Ok, urusan saya sama BPJS belon kelar..
Ok, I have got unfinished business with BPJS..
Saya menjadi peserta BPJS asuransi kesehatan bukan karena pilihan dan kemauan pribadi.
I became BPJS health insurance participant not under my personal choice or preference.
Ibarat pernikahan paksa tanpa cinta.
It were like an arranged loveless marriage.
Setelah sempat melarikan diri selama tiga belas bulan dari BPJS, akhirnya saya lagi-lagi dipepet sikon hingga harus kembali.
After spent thirteen months running away from BPJS once again situation forced me to return.
Karena BPJS menolak menceraikan saya.
Because BPJS refused to divorce me.
Yah, kami pun rujuk kembali..
Well, we reconciled..
Haha.. gue cucok banget jadi pengarang novel picisan yak..
Haha.. I'm so good at writing cheesy novel, am I?..
Ok, jadi rujuknya saya dengan BPJS karena papa harus dioperasi katarak.
Ok, so my reconciliation with BPJS was made because papa needed to have cataract surgery.
Katarak di mata kanannya sudah demikian parah sampai yang dilihatnya cuma kabut putih. Dia tidak pernah cerita. Saya baru tahu seberapa parah kondisi katarak di mata kanannya itu setelah operasi, papa bilang dia bisa melihat dengan jelas (cerita tentang operasinya menyusul dipostingan berikutnya ya).
The cataract on his right eyes has gone worse that he just saw white mist. He never said anything about it. I just knew about it when after the surgery papa said he could see clearly (the story about his surgery will be post later in my next post).
Nah, masalahnya adalah operasi katarak itu biayanya bisa sampai 10 juta.
The thing is cataract surgery can cost up to 10 millions.
Gratis tis tis kalau pakai BPJS.
It is free by BPJS.
Tadinya saya pikir BPJS papa aja yang diaktifkan lagi tapi rupanya program kepesertaannya harus satu keluarga. Tidak kayak dulu yang bayarnya bisa masing-masing. Sekarang tagihan iuran bulanannya kolektif. Satu keluarga. Itu artinya kalau papa mau bayar iuran BPJSnya dia tidak bisa bayar buat dirinya sendiri. Tagihannya kolektif buat dia dan saya.
So, I thought we just needed to activate papa's BPJS but its participant program applies to the whole family. It is no longer like in the past when one participant could pay for oneself. Now it is collective payment for the whole family. It means when papa wants to pay his BPJS due, he can't pay for himself. Its collective bills for him and me.
Damn! Kagak jadi bercerai deh gue sama BPJS.
Damn! So much for my plan to divorce BPJS.
Ronde pertama rujuknya saya dengan BPJS; Bayar tuh tunggakan iuran selama 13 bulan.
First round of my reconciliation with BPJS; Paid the 13 months overdue dues.
Iuran perbulan untuk kelas 3 adalah Rp.25.500,-
Monthly due for third class is Rp.25.500,-
Dikali 13 bulan jadinya Rp.331.500,- buat perorang.
Multiply it by 13 months makes it Rp.331.500 for one person.
Ada saya, papa dan almarhum mama (waktu itu masih ditagih karena kita belon lapor ke BPJS kalau mama sudah meninggal).
So there were me, papa and my late mama (she was still charged because we have not reported to BPJS that she has passed away).
Jadi Rp.331.500 itu dikalikan lagi 3. Totale Rp.994.500,-
Multiply that Rp.331.000 by 3. The total is Rp.994.500.
Berita baiknya adalah tempat kerja saya yang mengasuransikan saya di BPJS harus menanggung iuran bulanan BPJS saya jadi ya duit Rp.331.500,- sudah dibayarkan kembali ke saya. Tapi yang punya papa adalah tanggungan pribadi.
The good news is the company where I work is the one who set me up with BPJS so they have to pay my BPJS monthly due and so that Rp.331.500 has been reimbursed to me. But papa's due is our personal obligation.
