quietly nodded. Even when I was ill and nearly died, mama Keke and opa take care of me. They pray with all their hearts for my healing. They are patient to me even at hard times when few months ago my back hurt so much and I cried everyday. My crying was so loud it could be heard by neighbors who lives down the road. Eversince that I can't walk. I pee, poop, eat, sleep and play by crawling on the floor. Mama Keke or opa clean me when I pee and poop. Mama Keke must work extra hard to clean the floor.
Ya, mama Keke sudah menceritakannya, pewawancara mengelus-elus kepala Billy.
Yes, mama Keke has told me about it, the interviewer caressed Billy's head.
Aku kepingin cepat bisa jalan lagi, Billy menunduk. Selama ini aku ngerepotin mama Keke dan opa.
I wish I could walk again soon, Billy looked down. I have been giving trouble to mama Keke and opa.
Jangan berpikir begitu, Billy. Pewawancara spontan merangkul Billy.
Don't think like that, Billy. The interviewer embraced Billy spontaneously.
Kita semua sayang kamu, Bill. Bella menciumi muka adiknya. Kamu pasti akan bisa berjalan lagi. Kan kita sudah mulai latihan jalan.
We all love you, Bill. Bella kissed her brother's face. You'll be able to walk again. We have started giving you walking physiotheraphy, right?
Dan kata mama Keke, ada banyak kemajuan baik. Pewawancara teringat pada cerita Keke kalau tanggal 14 April Billy sudah bisa digendong. Dia ditaruh di atas tempat tidur Keke dan bisa bermain-main dengan Bella di sana. Lalu siangnya dia digendong ke dapur untuk dimandikan.
And mama Keke said there are many good progress. The interviewer remembered Keke said Billy could be carried on 14 April. He was then put on Keke's bed where he and Bella happily played. Later on the afternoon he was carried to the kitchen to be bathed.
Tapi aku senewenan. Aku gampang panik, gumam Billy. Semua karena aku takut sakit.
But I'm jumpy. I am easily panicked, Billy murmured. All because I fear pain.
Pewawancara dan Bella bertukar pandang.
The interviewer and Bella exchanged glances.
Pewawancara teringat Keke pernah mengatakan tentang hal yang sama. Penghalang terbesar untuk Billy bisa berjalan adalah bukan kaki-kaki atau otot-ototnya tapi pada mentalitasnya. Itu yang bikin Keke dan opa jadi frustrasi dan kesal.
The interviewer remembered Keke has mentioned the same thing. The biggest obstacle to make Billy walks again is not on his feet nor his muscles but it is on his mentality. It is what frustrates and upset both Keke and opa.
Pewawancara melihat Bella memberi isyarat lewat tatapan matanya. Pindah topik. Cepat.
The interviewer saw Bella gave him a sign through her eyes. Change the topic. Quick.
Kalian sayang banget ya ke mama Keke?
You guys love mama Keke very much, don't you?
Bella dan Billy langsung mengibaskan ekor mereka.
Bella and Billy quickly wagged their tails.
Kalau gitu suka bantuin mama Keke ga?
Then anyone ever helps mama Keke?
Bantuin ngegerecokin sih iya, Billy tersenyum.
Giving her messy things for sure, Billy smiled.
Ah nggak, Bella menyundul kepala adiknya, aku suka bantuin mama kok. Dari masih kecil.
No, Bella poked her brother's head, I like helping mama. I have even been doing it since I was younger.
Ah, ada foto-fotonya nih dari mama Keke.
Ah, there are photos from mama Keke.
Pewawancara menunjukkan sederetan foto.
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Mau diapain brokolinya, mama? / What do you want me to do with the broccoli, mama? |
The interviewer showed some photos.
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Aku bantuin ya, mama? / Can I help you, mama? |
You see, Bella grinned.
Oh, dia sih demennya gangguin mama, Billy terkekeh.
Oh, she likes to annoy mama, Billy gigled.
Kata siapa?, Bella menyenggol pipi adiknya.
Says who?, Bella touched her brother's cheek.
Aku suka dengar mama ngomelin kamu, Billy menjulurkan lidahnya.
I heard mama yelled at you, Billy sticked out his tongue.
Nggak, Bella melotot.
