Greetings dear readers / salam buat para pembaca

Knowing that I say it better in writing, and I do love writing, I decided to write my experiences and thoughts in this blog so this is my e-diary.

Don't speak Indonesian? No need to worry, it is written both in Indonesian and in English.

Happy Reading, everybody !

Buat saya mengungkapkan isi hati dan pemikiran lebih gampang dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dan karena saya juga senang menulis, saya memutuskan menulis hal-hal yang saya alami dan yang ada dalam pikiran saya dalam blog ini.

Untuk yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, jangan khawatir, blog ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Selamat membaca !

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Play Hard 4 (Museum Tour)

Keluyuran kemana-mana sendirian kadang enak, kadang ga enak. 

Going out alone sometimes is fun, other times is not fun.

Saya sih tipe orang mandiri. Ogah bergantung sama orang lain. Termasuk dalam urusan keluyuran dan jalan-jalan. Soalnya dari pengalaman, kalau ngajak orang lain prosedurnya bisa panjang, ribet, lama dan nyebelin.

I am an independent type of person. I dislike to rely on others. Including when it comes to go hangout and traveling. It is because from experience, asking other people to go with me may requite long procedure, complicated, take long time and could be annoying.

Tapi di sisi lain saya juga harus mengakui manusia itu adalah mahluk yang membutuhkan orang lain. 

But in other side I also have to admit that human needs other human.

Karena kalau sendiri tidak ada teman ngobrol, tidak ada yang bisa nolong kalau misalnya nyungsep di jalan, tidak ada yang bisa diketawain dan yang pasti seru juga dong ketawa sendiri kalau ada sesuatu yang lucu. 

Because being on my own means there is no one to talk to, no one to help in case I stumble, no one I can laugh to and it is surely not fun to laugh by myself if I see something funny.

*  *  *  *  *

Tapi sebelon nyari teman jalan sebaiknya sih dilihat dulu orangnya tipe kayak apa karena hal-hal besar atau kecil bisa mempengaruhi kenyamanan nongkrong atau jalan-jalan kita bersama orang lain.

But before choosing someone to be a accompany it is better to see what type of a person he/she is because big or small things play role in determine the comfort of our hangout or traveling with other person.

Tipe Pompom 

The Cheerleader Type

Tipe begini akan jadi orang pertama yang mengacungkan jari ketika diajak jalan atau ketika mengetahui teman-temannya bikin rencana buat nongkrong atau jalan-jalan.

This type of person would become the first to raise his/her hand when asked to go out together or when he/she knew his/her friends are making plans to go out or go traveling.

Tapi dekat-dekat hari H atau malah di hari H dia mundur. 

But he/she backs off when the D-day is approaching or even on the D-day.

Terus terang aja tipe begini ini bikin pegel hati, apalagi kalau emang cuma dia yang bakal jadi teman jalan.

To be honest, this type of person is really upsetting, especially if he/she is the only accompany I've got.

Kalau seseorang sudah beberapa kali menunjukkan ciri begini lebih baik dia dihapus saja dari daftar orang untuk dijadikan teman jalan.

If someone has several times shown this kind of attitude then it's better to get him/her off the list.

Tipe Knalpot

The Muffler Type

"Mulutku cuma satu, tidak berhenti ngoceh.."

"I have one mouth, it can't stop talking.."

Enaknya jalan sama si knalpot adalah kagak sepi. Ada aja yang bisa jadi bahan cerita atau obrolan. Ini bikin perjalanan jadi tidak terasa jauh, membosankan atau melelahkan.

The good thing about this muffler is it won't be quiet. There is always something to tell or to talk about. It makes traveling don't feel like it has no end, boring or tiring.

Ga enaknya adalah kalau bawelnya ini bukan bawel yang penuh cerita atau humor tapi bawel ngeluh, ngegerutu dan protes. Siapin kapas deh buat nyumpel kuping.

The bad thing is if it is not the kind of talkactive with stories or humor but it is the kind of can't stop complaining, whining and protesting. Stuffed the ears with cotton balls.

Tipe Borju

The Bourgeois Type

Makan ogah di warung. Nginep kagak mau di penginapan kelas ecek-ecek. Emoh pilih moda transportasi rakyat jelata.