Yang punya mama setelah kami lapor ke BPJS bahwa mama sudah meninggal tanggal 31 Desember 2016, uang iuran dari Januari sampai Juni 2017 akan dikembalikan (kami melapor tanggal 20 Juni 2017).
Mama's due, after we reported to BPJS that she has passed away on 31 December 2016, from January to June 2017 will be reimbursed (we reported it on 20 June 2017).
Urusan belon kelar antara saya dengan BPJS menyangkut dua hal.
There were two unfinished business between me and BPJS.
Yang pertama adalah tagihan bulan Agustus kok jadi Rp.51.000,-. Dua kali lipat dari jumlah normal Rp.25.500,- per orang.
The first was August bill showed puzzling number of Rp.51.000. Twice the normal bill which is Rp.25.500 for one person.
Wah, ada apa ini?
What's going on?
Pergilah saya dan papa ke kantor BPJS di Jl. Ahmad Yani Bogor.
Papa and I went to BPJS office on Jl. Ahmat Yani Bogor.
Saya paling sebal dengan urusan beginian.
I dislike this kind a stuff.
Deuuuhh.. ngantrinya. Nunggunya.
Man.. the line. The waiting.
Mengorbankan hari libur.. libur gue itu barang langka jadi sekalinya libur pengennya di rumah aja. Istirahat. Walau pun biasanya sih ga bisa seratus persen istirahat karena pasti bebersih rumah.
Sacrificing a day off.. my day off is so precious that I wanted to have it by staying home. Resting. Though not really resting as I'd do house cleaning.
Jadi urusan begini buat saya membuang enerji dan waktu.
So to me this kind a stuff is energy and time wasting.
Cuma ya ga ada pilihan.
Well, got no other choice.
Setelah ketemu dengan petugasnya yang cantik dan ramah yang memberikan penjelasan sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami, tahulah saya tagihan yang dobel itu terjadi karena sistem Indo Maret tidak mencatat pembayaran kami pada bulan Juli sehingga menagih ulang di bulan Agustus.
After met the pretty and friendly who gave simple easy to understand explanation I learned that what looked like double billing happened because of Indo Maret's system breakdown that made it didn't record our July payment so it double it with August bill.
Tapi pencatatan BPJS menunjukkan posisi yang sebenarnya.
However, BPJS's record shown our actual billing position.
Urusan kedua yang belum kelar adalah lama banget sih proses refund iuran almarhum mama saya.
The second unfinished business is that has been a very long process to refund my late mama's due.
Waktu kami melapor tanggal 20 Juni 2017 dikatakan paling cepat prosesnya sebulan.
When we reported it on 20 June 2017 I was informed it would take a month to process it. A month is the minimum time to process it.
Kedua kali saya datang ke kantor BPJS buat ngurusin tagihan yang dobel itu adalah tanggal 8 Agustus. So itu sudah sebulan lebih cuy.
The second time I went to BPJS office to take care that doubled bill was on 8 August. So it has been more than a month, dude.
Bahkan sampai saat saya menulis postingan ini, tanggal 26 Agustus 2017, BPJS belum menghubungi saya mengenai urusan refund uang iuran mama.
Even until I write this post, on 26 August 2017, BPJS still has not contact me regarding the refund of mama's due.
Ok, anggaplah saya tidak mengerti dan tidak mengetahui urut-urutan proses refund tersebut.. tapi logikanya sih tidak perlu waktu sampe lebih dari dua bulan.
Ok, assuming I don't understand and don't know the steps of processing this refund thing.. but logically it shouldn't need more than two months.
Kecuali kali kalau dalam sehari masuk laporan kematian peserta BPJS sebanyak sejuta orang. Nah, kalau kasusnya begini, masuk akal kalau proses refundnya jadi luaaaammaaaaaaa..
Unless if they receive say a million daily reports of deceased BPJS participant. Now that would make sense if it took long time to process the refund.