Nope, Bella glared.
Hai, sudah.. sudah. Jangan berantem, pewawancara melerai sambil tersenyum geli, Ini yuk, kita lihat foto yang lain.
Hey, come on. Knock it off, the interviewer interrupted as he couldn't help not not to smile, Here let's see other photo.
Bella dan Billy mengamati foto tersebut lalu terkekeh.
Bella and Billy stared at that photo and they gigled.
Kalian berdua ini memang seperti Bonnie dan Clyde, pewawancara nyengir.
You two are just like Bonnie and Clyde, the interviewer grinned.
Siapa?, Bella memiringkan kepalanya.
Who?, Bella tilt her head.
Dua orang yang bikin pusing banyak orang.
Two people who brought headache to many people.
Yah begitulah kita berdua, Billy nyengir.
Yeah we do, Billy grinned.
Kata mama Keke kalian kompak dalam beberapa hal. Sampai seperti kembar.
Mama Keke said the two of you are so alike in few things. Almost like twins.
Seperti..., Bella melirik Billy.
Such as..., Bella glanced at Billy.
Kita suka nyemil, Billy menjawab dengan cepat.
We like snacking, Billy quickly answered.
Pewawancara tertawa lalu menunjukkan sebuah foto.
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Bella: mmm... baunya enak. Kamu suka yang mana, Bill? / mmm.. it smells yummy. Which one do you like, Bill? Billy: yang putih / the white one |
Bella dan Billy mengibaskan ekor mereka dengan penuh semangat membuat pewawancara kembali tertawa.
Bella and Billy wagged their tails excitedly making the interviewer laughed again.
Nah, selain ngemil, apa lagi yang kalian berdua suka? pewawancara tersenyum sambil menatap keduanya.
So, beside snacking, what else do you guys like? the interviewer smiled as he looked at them.
Mandi, kata Billy bersamaan dengan Bella yang menjawab, dandan.
Bathing, Billy answered at the same time with Bella who answered, putting on the makeup.
Pewawancara tertawa, nah, yang satu suka mandi, yang satu lagi suka dandan.
The interviewer laughed, now, one likes bathing, the other likes putting on the makeup.
Aku ga suka mandi, kata Bella.
I don't like bathing, said Bella.
Mandi itu enak, tau, seger. Bersih. Wangi. Apalagi kalau pakai air yang panas. Aku ga suka air hangat. Billy memejamkan mata.
Bathing is fun, you know, it's freshing. Clean. Smells good. Especially with hot water. I don't like warm water. Billy closed his eyes.
Kenapa kamu tidak suka mandi? Pewawancara menatap Bella.
Why do you dislike bathing? The interviewer looked at Bella.
Dia takut air, ledek Billy, mama mesti kejar-kejar dia dulu dan lagi mandi maunya kabur-kaburan aja.
She's afraid of water, Billy teased, mama must chase her around and she always wants to run away when mama's bathing her.
Aku cuma ga suka aja diguyur sama air, Bella melengos, bukan karena takut air. Mama juga rajin banget sih. Ga pernah lupa mandiin kita seminggu sekali.
I just don't like being showered with water, said Bella, not because I'm afraid of water. Mama never forgets to bath us once a week.
Aku malah pengen mandi tiap hari, Billy menghela napas, tapi mama tidak punya waktu.
I wish I could bath everyday, Billy sighed, but mama don't have the time to do that.
Enakan juga dandan, kata Bella, tiap pagi aku nemenin mama dandan.
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Aku cantik ga, mama? / Am I pretty, mama? |
Billy mendengus, itu sih buat perempuan.
Billy snorted, that's a girl thing.
Pewawancara tertawa mendengar perdebatan kakak beradik itu.
The interviewer laughed on hearing the brother and sister debating on each other.
Nah, kalian berdua sama nakalnya, sama-sama suka nyemil dan kalau muntah bisa berbarengan juga kata mama Keke, pewawancara menatap Billy dan Bella sambil tersenyum.
So, the two of you are naughty, like snacking and according to mama Keke, you two could vomit at the same time too, the interviewer smiled as he looked at Billy and Bella.
Bella yang lebih sering muntah, Billy melirik Bella.
Bella is the one who vomits oftenly, Billy glanced at Bella.
