Saya akui operasi katarak di RS Melania memang benar-benar mengikuti standard prosedur operasi.
I admit cataract surgery in Melania hospital really followed the standard procedure.
Ada test darah di laboratorium tanggal 11 Juli 2017.
There was blood test in the laboratory on 11 July 2017.
Lantas tanggal 18 Juli 2017 hasil test darah itu dibawa ke dokter internis.
After that the blood test result should be consulted to the internist.
Hari itu juga diadakan pengecekan rekam jantung (EKG).
There was ECG checkup on that same day.
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a record of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is done by electrodes attached to the outer surface of the skin and recorded by a device outside the body. An electrocardiogram is used to monitor your heart. Wikipedia
Lega dan ngenes juga saya ngeliatnya karena dulu waktu mama operasi di klinik mata Ainun Habibie mana ada pengecekan model begini..
It relieved and also such an agony for me to see this as it remind me when mama had cataract surgery in Ainun Habibie eye clinic.
Jadi RS Melania jauh lebih profesional, lebih teliti, lebih sesuai dengan prosedur dan karenanya jadi lebih aman dibandingkan dengan klinik mata Ainun Habibie.
So it is more professional, thorough, follows standard procedure and therefore is safer compare to Ainun Habibie eye clinic.
Jumat, 11 Agustus. Hari H. Operasi. Bikin deg-degan.
Friday, 11 August. D-day. Surgery date. Nervous.
Di atas kertas tertulis kita harus sudah ada di ruang tunggu dokter mata dari jam 2 siang.
It was written that we should be already at the doctor's waiting room since 2 pm.
Dari jam 11.30 papa sudah mulai parno. Saya yang tadinya pengen santai-santai aja jadi ikut terbirit-birit.
Papa has become nervous since 11.30 am. I wanted to have things not in rush but he made me did things rushedly.
Jam satu sampai di rumah sakit.
Got at the hospital at one pm.
Di ruang tunggu dokter mata baru beberapa pasien. Tuh kan, ngapain juga buru-buru.
There were only few patients at the doctor's waiting room. See, why rush?
Ternyata disuruh datang lebih awal itu karena mata yang mau dioperasi harus ditetesi obat untuk membesarkan pupil mata.
The reason we were asked to come early because the eye which would be operated needed to be given eyedrop to enlarge the eye's pupil.
Sekitar jam 3 saya sebagai keluarga dari papa diminta untuk tandatangan surat izin operasi. Duh, bikin jiper deh baca segala resikonya. Sudah gitu kita tidak dikasih copynya. Jadi saya potret saja pake hp. Ini halaman pertamanya.
At around 3 pm I as papa's family was asked to sign the surgery papers. Geez, it made me nervous reading the surgery risks. They didn't give me any copy of it. So I took photos using my cellphone. Here is the first page.
Sambil menandatangani surat itu diam-diam saya berdoa. Tuhan dan mama, saya tahu kalian menyertai operasi ini dari awal sampai akhir. Jaga papa. Semuanya pasti akan jadi baik.
As I signed those papers I quietly prayed. God and mama, I know all of you are present at this surgery from start to its end. Look after papa. Everything will be okay.
Aduh, baru kali itu saya nungguin operasi yang luaaaamaaaa banget..
Man, I swear that was the first and the longest surgery I have ever attended.
Jadwal di atas kertas sama kenyataan bedanya jaaauuuuhh banget.
The schedule on paper was a faaaaar different with reality.
Katanya jam 5 sore. Kenyataannya papa masuk ruang operasi hampir jam 7 malam!
It was scheduled at 5 pm. In reality papa went into the surgery room when it was nearly 7 pm!
Operasinya sih paling lama cuma 15 menit tapi nunggu sebelum dan sesudahnya itu.. ampuuunn!
The surgery took about 15 minutes but the waiting before and after it.. geez!
Untungnya ada teman setia saya yang satu ini. Dari jam 12 siang sampai hampir jam 8 malam dia bertahan mondar mandir memainkan lagu-lagu kesukaan saya sehingga kurang stresslah saya.
I'm grateful to have this friend that accompanied me. It played my favorite songs back and forth from noon to nearly 8 pm so it made me less stressfull.
Walau pun saya menganggap RS Melania jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klinik mata Ainun Habibie tapi yah seperti kata pepatah 'tidak ada gading yang tak retak'.. ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya sebaiknya diperbaiki.
