Keluyuran kemana-mana sendirian kadang enak, kadang ga enak.
Going out alone sometimes is fun, other times is not fun.
Saya sih tipe orang mandiri. Ogah bergantung sama orang lain. Termasuk dalam urusan keluyuran dan jalan-jalan. Soalnya dari pengalaman, kalau ngajak orang lain prosedurnya bisa panjang, ribet, lama dan nyebelin.
I am an independent type of person. I dislike to rely on others. Including when it comes to go hangout and traveling. It is because from experience, asking other people to go with me may requite long procedure, complicated, take long time and could be annoying.
Tapi di sisi lain saya juga harus mengakui manusia itu adalah mahluk yang membutuhkan orang lain.
But in other side I also have to admit that human needs other human.
Karena kalau sendiri tidak ada teman ngobrol, tidak ada yang bisa nolong kalau misalnya nyungsep di jalan, tidak ada yang bisa diketawain dan yang pasti seru juga dong ketawa sendiri kalau ada sesuatu yang lucu.
Because being on my own means there is no one to talk to, no one to help in case I stumble, no one I can laugh to and it is surely not fun to laugh by myself if I see something funny.
Tapi sebelon nyari teman jalan sebaiknya sih dilihat dulu orangnya tipe kayak apa karena hal-hal besar atau kecil bisa mempengaruhi kenyamanan nongkrong atau jalan-jalan kita bersama orang lain.
But before choosing someone to be a accompany it is better to see what type of a person he/she is because big or small things play role in determine the comfort of our hangout or traveling with other person.
Tipe Pompom
The Cheerleader Type
Tipe begini akan jadi orang pertama yang mengacungkan jari ketika diajak jalan atau ketika mengetahui teman-temannya bikin rencana buat nongkrong atau jalan-jalan.
This type of person would become the first to raise his/her hand when asked to go out together or when he/she knew his/her friends are making plans to go out or go traveling.
Tapi dekat-dekat hari H atau malah di hari H dia mundur.
But he/she backs off when the D-day is approaching or even on the D-day.
Terus terang aja tipe begini ini bikin pegel hati, apalagi kalau emang cuma dia yang bakal jadi teman jalan.
To be honest, this type of person is really upsetting, especially if he/she is the only accompany I've got.
Kalau seseorang sudah beberapa kali menunjukkan ciri begini lebih baik dia dihapus saja dari daftar orang untuk dijadikan teman jalan.
If someone has several times shown this kind of attitude then it's better to get him/her off the list.
Tipe Knalpot
The Muffler Type
"Mulutku cuma satu, tidak berhenti ngoceh.."
"I have one mouth, it can't stop talking.."
Enaknya jalan sama si knalpot adalah kagak sepi. Ada aja yang bisa jadi bahan cerita atau obrolan. Ini bikin perjalanan jadi tidak terasa jauh, membosankan atau melelahkan.
The good thing about this muffler is it won't be quiet. There is always something to tell or to talk about. It makes traveling don't feel like it has no end, boring or tiring.
Ga enaknya adalah kalau bawelnya ini bukan bawel yang penuh cerita atau humor tapi bawel ngeluh, ngegerutu dan protes. Siapin kapas deh buat nyumpel kuping.
The bad thing is if it is not the kind of talkactive with stories or humor but it is the kind of can't stop complaining, whining and protesting. Stuffed the ears with cotton balls.
Tipe Borju
The Bourgeois Type
Makan ogah di warung. Nginep kagak mau di penginapan kelas ecek-ecek. Emoh pilih moda transportasi rakyat jelata.
Don't want to eat in food stall. Don't want to stay in cheap inn. Don't want to commute using modest public transportation.
Halah.., kalau makannya harus di restoran atau di cafe, menginap harus di hotel dan kemana-mana naik taksi.. cuy, bisa bangkrut gue jalan sama elu!
Geez.., if restaurant or cafe is the option, staying in hotel is a must and go anywhere by taxi.. dude, you're making me bankrupt!
Kalau kamu tipe easygoing yang segala sikon dibawa enjoy aja.. mending jangan jalan sama model anak presiden kayak begini dari pada ntar bikin dompet kamu menderita (kecuali kalau si borju yang mau nanggung semua pengeluaran) atau kalian jadi berantem.
If you're an easygoing type of person who enjoys every situation.. it's better not to go with this type of president's child because it's going to cost your money to the last penny (unless if this bourgeois agrees to pay all the expenses) or it would get you guys into a quarell.