Don't want to eat in food stall. Don't want to stay in cheap inn. Don't want to commute using modest public transportation.

Halah.., kalau makannya harus di restoran atau di cafe, menginap harus di hotel dan kemana-mana naik taksi.. cuy, bisa bangkrut gue jalan sama elu!

Geez.., if restaurant or cafe is the option, staying in hotel is a must and go anywhere by taxi.. dude, you're making me bankrupt!

Kalau kamu tipe easygoing yang segala sikon dibawa enjoy aja.. mending jangan jalan sama model anak presiden kayak begini dari pada ntar bikin dompet kamu menderita (kecuali kalau si borju yang mau nanggung semua pengeluaran) atau kalian jadi berantem.

If you're an easygoing type of person who enjoys every situation.. it's better not to go with this type of president's child because it's going to cost your money to the last penny (unless if this bourgeois agrees to pay all the expenses) or it would get you guys into a quarell.

Tipe Mau Dipotretin, Ogah Motretin

The Take My Pic, Don't Wanna Take Your Pic Type

Satu keuntungan punya teman jalan adalah bisa saling motretin.

The benefit having an accompany is taking turn in taking picture of each other.

Cuma nih ada tipe orang yang mau dipotret tapi ogah motretin. Kalau pun akhirnya dia motretin kita juga, itu dengan segala keluh kesah atau kelihatan ogah-ogahan.

The thing is there is a type of person who likes to be photographed but refuse to take picture of his/her company. When he/she did take picture, that person did that with grumble or look so reluctant.

Saya pernah sampai minta orang lain buat motretin saya karena teman jalan saya ogah motretin saya. Kebayang ga anehnya tuh.

I once had to ask someone else to take my picture because my company didn't want to take my picture. Can you imagine how weird it is?

Ini bukan soal kameranya yang terlalu super canggih sampai jadi bikin orang keder soalnya kan umumnya kita lebih sering motret pakai hp. Yah, harusnya sih ada saling pengertian aja. 

This is not about the super sophisticate camera that makes a person afraid to use it and after all, we mostly take picture using cellphone. Well, there should be mutual understanding.

*  *  *  *  *

Bisa dapat teman jalan itu tidak mudah. Dapat teman jalan yang asyik lebih tidak mudah. Ini yang bikin saya memasukkannya dalam kategori playhard

So it is not easy to find a company. To find a cool one is even harder. It is why I put it in playhard category.

Dan sekalinya dapat teman jalan yang enak, nikmatilah kehadirannya yang bikin acara nongkrong atau perjalanan traveling kita jadi menyenangkan.

And once you've got awesome company, enjoy that person's presence that has made the hangout or your traveling trip fun.

*  *  *  *  *

Kota Tua Jakarta

Old Town Jakarta

Ini adalah tempat wisata yang tidak usah pakai acara pusing buat mikir naik apa. Kalau dari Bogor ya tinggal pergi ke stasiun kereta api, beli tiket tujuan stasiun Kota, naik ke keretanya (biasanya parkir di peron 11 atau 12) dan duduk manis deh selama kira-kira sejam setengah

It doesn't give any dizzy to get to this tourism site. From Bogor you need only to go to train station, buy the ticket to Kota station, get into the train (usually park in 11 or 12 platform) and it takes about one and a half hour to Kota station.

Teman jalan saya kali ini adalah Dewi, mahasiswi praktek yang lagi magang di kantor saya.

My traveling companion this time is Dewi, a college student who is serving her apprenticeship in my office.

Perjalanan yang lancar dan teman perjalanan yang lumayan asyik bikin jalan-jalan ini jadi menyenangkan.

The smooth trip and the quite nice companion made this traveling pleasant.

*  *  *  *  *

Tour ke museum

Museum Tour

Kalau kita jalan-jalan ke Kota, pilihannya cuma tiga; wisata kuliner, belanja atau ke museum.

If we go to Kota there only three options; food, shopping or museum.

Saya pilih yang terakhir. 

I chose the last option.

Karena memang lebih menarik dibandingkan yang lainnya dan pastinya lebih murah

Because it is more interesting than the other two and it is definitely cheaper .

