Dulu saya ga ngerti yang namanya selfie itu apa sih.
I didn't know what selfie was.
Yang bener?!
Padahal selfie mulai ada sejak mulai adanya hp berkamera.
Selfie found its existance since camera is built inside cellphone.
Tepatnya mulai kapan, saya tidak tahu dan juga tidak kepingin tahu.. haha..
I have no idea when it started and I don't want to know either.. haha.
Karena yang mau saya tulis bukan tentang sejarah dan segala rincian mengenai selfie.
I don't want to write about the history of selfie or any details regarding selfie.
Yang mau saya ceritakan adalah tentang pengalaman saya ber-selfie ria.
I just want to share you my selfie experience.
Nah, jadi itulah definisi selfie menurut Wikipedia.
So that's what selfie is all about according to Wikipedia.
Tanpa dijabarkan pun kita semua sudah tahu ya.
We have known everything about it without Wikipedia it, right?
Jaman sekarang dari mulai anak balita sampai lansia bisa selfie.
These days anyone can do selfie from toddlers to elderly people.
Ssst... kabarnya para hewan pun mulai bisa berselfie juga.
Psst... there's rumor that animal has started to do selfie too.
Maksud lo?
What d'ya mean?
Jadi, kapan mulai selfie?
So, when did I start taking selfie pictures?
Saya harus ngoprek email saya untuk melihat foto selfie pertama saya dan menemukan satu yang saya anggap paling awal. 24 Mei 2018.
I had to check my emails to find the first selfie photo that I made and I found one which I considered to be the first one. 24 May 2018.
Ya.. ya.. tahu.. tahu.. saya ketinggalan kereta banget.
Yeah.. yeah.. I know.. I know.. I'm so behind on it.
Orang-orang sudah pada selfie dari kapan tahu, saya baru mulai pertengahan tahun 2018.
People have been taking selfie photos for ages and I just started mine in the mid of 2018.
Yah, lebih baik telat dari pada tidak pernah sama sekali. Ya nggak?
Well, it's better late than never, right?
Bisa dilihat gimana tidak pengalamannya saya, itu posisi hp ga pas dan cahaya matahari dari atas memberikan efek terang tapi ga bikin muka jadi terang.
You can see how inexperienced I was, the phone position was incorrect and the sunlight came from above which made it bright but not to my face.
Tapi saya adalah orang yang cepat belajar.
But I'm a fast learner.
Dan semakin sering berlatih, semakin terampil jadinya.
And more practice makes anyone become more skilled.
Berlatih, terus berlatih
Practice, keep practicing
Semakin sering berlatih, akhirnya kita jadi makin terampil.
The more we practice the more skilled we become.
Itu berlaku juga buat urusan selfie.
It also works for making selfie pictures.
Nah, karena awalnya saya kagok selfie dengan memegang hp maka saya berlatih dengan menaruh hp di meja, di atas rak, di kursi atau di mana sajalah dan kemudian mengatur timer.
So, since in the beginning I didn't feel comfortable holding the phone thus I practiced by putting it on the desk, on the cabinet, on the chair or on anywhere and then set the timer.
Bahkan sekarang pun setelah terbiasa dan lebih pengalaman berselfie, saya tetap lebih suka memakai cara ini.
Even now after I get used and become more experience in making selfie picture I still prefer to have selfie this way.
Btw, rupanya saya jadi demikian ahli dalam mengatur posisi hp sampai-sampai foto di atas ini tidak terlihat seperti foto selfie dan mantan pacar saya sempat curiga setelah saya mengirimkan foto ini ke dia "Katanya kamu sendiri di kantor. Lha, ini kok ada yang motretin kamu".
Btw, I guess I have become quite good in positioning the phone that the above photo doesn't look like a selfie and when I sent it to my ex boyfriend, he became suspicious "You said you were alone in the office. Someone was with you and took this pic".
Haish.. hehe.. Itu foto selfie, sayang.. dan saya pun ngakak sendiri.
Oh dear.. haha.. It's a selfie, dear.. and I had a big laugh.
Cahaya adalah unsur penting dalam fotografi dan pembuatan video.
Lighting is an important thing in photography and in video making.
Kalau cahaya lampu atau sinar matahari datangnya dari belakang maka hasilnya muka akan terlihat gelap.
If the lights or the sunlight come from behind you it will make your face look dark.
Ya bisa sih diedit dibuat jadi lebih terang tapi beda hasilnya kalau memang arah sinar datang dari depan.
Yes you can edit it to make it looks brighter but it is much better if the light comes from the front side.
Kadang biar pun sinar terang datang dari belakang tapi ga bikin muka jadi gelap. Ini karena sinar terang yang datang dari depan bisa mengimbangi sinar dari belakang.
Sometimes your face looks bright though the bright light comes from your back. This is because the light that comes from the front can balance the back light.
