Hai semua! Apa saja kegiatan kalian dalam satu hari kalau lagi di rumah?
Hi all! How do you spend your day when you are at home?
Kalau lima atau enam hari dalam seminggu lebih banyak kamu habiskan di luar rumah, trus sekalinya kamu bisa ada di rumah seharian, apa saja yang kamu lakukan?
If you spend five or six days in a week not at home then once you can stay at home for one whole day, how do you spend that day?
Tidur seharian?
Stay in bed the whole day?
Mager (malas gerak)?
Being a couch potato?
Memanjakan diri?
Spoil yourself?
Haha.. masing-masing pasti punya cara tersendiri untuk menghabiskan satu hari itu.
Haha.. each of us must have our own ways on how to spend that day.
Yang ini cara saya menghabiskan satu hari di rumah.
So this is how I spend my day at home.
Dulu saya jarang ada di rumah kalau lagi libur.
In the past I rarely stayed home on my days off.
Saya keluyuran sama teman. Saya jalan-jalan. Saya nginap di rumah teman. Atau ya saya pergi bareng Andre.
I hung around with friends. I went traveling. I stayed at friend's house. Or yeah I just went out with Andre.
Saya tidak betah di rumah.
I didn't feel like staying at home.
Tapi semua berubah sejak tahun lalu.
But last year it changed.
Mama tidak ada lagi.
Mama passed away.
Saya hilang selera untuk keluar rumah pada hari libur saya.
I lost the desire to get out of the house on my days off.
Saya kasihan kalau harus ninggalin papa sendirian di rumah seharian.
I don't want to leave papa alone at home the whole day.
Kemudian Billy dan Bella hadir dalam hidup saya dan mereka bikin saya semakin tidak ingin keluyuran kemana-mana.
Later Billy and Bella came into my life and they make me don't want to go anywhere.
Ssst.. siapa pula itu Billy dan Bella?
Ssst.. who are Billy and Bella?
Buat yang belum tahu siapa Billy dan Bella.. kenalan yuukkss..
For those who have not know who are Billy and Bella.. let me introduce you to them..
Mengawali hari dengan bangun setelah jam 8 pagi tidak bisa terjadi di setiap hari libur.
Starting the day by waking up at 8 am is unlikely to happen in my every day off.
Jadi hari Selasa 27 Februari ini rasanya istimewaaaaa banget.
So this Tuesday 27 February felt so very special.
Tapi setelah sarapan.. kenyataan menampar diri.. hiks..
But after breakfast.. reality came like a slap in the face.. sigh..
Karena baru tersadar... ya ampun! Kerjaan gue hari ini banyak bingo!
Because I just realized.. oh damn! I've got so many house chores!
Mulai dari nyapu dan ngepel lantai.
Started with sweeping and mopping the floor.
Geser-geser dulu kursi-kursi dan kulkas karena mau disapu dan dipel kolong-kolong di bawah situ.
Moved the chairs and fridge because I wanted to sweep and mop the floors down there.
Billy lagi tidur. Aman.
Billy was asleep. All clear.
Ga juga ding. Tuh Bella bangun. Mulai deh menjelajah. Endus sini, endus sana. Biasaa.. kepengen tahu.
Nope, not really. Bella was awake. Started to explore. Sniffing around. Curious.
Eh, buat yang belum pernah lihat dan juga belum pernah ketemu, itu dia Billy dan Bella.
By the way, for those who have not seen nor met, there you have, Billy and Bella.
Yahh.. tapi kok cuma belakangnya aja yang kelihatan.
Oh.. but howcome they only showed their backs?
Biar penasaran.. hehe..
I let you curious.. haha..
Kelar nyapu, saya ke belakang untuk mengambil kain pel. Lewatin dapur. Lewatin jemuran.. dan mata saya mendarat ke sini. Oh tidak!! Baru ingat ada sisa jemuran yang belum diangkat.
Done with the sweeping, I went to get the mop.I passed the kitchen. Passed the clothesline.. and my eyes saw this. Oh no!! I just remembered I had some clothes hanging in there.
Aduh, ntar deh. Ambil kain pel dulu. Nanti kalau mau balik ke depan sekalian diangkat ni jemuran.
Oh man, I'll do it later. First get the mop. I'll take the clothes when I get back to the livingroom with the mop.
Belok ke kanan dan haii.. ada yang melambai-lambai.