Apa perlu gue panggil emak gue ya biar dia sendiri yang datang ke kantor BPJS..
Do I need to summon mama so she herself could go to BPJS office..
Mungkin kalau sudah didatangin sama emak gue, baru tuh refund keluar.
Maybe then the refund would be paid.
Berita terkini..
Update news..
Akhirnya bulan Oktober datang juga berita yang ditunggu lewat sms.
Finally the long waited news came through a text in October.
Gile.. 4 bulan, cyn.. masukin berkasnya bulan Juni, cuy! EMPAT BULAN yang lalu!
Damn.. 4 months, man.. submitted the papers in June, man. It was FOUR MONTHS ago!
Heh.. mungkin setiap harinya ada jutaan orang memasukkan berkas untuk refund.
Huh.. maybe there are millions of people file their papers to get refund.
Ga heran jadi lama.
No wonder it took a long time.
Nah, pada hari yang telah ditentukan pergilah saya ke kantor BPJS di jalan Ahmad Yani.
So, on the appointed day I went to BPJS office on Ahmad Yani street.
Nunggu lagi karena petugasnya lagi sibuk dan lanjut makan siang.
I had to wait again because the officer was busy and then she had lunch.
Tenang, cyn, gue tongkrongin lu. Toh gue udah nunggu 4 bulan, jadi nunggu 1-2 jam apa sih artinya.. ha!
No sweat, man, I'd wait. I've waited 4 months so 1-2 hours of waiting meant nothing to me.. ha!
Akhirnya.. keluarlah dia membawa tiga lembar kertas.
At last.. she got out bringing three sheets of paper.
Sign them.
Kagak ada copy buat gue?
Is there any coppies for me?
Ga ada bu, di foto aja.
No, ma'am. Just take pics of them.
Good heavens..
Yah, sudahlah.. dalam segala hal harus bisa fleksibel, Keke.. oiya, omong-omong.. golok sudah diasah kan?
Oh, wtf.. you gotta be flexible in everything, Keke.. by the way.. the machete has been sharpened, right?
Kapan transfernya saya terima?
When will I get the transfer?
Nanti dikabari lagi, bu.
You'll be notified, ma'am.
Yah, mungkin 1-2 bulan lagi.
Well, probably in another 1-2 months.
Astaga!!! Kali kalau duitnya 153 milyar ya.. ini cuma Rp.153.000,-
Wtf!!! If it were 153 billions.. geez, it's just Rp.153.000,-
Begitulah cerita saya dengan BPJS.
So that is my story with BPJS.
Tapi belon kelar loh urusan saya sama BPJS.
However, I still have unfinished business with BPJS.
Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan benar-benar bercerai darinya.
Maybe someday I can really divorce it.
Kalau pun tetap bersama.. yah, sebatas di atas kertas saja.
Even if we remain together.. well, it is just on paper.
Saya akan menjatuhkan diri ke pangkuan asuransi lain..
I will throw myself on other insurance's lap..
* cerita berkaitan dengan BPJS ini bisa dilihat di postingan saya berjudul "BPJS Insurance: Love-Hate".
* the story regarding this BPJS can be read in my post under the title "BPJS Insurance: Love-Hate".
Atau kalau kamu terlalu malas buat nyari, bisa klik link ini: http://kekeyohanes.blogspot.co.id/2017/08/insurance-love-hate.html
Or if you're too lazy to search it, just click on this link:
Ok, I have got unfinished business with BPJS..
Saya menjadi peserta BPJS asuransi kesehatan bukan karena pilihan dan kemauan pribadi.
I became BPJS health insurance participant not under my personal choice or preference.
Ibarat pernikahan paksa tanpa cinta.
It were like an arranged loveless marriage.
Setelah sempat melarikan diri selama tiga belas bulan dari BPJS, akhirnya saya lagi-lagi dipepet sikon hingga harus kembali.
After spent thirteen months running away from BPJS once again situation forced me to return.