Sudut pengambilan foto
Photo angle
Coba perhatikan hasil selfie kamu.
Take a look at your selfie photos.
Apa kamu kelihatan jauh lebih keren, cantik, ganteng atau kurus dari sisi kiri, kanan atau depan?
Do you look cool, prettier, handsomer or slimmer from left angle, right angle or front?
Kalau saya kadang kelihatan bagus dari kiri, kadang kelihatan jelek. Kadang bagus dari depan, kadang ancur. Kadang dari kanan terlihat memukau, kadang berantakan.
In my case sometimes I look good from left angle, sometimes I look awful. Sometimes I look great from the front, other times I look horrible. Another time I look stunning from the right angle but look terrible in another shot.
Dari pengalaman saya tahu sudut pengambilan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang bikin foto selfie saya jadi kelihatan bagus.
From experience I can tell that camera angle is not the only thing that makes my selfie turns out good.
Faktor pencahayaan, lokasi dan mood ikut berpengaruh.
Lighting, location and mood have effected the result of my selfie photos.
Nanti saya jelaskan lebih rinci.
I will explain it in detail.
Wokeh, ada hal-hal yang bikin foto selfie bisa jadi bagus.
Okay, so there are things that can make good selfie pictures.
Suasana hati itu penting. Terutama buat perempuan.
Mood is important. Especially for the female.
Kalau saya sih, kecuali saya lagi sakit, pusing, ga enak badan atau mabok kendaraan, apa pun mood saya.. selfie bisa dibikin asyik-asyik aja.
In my case, unless I'm sick, have dizzy, feel unwell or have car sick, I can make myself available to make selfie.
Kok bisa? Gimana caranya?
How do you do that?
Dan supaya senyumnya ga kelihatan garing atau palsu, coba pikirin sesuatu yang lucu atau pikirin orang tersayang deh.
And so that smile doesn't look boring or fake try thinking about something funny or think about your love ones.
Kalau masih nggak bisa juga? Ya sudah, jangan maksa selfie.
How if it still doesn't work? Well, don't force yourself to make selfie.
Lokasi di sini maksudnya di luar atau di dalam ruangan.
Is it indoor or outdoor location.
Di dalam ruangan ada dua jenis; ruangan sendiri atau bukan ruangan sendiri.
There are two kinds of indoor location; your own room or shared room.
Di dalam ruangan juga dua kondisi; tidak ada orang atau ada orang lain di dalam ruangan itu.
Indoor location also have two conditions; no one is in that room or there are people in that room.
Ada orang-orang yang berasa kurang nyaman kalau selfie di tempat yang bukan ruangannya sendiri atau di ruangan yang ada orang lain.
Some people feel uncomfortable doing selfie not in their own room or in a room where other people are present.
Dua foto di atas ini dibuat di hari yang berbeda tapi di ruangan yang sama.
The above two photos were not taken in same day but it was in the same room.
Foto saya di samping pohon Natal buat saya lebih ok karena pada waktu itu saya sendirian di dalam ruangan. Jadi saya bisa lebih bebas beberapa kali mengulang selfie sampai akhirnya dapat satu yang paling bagus.
I considered the one showing me with the Christmas tree as a better selfie because at the time I took that photo I was alone in the room. I could get all the time I needed to retake the selfie until finally I got the best one.
Sementara yang satu lagi itu bisa dibilang saya mencuri waktu untuk selfie sebelum latihan angklung dimulai. Jadi cuma dua kali jepret supaya tidak mengganggu yang lain dan tidak menarik perhatian.
The other one was me kind of stealing few seconds to make selfie before angklung practice started. So I could only make two selfies in order not to bother the others and also not to attract their attention.
Ga enaknya ya gitu kalau selfie di tempat yang banyak orang. Privasinya kurang.
That's the inconvinient thing about making selfie when there are people present. We've less privacy.
Trus kalau di luar ruangan gimana?
So how about outdoor?
Kalau ini tempat umum malah lebih enak karena biasanya orang yang ada di sekitar terlalu sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri atau cuek aja karena terbiasa melihat orang selfie hingga tidak akan berkomentar.
If it means in public place then it makes it even better because people who are happen to be there usually busy with their own business or are used to see people making selfie so they won't say anything.
Karena yang pertama orang lihat di foto selfie adalah muka si pelaku selfie maka pada waktu akan berselfie pancarkanlah aura yang baik lewat muka dan matamu.
When people look at selfie photo they focus on the face of the selfie person so before you take selfie be sure your face and your eyes are sending out good aura.
Kamu tidak perlu dandan habis-habisan atau pakai baju yang paling keren atau cari lokasi yang paling instagramable.. ok deh semua itu menarik tapi yang paling menentukan adalah apa muka kamu memancarkan aura yang enak dipandang atau malah sepet buat dilihat.
You don't have to put on lots of makeup or overly dressed or find instagramable location.. ok so they probably will look great but most important thing is whether your face radiates good aura that makes it nice to look at or goes the other way.