I turned right and hii.. something waved at me.
Kemarin sore hujan jadi saya pakai jas hujan dan saya gantung saja supaya kering. Pagi ini dia tersenyum lebar ke saya "Hai Keke, aku sudah kering. Nanti aku dibawa masuk juga dan dilipat ya"
It rained yesterday afternoon so I wore my raincoat and I just hang it there to dry. This morning it smiled broadly to me "Hi Keke, I have dried up. Please take me inside too and fold me"
Yoi, cynnnn..
Ok, luvvv..
Dan sampailah saya di tempat cuci piring yang letaknya kira-kira hanya beberapa langkah dari si jas hujan.
And I have got to the sink that located just few steps from the raincoat.
Aduh, ada cucian piring yang belum dicuci.
Oh man, there were few dishes needed to be washed.
Kelar nyuci piring, taruh semua di baskom. Dilapnya ntar aje ye karena tangan saya sudah kena karbol buat ngepel. Jadi sekarang ngepel dulu.
After I washed all the dishes everything put into a basin because carbolic liquid to mop the floor was all over my hands. I'd dry them later after I mop the floor.
Pergilah saya ke teras luar. Wow! Kotor banget. Rupanya semalam hujan datang dengan angin dan akibatnya berlumpurlah lantai teras.
I went to the terrace. Wow! It was so dirty. Obviously last night rain came with wind and they made the terrace floor muddy.
Harus disapu dulu sebelum bisa dipel. Saya masuk ke dalam untuk mengambil sapu.
Had to be swept before I could mop it. I went inside to get the broom.
Baru sedikit yang disapu.. Bella muncul dari dalam rumah. Endus sini, endus sana.. dan bum! Dia menjatuhkan diri di atas lantai.
I just did a little sweeping when.. Bella came. Sniffing here and there.. and boom! She just sat down right there on the floor.
Jangan duduk di situ dong, Bell! Itu kan kotor. Lagian gimana bisa disapu kalau kamu malang melintang di situ.
Don't sit there, Bell! It's dirty. Beside, how can I sweep the floor if you sit there like a log.
Bella cuma mengedip-edipkan matanya dengan tenang sambil menatap saya, mengibaskan ekornya dan memasang muka tanpa dosa.
Bella just blinked her eyes calmly as she looked at me, wagged her tail and put an innocent look on her face.
Dia kekeuh sekali pun sudah saya dorong pakai sapu. Tidak bergeming biar pun saya tarik-tarik badannya. Tangan saya malah digigitinya. Wah, kok ya malah ngajak becanda. Ga, Bell, jangan sekarang becandanya. Banyak kerjaan nih.
She stick there though I have pushed her with the broom. Didn't move an inch though I have pulled her. She even bit my hand. It was her code to get into a play with me. No, Bell, not now. I've got lots of work to do.
Dari pada bikin sebel, ya sudahlah, saya ngalah. Mending saya jemur dulu alas tidur Bill-Bell. Semalam hujan. Dingin. Jadi saya ambil daster-daster tua punya mama dan saya taruh di lantai. Bill-Bell langsung tidur di atasnya. Tapi pagi ini daster-daster itu pasti kotor oleh debu dan rontokan bulu mereka serta lembab. Saya bawa keluar. Saya kebut lalu saya jemur di atas kursi. Matahari bersinar agak malu-malu tapi lumayanlah masih ada terang dan terasa hangat.
I'd better do something else than to let her upset me. Let me dry Bill-Bell's sleeping mats. It rained last night. Freezing. So I took mom's old dresses and put them on the floor. Bill-Bell slept on them the whole night. But this morning those sleeping mats must be dusty, filled with Bill-Bell's fur and damp. I brought them outside and put them on a chair. The sun shone shyly but it was bright and warm.
Berhubung nona Bella masih jadi polisi tidur di teras, ya, lantai di situ belum bisa disapu-pel jadi saya pikir saya mulai ngepel lantai di dalam rumah dululah.
Since miss Bella was still sitting on terrace floor like a log, well, couldn't sweep and mop it so I thought I'd mop the floor in the house.
Masuklah saya ke kamar karena mau mengepel lantai di situ dulu dan... segera terpandang oleh saya tumpukan cucian bersih yang kemarin cuma ditumpuk di atas keranjang, sama sekali belum dilipat.
I went to the bedroom because I wanted to mop its floor and... soon my eyes landed on the pile of clean laundry that has been just put on the basket, unfolded.