Karena BPJS menolak menceraikan saya.
Because BPJS refused to divorce me.
Yah, kami pun rujuk kembali..
Well, we reconciled..
Haha.. gue cucok banget jadi pengarang novel picisan yak..
Haha.. I'm so good at writing cheesy novel, am I?..
* * * * *
Ok, jadi rujuknya saya dengan BPJS karena papa harus dioperasi katarak.
Ok, so my reconciliation with BPJS was made because papa needed to have cataract surgery.
Katarak di mata kanannya sudah demikian parah sampai yang dilihatnya cuma kabut putih. Dia tidak pernah cerita. Saya baru tahu seberapa parah kondisi katarak di mata kanannya itu setelah operasi, papa bilang dia bisa melihat dengan jelas (cerita tentang operasinya menyusul dipostingan berikutnya ya).
The cataract on his right eyes has gone worse that he just saw white mist. He never said anything about it. I just knew about it when after the surgery papa said he could see clearly (the story about his surgery will be post later in my next post).
Nah, masalahnya adalah operasi katarak itu biayanya bisa sampai 10 juta.
The thing is cataract surgery can cost up to 10 millions.
Gratis tis tis kalau pakai BPJS.
It is free by BPJS.
Tadinya saya pikir BPJS papa aja yang diaktifkan lagi tapi rupanya program kepesertaannya harus satu keluarga. Tidak kayak dulu yang bayarnya bisa masing-masing. Sekarang tagihan iuran bulanannya kolektif. Satu keluarga. Itu artinya kalau papa mau bayar iuran BPJSnya dia tidak bisa bayar buat dirinya sendiri. Tagihannya kolektif buat dia dan saya.
So, I thought we just needed to activate papa's BPJS but its participant program applies to the whole family. It is no longer like in the past when one participant could pay for oneself. Now it is collective payment for the whole family. It means when papa wants to pay his BPJS due, he can't pay for himself. Its collective bills for him and me.
Damn! Kagak jadi bercerai deh gue sama BPJS.
Damn! So much for my plan to divorce BPJS.
* * * * *
Ronde pertama rujuknya saya dengan BPJS; Bayar tuh tunggakan iuran selama 13 bulan.
First round of my reconciliation with BPJS; Paid the 13 months overdue dues.
Iuran perbulan untuk kelas 3 adalah Rp.25.500,-
Monthly due for third class is Rp.25.500,-
Dikali 13 bulan jadinya Rp.331.500,- buat perorang.
Multiply it by 13 months makes it Rp.331.500 for one person.
Ada saya, papa dan almarhum mama (waktu itu masih ditagih karena kita belon lapor ke BPJS kalau mama sudah meninggal).
So there were me, papa and my late mama (she was still charged because we have not reported to BPJS that she has passed away).
Jadi Rp.331.500 itu dikalikan lagi 3. Totale Rp.994.500,-
Multiply that Rp.331.000 by 3. The total is Rp.994.500.
Berita baiknya adalah tempat kerja saya yang mengasuransikan saya di BPJS harus menanggung iuran bulanan BPJS saya jadi ya duit Rp.331.500,- sudah dibayarkan kembali ke saya. Tapi yang punya papa adalah tanggungan pribadi.
The good news is the company where I work is the one who set me up with BPJS so they have to pay my BPJS monthly due and so that Rp.331.500 has been reimbursed to me. But papa's due is our personal obligation.
Yang punya mama setelah kami lapor ke BPJS bahwa mama sudah meninggal tanggal 31 Desember 2016, uang iuran dari Januari sampai Juni 2017 akan dikembalikan (kami melapor tanggal 20 Juni 2017).
Mama's due, after we reported to BPJS that she has passed away on 31 December 2016, from January to June 2017 will be reimbursed (we reported it on 20 June 2017).
* * * * *
Urusan belon kelar antara saya dengan BPJS menyangkut dua hal.