I am Photogenic
Ya, saya tahu saya tidak cantik jelita bagai bidadari tapi setelah sering selfie saya jadi tahu kalau saya ini fotogenik.
Yes I know I'm not a drop dead gorgeous but taking lots of selfie has made me realized that I'm photogenic.
Fotogenik itu apa sih?
What is photogenic?
Fotogenik adalah orang yang kelihatan bagus di foto. Aslinya mungkin biasa-biasa saja.
Photogenic is somebody who looks stunning in photo.
Kok bisa ya?
How could that possible?
Ada yang memang bawaan alami, ada yang karena makeup, ada juga yang karena pengaruh posisi, pencahayaan atau hati serta pikirannya memancarkan aura yang bagus.
Some are just born that way, others become photogenic because of makeup, angle, lighting or their heart and minds are radiating good aura.
Selfie as an art
Kalau kalian kreatif dan punya feeling untuk seni atau fotografi, selfie bisa dibuat jadi sedikit bernuansa seni atau jadi unik secara fotografi.
If you are creative and have a feeling for art or photography you can make your selfie into a piece of art or turn into a unique photography.
Relax and have fun
Hai, itu cuma selfie. Santailah. Jangan jadi tegang kayak mau digigit anjing aja.. wkwkwk..
Hey, it's just a selfie. Relax. Don't look so tense as if a dog about to bite you.. lol..
Entah selfie di tempat yang tidak ada orang atau yang ada banyak orang, santai aja. Kan kita pengen bikin foto selfie yang bagus. Kalau tegang mana bisa jadi bagus fotonya.
Whether you make selfie in empty room or in a crowded place, be cool. We want to make good selfie picture, right? We won't make a good one if we are so intense when we take selfie.
Retake and editing
Kalau sekali jepret langsung dapat hasil yang oke.. wow! seneng banget.
It would be great if I could make a good selfie in one shot.
Tapi kadang juga harus beberapa kali baru dapat yang bagus.
But sometimes it takes few shots before I get a good one.
Makanya kalau mau dapat hasil yang bagus mending pas lagi sendiri karena saya suka diledekin kalau lagi ngulang selfie apalagi kalau lebih dari sekali.. beuh.. tapi berhubung urat malu saya sudah agak dol jadi ya cuek aje..
So better retakes the shots when no one else is present because from my experience I get teased when I'm retaking selfie shots.. haha.. no problem for me since I've learned to ignore them.
Perlukah Selfie diedit sebelum diupload ke medsos? Kalau saya pasti selalu diedit tapi itu paling cuma dibikin lebih terang, lebih tajam dan lebih kontras warnanya. Sama dikasih watermark.
Does a selfie needs to be edited before it's published to social media? I do it all the time but it's just to make it brighter, sharper and more contrast in color. Plus put watermark on it.
Perfect angle
Kadang kita bisa nemu posisi yang bikin selfie jadi unik.
Sometimes we can find certain angle that makes it a unique selfie.
Contohnya selfie saya yang satu ini. Lagi nge-mall eh trus saya lihat pajangan bandonya si Minnie Mouse di toko pakaian anak.
This particular selfie is an example. I was in the mall when I saw Minnie Mouse headband pole in a children clothing store.
Kombinasi antara posisi berdiri plus posisi kamera menghasilkan selfie yang bikin temen-temen saya mengira saya pakai bando Minnie Mouse.. hahaha..
My standing position combined with camera position have resulted in this picture which my friends thought I really wore Minnie Mouse headband.. hahaha..
Your selfie got my attention
Cowok lihat foto selfie kamu dan dia langsung tertarik sama kamu, percaya ga itu bisa terjadi?
A guy saw your selfie picture and it got his attention, would you believe such thing could happen?
Beneran kejadian gitu.
It happened.
Pacar saya yang sekarang ini nemuin foto selfie saya ini di satu medsos dan dia langsung suka sama saya. Dia cari saya dan dia kirim pesan.
My boyfriend found this selfie in one of social medias and it hit him instantly. He found me and messaged me.
Kami kenalan dan berteman awalnya. Kemudian ternyata kami punya banyak kesamaan dan akhirnya jadian deh. Bukan cuma itu aja.. sst, akhir tahun ini dia mau ke Indonesia dan kami sudah sepakat mau menikah.
We introduced each other and made friends. Later we discovered that we have many in commons. That's not just it... psst, he will come to Indonesia at the end of this year and we have decided to get married.
Tapi harus diingat ya, kalau kalian ketemu sama orang lewat medsos harus tetap waspada karena banyak penipu, paedophile, penculik atau orang-orang ga bener yang berkeliaran di dunia maya. Jangan langsung percaya. Saya bersyukur saya ketemu orang yang baik dan identitasnya benar tapi itu pun awalnya saya tetap waspada.