Keluar dari kamar tidur.. terpandang lagi oleh saya kamar mandi yang juga harus dibersihkan.
As I left the bedroom.. the bathroom stood there reminded me to clean it too.
Ya Allahku... kerjaan yang harus gue kerjain kok banyak banget!
My God... I've got so many work to do!
Dan jamnya berdetak terus.
And the clock keeps ticking.
Duh udah jam segini dan kerjaan setengahnya aja belum kelar.
Man, look at the clock and I haven't done half of my work.
Nah untung aja nona Bella sudah berpindah tempat!
Oh luckily miss Bella has moved away!
Terbirit-biritlah saya menyapu lalu mengepel. Bagian yang menuju ke belakang kulkas sengaja saya halangi dengan tempat sampah supaya nona Bella atau sinyo Billy tidak nyeplus ke situ karena kan lantainya masih basah.
I rushedly swept and then mopped the floor. I deliberately put trash bin on the floor behind the fridge to prevent miss Bella or Billy the dude from not got into there as the floor was still wet.
Cuci kain pel, bersihkan kompor gas, cuci ember tampungan air dikerjakan dengan secepat kilat. Soalnya hari semakin siang, saya semakin lapar dan saya juga harus menyisihkan waktu untuk istirahat siang sebelum murid-murid saya datang nanti sore untuk les bahasa Inggris.
Washing the mop, cleaning the stove, washing the water bucket were done as fast as I could. Time flew, I got hungrier and I had to spare time to have afternoon nap before my students came for their English tutoring.
Ok, beres dengan cuci mencuci, yuk masak air buat mandi. Yap, soalnya kita tidak punya water heater jadi kalau mau mandi air panas ya pakai cara manual, direbus di kompor.
Ok, done with all the washing, now let's boil hot water for my bath. Yep, we don't have water heater so when any of us want to take hot water bath, well, boil the water on the stove.
Sambil nunggu air mendidih mari ngelap piring-piring dan teman-temannya yang tadi sudah dicuci tapi belum dilap dan belum dimasukkan ke lemari.
While waiting for the water to boil let's dry the plates and its friends that I have washed earlier but haven't dried and put them back inside the cupboard.
Eh, apa tuh di atas sofa? Ada kantong plastik berisi berbagai barang. Olala! Itu belanjaan saya. Kemarin sore karena terlalu capek, saya taruh saja di atas sofa dengan pikiran besok ah baru dirapikan. Yak, sekarang yuk kita masukkan ke tempatnya masing-masing.
Eh, what's that on the sofa? There is a plastic bag filled with various of stuff. Oh man! It's my grocery. I was too exhausted yesterday evening that I just put it on the sofa thinking I'd store them tomorrow. Okay, now let's store each item on the right place.
Habis itu angkat jemuran.
After that taking the laundry.
Eh, yang di dalam rupanya pada tidur. Bagus deh. Jadi saya bisa kerja tanpa digangguin.
By the way, they were sleeping. Good. I could do my work uninterrupted.
Wah, di luar mulai mendung. Begini inilah Bogor. Kota hujan. Karena itu pergi kemana-mana tidak boleh lupa bawa payung. Selama hampir setahun ini saya malah selalu bawa jas hujan karena setiap hari saya pulang pergi naik ojeg motor. Kalau bergantung dari tukang ojegnya sih.. wah, tidak semua bawa jas hujan yang bagus. Malah ada yang sama sekali tidak bawa jas hujan buat penumpang. Halah! Dia kering, penumpangnya basah kuyup.
Oh, it was starting to cloudy. So this is Bogor. The rainy town. That is why never forget to bring umbrella if you want to go out. In the past year I have even bring my own raincoat because I using online motorbike service everyday to get me to work or to go home. Not all driver has good quality raincoat. Few don't even bring any raincoat for the passenger. Damn. He is safely covered in raincoat while his passenger is soaking wet.
Bella terbangun waktu saya lagi melipat jas hujan dan pindahlah dia tidur dekat kaki saya. Ah Bella sayang..
Bella awoke when I was folding my raincoat and she went sleeping near my feet. Ah my dear Bella..
Ha, lipat melipat selesai. Eh belon ding. Tuh masih ada setumpuk pakaian yang harus dilipat.
Ha, done with the folding. Oh, not really. There was a pile of laundry to fold.