Eventhough to me Melania hospital is much better than Ainun Habibie eye clinic but well you know 'nothing is flawless'.. there are few things I think need to be fixed.
1. Surat persetujuan menjalani operasi
Kalau bukan kasus darurat, surat persetujuan ini sebaiknya sudah diberikan kepada pasien dan keluarganya jauh hari sebelum Hari H operasi. Tujuannya adalah supaya pasien dan keluarga diberikan kesempatan untuk bisa mempelajari dan mengerti setiap poin serta dapat bertanya pada dokter kalau ada yang tidak dimengerti atau membutuhkan penjelasan lebih rinci.
Dan alangkah lebih baiknya kalau surat ini diberikan rangkap dua. Satu copy untuk dikembalikan ke rumah sakit dan satu copy lagi untuk pasien serta keluarganya.
1. Informed consent
For regular cases this paper better be given to patient and his/her family long before the surgery due date. It is to give the patient and his/her family time to study and understand each point along with giving them opportunity to ask the doctor for further or detailed information.
And it would be much better if this paper be given in two coppies. One to be returned to the hospital and another copy to be kept by the patient and his/her family.
2. Waktu operasi
Operasi papa di jadwal jam 5 sore tapi kenyataannya mulur.
Sebaiknya waktu operasi memperhitungkan jadwal operasi sebelumnya dan pemberian waktu untuk dokter mengevaluasi kondisi pasien yang sudah di operasi serta waktu untuk dokter beristirahat.
2. Time of surgery
Papa's surgery was scheduled at 5 pm but in reality it went long after 5 pm.
It is better the time of surgery is set after calculating the previous surgery and giving the doctor time to evaluate the post surgery patient also to give the doctor time to rest.
3. Resep obat
Saya sempat heran ketika ketika mendengar info dari keluarga 4 pasien yang dioperasi sebelum papa mengenai obat. Yang satu bilang obatnya akan dikasih jam 6, yang lain bilang obatnya jam 7 sementara pasien keempat bilang obatnya akan dikasih jam 8 malam.
Nah lo?!
Kalau pasien keempat aja obatnya dikasih jam 8 malam, terus si papa obatnya jam berapa? Jam 9 gitu??? Papa adalah pasien kelima dan yang terakhir yang dioperasi hari itu.
Mampus gue! Nyampe rumah jam berapa kita?
Kenapa obatnya tidak dikasih sebelum operasi? Dugaan saya karena dokter harus lihat gimana kondisi mata setiap pasien saat dan setelah operasi so obatnya disesuaikan dengan kondisi mata itu.
Yang saya heran juga adalah kenapa kok saat operasi si dokter tidak langsung bilang ke asistennya kalau si pasien harus dikasih obat ini dan itu. So asistennya yang nulisin resep terus suster tinggal bawa resepnya ke apotik dan begitu si pasien selesai operasi kan obatnya sudah ada, tidak usah nunggu lama.
Sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu alasannya..
3. Medical prescription
It puzzled me when I have got the information regarding the medicine from the families of 4 patients who had their surgeries earlier than papa. One of them said the meds would be given at 6 pm, the other said his would be at 7 pm while the fourth patient said it would be given at 8 pm.
If the fourth patient would get his meds at 8 pm then what time would papa get his? Papa was the fifth and the last patient being operated on that day.
Damn. What time would we get home?
Why didn't the meds were given before the surgery? I think the doctor must saw the patient's eye condition during and after the surgery so the meds would be accomodated according to the eye's condition.
What also puzzled me is why didn't the doctor told his assistant the kinds of meds should be given to the patient while he was doing the surgery. The assistant thus could write the prescription and a nurse could bring it to the pharmacy and after the surgery the meds would be ready and the patient wouldn't have a long wait for it.
I still don't have the answer for that..
4. Efek samping
Yang namanya obat pasti ada efek sampingnya. Berat ringannya di tiap orang beda tapi ya tetap aja efek samping obat itu harus diketahui dan diwaspadai.
Masalahnya tidak semua dokter dan apoteker akan menjelaskan efek samping dari obat yang diresepkan ke pasien jadi pasien itu sendiri yang harus berusaha mendapat info dengan bertanya, membaca leaflet atau googling.