However, please take note that the people you meet in social media are not all good people. There are many scammers, paedophile, abductors or bad intention people hanging out in the internet. Be cautious. I'm glad I met a good person who has real identification but still I raised my guard high for some time when we just met.
Be natural
Selfie itu bukan buat pamer diri atau pamer kehebatan diri atau pamer kekayaan.
Selfie is not about showing one's off, showing one's greateness or one's wealth.
Boleh aja tampil sebagus-bagusnya atau pilih latar belakang yang bagus tapi ingat, selfie bukan buat jadi ajang pamer.
It's ok to appear great or pick great location to make a good picture but remember, selfie is not about showing off.
Jadi alami aja. Biasa aja.
So be natural. Without hidden intention.
Nah, saking biasanya, ini ada selfie unik karena pengen kirim foto selfie buat pacar sebelum tidur.. saya set timer. Cuma 5 detik tapi mungkin karena saya lagi super duper ngantuk, saya ketiduran dalam waktu sepersekian detik itu.
So, this one is a unique natural selfie because I wanted to send my boyfriend a selfie before I went to sleep.. so I set the timer. It was just for 5 seconds but I was probably so very sleepy, I dozed off in just a matter of seconds.
Walaupun dia ngakak setelah terima foto ini tapi ini jadi salah satu foto selfie saya yang dia suka banget. Paling alami, kata dia, hahaha..
Eventhough it gave him a big laugh but it has become one of my selfie photos that he likes so much. This is the most natural one, he said, hahaha..
Perfect timing
Saya suka selfie pakai timer karena ada lokasi atau posisi tertentu yang bagusnya kalau saya tidak usah pegang hp. Atau ya karena bosan aja lihat gaya selfie dengan tangan sebelah terentang panjang.. hehe..
I like using timer when I make selfie because there are certain location or position that look good when I don't have to hold the cellphone. Or I simply just bored with same selfie style which is one arm outstreched.
Kalau buat diri sendiri sih tantangan kurang tapi kalau sama orang lain.. mmm.. dan ini contohnya. Semuanya sudah ok. Nak, diam bentar lima detik aja ya.. timer menghitung mundur... dan persis di detik terakhir.. dia bergerak. Gini deh hasilnya..
It is less tricky when I do that to myself but not so when I take selfie with others.. mmm.. this one is one of them. Everything is ok. Please don't move, kiddo. It's just for five seconds, ok.. timer is counting.. and right before it clicked.. she moved. There you have it..
Selfie with pet
Kata siapa hewan itu tidak sadar kamera?
Who says animal don't like camera?
Mereka tahu kamera lho, tahu berpose dan suka pengen ikutan selfie.
They do have a feeling for taking picture, they like to pose and do want to join you when you're taking your selfie.
Selfie with style?
Selfie jaman modern sekarang ini ternyata bisa digaya-gayain dengan memakai fasilitas filter yang diberikan oleh apps seperti messenger.
In this modern time anyone can make selfie with different style thanks to apps like messenger that gives many kinds of filter.
Pertama kali saya selfie pakai filter messenger itu karena tidak sengaja dan hasilnya? Saya ngakak sendiri. Gile mak! Gue jadi kelinci yang cantik. Hahaha.
The first time I took selfie using messenger filter was a coincidence and my oh my oh my.. the result gave me a big laugh. Wonderful! I was turned into a pretty bunny. Hahaha.
Hey, I'm here..
Yaps, kadang selfie berguna buat nunjukin lokasi kita jadi para pemilik toko, restoran atau tempat wisata ga bakal marah kalau kita selfie karena mereka anggap selfie kita bisa jadi alat buat mempromosikan tempat usaha mereka.
Sometimes selfie is a way to show people the places we are visiting so owners of stores, restaurants or amusement places won't say we can't take selfie in their places because they know our selfies is one of their way to promote their business.
So, gitu deh beberapa cerita dan sedikit tips tentang selfie dari saya. Gimana sama pengalaman kalian sendiri saat berselfie? Seru ga? Ada yang lucu dan unik? Share deh di kolom komen.
So those are few stories and tips about selfie from me. How about your experience in selfie? Is there anything funny and unique? Share it in the comment box.
I didn't know what selfie was.
Yang bener?!
Padahal selfie mulai ada sejak mulai adanya hp berkamera.
Selfie found its existance since camera is built inside cellphone.
Tepatnya mulai kapan, saya tidak tahu dan juga tidak kepingin tahu.. haha..
I have no idea when it started and I don't want to know either.. haha.
Karena yang mau saya tulis bukan tentang sejarah dan segala rincian mengenai selfie.
I don't want to write about the history of selfie or any details regarding selfie.
Yang mau saya ceritakan adalah tentang pengalaman saya ber-selfie ria.
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image: mirror apps |
* * * * *
Selfie - Wikipedia
A selfie is a self-portrait digital photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or smartphone, which may be held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick.Nah, jadi itulah definisi selfie menurut Wikipedia.