Beres dengan urusan lipat melipat.. yuk, mandi. Sekalian ngebersihin kamar mandi.
Done with the folding stuff.. let's take a bath. Cleaned the bathroom as well.
Habis mandi.. wah, tambah mendung. Papa belum pulang.
After bathing.. oh no, it got cloudier. Papa hasn't home yet.
Capek ah. Saya perlu istirahat dulu. Ngadem. Isi perut.
So exhausted. I needed a rest. Cooling myself. Ate something.
Papa pulang waktu saya lagi asyik mendinginkan diri dengan bacaan yang ok banget dan sesuatu yang manis.
Papa got home when I was enjoying my cooling down moment with something great to read and sweet beverages.
Ah, lega deh. Yuk kita makan bareng. Habis itu tidur siang.
Ah, what a relief. Let's have lunch. Took a nap after that.
Jam 5 sore anak-anak datang untuk les bahasa Inggris selama satu jam.
The kids came at 5 pm to have an hour of English tutoring.
Mereka pulang. Saya teler tapi belum bisa istirahat. Nyapu. Ngepel. Cuci piring. Lagi.
They went home. I was so drained but couldn't rest yet. Sweep the floor. Mopped it. Washed the dishes. Again.
Mata saya sudah berat banget tapi lha, kok yang teler malah mereka.
My eyes were so heavy but oh man, look who were asleep already.
Bobo juga deh ah. Babak belur rasanya ini badan
I needed a sleep too. Body felt like a wreck.
Emangnya kerjaan hari ini jatah buat tiap hari Selasa?
Is today's housework meant to be done every Tuesday?
Tidaklah. Sapu-pel, cuci piring tiap hari. Nyuci baju dikerjakan papa tiap Senin dan Kamis. Sorenya saya yang angkatin dan lipat cucian yang sudah kering. Bersihin kamar mandi biasanya hari Jumat atau Minggu. Kompor gas kerjaan hari Selasa. Kadang di tambah dengan nyetrika. Mandikan Bill-Bell tiap hari Minggu.
Nope. Sweeping-mopping, washing the dishes are everyday's chores. Papa does the laundry on Monday and Thursday. Friday or Sunday is for cleaning the bathroom. The stove gets Tuesday. Sometimes I do ironing on Tuesday. Bathing Bill-Bell is on Sunday.
Yang repot kalau saya kecapean atau sakit. Nah, jadi deh banyak kerjaan numpuk di satu hari dan biasanya itu di hari Selasa karena mikir mumpung hari libur ya diborong aja semua dikerjain.
The challange came when I get too tired or fell ill. Houseworks would go piling on one day and it usually on Tuesday because I thought why not doing them all while I'm on my day off.
Beres sih beres semua tapi udahannya saya babak belur.
Everything is done but at the end I'd be so exhausted.
Kenapa kok dikerjain sendiri semua kerjaan rumah?
Why did I do all the housework by myself?
Karena tidak punya pembantu.
Because I don't have any maid.
Kenapa tidak?
Why not?
Bayaran pembantu mahal banget, cyyynn.. Pembantu yang datang enam hari seminggu untuk kerja 2-3 jam minta dibayar Rp.400.000-Rp500.000,- sebulan. Ogah deh ye. Ntar kalau penghasilan gue sudah lima juta sebulan baru gue mau pake pembantu.
A maid cost a lot, luv.. A maid who comes to the house six days a week and work for 2-3 hours asks to be paid Rp.400.000-Rp.500.000 a month. Nope. I'd get a maid when I'm making five millions a month.
Sekarang ini ya anggap aja ngerjain kerjaan rumah tangga sebagai olahraga. Orang lain bayar ratusan ribu atau malah jutaan buat jadi anggota gym atau buat ikut senam aerobic, harus buang ongkos dan waktu lagi buat pergi ke gym.. sementara eikke kagak. Hehe. Yah, selalu ada berkah di balik segala hal, tul kan?
For time being just consider doing houseworks as sport. Other people have to pay hundreds of thousand or maybe even millions to get membership of a gym or to take aerobic class, get more expenditure for transportation and time to go to the gym.. while, I don't. Haha. Well, there's always blessing in disguise in everything, right?
Hi all! How do you spend your day when you are at home?
Kalau lima atau enam hari dalam seminggu lebih banyak kamu habiskan di luar rumah, trus sekalinya kamu bisa ada di rumah seharian, apa saja yang kamu lakukan?