Pengalaman papa memakai obat-obatan yang diberikan setelah operasi katarak ini bervariasi. Setelah kira-kira dua hari minum obat dia bawaannya ngantuk terus-terusan (sekalipun dia bangun tapi rasanya dia tidur dengan mata terbuka), kemampuan mendengar berkurang (dalam keadaan tidak minum obat pun dia sudah budek dikit, nah, setelah minum obat bikin saya harus ngomong setengah teriak supaya dia bisa dengar) dan efek samping terakhir yang rada nakutin adalah mendadak jadi lemas.
Karena kami tidak tahu obat mana yang menimbulkan masing-masing efek samping itu akhirnya kami putuskan untuk menghentikan pemakaian obat.
Seminggu setelah operasi, papa harus cek lagi ke dokter mata. Di rumah sakit kami berdua bertemu lagi dengan empat pasien lainnya yang sama-sama menjalani operasi katarak di hari yang sama dengan papa dan mereka yang sebelum operasi kelihatan gagah kali itu tampak loyo. Saya dan papa langsung bisik-bisik "Eh, jangan-jangan mereka jadi loyo kayak zombie gitu karena efek samping obat".. Haha..
4. Side effect
Every medicine has side effect. It is of course different on each person but it is still something we must know and be cautious.
The problem is not all doctors and pharmacist will explain the side effect of medicine prescribed to patient so the patient must be active to get information by asking, read the leaflet or googling.
Papa's experience after he took the medicine given to him after the surgery was varied. After two days taking the meds he constantly felt sleepy (it looked like he slept with his eyes wide open), reducing his hearing ability (he has bad hearing already and the meds made it worse I had to half scream when I talked to him) and the last side effect is he felt limp).
Since we didn't know which medicine gave those side effects we decided to stop taking them.
A week after the surgery papa had to return to the doctor for a check up. At the hospital we met another four patients who had cataract surgery on the same day papa had his surgery and they, whom before the surgery appeared fit, looked limp. This made papa and I wishpered "is it possible they look like zombies because of meds side effect?".. Haha..
5. Ruangan bikin garing
Ruangan di lobby dan di depan apotik buat saya lumayan bagus. Terbuka. Terangnya bukan cuma dari lampu tapi juga dari sinar matahari yang masuk lewat pintu dan jendela-jendela. Sirkulasi udara cukup baik. Ada banyak benda, tv dan orang yang bisa dilihat. Ada banyak suara.
Malah ada tempat bermain untuk anak juga. Senang rasanya saya melihat warna-warni mainan serta anak-anak berbagai usia bermain di sana.
Tapi ruang tunggu operasi.. ya ampun.. persis kayak ada di ruang penjara bawah tanah. Tidak ada jendela. Tidak ada dekorasi apa pun di tembok. Tidak ada suara kecuali suara percakapan keluarga pasien. Bener-bener membosankan dan saya terkurung di ruangan itu selama hampir tiga jam! Soalnya serba salah. Kita tidak tahu papa dapat giliran yang ke berapa. Kita tidak yakin susternya mau bela-belain turun ke lobby buat nyariin kita. So, kagak bisa ditinggal.
Waktu papa selesai operasi, dia lapar dan maunya makan di ruang tunggu itu. "Wah ga!" kata saya "kita makan aja di kantin". Saya sudah muak berada di ruangan sumpek itu dan saya pengen buru-buru keluar.
Operasi itu bikin stress untuk pasien dan keluarganya. Menunggu juga bikin stress. Jadi bayangkanlah dalam keadaan begitu berada di ruangan yang menambah stress dan setelah berada di sana selama berjam-jam rasanya saya mau muntah.
5. The so very plain room
I think the lobby and the space infront of the pharmacy are pretty good. They are open space. The light comes not only from the lamps but also from the sun that gets in through the door and windows. Air circulation is pretty good. There are many things, tv and people to be seen. There are many sounds.
There are playground too. I love seeing the colorful toys and children playing in there.
But the surgery waiting room.. my God.. it is like a dungeon. There is no window. No decoration on the wall. There is no sound except the sound of the patients family chatting. It was completely boring and I was locked in there for almost three hours! Well, got no choice. We didn't know when papa's turn. We weren't sure the nurse would go to the lobby and looked for us. So we couldn't leave the room.
When papa had his surgery done, he was hungry and wanted to have dinner there. "Oh no" I said to him "We will have dinner at the canteen". I was sick to be in that room and I just wanted to get the hell out of there.
Having a surgery is stressful both for the patient and his/her family. So imagine if you were in that kind of situation and you have to be in a room that adds more stress on you and after being in there for hours it just made me felt like throwing up.