*  *  *  *  *

Fatahilah Museum

Museum pertama yang kami datangi. 

The first museum that we visited.

Saya tidak akan bercerita soal sejarah museum ini atau bagaimana keadaan didalamnya. Foto-foto ini sajalah yang bercerita.

I am not going to write about its history or how it was like at that time. Let the photos tell the story.

The panels on the cabinet behind us are covered in gold.
Oh by the way, the guy at the right was not supppose to be in the picture

Daya tarik Museum Fatahilah tidak hanya pada museumnya tapi juga pada lapangan depannya. 

Fatahilah Museum's attraction is not just on the museum itself but also on its court yard.

Fatahilah Museum's admission ticket. Rp.5000/pax

*  *  *  *  *

Puppet Museum (Museum Wayang)

Lokasi museum ini ada dibelakang saya (lihat foto di atas) jadi ya kita tinggal jalan kaki sedikit dari Museum Fatahilah.

The museum is right behind me (see above photo) so it's just a short walk from Fatahilah Museum. 

Isi museumnya berbagai macam model wayang dari dalam dan luar negeri. 

It stores various kinds of puppets from Indonesia and from other countries.

Hey, I met Unyil and friends. This puppet show was very famous in 1980s.
Giant Ondel-Ondel behind me

admission ticket to Puppet Museum

*  *  *  *  *

Bank Indonesia Museum

Yuk, kita lanjut lagi ke museum berikutnya. 

Let's go to the next museum.

Museum ini kesannya seperti istana. Megah. 

This museum looks like a palace. Majestic.

Sayangnya museum ini lagi direnovasi sehingga beberapa ruangan ditutup.

Unfortunately this museum was under renovation so few rooms were closed.

*  *  *  *  *

Bank Mandiri Museum

Yaaaa.. museumnya sudah tutup. Kami sampai di situ memang sudah lewat jam operasionalnya. 

Oh noooo.. the museum was already closed. We got there passed its operational hour.

Jadi langsung pulanglah kami. Sudah jam 4 sore. Kalau lebih sore lagi takut keretanya penuh karena pas dengan jam pulang orang kerja. Gerimis pula. Mending cepat-cepat pulang deh.

So we went straight how. It was 4 pm. If we went home later the train would be crowded with employees because it was after office hour. It was drizzling as well. We would better hurry.

*  *  *  *  *

Capek tapi senang. Keluar lepas dari rutinitas. Bisa jalan sama teman yang lumayan asyik.

Got so exhausted but it was fun. Away from routinity. Got to go with a pretty cool friend.

Lebih tepatnya adalah saya berhasil mengajak Dewi jalan. Anak ini anak baik tapi kagak bakal pernah kemana-mana kalau tidak ada yang ngajak jalan. 

going out by myself?... noooo!!
To be more precise is I succeededly took Dewi out. She is a good kid but wouldn't go anywhere if nobody ask her out.

Beda dengan saya yang kalau sudah lama tidak jalan bisa murang-maring dan akan tetap jalan dengan atau tanpa teman. 

It's different with me who would go crazy if I don't go anywhere in a quite a long time and who would still go out with or without anyone to come along. 

Dewi asyik diajak jalan. Kagak rewel. Malah ga suka difoto sampai harus dipaksa-paksa atau ya saya nyuri-nyuri motretin dia.

Dewi is a fun company. She is not noisy. She doesn't even like to be photographed that I had to insistly took her photo or took candid ones of her.

Kami berencana untuk jalan bareng lagi hari Selasa, 26 September tapi kakaknya tiba-tiba datang malam sebelum hari H dan kaki saya keseleo pula di hari H sehingga rencana jalan kami tertunda sebulan.

We planned to go out again on Tuesday, 26 September but her sister came out of the blue on the night before the due date and I sprained my ankle on the D-day so we had to postpone our plan for a month.

Kemana kami akan pergi? Aha, tunggu saja cerita di postingan berikutnya. Mungkin bulan November. 

Where will we go to? Aha, just wait for the next post. Probably in November. 

Play Hard 3 (Business and Pleasure)

Bekerja dan bersenang-senang saya masukkan dalam kategori playhard karena jarang terjadi. 