Tipe Mau Dipotretin, Ogah Motretin
The Take My Pic, Don't Wanna Take Your Pic Type
Satu keuntungan punya teman jalan adalah bisa saling motretin.
The benefit having an accompany is taking turn in taking picture of each other.
Cuma nih ada tipe orang yang mau dipotret tapi ogah motretin. Kalau pun akhirnya dia motretin kita juga, itu dengan segala keluh kesah atau kelihatan ogah-ogahan.
The thing is there is a type of person who likes to be photographed but refuse to take picture of his/her company. When he/she did take picture, that person did that with grumble or look so reluctant.
Saya pernah sampai minta orang lain buat motretin saya karena teman jalan saya ogah motretin saya. Kebayang ga anehnya tuh.
I once had to ask someone else to take my picture because my company didn't want to take my picture. Can you imagine how weird it is?
Ini bukan soal kameranya yang terlalu super canggih sampai jadi bikin orang keder soalnya kan umumnya kita lebih sering motret pakai hp. Yah, harusnya sih ada saling pengertian aja.
This is not about the super sophisticate camera that makes a person afraid to use it and after all, we mostly take picture using cellphone. Well, there should be mutual understanding.
Bisa dapat teman jalan itu tidak mudah. Dapat teman jalan yang asyik lebih tidak mudah. Ini yang bikin saya memasukkannya dalam kategori playhard.
So it is not easy to find a company. To find a cool one is even harder. It is why I put it in playhard category.
Dan sekalinya dapat teman jalan yang enak, nikmatilah kehadirannya yang bikin acara nongkrong atau perjalanan traveling kita jadi menyenangkan.
And once you've got awesome company, enjoy that person's presence that has made the hangout or your traveling trip fun.
Kota Tua Jakarta
Old Town Jakarta
Ini adalah tempat wisata yang tidak usah pakai acara pusing buat mikir naik apa. Kalau dari Bogor ya tinggal pergi ke stasiun kereta api, beli tiket tujuan stasiun Kota, naik ke keretanya (biasanya parkir di peron 11 atau 12) dan duduk manis deh selama kira-kira sejam setengah
It doesn't give any dizzy to get to this tourism site. From Bogor you need only to go to train station, buy the ticket to Kota station, get into the train (usually park in 11 or 12 platform) and it takes about one and a half hour to Kota station.
Teman jalan saya kali ini adalah Dewi, mahasiswi praktek yang lagi magang di kantor saya.
My traveling companion this time is Dewi, a college student who is serving her apprenticeship in my office.
Perjalanan yang lancar dan teman perjalanan yang lumayan asyik bikin jalan-jalan ini jadi menyenangkan.
The smooth trip and the quite nice companion made this traveling pleasant.
Tour ke museum
Museum Tour
Kalau kita jalan-jalan ke Kota, pilihannya cuma tiga; wisata kuliner, belanja atau ke museum.
If we go to Kota there only three options; food, shopping or museum.
Saya pilih yang terakhir.
I chose the last option.
Karena memang lebih menarik dibandingkan yang lainnya dan pastinya lebih murah ☺
Because it is more interesting than the other two and it is definitely cheaper ☺.
Fatahilah Museum
Museum pertama yang kami datangi.
The first museum that we visited.
Saya tidak akan bercerita soal sejarah museum ini atau bagaimana keadaan didalamnya. Foto-foto ini sajalah yang bercerita.
I am not going to write about its history or how it was like at that time. Let the photos tell the story.
Daya tarik Museum Fatahilah tidak hanya pada museumnya tapi juga pada lapangan depannya.
Fatahilah Museum's attraction is not just on the museum itself but also on its court yard.
Puppet Museum (Museum Wayang)
Lokasi museum ini ada dibelakang saya (lihat foto di atas) jadi ya kita tinggal jalan kaki sedikit dari Museum Fatahilah.
The museum is right behind me (see above photo) so it's just a short walk from Fatahilah Museum.
Isi museumnya berbagai macam model wayang dari dalam dan luar negeri.
It stores various kinds of puppets from Indonesia and from other countries.
Bank Indonesia Museum
Yuk, kita lanjut lagi ke museum berikutnya.
Let's go to the next museum.
Museum ini kesannya seperti istana. Megah.
This museum looks like a palace. Majestic.
Sayangnya museum ini lagi direnovasi sehingga beberapa ruangan ditutup.
Unfortunately this museum was under renovation so few rooms were closed.
Bank Mandiri Museum
Yaaaa.. museumnya sudah tutup. Kami sampai di situ memang sudah lewat jam operasionalnya.