If you spend five or six days in a week not at home then once you can stay at home for one whole day, how do you spend that day?
Tidur seharian?
Stay in bed the whole day?
Mager (malas gerak)?
Being a couch potato?
Memanjakan diri?
Spoil yourself?
Haha.. masing-masing pasti punya cara tersendiri untuk menghabiskan satu hari itu.
Haha.. each of us must have our own ways on how to spend that day.
Yang ini cara saya menghabiskan satu hari di rumah.
So this is how I spend my day at home.
* * * * *
Dulu saya jarang ada di rumah kalau lagi libur.
In the past I rarely stayed home on my days off.
Saya keluyuran sama teman. Saya jalan-jalan. Saya nginap di rumah teman. Atau ya saya pergi bareng Andre.
I hung around with friends. I went traveling. I stayed at friend's house. Or yeah I just went out with Andre.
Saya tidak betah di rumah.
I didn't feel like staying at home.
Tapi semua berubah sejak tahun lalu.
But last year it changed.
Mama tidak ada lagi.
Mama passed away.
Saya hilang selera untuk keluar rumah pada hari libur saya.
I lost the desire to get out of the house on my days off.
Saya kasihan kalau harus ninggalin papa sendirian di rumah seharian.
I don't want to leave papa alone at home the whole day.
Kemudian Billy dan Bella hadir dalam hidup saya dan mereka bikin saya semakin tidak ingin keluyuran kemana-mana.
Later Billy and Bella came into my life and they make me don't want to go anywhere.
Ssst.. siapa pula itu Billy dan Bella?
Ssst.. who are Billy and Bella?
Buat yang belum tahu siapa Billy dan Bella.. kenalan yuukkss..
For those who have not know who are Billy and Bella.. let me introduce you to them..
* * * * *
Mengawali hari dengan bangun setelah jam 8 pagi tidak bisa terjadi di setiap hari libur.
Starting the day by waking up at 8 am is unlikely to happen in my every day off.
Jadi hari Selasa 27 Februari ini rasanya istimewaaaaa banget.
So this Tuesday 27 February felt so very special.
Tapi setelah sarapan.. kenyataan menampar diri.. hiks..
But after breakfast.. reality came like a slap in the face.. sigh..
Karena baru tersadar... ya ampun! Kerjaan gue hari ini banyak bingo!
Because I just realized.. oh damn! I've got so many house chores!
Mulai dari nyapu dan ngepel lantai.
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Bella sniffing around. Billy slept like a baby |
Started with sweeping and mopping the floor.
Geser-geser dulu kursi-kursi dan kulkas karena mau disapu dan dipel kolong-kolong di bawah situ.
Moved the chairs and fridge because I wanted to sweep and mop the floors down there.
Billy lagi tidur. Aman.
Billy was asleep. All clear.
Ga juga ding. Tuh Bella bangun. Mulai deh menjelajah. Endus sini, endus sana. Biasaa.. kepengen tahu.
Nope, not really. Bella was awake. Started to explore. Sniffing around. Curious.
Eh, buat yang belum pernah lihat dan juga belum pernah ketemu, itu dia Billy dan Bella.
By the way, for those who have not seen nor met, there you have, Billy and Bella.
Yahh.. tapi kok cuma belakangnya aja yang kelihatan.
Oh.. but howcome they only showed their backs?
Biar penasaran.. hehe..
I let you curious.. haha..
Kelar nyapu, saya ke belakang untuk mengambil kain pel. Lewatin dapur. Lewatin jemuran.. dan mata saya mendarat ke sini. Oh tidak!! Baru ingat ada sisa jemuran yang belum diangkat.
Done with the sweeping, I went to get the mop.I passed the kitchen. Passed the clothesline.. and my eyes saw this. Oh no!! I just remembered I had some clothes hanging in there.
Aduh, ntar deh. Ambil kain pel dulu. Nanti kalau mau balik ke depan sekalian diangkat ni jemuran.
Oh man, I'll do it later. First get the mop. I'll take the clothes when I get back to the livingroom with the mop.
Belok ke kanan dan haii.. ada yang melambai-lambai.
I turned right and hii.. something waved at me.