So that's what selfie is all about according to Wikipedia.
Tanpa dijabarkan pun kita semua sudah tahu ya.
We have known everything about it without Wikipedia it, right?
Jaman sekarang dari mulai anak balita sampai lansia bisa selfie.
These days anyone can do selfie from toddlers to elderly people.
Ssst... kabarnya para hewan pun mulai bisa berselfie juga.
Psst... there's rumor that animal has started to do selfie too.
Maksud lo?
What d'ya mean?
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image: https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-animal-selfies/ |
* * * * *
Jadi, kapan mulai selfie?
So, when did I start taking selfie pictures?
Saya harus ngoprek email saya untuk melihat foto selfie pertama saya dan menemukan satu yang saya anggap paling awal. 24 Mei 2018.
I had to check my emails to find the first selfie photo that I made and I found one which I considered to be the first one. 24 May 2018.
Ya.. ya.. tahu.. tahu.. saya ketinggalan kereta banget.
Yeah.. yeah.. I know.. I know.. I'm so behind on it.
Orang-orang sudah pada selfie dari kapan tahu, saya baru mulai pertengahan tahun 2018.
People have been taking selfie photos for ages and I just started mine in the mid of 2018.
Yah, lebih baik telat dari pada tidak pernah sama sekali. Ya nggak?
Well, it's better late than never, right?
Bisa dilihat gimana tidak pengalamannya saya, itu posisi hp ga pas dan cahaya matahari dari atas memberikan efek terang tapi ga bikin muka jadi terang.
You can see how inexperienced I was, the phone position was incorrect and the sunlight came from above which made it bright but not to my face.
Tapi saya adalah orang yang cepat belajar.
But I'm a fast learner.
Dan semakin sering berlatih, semakin terampil jadinya.
And more practice makes anyone become more skilled.
* * * * *
Berlatih, terus berlatih
Practice, keep practicing
Semakin sering berlatih, akhirnya kita jadi makin terampil.
The more we practice the more skilled we become.
Itu berlaku juga buat urusan selfie.
It also works for making selfie pictures.
Nah, karena awalnya saya kagok selfie dengan memegang hp maka saya berlatih dengan menaruh hp di meja, di atas rak, di kursi atau di mana sajalah dan kemudian mengatur timer.
So, since in the beginning I didn't feel comfortable holding the phone thus I practiced by putting it on the desk, on the cabinet, on the chair or on anywhere and then set the timer.
Bahkan sekarang pun setelah terbiasa dan lebih pengalaman berselfie, saya tetap lebih suka memakai cara ini.
Even now after I get used and become more experience in making selfie picture I still prefer to have selfie this way.
Btw, rupanya saya jadi demikian ahli dalam mengatur posisi hp sampai-sampai foto di atas ini tidak terlihat seperti foto selfie dan mantan pacar saya sempat curiga setelah saya mengirimkan foto ini ke dia "Katanya kamu sendiri di kantor. Lha, ini kok ada yang motretin kamu".
Btw, I guess I have become quite good in positioning the phone that the above photo doesn't look like a selfie and when I sent it to my ex boyfriend, he became suspicious "You said you were alone in the office. Someone was with you and took this pic".
Haish.. hehe.. Itu foto selfie, sayang.. dan saya pun ngakak sendiri.
Oh dear.. haha.. It's a selfie, dear.. and I had a big laugh.
* * * * *
Cahaya adalah unsur penting dalam fotografi dan pembuatan video.
Lighting is an important thing in photography and in video making.
Kalau cahaya lampu atau sinar matahari datangnya dari belakang maka hasilnya muka akan terlihat gelap.
If the lights or the sunlight come from behind you it will make your face look dark.
Ya bisa sih diedit dibuat jadi lebih terang tapi beda hasilnya kalau memang arah sinar datang dari depan.
Yes you can edit it to make it looks brighter but it is much better if the light comes from the front side.
Kadang biar pun sinar terang datang dari belakang tapi ga bikin muka jadi gelap. Ini karena sinar terang yang datang dari depan bisa mengimbangi sinar dari belakang.
Sometimes your face looks bright though the bright light comes from your back. This is because the light that comes from the front can balance the back light.
* * * * *
Sudut pengambilan foto
Photo angle
Coba perhatikan hasil selfie kamu.
Take a look at your selfie photos.
Apa kamu kelihatan jauh lebih keren, cantik, ganteng atau kurus dari sisi kiri, kanan atau depan?
Do you look cool, prettier, handsomer or slimmer from left angle, right angle or front?
Kalau saya kadang kelihatan bagus dari kiri, kadang kelihatan jelek. Kadang bagus dari depan, kadang ancur. Kadang dari kanan terlihat memukau, kadang berantakan.