I put business and pleasure in playhard category because they rarely happen.

Dalam jenis pekerjaan saya ini kesempatan untuk bisa tugas sekaligus jalan-jalan adalah hal yang amat sangat jarang terjadi.

In my kind of work the opportunity of doing the job and go traveling at the same time are two things which so very rare to happen.



Karena saya amat sangat dibutuhkan di kantor. Saya tidak punya saingan dan saya tidak perlu khawatir akan ada orang yang mau menyingkirkan saya.. haha.. 

Because I am so needed at work. I have no competitor and I don't need to worry anyone would kick me out.. haha..

Tapi kondisi ini juga memberikan kerugian dalam soal kehadiran. Saya sakit sehari bisa menciptakan kehebohan bagi 'mereka-mereka', sementara sakit recehan dicurigai sebagai cara saya buat bolos dan ketika saya sakit serius terpaksa saya harus bergaya seperti wonder woman.. lagi demam tinggi, menstruasi keluar kayak keran bocor atau mencret parah pun harus menyeret kaki masuk kerja.

However, this condition is backfired when I get sick. I can't leave work too long. One day off because I was sick might create a huge fuss among 'them', minor illness was seen with suspicion as if I made up excuses to skip work and when I had serious illness I've got to behave like wonder woman.. high fever, uncontrolable menstruation or severe diarrhea wouldn't deter me from going to work.

Ah, itu urusan sakit. Trus gimana soal bisa bekerja sekaligus jalan-jalan?

Ah, that is about the time when I got ill. How about doing work and go traveling at the same time?

*  *  *  *  *

Ceritanya nih, dulu-dulu kalau kantor ada kegiatan keluar macam piknik atau jalan-jalan, saya harus diam-diam berdoa dulu supaya mudah-mudahan saya dibolehin ikut.

Here's the thing, in the past everytime the office held outdoor activity such as picnic or traveling, I had to quietly pray that I'd be given permit to join it.

Tapi setelah berapa kali saya tidak diijinin, akhirnya saya mengambil sikap masa bodoh.. sebodo teuing, mau diijinin atau kagak, gue kagak bakal mati ini. Cuma jalan-jalan ke sono, ntar gue bisa pergi sendiri kok kalau emang pengen banget atau malah lebih asyik pergi sama Andre.

But after I was not allowed to join that outing activity, I applied a 'I don't give a damn' attitude.. why the hell I care anyway, whether I'm allowed to go or not, either way it won't kill me. It's just going to that place, I can go there all by myself if I really want to or it would be more fun if I go there with Andre.

Eh ternyata, tiap kali saya tidak diijinin pergi yang sewot malah teman-teman dan rekan-rekan kerja saya.. hehe..

Well what do you know, everytime I was not allowed to join an outing, it was my friends and colleagues who got upset.. haha.. 

Kenapa sih elu kagak boleh ikut, Ke?

Why you're not allowed to come with us?

Ntar kantor jadi kosong, jawab saya santai dan datar.

It would make the office unattended, was my light and unemotion answer.

Halah!, rekan kerja saya sewot, emangnya ditinggal sehari aja sama kamu bakal bikin itu kantor jadi roboh apa?

Whatta!, it pissed my colleague, would the office fall apart if it is left by you in just a day?

Saya ngakak mendengarnya. Ya betul, bu, tapi itu kan kata ibu. Pemikiran kita berdua sih sama tapi kan pemikiran mereka beda.

It gave me a big laugh. Yep, you've got a point there but that's you. We actually thought the same but they thought differently

Andre dan papa saya pun heran. Kantor kamu emangnya rame banget ya? 

Andre and my dad were also puzzled. Is that one crowd office you've got there?



Banyak tamu?

Are there many visitors?



Jadi kamu tidak boleh pergi karena nanti tidak ada yang nungguin kantor kosong dan sepi itu?

So you're not allowed to go because there would be no one to look after that empty and quiet office?



Andre mesem. Papa garuk-garuk kepala.

Andre grinned. Papa scratched his head.

Saya pun ngakak gegulingan.

I laughed it out loud.

Antik betul kantor kamu ya.. Andre geleng-geleng kepala.

One hell of an office you've got there.. Andre shook his head.