Oh noooo.. the museum was already closed. We got there passed its operational hour.
Jadi langsung pulanglah kami. Sudah jam 4 sore. Kalau lebih sore lagi takut keretanya penuh karena pas dengan jam pulang orang kerja. Gerimis pula. Mending cepat-cepat pulang deh.
So we went straight how. It was 4 pm. If we went home later the train would be crowded with employees because it was after office hour. It was drizzling as well. We would better hurry.
Capek tapi senang. Keluar lepas dari rutinitas. Bisa jalan sama teman yang lumayan asyik.
Got so exhausted but it was fun. Away from routinity. Got to go with a pretty cool friend.
Lebih tepatnya adalah saya berhasil mengajak Dewi jalan. Anak ini anak baik tapi kagak bakal pernah kemana-mana kalau tidak ada yang ngajak jalan.
To be more precise is I succeededly took Dewi out. She is a good kid but wouldn't go anywhere if nobody ask her out.
Beda dengan saya yang kalau sudah lama tidak jalan bisa murang-maring dan akan tetap jalan dengan atau tanpa teman.
It's different with me who would go crazy if I don't go anywhere in a quite a long time and who would still go out with or without anyone to come along.
Dewi asyik diajak jalan. Kagak rewel. Malah ga suka difoto sampai harus dipaksa-paksa atau ya saya nyuri-nyuri motretin dia.
Dewi is a fun company. She is not noisy. She doesn't even like to be photographed that I had to insistly took her photo or took candid ones of her.
Kami berencana untuk jalan bareng lagi hari Selasa, 26 September tapi kakaknya tiba-tiba datang malam sebelum hari H dan kaki saya keseleo pula di hari H sehingga rencana jalan kami tertunda sebulan.
We planned to go out again on Tuesday, 26 September but her sister came out of the blue on the night before the due date and I sprained my ankle on the D-day so we had to postpone our plan for a month.
Kemana kami akan pergi? Aha, tunggu saja cerita di postingan berikutnya. Mungkin bulan November.
Where will we go to? Aha, just wait for the next post. Probably in November.
Going out alone sometimes is fun, other times is not fun.
Saya sih tipe orang mandiri. Ogah bergantung sama orang lain. Termasuk dalam urusan keluyuran dan jalan-jalan. Soalnya dari pengalaman, kalau ngajak orang lain prosedurnya bisa panjang, ribet, lama dan nyebelin.
I am an independent type of person. I dislike to rely on others. Including when it comes to go hangout and traveling. It is because from experience, asking other people to go with me may requite long procedure, complicated, take long time and could be annoying.
Tapi di sisi lain saya juga harus mengakui manusia itu adalah mahluk yang membutuhkan orang lain.
But in other side I also have to admit that human needs other human.
Karena kalau sendiri tidak ada teman ngobrol, tidak ada yang bisa nolong kalau misalnya nyungsep di jalan, tidak ada yang bisa diketawain dan yang pasti seru juga dong ketawa sendiri kalau ada sesuatu yang lucu.
Because being on my own means there is no one to talk to, no one to help in case I stumble, no one I can laugh to and it is surely not fun to laugh by myself if I see something funny.
* * * * *
Tapi sebelon nyari teman jalan sebaiknya sih dilihat dulu orangnya tipe kayak apa karena hal-hal besar atau kecil bisa mempengaruhi kenyamanan nongkrong atau jalan-jalan kita bersama orang lain.
But before choosing someone to be a accompany it is better to see what type of a person he/she is because big or small things play role in determine the comfort of our hangout or traveling with other person.
Tipe Pompom
The Cheerleader Type
Tipe begini akan jadi orang pertama yang mengacungkan jari ketika diajak jalan atau ketika mengetahui teman-temannya bikin rencana buat nongkrong atau jalan-jalan.
This type of person would become the first to raise his/her hand when asked to go out together or when he/she knew his/her friends are making plans to go out or go traveling.
Tapi dekat-dekat hari H atau malah di hari H dia mundur.
But he/she backs off when the D-day is approaching or even on the D-day.
Terus terang aja tipe begini ini bikin pegel hati, apalagi kalau emang cuma dia yang bakal jadi teman jalan.
To be honest, this type of person is really upsetting, especially if he/she is the only accompany I've got.
Kalau seseorang sudah beberapa kali menunjukkan ciri begini lebih baik dia dihapus saja dari daftar orang untuk dijadikan teman jalan.
If someone has several times shown this kind of attitude then it's better to get him/her off the list.