In my case sometimes I look good from left angle, sometimes I look awful. Sometimes I look great from the front, other times I look horrible. Another time I look stunning from the right angle but look terrible in another shot.
Dari pengalaman saya tahu sudut pengambilan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang bikin foto selfie saya jadi kelihatan bagus.
From experience I can tell that camera angle is not the only thing that makes my selfie turns out good.
Faktor pencahayaan, lokasi dan mood ikut berpengaruh.
Lighting, location and mood have effected the result of my selfie photos.
Nanti saya jelaskan lebih rinci.
I will explain it in detail.
* * * * *
Wokeh, ada hal-hal yang bikin foto selfie bisa jadi bagus.
Okay, so there are things that can make good selfie pictures.
Suasana hati itu penting. Terutama buat perempuan.
Mood is important. Especially for the female.
Kalau saya sih, kecuali saya lagi sakit, pusing, ga enak badan atau mabok kendaraan, apa pun mood saya.. selfie bisa dibikin asyik-asyik aja.
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Saya lagi kepanasan, bete, sepi, ngantuk dan lapar tapi hasil selfienya bagus-bagus aja tuh. It was terribly hot, I was cranky, alone, sleepy and hungry but managed to make good selfie. |
Kok bisa? Gimana caranya?
How do you do that?
Dan supaya senyumnya ga kelihatan garing atau palsu, coba pikirin sesuatu yang lucu atau pikirin orang tersayang deh.
And so that smile doesn't look boring or fake try thinking about something funny or think about your love ones.
Kalau masih nggak bisa juga? Ya sudah, jangan maksa selfie.
How if it still doesn't work? Well, don't force yourself to make selfie.
Lokasi di sini maksudnya di luar atau di dalam ruangan.
Is it indoor or outdoor location.
Di dalam ruangan ada dua jenis; ruangan sendiri atau bukan ruangan sendiri.
There are two kinds of indoor location; your own room or shared room.
Di dalam ruangan juga dua kondisi; tidak ada orang atau ada orang lain di dalam ruangan itu.
Indoor location also have two conditions; no one is in that room or there are people in that room.
Ada orang-orang yang berasa kurang nyaman kalau selfie di tempat yang bukan ruangannya sendiri atau di ruangan yang ada orang lain.
Some people feel uncomfortable doing selfie not in their own room or in a room where other people are present.
Dua foto di atas ini dibuat di hari yang berbeda tapi di ruangan yang sama.
The above two photos were not taken in same day but it was in the same room.
Foto saya di samping pohon Natal buat saya lebih ok karena pada waktu itu saya sendirian di dalam ruangan. Jadi saya bisa lebih bebas beberapa kali mengulang selfie sampai akhirnya dapat satu yang paling bagus.
I considered the one showing me with the Christmas tree as a better selfie because at the time I took that photo I was alone in the room. I could get all the time I needed to retake the selfie until finally I got the best one.
Sementara yang satu lagi itu bisa dibilang saya mencuri waktu untuk selfie sebelum latihan angklung dimulai. Jadi cuma dua kali jepret supaya tidak mengganggu yang lain dan tidak menarik perhatian.
The other one was me kind of stealing few seconds to make selfie before angklung practice started. So I could only make two selfies in order not to bother the others and also not to attract their attention.
Ga enaknya ya gitu kalau selfie di tempat yang banyak orang. Privasinya kurang.
That's the inconvinient thing about making selfie when there are people present. We've less privacy.
Trus kalau di luar ruangan gimana?
So how about outdoor?
Kalau ini tempat umum malah lebih enak karena biasanya orang yang ada di sekitar terlalu sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri atau cuek aja karena terbiasa melihat orang selfie hingga tidak akan berkomentar.
If it means in public place then it makes it even better because people who are happen to be there usually busy with their own business or are used to see people making selfie so they won't say anything.
Karena yang pertama orang lihat di foto selfie adalah muka si pelaku selfie maka pada waktu akan berselfie pancarkanlah aura yang baik lewat muka dan matamu.
When people look at selfie photo they focus on the face of the selfie person so before you take selfie be sure your face and your eyes are sending out good aura.
Kamu tidak perlu dandan habis-habisan atau pakai baju yang paling keren atau cari lokasi yang paling instagramable.. ok deh semua itu menarik tapi yang paling menentukan adalah apa muka kamu memancarkan aura yang enak dipandang atau malah sepet buat dilihat.
You don't have to put on lots of makeup or overly dressed or find instagramable location.. ok so they probably will look great but most important thing is whether your face radiates good aura that makes it nice to look at or goes the other way.
I am Photogenic
Ya, saya tahu saya tidak cantik jelita bagai bidadari tapi setelah sering selfie saya jadi tahu kalau saya ini fotogenik.
Yes I know I'm not a drop dead gorgeous but taking lots of selfie has made me realized that I'm photogenic.
Fotogenik itu apa sih?
What is photogenic?