There were two unfinished business between me and BPJS.
Yang pertama adalah tagihan bulan Agustus kok jadi Rp.51.000,-. Dua kali lipat dari jumlah normal Rp.25.500,- per orang.
![]() |
Receipt for July-August 2017 BPJS premium payment |
The first was August bill showed puzzling number of Rp.51.000. Twice the normal bill which is Rp.25.500 for one person.
Wah, ada apa ini?
What's going on?
Pergilah saya dan papa ke kantor BPJS di Jl. Ahmad Yani Bogor.
![]() |
it's 8 am and look at the long line |
Papa and I went to BPJS office on Jl. Ahmat Yani Bogor.
Saya paling sebal dengan urusan beginian.
I dislike this kind a stuff.
Deuuuhh.. ngantrinya. Nunggunya.
Man.. the line. The waiting.
Mengorbankan hari libur.. libur gue itu barang langka jadi sekalinya libur pengennya di rumah aja. Istirahat. Walau pun biasanya sih ga bisa seratus persen istirahat karena pasti bebersih rumah.
Sacrificing a day off.. my day off is so precious that I wanted to have it by staying home. Resting. Though not really resting as I'd do house cleaning.
Jadi urusan begini buat saya membuang enerji dan waktu.
So to me this kind a stuff is energy and time wasting.
Cuma ya ga ada pilihan.
Well, got no other choice.
Setelah ketemu dengan petugasnya yang cantik dan ramah yang memberikan penjelasan sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami, tahulah saya tagihan yang dobel itu terjadi karena sistem Indo Maret tidak mencatat pembayaran kami pada bulan Juli sehingga menagih ulang di bulan Agustus.
After met the pretty and friendly who gave simple easy to understand explanation I learned that what looked like double billing happened because of Indo Maret's system breakdown that made it didn't record our July payment so it double it with August bill.
Tapi pencatatan BPJS menunjukkan posisi yang sebenarnya.
However, BPJS's record shown our actual billing position.
* * * * *
Urusan kedua yang belum kelar adalah lama banget sih proses refund iuran almarhum mama saya.
The second unfinished business is that has been a very long process to refund my late mama's due.
Waktu kami melapor tanggal 20 Juni 2017 dikatakan paling cepat prosesnya sebulan.
When we reported it on 20 June 2017 I was informed it would take a month to process it. A month is the minimum time to process it.
Kedua kali saya datang ke kantor BPJS buat ngurusin tagihan yang dobel itu adalah tanggal 8 Agustus. So itu sudah sebulan lebih cuy.
The second time I went to BPJS office to take care that doubled bill was on 8 August. So it has been more than a month, dude.
Bahkan sampai saat saya menulis postingan ini, tanggal 26 Agustus 2017, BPJS belum menghubungi saya mengenai urusan refund uang iuran mama.
Even until I write this post, on 26 August 2017, BPJS still has not contact me regarding the refund of mama's due.
Ok, anggaplah saya tidak mengerti dan tidak mengetahui urut-urutan proses refund tersebut.. tapi logikanya sih tidak perlu waktu sampe lebih dari dua bulan.
Ok, assuming I don't understand and don't know the steps of processing this refund thing.. but logically it shouldn't need more than two months.
Kecuali kali kalau dalam sehari masuk laporan kematian peserta BPJS sebanyak sejuta orang. Nah, kalau kasusnya begini, masuk akal kalau proses refundnya jadi luaaaammaaaaaaa..
Unless if they receive say a million daily reports of deceased BPJS participant. Now that would make sense if it took long time to process the refund.
![]() |
mama's death certificate from the hospital |
Apa perlu gue panggil emak gue ya biar dia sendiri yang datang ke kantor BPJS..
Do I need to summon mama so she herself could go to BPJS office..
Mungkin kalau sudah didatangin sama emak gue, baru tuh refund keluar.
Maybe then the refund would be paid.
![]() |
1st January 2017 |
* * * * *
Berita terkini..