Yah, bersyukurlah saya semua sudah lewat. Tinggal nunggu operasi buat mata kiri si papa awal bulan Oktober.
Well, I am so grateful it is all behind us now. Next is waiting for papa's left eye surgery which is scheduled on early October.
I admit cataract surgery in Melania hospital really followed the standard procedure.
Ada test darah di laboratorium tanggal 11 Juli 2017.
There was blood test in the laboratory on 11 July 2017.
Lantas tanggal 18 Juli 2017 hasil test darah itu dibawa ke dokter internis.
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After that the blood test result should be consulted to the internist.
Hari itu juga diadakan pengecekan rekam jantung (EKG).
There was ECG checkup on that same day.
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a record of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is done by electrodes attached to the outer surface of the skin and recorded by a device outside the body. An electrocardiogram is used to monitor your heart. Wikipedia
Lega dan ngenes juga saya ngeliatnya karena dulu waktu mama operasi di klinik mata Ainun Habibie mana ada pengecekan model begini..
It relieved and also such an agony for me to see this as it remind me when mama had cataract surgery in Ainun Habibie eye clinic.
Jadi RS Melania jauh lebih profesional, lebih teliti, lebih sesuai dengan prosedur dan karenanya jadi lebih aman dibandingkan dengan klinik mata Ainun Habibie.
So it is more professional, thorough, follows standard procedure and therefore is safer compare to Ainun Habibie eye clinic.
* * * * *
Jumat, 11 Agustus. Hari H. Operasi. Bikin deg-degan.
Friday, 11 August. D-day. Surgery date. Nervous.
Di atas kertas tertulis kita harus sudah ada di ruang tunggu dokter mata dari jam 2 siang.
It was written that we should be already at the doctor's waiting room since 2 pm.
Dari jam 11.30 papa sudah mulai parno. Saya yang tadinya pengen santai-santai aja jadi ikut terbirit-birit.
Papa has become nervous since 11.30 am. I wanted to have things not in rush but he made me did things rushedly.
Jam satu sampai di rumah sakit.
Got at the hospital at one pm.
Di ruang tunggu dokter mata baru beberapa pasien. Tuh kan, ngapain juga buru-buru.
There were only few patients at the doctor's waiting room. See, why rush?
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papa waiting for the surgery |
Ternyata disuruh datang lebih awal itu karena mata yang mau dioperasi harus ditetesi obat untuk membesarkan pupil mata.
The reason we were asked to come early because the eye which would be operated needed to be given eyedrop to enlarge the eye's pupil.
Sekitar jam 3 saya sebagai keluarga dari papa diminta untuk tandatangan surat izin operasi. Duh, bikin jiper deh baca segala resikonya. Sudah gitu kita tidak dikasih copynya. Jadi saya potret saja pake hp. Ini halaman pertamanya.
At around 3 pm I as papa's family was asked to sign the surgery papers. Geez, it made me nervous reading the surgery risks. They didn't give me any copy of it. So I took photos using my cellphone. Here is the first page.
Sambil menandatangani surat itu diam-diam saya berdoa. Tuhan dan mama, saya tahu kalian menyertai operasi ini dari awal sampai akhir. Jaga papa. Semuanya pasti akan jadi baik.
As I signed those papers I quietly prayed. God and mama, I know all of you are present at this surgery from start to its end. Look after papa. Everything will be okay.
* * * * *
Aduh, baru kali itu saya nungguin operasi yang luaaaamaaaa banget..
Man, I swear that was the first and the longest surgery I have ever attended.
Jadwal di atas kertas sama kenyataan bedanya jaaauuuuhh banget.
The schedule on paper was a faaaaar different with reality.
Katanya jam 5 sore. Kenyataannya papa masuk ruang operasi hampir jam 7 malam!
It was scheduled at 5 pm. In reality papa went into the surgery room when it was nearly 7 pm!
Operasinya sih paling lama cuma 15 menit tapi nunggu sebelum dan sesudahnya itu.. ampuuunn!
The surgery took about 15 minutes but the waiting before and after it.. geez!
Untungnya ada teman setia saya yang satu ini. Dari jam 12 siang sampai hampir jam 8 malam dia bertahan mondar mandir memainkan lagu-lagu kesukaan saya sehingga kurang stresslah saya.
I'm grateful to have this friend that accompanied me. It played my favorite songs back and forth from noon to nearly 8 pm so it made me less stressfull.