Fotogenik adalah orang yang kelihatan bagus di foto. Aslinya mungkin biasa-biasa saja.
Photogenic is somebody who looks stunning in photo.
Kok bisa ya?
How could that possible?
Ada yang memang bawaan alami, ada yang karena makeup, ada juga yang karena pengaruh posisi, pencahayaan atau hati serta pikirannya memancarkan aura yang bagus.
Some are just born that way, others become photogenic because of makeup, angle, lighting or their heart and minds are radiating good aura.
Selfie as an art
Kalau kalian kreatif dan punya feeling untuk seni atau fotografi, selfie bisa dibuat jadi sedikit bernuansa seni atau jadi unik secara fotografi.
If you are creative and have a feeling for art or photography you can make your selfie into a piece of art or turn into a unique photography.
Relax and have fun
Hai, itu cuma selfie. Santailah. Jangan jadi tegang kayak mau digigit anjing aja.. wkwkwk..
Hey, it's just a selfie. Relax. Don't look so tense as if a dog about to bite you.. lol..
Entah selfie di tempat yang tidak ada orang atau yang ada banyak orang, santai aja. Kan kita pengen bikin foto selfie yang bagus. Kalau tegang mana bisa jadi bagus fotonya.
Whether you make selfie in empty room or in a crowded place, be cool. We want to make good selfie picture, right? We won't make a good one if we are so intense when we take selfie.
Retake and editing
Kalau sekali jepret langsung dapat hasil yang oke.. wow! seneng banget.
It would be great if I could make a good selfie in one shot.
Tapi kadang juga harus beberapa kali baru dapat yang bagus.
But sometimes it takes few shots before I get a good one.
Makanya kalau mau dapat hasil yang bagus mending pas lagi sendiri karena saya suka diledekin kalau lagi ngulang selfie apalagi kalau lebih dari sekali.. beuh.. tapi berhubung urat malu saya sudah agak dol jadi ya cuek aje..
So better retakes the shots when no one else is present because from my experience I get teased when I'm retaking selfie shots.. haha.. no problem for me since I've learned to ignore them.
Perlukah Selfie diedit sebelum diupload ke medsos? Kalau saya pasti selalu diedit tapi itu paling cuma dibikin lebih terang, lebih tajam dan lebih kontras warnanya. Sama dikasih watermark.
Does a selfie needs to be edited before it's published to social media? I do it all the time but it's just to make it brighter, sharper and more contrast in color. Plus put watermark on it.
Perfect angle
Kadang kita bisa nemu posisi yang bikin selfie jadi unik.
Sometimes we can find certain angle that makes it a unique selfie.
Contohnya selfie saya yang satu ini. Lagi nge-mall eh trus saya lihat pajangan bandonya si Minnie Mouse di toko pakaian anak.
This particular selfie is an example. I was in the mall when I saw Minnie Mouse headband pole in a children clothing store.
Kombinasi antara posisi berdiri plus posisi kamera menghasilkan selfie yang bikin temen-temen saya mengira saya pakai bando Minnie Mouse.. hahaha..
My standing position combined with camera position have resulted in this picture which my friends thought I really wore Minnie Mouse headband.. hahaha..
Your selfie got my attention
Cowok lihat foto selfie kamu dan dia langsung tertarik sama kamu, percaya ga itu bisa terjadi?
A guy saw your selfie picture and it got his attention, would you believe such thing could happen?
Beneran kejadian gitu.
It happened.
Pacar saya yang sekarang ini nemuin foto selfie saya ini di satu medsos dan dia langsung suka sama saya. Dia cari saya dan dia kirim pesan.
My boyfriend found this selfie in one of social medias and it hit him instantly. He found me and messaged me.
Kami kenalan dan berteman awalnya. Kemudian ternyata kami punya banyak kesamaan dan akhirnya jadian deh. Bukan cuma itu aja.. sst, akhir tahun ini dia mau ke Indonesia dan kami sudah sepakat mau menikah.
We introduced each other and made friends. Later we discovered that we have many in commons. That's not just it... psst, he will come to Indonesia at the end of this year and we have decided to get married.
Tapi harus diingat ya, kalau kalian ketemu sama orang lewat medsos harus tetap waspada karena banyak penipu, paedophile, penculik atau orang-orang ga bener yang berkeliaran di dunia maya. Jangan langsung percaya. Saya bersyukur saya ketemu orang yang baik dan identitasnya benar tapi itu pun awalnya saya tetap waspada.
However, please take note that the people you meet in social media are not all good people. There are many scammers, paedophile, abductors or bad intention people hanging out in the internet. Be cautious. I'm glad I met a good person who has real identification but still I raised my guard high for some time when we just met.
Be natural
Selfie itu bukan buat pamer diri atau pamer kehebatan diri atau pamer kekayaan.
Selfie is not about showing one's off, showing one's greateness or one's wealth.