Kemarin sore hujan jadi saya pakai jas hujan dan saya gantung saja supaya kering. Pagi ini dia tersenyum lebar ke saya "Hai Keke, aku sudah kering. Nanti aku dibawa masuk juga dan dilipat ya"
It rained yesterday afternoon so I wore my raincoat and I just hang it there to dry. This morning it smiled broadly to me "Hi Keke, I have dried up. Please take me inside too and fold me"
Yoi, cynnnn..
Ok, luvvv..
Dan sampailah saya di tempat cuci piring yang letaknya kira-kira hanya beberapa langkah dari si jas hujan.
And I have got to the sink that located just few steps from the raincoat.
Aduh, ada cucian piring yang belum dicuci.
Oh man, there were few dishes needed to be washed.
Kelar nyuci piring, taruh semua di baskom. Dilapnya ntar aje ye karena tangan saya sudah kena karbol buat ngepel. Jadi sekarang ngepel dulu.
After I washed all the dishes everything put into a basin because carbolic liquid to mop the floor was all over my hands. I'd dry them later after I mop the floor.
Pergilah saya ke teras luar. Wow! Kotor banget. Rupanya semalam hujan datang dengan angin dan akibatnya berlumpurlah lantai teras.
I went to the terrace. Wow! It was so dirty. Obviously last night rain came with wind and they made the terrace floor muddy.
Harus disapu dulu sebelum bisa dipel. Saya masuk ke dalam untuk mengambil sapu.
Had to be swept before I could mop it. I went inside to get the broom.
Baru sedikit yang disapu.. Bella muncul dari dalam rumah. Endus sini, endus sana.. dan bum! Dia menjatuhkan diri di atas lantai.
I just did a little sweeping when.. Bella came. Sniffing here and there.. and boom! She just sat down right there on the floor.
Jangan duduk di situ dong, Bell! Itu kan kotor. Lagian gimana bisa disapu kalau kamu malang melintang di situ.
Don't sit there, Bell! It's dirty. Beside, how can I sweep the floor if you sit there like a log.
Bella cuma mengedip-edipkan matanya dengan tenang sambil menatap saya, mengibaskan ekornya dan memasang muka tanpa dosa.
Bella just blinked her eyes calmly as she looked at me, wagged her tail and put an innocent look on her face.
Dia kekeuh sekali pun sudah saya dorong pakai sapu. Tidak bergeming biar pun saya tarik-tarik badannya. Tangan saya malah digigitinya. Wah, kok ya malah ngajak becanda. Ga, Bell, jangan sekarang becandanya. Banyak kerjaan nih.
She stick there though I have pushed her with the broom. Didn't move an inch though I have pulled her. She even bit my hand. It was her code to get into a play with me. No, Bell, not now. I've got lots of work to do.
Dari pada bikin sebel, ya sudahlah, saya ngalah. Mending saya jemur dulu alas tidur Bill-Bell. Semalam hujan. Dingin. Jadi saya ambil daster-daster tua punya mama dan saya taruh di lantai. Bill-Bell langsung tidur di atasnya. Tapi pagi ini daster-daster itu pasti kotor oleh debu dan rontokan bulu mereka serta lembab. Saya bawa keluar. Saya kebut lalu saya jemur di atas kursi. Matahari bersinar agak malu-malu tapi lumayanlah masih ada terang dan terasa hangat.
I'd better do something else than to let her upset me. Let me dry Bill-Bell's sleeping mats. It rained last night. Freezing. So I took mom's old dresses and put them on the floor. Bill-Bell slept on them the whole night. But this morning those sleeping mats must be dusty, filled with Bill-Bell's fur and damp. I brought them outside and put them on a chair. The sun shone shyly but it was bright and warm.
Berhubung nona Bella masih jadi polisi tidur di teras, ya, lantai di situ belum bisa disapu-pel jadi saya pikir saya mulai ngepel lantai di dalam rumah dululah.
Since miss Bella was still sitting on terrace floor like a log, well, couldn't sweep and mop it so I thought I'd mop the floor in the house.
Masuklah saya ke kamar karena mau mengepel lantai di situ dulu dan... segera terpandang oleh saya tumpukan cucian bersih yang kemarin cuma ditumpuk di atas keranjang, sama sekali belum dilipat.
I went to the bedroom because I wanted to mop its floor and... soon my eyes landed on the pile of clean laundry that has been just put on the basket, unfolded.
Keluar dari kamar tidur.. terpandang lagi oleh saya kamar mandi yang juga harus dibersihkan.
As I left the bedroom.. the bathroom stood there reminded me to clean it too.