Tipe Knalpot
The Muffler Type
"Mulutku cuma satu, tidak berhenti ngoceh.."
"I have one mouth, it can't stop talking.."
Enaknya jalan sama si knalpot adalah kagak sepi. Ada aja yang bisa jadi bahan cerita atau obrolan. Ini bikin perjalanan jadi tidak terasa jauh, membosankan atau melelahkan.
The good thing about this muffler is it won't be quiet. There is always something to tell or to talk about. It makes traveling don't feel like it has no end, boring or tiring.
Ga enaknya adalah kalau bawelnya ini bukan bawel yang penuh cerita atau humor tapi bawel ngeluh, ngegerutu dan protes. Siapin kapas deh buat nyumpel kuping.
The bad thing is if it is not the kind of talkactive with stories or humor but it is the kind of can't stop complaining, whining and protesting. Stuffed the ears with cotton balls.
Tipe Borju
The Bourgeois Type
Makan ogah di warung. Nginep kagak mau di penginapan kelas ecek-ecek. Emoh pilih moda transportasi rakyat jelata.
Don't want to eat in food stall. Don't want to stay in cheap inn. Don't want to commute using modest public transportation.
Halah.., kalau makannya harus di restoran atau di cafe, menginap harus di hotel dan kemana-mana naik taksi.. cuy, bisa bangkrut gue jalan sama elu!
Geez.., if restaurant or cafe is the option, staying in hotel is a must and go anywhere by taxi.. dude, you're making me bankrupt!
Kalau kamu tipe easygoing yang segala sikon dibawa enjoy aja.. mending jangan jalan sama model anak presiden kayak begini dari pada ntar bikin dompet kamu menderita (kecuali kalau si borju yang mau nanggung semua pengeluaran) atau kalian jadi berantem.
If you're an easygoing type of person who enjoys every situation.. it's better not to go with this type of president's child because it's going to cost your money to the last penny (unless if this bourgeois agrees to pay all the expenses) or it would get you guys into a quarell.
Tipe Mau Dipotretin, Ogah Motretin
The Take My Pic, Don't Wanna Take Your Pic Type
Satu keuntungan punya teman jalan adalah bisa saling motretin.
The benefit having an accompany is taking turn in taking picture of each other.
Cuma nih ada tipe orang yang mau dipotret tapi ogah motretin. Kalau pun akhirnya dia motretin kita juga, itu dengan segala keluh kesah atau kelihatan ogah-ogahan.
The thing is there is a type of person who likes to be photographed but refuse to take picture of his/her company. When he/she did take picture, that person did that with grumble or look so reluctant.
Saya pernah sampai minta orang lain buat motretin saya karena teman jalan saya ogah motretin saya. Kebayang ga anehnya tuh.
I once had to ask someone else to take my picture because my company didn't want to take my picture. Can you imagine how weird it is?
Ini bukan soal kameranya yang terlalu super canggih sampai jadi bikin orang keder soalnya kan umumnya kita lebih sering motret pakai hp. Yah, harusnya sih ada saling pengertian aja.
This is not about the super sophisticate camera that makes a person afraid to use it and after all, we mostly take picture using cellphone. Well, there should be mutual understanding.
* * * * *
Bisa dapat teman jalan itu tidak mudah. Dapat teman jalan yang asyik lebih tidak mudah. Ini yang bikin saya memasukkannya dalam kategori playhard.
So it is not easy to find a company. To find a cool one is even harder. It is why I put it in playhard category.
Dan sekalinya dapat teman jalan yang enak, nikmatilah kehadirannya yang bikin acara nongkrong atau perjalanan traveling kita jadi menyenangkan.
And once you've got awesome company, enjoy that person's presence that has made the hangout or your traveling trip fun.
* * * * *
Kota Tua Jakarta
Old Town Jakarta
Ini adalah tempat wisata yang tidak usah pakai acara pusing buat mikir naik apa. Kalau dari Bogor ya tinggal pergi ke stasiun kereta api, beli tiket tujuan stasiun Kota, naik ke keretanya (biasanya parkir di peron 11 atau 12) dan duduk manis deh selama kira-kira sejam setengah
It doesn't give any dizzy to get to this tourism site. From Bogor you need only to go to train station, buy the ticket to Kota station, get into the train (usually park in 11 or 12 platform) and it takes about one and a half hour to Kota station.
Teman jalan saya kali ini adalah Dewi, mahasiswi praktek yang lagi magang di kantor saya.
My traveling companion this time is Dewi, a college student who is serving her apprenticeship in my office.