* * * * *
Walau pun saya menganggap RS Melania jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klinik mata Ainun Habibie tapi yah seperti kata pepatah 'tidak ada gading yang tak retak'.. ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya sebaiknya diperbaiki.
Eventhough to me Melania hospital is much better than Ainun Habibie eye clinic but well you know 'nothing is flawless'.. there are few things I think need to be fixed.
1. Surat persetujuan menjalani operasi
Kalau bukan kasus darurat, surat persetujuan ini sebaiknya sudah diberikan kepada pasien dan keluarganya jauh hari sebelum Hari H operasi. Tujuannya adalah supaya pasien dan keluarga diberikan kesempatan untuk bisa mempelajari dan mengerti setiap poin serta dapat bertanya pada dokter kalau ada yang tidak dimengerti atau membutuhkan penjelasan lebih rinci.
Dan alangkah lebih baiknya kalau surat ini diberikan rangkap dua. Satu copy untuk dikembalikan ke rumah sakit dan satu copy lagi untuk pasien serta keluarganya.
1. Informed consent
For regular cases this paper better be given to patient and his/her family long before the surgery due date. It is to give the patient and his/her family time to study and understand each point along with giving them opportunity to ask the doctor for further or detailed information.
And it would be much better if this paper be given in two coppies. One to be returned to the hospital and another copy to be kept by the patient and his/her family.
2. Waktu operasi
Operasi papa di jadwal jam 5 sore tapi kenyataannya mulur.
Sebaiknya waktu operasi memperhitungkan jadwal operasi sebelumnya dan pemberian waktu untuk dokter mengevaluasi kondisi pasien yang sudah di operasi serta waktu untuk dokter beristirahat.
2. Time of surgery
Papa's surgery was scheduled at 5 pm but in reality it went long after 5 pm.
It is better the time of surgery is set after calculating the previous surgery and giving the doctor time to evaluate the post surgery patient also to give the doctor time to rest.
3. Resep obat
Saya sempat heran ketika ketika mendengar info dari keluarga 4 pasien yang dioperasi sebelum papa mengenai obat. Yang satu bilang obatnya akan dikasih jam 6, yang lain bilang obatnya jam 7 sementara pasien keempat bilang obatnya akan dikasih jam 8 malam.
Nah lo?!
Kalau pasien keempat aja obatnya dikasih jam 8 malam, terus si papa obatnya jam berapa? Jam 9 gitu??? Papa adalah pasien kelima dan yang terakhir yang dioperasi hari itu.
Mampus gue! Nyampe rumah jam berapa kita?
Kenapa obatnya tidak dikasih sebelum operasi? Dugaan saya karena dokter harus lihat gimana kondisi mata setiap pasien saat dan setelah operasi so obatnya disesuaikan dengan kondisi mata itu.
Yang saya heran juga adalah kenapa kok saat operasi si dokter tidak langsung bilang ke asistennya kalau si pasien harus dikasih obat ini dan itu. So asistennya yang nulisin resep terus suster tinggal bawa resepnya ke apotik dan begitu si pasien selesai operasi kan obatnya sudah ada, tidak usah nunggu lama.
Sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu alasannya..
3. Medical prescription
It puzzled me when I have got the information regarding the medicine from the families of 4 patients who had their surgeries earlier than papa. One of them said the meds would be given at 6 pm, the other said his would be at 7 pm while the fourth patient said it would be given at 8 pm.
If the fourth patient would get his meds at 8 pm then what time would papa get his? Papa was the fifth and the last patient being operated on that day.
Damn. What time would we get home?
Why didn't the meds were given before the surgery? I think the doctor must saw the patient's eye condition during and after the surgery so the meds would be accomodated according to the eye's condition.
What also puzzled me is why didn't the doctor told his assistant the kinds of meds should be given to the patient while he was doing the surgery. The assistant thus could write the prescription and a nurse could bring it to the pharmacy and after the surgery the meds would be ready and the patient wouldn't have a long wait for it.
I still don't have the answer for that..
4. Efek samping
Yang namanya obat pasti ada efek sampingnya. Berat ringannya di tiap orang beda tapi ya tetap aja efek samping obat itu harus diketahui dan diwaspadai.
Masalahnya tidak semua dokter dan apoteker akan menjelaskan efek samping dari obat yang diresepkan ke pasien jadi pasien itu sendiri yang harus berusaha mendapat info dengan bertanya, membaca leaflet atau googling.