Ya Allahku... kerjaan yang harus gue kerjain kok banyak banget!
My God... I've got so many work to do!
Dan jamnya berdetak terus.
And the clock keeps ticking.
Duh udah jam segini dan kerjaan setengahnya aja belum kelar.
Man, look at the clock and I haven't done half of my work.
Nah untung aja nona Bella sudah berpindah tempat!
Oh luckily miss Bella has moved away!
Terbirit-biritlah saya menyapu lalu mengepel. Bagian yang menuju ke belakang kulkas sengaja saya halangi dengan tempat sampah supaya nona Bella atau sinyo Billy tidak nyeplus ke situ karena kan lantainya masih basah.
I rushedly swept and then mopped the floor. I deliberately put trash bin on the floor behind the fridge to prevent miss Bella or Billy the dude from not got into there as the floor was still wet.
Cuci kain pel, bersihkan kompor gas, cuci ember tampungan air dikerjakan dengan secepat kilat. Soalnya hari semakin siang, saya semakin lapar dan saya juga harus menyisihkan waktu untuk istirahat siang sebelum murid-murid saya datang nanti sore untuk les bahasa Inggris.
Washing the mop, cleaning the stove, washing the water bucket were done as fast as I could. Time flew, I got hungrier and I had to spare time to have afternoon nap before my students came for their English tutoring.
Ok, beres dengan cuci mencuci, yuk masak air buat mandi. Yap, soalnya kita tidak punya water heater jadi kalau mau mandi air panas ya pakai cara manual, direbus di kompor.
Ok, done with all the washing, now let's boil hot water for my bath. Yep, we don't have water heater so when any of us want to take hot water bath, well, boil the water on the stove.
Sambil nunggu air mendidih mari ngelap piring-piring dan teman-temannya yang tadi sudah dicuci tapi belum dilap dan belum dimasukkan ke lemari.
While waiting for the water to boil let's dry the plates and its friends that I have washed earlier but haven't dried and put them back inside the cupboard.
Eh, apa tuh di atas sofa? Ada kantong plastik berisi berbagai barang. Olala! Itu belanjaan saya. Kemarin sore karena terlalu capek, saya taruh saja di atas sofa dengan pikiran besok ah baru dirapikan. Yak, sekarang yuk kita masukkan ke tempatnya masing-masing.
Eh, what's that on the sofa? There is a plastic bag filled with various of stuff. Oh man! It's my grocery. I was too exhausted yesterday evening that I just put it on the sofa thinking I'd store them tomorrow. Okay, now let's store each item on the right place.
Habis itu angkat jemuran.
After that taking the laundry.
Eh, yang di dalam rupanya pada tidur. Bagus deh. Jadi saya bisa kerja tanpa digangguin.
By the way, they were sleeping. Good. I could do my work uninterrupted.
Wah, di luar mulai mendung. Begini inilah Bogor. Kota hujan. Karena itu pergi kemana-mana tidak boleh lupa bawa payung. Selama hampir setahun ini saya malah selalu bawa jas hujan karena setiap hari saya pulang pergi naik ojeg motor. Kalau bergantung dari tukang ojegnya sih.. wah, tidak semua bawa jas hujan yang bagus. Malah ada yang sama sekali tidak bawa jas hujan buat penumpang. Halah! Dia kering, penumpangnya basah kuyup.
Oh, it was starting to cloudy. So this is Bogor. The rainy town. That is why never forget to bring umbrella if you want to go out. In the past year I have even bring my own raincoat because I using online motorbike service everyday to get me to work or to go home. Not all driver has good quality raincoat. Few don't even bring any raincoat for the passenger. Damn. He is safely covered in raincoat while his passenger is soaking wet.
Bella terbangun waktu saya lagi melipat jas hujan dan pindahlah dia tidur dekat kaki saya. Ah Bella sayang..
Bella awoke when I was folding my raincoat and she went sleeping near my feet. Ah my dear Bella..
Ha, lipat melipat selesai. Eh belon ding. Tuh masih ada setumpuk pakaian yang harus dilipat.
Ha, done with the folding. Oh, not really. There was a pile of laundry to fold.
Beres dengan urusan lipat melipat.. yuk, mandi. Sekalian ngebersihin kamar mandi.
Done with the folding stuff.. let's take a bath. Cleaned the bathroom as well.
Habis mandi.. wah, tambah mendung. Papa belum pulang.