Boleh aja tampil sebagus-bagusnya atau pilih latar belakang yang bagus tapi ingat, selfie bukan buat jadi ajang pamer.
It's ok to appear great or pick great location to make a good picture but remember, selfie is not about showing off.
Jadi alami aja. Biasa aja.
So be natural. Without hidden intention.
Nah, saking biasanya, ini ada selfie unik karena pengen kirim foto selfie buat pacar sebelum tidur.. saya set timer. Cuma 5 detik tapi mungkin karena saya lagi super duper ngantuk, saya ketiduran dalam waktu sepersekian detik itu.
So, this one is a unique natural selfie because I wanted to send my boyfriend a selfie before I went to sleep.. so I set the timer. It was just for 5 seconds but I was probably so very sleepy, I dozed off in just a matter of seconds.
Walaupun dia ngakak setelah terima foto ini tapi ini jadi salah satu foto selfie saya yang dia suka banget. Paling alami, kata dia, hahaha..
Eventhough it gave him a big laugh but it has become one of my selfie photos that he likes so much. This is the most natural one, he said, hahaha..
Perfect timing
Saya suka selfie pakai timer karena ada lokasi atau posisi tertentu yang bagusnya kalau saya tidak usah pegang hp. Atau ya karena bosan aja lihat gaya selfie dengan tangan sebelah terentang panjang.. hehe..
I like using timer when I make selfie because there are certain location or position that look good when I don't have to hold the cellphone. Or I simply just bored with same selfie style which is one arm outstreched.
Kalau buat diri sendiri sih tantangan kurang tapi kalau sama orang lain.. mmm.. dan ini contohnya. Semuanya sudah ok. Nak, diam bentar lima detik aja ya.. timer menghitung mundur... dan persis di detik terakhir.. dia bergerak. Gini deh hasilnya..
It is less tricky when I do that to myself but not so when I take selfie with others.. mmm.. this one is one of them. Everything is ok. Please don't move, kiddo. It's just for five seconds, ok.. timer is counting.. and right before it clicked.. she moved. There you have it..
Selfie with pet
Kata siapa hewan itu tidak sadar kamera?
Who says animal don't like camera?
Mereka tahu kamera lho, tahu berpose dan suka pengen ikutan selfie.
They do have a feeling for taking picture, they like to pose and do want to join you when you're taking your selfie.
* * * * *
Selfie with style?
Selfie jaman modern sekarang ini ternyata bisa digaya-gayain dengan memakai fasilitas filter yang diberikan oleh apps seperti messenger.
In this modern time anyone can make selfie with different style thanks to apps like messenger that gives many kinds of filter.
Pertama kali saya selfie pakai filter messenger itu karena tidak sengaja dan hasilnya? Saya ngakak sendiri. Gile mak! Gue jadi kelinci yang cantik. Hahaha.
The first time I took selfie using messenger filter was a coincidence and my oh my oh my.. the result gave me a big laugh. Wonderful! I was turned into a pretty bunny. Hahaha.
* * * * *
Hey, I'm here..
Yaps, kadang selfie berguna buat nunjukin lokasi kita jadi para pemilik toko, restoran atau tempat wisata ga bakal marah kalau kita selfie karena mereka anggap selfie kita bisa jadi alat buat mempromosikan tempat usaha mereka.
Sometimes selfie is a way to show people the places we are visiting so owners of stores, restaurants or amusement places won't say we can't take selfie in their places because they know our selfies is one of their way to promote their business.
* * * * *
So, gitu deh beberapa cerita dan sedikit tips tentang selfie dari saya. Gimana sama pengalaman kalian sendiri saat berselfie? Seru ga? Ada yang lucu dan unik? Share deh di kolom komen.
So those are few stories and tips about selfie from me. How about your experience in selfie? Is there anything funny and unique? Share it in the comment box.
Aku termasuk yang ga suka selfie mba, Krn merasa muka ga fotogenic :D. Ini juga yg sering bikin ribut Ama suami, Krn dia suka banget foto, dan aku males :p. Aku motoin dia ga masalah, tp difoto, ato selfie, ntr duluuuu :D. Difoto msh mendingan sih, drpd selfie :p. Kebanyakan ancur semua hasilnya wkwkwkwk. Krn itu aku males jadinya keseringan selfie
ReplyDeletewkwkwk... ni dia seru, suami demen selfie, istri anti selfie. harus sering latihan selfie, fan, biar jadi bisa & pede selfiean.
DeleteKapan ya aku mulai selfie? Kayaknya semasa SMP saat hp berkamera sudah beredaran di pasaran. Dan memang selfie itu nagih lol. Salam kenal Bu.
ReplyDeleteHai Dwi, makasih sdh mampir & komen. Salam kenal balik. Wah, kayaknya dalam hal berselfie jam terbang kamu lebih banyak nih.. hehe.. tapi ternyata ga semua org jadi ketagihan selfie kayak kita berdua lho..