Update news..
Akhirnya bulan Oktober datang juga berita yang ditunggu lewat sms.
Finally the long waited news came through a text in October.
Gile.. 4 bulan, cyn.. masukin berkasnya bulan Juni, cuy! EMPAT BULAN yang lalu!
Damn.. 4 months, man.. submitted the papers in June, man. It was FOUR MONTHS ago!
Heh.. mungkin setiap harinya ada jutaan orang memasukkan berkas untuk refund.
Huh.. maybe there are millions of people file their papers to get refund.
Ga heran jadi lama.
No wonder it took a long time.
Nah, pada hari yang telah ditentukan pergilah saya ke kantor BPJS di jalan Ahmad Yani.
So, on the appointed day I went to BPJS office on Ahmad Yani street.
Nunggu lagi karena petugasnya lagi sibuk dan lanjut makan siang.
I had to wait again because the officer was busy and then she had lunch.
Tenang, cyn, gue tongkrongin lu. Toh gue udah nunggu 4 bulan, jadi nunggu 1-2 jam apa sih artinya.. ha!
No sweat, man, I'd wait. I've waited 4 months so 1-2 hours of waiting meant nothing to me.. ha!
Akhirnya.. keluarlah dia membawa tiga lembar kertas.
At last.. she got out bringing three sheets of paper.
Sign them.
Kagak ada copy buat gue?
Is there any coppies for me?
Ga ada bu, di foto aja.
No, ma'am. Just take pics of them.
Good heavens..
Yah, sudahlah.. dalam segala hal harus bisa fleksibel, Keke.. oiya, omong-omong.. golok sudah diasah kan?
Oh, wtf.. you gotta be flexible in everything, Keke.. by the way.. the machete has been sharpened, right?
Kapan transfernya saya terima?
When will I get the transfer?
Nanti dikabari lagi, bu.
You'll be notified, ma'am.
Yah, mungkin 1-2 bulan lagi.
Well, probably in another 1-2 months.
Astaga!!! Kali kalau duitnya 153 milyar ya.. ini cuma Rp.153.000,-
Wtf!!! If it were 153 billions.. geez, it's just Rp.153.000,-
* * * * *
Begitulah cerita saya dengan BPJS.
So that is my story with BPJS.
Tapi belon kelar loh urusan saya sama BPJS.
However, I still have unfinished business with BPJS.
Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan benar-benar bercerai darinya.
Maybe someday I can really divorce it.
Kalau pun tetap bersama.. yah, sebatas di atas kertas saja.
Even if we remain together.. well, it is just on paper.
Saya akan menjatuhkan diri ke pangkuan asuransi lain..
I will throw myself on other insurance's lap..
* cerita berkaitan dengan BPJS ini bisa dilihat di postingan saya berjudul "BPJS Insurance: Love-Hate".
* the story regarding this BPJS can be read in my post under the title "BPJS Insurance: Love-Hate".
Atau kalau kamu terlalu malas buat nyari, bisa klik link ini: http://kekeyohanes.blogspot.co.id/2017/08/insurance-love-hate.html
Or if you're too lazy to search it, just click on this link:
Iya mba, urusannya ribet ya n panjang. Ga tau krana proses administrasinya yg ribet atau emang kita blum paham prosedurnya ya? Hah apapun itu tetep aja buat orang awam kayak aq ga ngerti hee
ReplyDeleteBerasa jadi ribet krn masyarakat umumnya tdk tahu prosedur administrasinya. BPJS juga tdk rutin & gencar mensosialisasikan prosedur ini di media massa & media sosial. Di kantor BPJS aja tdk ada ditempel persyaratan administrasi utk tiap-tiap keperluan peserta BPJS
DeleteSeharusnya semakin kesini, semakin mudah urusan.. tpi kok malah... ckckck
ReplyDeletegitu deh.. urusan prosedural & administrasinya masih kurang cepat & sederhana