After bathing.. oh no, it got cloudier. Papa hasn't home yet.
Capek ah. Saya perlu istirahat dulu. Ngadem. Isi perut.
So exhausted. I needed a rest. Cooling myself. Ate something.
Papa pulang waktu saya lagi asyik mendinginkan diri dengan bacaan yang ok banget dan sesuatu yang manis.
Papa got home when I was enjoying my cooling down moment with something great to read and sweet beverages.
Ah, lega deh. Yuk kita makan bareng. Habis itu tidur siang.
Ah, what a relief. Let's have lunch. Took a nap after that.
Jam 5 sore anak-anak datang untuk les bahasa Inggris selama satu jam.
The kids came at 5 pm to have an hour of English tutoring.
Mereka pulang. Saya teler tapi belum bisa istirahat. Nyapu. Ngepel. Cuci piring. Lagi.
They went home. I was so drained but couldn't rest yet. Sweep the floor. Mopped it. Washed the dishes. Again.
Mata saya sudah berat banget tapi lha, kok yang teler malah mereka.
My eyes were so heavy but oh man, look who were asleep already.
Bobo juga deh ah. Babak belur rasanya ini badan
I needed a sleep too. Body felt like a wreck.
Emangnya kerjaan hari ini jatah buat tiap hari Selasa?
Is today's housework meant to be done every Tuesday?
Tidaklah. Sapu-pel, cuci piring tiap hari. Nyuci baju dikerjakan papa tiap Senin dan Kamis. Sorenya saya yang angkatin dan lipat cucian yang sudah kering. Bersihin kamar mandi biasanya hari Jumat atau Minggu. Kompor gas kerjaan hari Selasa. Kadang di tambah dengan nyetrika. Mandikan Bill-Bell tiap hari Minggu.
Nope. Sweeping-mopping, washing the dishes are everyday's chores. Papa does the laundry on Monday and Thursday. Friday or Sunday is for cleaning the bathroom. The stove gets Tuesday. Sometimes I do ironing on Tuesday. Bathing Bill-Bell is on Sunday.
Yang repot kalau saya kecapean atau sakit. Nah, jadi deh banyak kerjaan numpuk di satu hari dan biasanya itu di hari Selasa karena mikir mumpung hari libur ya diborong aja semua dikerjain.
The challange came when I get too tired or fell ill. Houseworks would go piling on one day and it usually on Tuesday because I thought why not doing them all while I'm on my day off.
Beres sih beres semua tapi udahannya saya babak belur.
Everything is done but at the end I'd be so exhausted.
Kenapa kok dikerjain sendiri semua kerjaan rumah?
Why did I do all the housework by myself?
Karena tidak punya pembantu.
Because I don't have any maid.
Kenapa tidak?
Why not?
Bayaran pembantu mahal banget, cyyynn.. Pembantu yang datang enam hari seminggu untuk kerja 2-3 jam minta dibayar Rp.400.000-Rp500.000,- sebulan. Ogah deh ye. Ntar kalau penghasilan gue sudah lima juta sebulan baru gue mau pake pembantu.
A maid cost a lot, luv.. A maid who comes to the house six days a week and work for 2-3 hours asks to be paid Rp.400.000-Rp.500.000 a month. Nope. I'd get a maid when I'm making five millions a month.
Sekarang ini ya anggap aja ngerjain kerjaan rumah tangga sebagai olahraga. Orang lain bayar ratusan ribu atau malah jutaan buat jadi anggota gym atau buat ikut senam aerobic, harus buang ongkos dan waktu lagi buat pergi ke gym.. sementara eikke kagak. Hehe. Yah, selalu ada berkah di balik segala hal, tul kan?
For time being just consider doing houseworks as sport. Other people have to pay hundreds of thousand or maybe even millions to get membership of a gym or to take aerobic class, get more expenditure for transportation and time to go to the gym.. while, I don't. Haha. Well, there's always blessing in disguise in everything, right?
Kalo memang bisa diketjakan sendiri, akupun lbh suka kerjain sendiri mba. Tp memang krn kerjaan kantor yg dr 6-9, aku ga mungkin ga pakai pembantu. Bisa tepar kena tipus kalo pulang kerja jam 9 msh hrs beres2 rumah :p. Jd mau ga mau memang hrs pakai. Itu anjing2mu manja sekaliiii.. Gemesin jadinya :D