Perjalanan yang lancar dan teman perjalanan yang lumayan asyik bikin jalan-jalan ini jadi menyenangkan.
The smooth trip and the quite nice companion made this traveling pleasant.
* * * * *
Tour ke museum
Museum Tour
Kalau kita jalan-jalan ke Kota, pilihannya cuma tiga; wisata kuliner, belanja atau ke museum.
If we go to Kota there only three options; food, shopping or museum.
Saya pilih yang terakhir.
I chose the last option.
Karena memang lebih menarik dibandingkan yang lainnya dan pastinya lebih murah ☺
Because it is more interesting than the other two and it is definitely cheaper ☺.
* * * * *
Fatahilah Museum
Museum pertama yang kami datangi.
The first museum that we visited.
Saya tidak akan bercerita soal sejarah museum ini atau bagaimana keadaan didalamnya. Foto-foto ini sajalah yang bercerita.
I am not going to write about its history or how it was like at that time. Let the photos tell the story.
The panels on the cabinet behind us are covered in gold. Oh by the way, the guy at the right was not supppose to be in the picture |
Daya tarik Museum Fatahilah tidak hanya pada museumnya tapi juga pada lapangan depannya.
Fatahilah Museum's attraction is not just on the museum itself but also on its court yard.
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Fatahilah Museum's admission ticket. Rp.5000/pax |
* * * * *
Puppet Museum (Museum Wayang)
Lokasi museum ini ada dibelakang saya (lihat foto di atas) jadi ya kita tinggal jalan kaki sedikit dari Museum Fatahilah.
The museum is right behind me (see above photo) so it's just a short walk from Fatahilah Museum.
Isi museumnya berbagai macam model wayang dari dalam dan luar negeri.
It stores various kinds of puppets from Indonesia and from other countries.
Hey, I met Unyil and friends. This puppet show was very famous in 1980s. |
Giant Ondel-Ondel behind me |
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admission ticket to Puppet Museum |
* * * * *
Bank Indonesia Museum
Yuk, kita lanjut lagi ke museum berikutnya.
Let's go to the next museum.
Museum ini kesannya seperti istana. Megah.
This museum looks like a palace. Majestic.
Sayangnya museum ini lagi direnovasi sehingga beberapa ruangan ditutup.
Unfortunately this museum was under renovation so few rooms were closed.
* * * * *
Bank Mandiri Museum
Yaaaa.. museumnya sudah tutup. Kami sampai di situ memang sudah lewat jam operasionalnya.
Oh noooo.. the museum was already closed. We got there passed its operational hour.
Jadi langsung pulanglah kami. Sudah jam 4 sore. Kalau lebih sore lagi takut keretanya penuh karena pas dengan jam pulang orang kerja. Gerimis pula. Mending cepat-cepat pulang deh.
So we went straight how. It was 4 pm. If we went home later the train would be crowded with employees because it was after office hour. It was drizzling as well. We would better hurry.
* * * * *
Capek tapi senang. Keluar lepas dari rutinitas. Bisa jalan sama teman yang lumayan asyik.
Got so exhausted but it was fun. Away from routinity. Got to go with a pretty cool friend.
Lebih tepatnya adalah saya berhasil mengajak Dewi jalan. Anak ini anak baik tapi kagak bakal pernah kemana-mana kalau tidak ada yang ngajak jalan.
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going out by myself?... noooo!! ☺ |
Beda dengan saya yang kalau sudah lama tidak jalan bisa murang-maring dan akan tetap jalan dengan atau tanpa teman.
It's different with me who would go crazy if I don't go anywhere in a quite a long time and who would still go out with or without anyone to come along.
Dewi asyik diajak jalan. Kagak rewel. Malah ga suka difoto sampai harus dipaksa-paksa atau ya saya nyuri-nyuri motretin dia.
Dewi is a fun company. She is not noisy. She doesn't even like to be photographed that I had to insistly took her photo or took candid ones of her.
Kami berencana untuk jalan bareng lagi hari Selasa, 26 September tapi kakaknya tiba-tiba datang malam sebelum hari H dan kaki saya keseleo pula di hari H sehingga rencana jalan kami tertunda sebulan.
We planned to go out again on Tuesday, 26 September but her sister came out of the blue on the night before the due date and I sprained my ankle on the D-day so we had to postpone our plan for a month.
Kemana kami akan pergi? Aha, tunggu saja cerita di postingan berikutnya. Mungkin bulan November.
Where will we go to? Aha, just wait for the next post. Probably in November.
sudah lama gak ke kota tua nih
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