Pengalaman papa memakai obat-obatan yang diberikan setelah operasi katarak ini bervariasi. Setelah kira-kira dua hari minum obat dia bawaannya ngantuk terus-terusan (sekalipun dia bangun tapi rasanya dia tidur dengan mata terbuka), kemampuan mendengar berkurang (dalam keadaan tidak minum obat pun dia sudah budek dikit, nah, setelah minum obat bikin saya harus ngomong setengah teriak supaya dia bisa dengar) dan efek samping terakhir yang rada nakutin adalah mendadak jadi lemas.
Karena kami tidak tahu obat mana yang menimbulkan masing-masing efek samping itu akhirnya kami putuskan untuk menghentikan pemakaian obat.
Seminggu setelah operasi, papa harus cek lagi ke dokter mata. Di rumah sakit kami berdua bertemu lagi dengan empat pasien lainnya yang sama-sama menjalani operasi katarak di hari yang sama dengan papa dan mereka yang sebelum operasi kelihatan gagah kali itu tampak loyo. Saya dan papa langsung bisik-bisik "Eh, jangan-jangan mereka jadi loyo kayak zombie gitu karena efek samping obat".. Haha..
4. Side effect
Every medicine has side effect. It is of course different on each person but it is still something we must know and be cautious.
The problem is not all doctors and pharmacist will explain the side effect of medicine prescribed to patient so the patient must be active to get information by asking, read the leaflet or googling.
Papa's experience after he took the medicine given to him after the surgery was varied. After two days taking the meds he constantly felt sleepy (it looked like he slept with his eyes wide open), reducing his hearing ability (he has bad hearing already and the meds made it worse I had to half scream when I talked to him) and the last side effect is he felt limp).
Since we didn't know which medicine gave those side effects we decided to stop taking them.
A week after the surgery papa had to return to the doctor for a check up. At the hospital we met another four patients who had cataract surgery on the same day papa had his surgery and they, whom before the surgery appeared fit, looked limp. This made papa and I wishpered "is it possible they look like zombies because of meds side effect?".. Haha..
5. Ruangan bikin garing
Ruangan di lobby dan di depan apotik buat saya lumayan bagus. Terbuka. Terangnya bukan cuma dari lampu tapi juga dari sinar matahari yang masuk lewat pintu dan jendela-jendela. Sirkulasi udara cukup baik. Ada banyak benda, tv dan orang yang bisa dilihat. Ada banyak suara.
Malah ada tempat bermain untuk anak juga. Senang rasanya saya melihat warna-warni mainan serta anak-anak berbagai usia bermain di sana.
Tapi ruang tunggu operasi.. ya ampun.. persis kayak ada di ruang penjara bawah tanah. Tidak ada jendela. Tidak ada dekorasi apa pun di tembok. Tidak ada suara kecuali suara percakapan keluarga pasien. Bener-bener membosankan dan saya terkurung di ruangan itu selama hampir tiga jam! Soalnya serba salah. Kita tidak tahu papa dapat giliran yang ke berapa. Kita tidak yakin susternya mau bela-belain turun ke lobby buat nyariin kita. So, kagak bisa ditinggal.
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the way to the surgery waiting room |
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late dinner |
5. The so very plain room
I think the lobby and the space infront of the pharmacy are pretty good. They are open space. The light comes not only from the lamps but also from the sun that gets in through the door and windows. Air circulation is pretty good. There are many things, tv and people to be seen. There are many sounds.
There are playground too. I love seeing the colorful toys and children playing in there.
But the surgery waiting room.. my God.. it is like a dungeon. There is no window. No decoration on the wall. There is no sound except the sound of the patients family chatting. It was completely boring and I was locked in there for almost three hours! Well, got no choice. We didn't know when papa's turn. We weren't sure the nurse would go to the lobby and looked for us. So we couldn't leave the room.
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papa and my friend whose wife was undergone a surgery |
Having a surgery is stressful both for the patient and his/her family. So imagine if you were in that kind of situation and you have to be in a room that adds more stress on you and after being in there for hours it just made me felt like throwing up.
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Yah, bersyukurlah saya semua sudah lewat. Tinggal nunggu operasi buat mata kiri si papa awal bulan Oktober.
Well, I am so grateful it is all behind us now. Next is waiting for papa's left eye surgery which is scheduled on early October.