Kenapa bisa gitu?, tanya pewawancara.
Why?, asked the interviewer.
Bella mengangkat bahu, ga tahu kenapa. Kadang-kadang aku mual. Kadang-kadang perut berasa ga enak karena mau pup.. eh, trus jadi mual. Kadang-kadang aku muntah habis makan rumput.. jadi mama dan opa suka ngomel kalau lihat aku makan rumput.
Bella shrugged, I don't know. Sometimes I feel sick. Sometimes my stomach doesn't feel good as I want to poop.. but then it makes me feel sick. Sometimes I threw up after I ate grass.. mama and opa would grunt if they saw me ate grass.
Lantas dikasih obat?, tanya pewawancara.
Are you given medicine for that?, asked the interviewer.
Ya, obat anti mual, Bella mengangguk.
Yes, a medicine to get rid the sickness, Bella nodded.
Lantas kita dikasih makan bubur ya, Bell?, Billy menjilat bibirnya.
After that we would get some porridge, right, Bell? Billy licked his lips.
Iya, bubur hangat. Enak deh, Bella mengibaskan ekornya.
Yes, warm porridge. It's so yummy, Bella wagged her tail.
Kalian cuma makan bubur?, tanya pewawancara.
Do you only have porridge?, asked the interviewer.
Billy menggeleng, kita makan nasi pakai ayam rebus atau ayam semur, suka juga pakai usus, ati, ampela. Kalau mama atau opa lagi masak mie goreng kita makan nasinya pakai mie. Pernah juga pakai baso dan sosis.
Billy shook his head, we have rice with boiled chicken or chicken stew, sometimes we get intestine, liver, giblets. When mama or opa cook fried noodle, we have rice with fried noodle. Sometimes meatball and sausage.
Dog food? tanya pewawancara.
Dog food? the interviewer asked.
Cuma buat cemilan, jawab Bella.
Only for snack, said Bella.
Keras, Billy nyengir, capek makannya. Pegel rahang aku. Jadi aku telen aja ga dikunyah lagi.
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Aduh lihat, mama beliin kita apa aja dari Happy Pets? / Gosh, look what mama got for us from Happy Pets |
Enak sih, Bella memandang Billy, tapi malamnya aku muntah.
It's quite yummy, Bella looked at Billy, but later at night it made me vomit.
Waduh.. pewawancara geleng-geleng kepala prihatin tapi tidak bisa menahan senyum.
Oh man.. the interviewer shook his head but couldn't help not to smile.
Eh, itu foto waktu mama dan opa pulang dari petshop. Kita dapat mainan, Billy mengibaskan ekornya dengan semangat ketika melihat foto yang ditunjukkan oleh pewawancara.
Wait, that's a photo when mama and opa just got home from petshop. We've got toys, Billy wagged his tail excitedly when he saw the photo showed by the interviewer.
Ya, aku suka sama tulang-tulangan dan bolanya, Bella ikut mengibaskan ekor.
Yes, I love the bone and the ball, Bella wagged her tail too.
Kalian suka main?, pewawancara mengelus kepala Bella dan Billy.
You like playing?, the interviewer caressed Bella and Billy's heads.
Kita selalu main berdua, Billy menjilat tangan pewawancara dengan lembut.
We always play together, Billy gently licked the interviewer's hand.
Paling enak main sama mama, Bella melompat-lompat, lari berputar-putar, mama bisa bikin permainan yang asyik. Aku juga suka gelitikin mama.
It's more fun playing with mama, Bella jumped around, ran in circle, mama could come up with fun play. I also love tickling mama.
Mama ga pernah marah kalau tangannya kita gigit-gigit. Sampai biru-biru dan merah, Billy tersenyum, kalau opa ga mau.
Mama never got upset when we bite her hand. It gives bruishes, Billy smiled, opa, on the contrary, dislike it.
Aku malah pernah bikin kaki mama luka, Bella nyengir.
I have even hurt mama's leg, Bella grinned.
Kok bisa? pewawancara kaget.
How did you do that? the interviewer startled.
Aku lompat-lompat. Kaki mama kena kuku aku, jawab Bella kelihatan menyesali peristiwa itu.
I was jumping. My nail scratched mama's leg, Bella looked sorry for that incident.
Aduh! Pasti sakit. Mama marah ke kamu ga?, pewawancara kaget.
Ouch! It must be hurt. Did mama angry to you?, the interviewer looked startled
Kalau soal bercanda sih mama ga pernah marah, kata Bella, biar pun tangannya jadi biru-biru, lecet atau bibirnya berdarah..
It never upset mama when it comes to playing, said Bella, eventhough it gives bruishes to her hands, scratch or made her lip bled..
Tunggu! Bibir mama kenapa?, pewawancara kaget.
Wait! What happens to mama's lip?, it shocked the interviewer.

I bit mama's lip, Bella bowed her head, but it was an accident. It really was an accident. I wouldn't deliberately bite mama.
Terlalu semangat main, kata Billy, Bella juga pernah ga sengaja gigit, nginjak dan jatuh di atas aku.
Got too excited when playing, said Billy, Bella has accidentally bit, stepped and fell on me.
Bella mengibaskan ekornya dengan pelan, kasihan mama. Bibirnya bengkak.
Bella wagged her tail slowly, poor mama. Her lip swelled.
Harus hati-hati kalau bermain, pewawancara mengelus kepala Bella, untung lukanya cuma kecil. Untung juga mama ga marah.
Gotta be careful when you are playing, the interviewer caressed Bella's head. Luckily it was just a small wound. And luckily too it didn't make mama angry at you.
Mama cuma marah kalau dia lagi nyapu atau ngepel dan kita gangguin, Billy nyengir, atau kalau kita ngacak-ngacak.
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Bella, jangan mainin sapunya dong! / Bella stop playing with the broom! |
Nakal juga kalian ya, pewawancara tertawa, pernah dihukum dong?
You two are naughty, aren't you?, the interviewer laughed, have you got punishment?
Yang paling sering kena omel sih si Bella, Billy terkekeh, tapi aku juga pernah kena sentil.
Bella gets yelled often, Billy giggled, but I was flicked once.
Hukumannya cuma disentil? tanya pewawancara
Flicking is the only punishment? asked the interviewer.
Bella menggeleng, pantat dipukul.
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Tidur pulas setelah ngacak-ngacak kardus / Slept peacefully after messing up the box |
Pewawancara tertawa.
The interviewer laughed.
Tapi mama ga pernah lama kalau marah, kata Billy.
But mama never keeps her anger for long, said Billy.
Bella mengangguk, sedih sih kalau mama marah tapi aku malah lebih sedih kalau mama harus pergi kerja.
Bella nodded, it upset me when mama got angry but it upset me more when she has to go to work.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya, iya. Tapi mama suka pulang siang atau malah ada yang seharian di rumah.
Billy wagged his tail, yes. But sometimes mama gets home in the afternoon or even stay the whole day at home.
Oh, itu di hari liburnya, kata pewawancara, tapi kan masih ada opa yang setiap hari ada di rumah.
Oh, it is on her day off, said the interviewer, but there is opa who stays home everyday.
Pengen mama tiap hari ada di rumah, Bella menghela napas, aku dan Billy sayang opa tapi kalau mama ga ada di rumah rasanya sedih.
I wish mama stay home every day, Bella sighed, Billy and I love opa but without mama at home it feels sad.
Billy mengibaskan ekornya.
Billy wagged his tail.
Mama kan harus kerja, pewawancara tersenyum.
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Mama, jemputannya datang / Mama, your ride is here |
Nanti kalau mama ada di rumah, datang ya?, Bella mengibaskan ekornya dengan semangat.
Would you come when mama is at home?, Bella wagged her tail excitedly.
Pewawancara mengangguk, tentu.
The interviewer nodded, sure.
* * * * *
Nah, seandainya hewan peliharaanmu bisa bicara.. apakah yang akan diceritakannya tentang dirinya, tentang hidupnya, tentang kamu..?
So, if your pet could talk.. what would it say about itself, about his/her life, about you..?
Ya ampun anjingnya lucu bangets..
ReplyDeleteKreatif banget mbak bikin tulisan seperti ini..
Hai. Makasih sdh mampir ke blog saya & makasih juga buat komennya. Salam manis dari Billy & Bella.