Takut tu kantor digondol kolong wewe kali, kata si papa.

Feared a boogey man would come and snatch that office, said papa.

Centeng kantor lu, ledek teman saya.

You're the office's bodyguard, teased my friend.


*  *  *  *  *

Jadi mengacu pada reaksi 'mereka-mereka' sewaktu saya terpaksa tidak masuk kantor karena sakit dan bagaimana saya susah dapat ijin untuk ikut kegiatan outing kantor maka ketika yang lain sudah terkena euphoria jalan-jalan ke Lembang dan Bandung, saya cuek bebek aja.

So seeing 'their' reaction when I had to skip work because I was ill and how tricky it is to get a permission for me to join office outing it made me stayed cool while others had caught Lembang-Bandung traveling euphoria.

Kamu ikut, Ke?

Are you coming, Keke?



Kira-kira seminggu sebelum hari H, seorang dari 'mereka' menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama.

About a week before D-day, one of 'them' asked me the same question.

Saya diijinin ga?.. saya malah balik bertanya. Tidak bernada memelas. Tidak bermaksud memaksa. Tidak memohon.

Am I excused to go?.. I asked back. No pitiful tone. Not insisting. Not pleading.

Nah, kalau berurusan dengan 'mereka-mereka', penggambarannya begini; entah perahu penyelamat yang mendatangi saya atau tiang gantungan yang menanti saya.

So, here's the picture when dealing with 'them'; either a rescue boat came to save me or a gallows waiting for me.

Ini bukan tentang benar atau salah, adil atau tidak. 

This is not about right or wrong, fair or unfair.

Karena benar, salah, adil atau tidak itu relatif. Saya bilang itu benar, kata 'mereka' itu salah. Yang adil buat 'mereka', adalah ketidakadilan buat saya. Begitu pula sebaliknya. Ya, relatif kan.. beda dalam pandangan dan pengertian tiap orang.

Because right, wrong, fair or unfair are relative. I say something is right, to 'them' it is wrong. What is fair to 'them' is unfair to me. Vice versa. So, it is relative.. it is different in everyone's perspective and understanding.

Tapi kali itu perahu penyelamatlah yang mendatangi saya. Pertimbangannya apa? Kok sekarang diijinin, dulu-dulu kagak? Bah, manalah saya tahu. Seperti saya tulis di atas, ini bukan mengenai perkara benar atau salah, adil atau tidak. Ini mengenai... ah, peduli amat. Saya diijinkan pergi. Titik. Nikmatilah itu. Syukurilah itu.

But that time it was the rescue boat that came to me. On what consideration? Why am I allowed to go now while in the past I was not allowed to go? Hell, I don't know. As I wrote above, it is not about right or wrong, fair or unfair. This is about.. ah, why do I care anyway? I was allowed to go. Period. Enjoy it. Be grateful for it.

*  *  *  *  *

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Ok, jam 4.30 pagi saya sudah sampai di kantor. Begitu pula Dewi, si mahasiswi yang lagi praktek di kantor saya. Berdua kami buru-buru masuk ke ruangan saya karena pagi itu angin di Bogor dingin banget... brrrrr...

Ok, I've got at the office at 4.30 am. So did Dewi, the apprentice student in my office. We rushedly went to my room because that morning the wind was freezing in Bogor... brrrrr...

Satu hal mengenai Indonesia adalah jamnya semua terbuat dari karet. 

One thing about Indonesia is the clocks are made from rubber.

Karena susah banget buat tepat waktu.

Because it is so hard to go ontime.

Katanye jam 5 pagi kita berangkat ye. 

It said we would leave at 5 am.

Hampir setengah enam sewaktu kita naik ke bis. 

It was almost five thirty when we got into the bus.

Ok, setengah jam telat. Yuk cabut sekarang!

Ok, half hour behind the schedule. Let's go now!

Tunggu! Ada satu orang lagi yang mau ikut..

Wait! There's someone wanted to come along..

Tunggu... tunggu... tunggu... 

Waiting... waiting... waiting...

Tik tok.. tik tok.. jam berdetak..

Tick tock.. tick tock.. the clock is ticking..

Sudah mau jam enam. Busyet! Mana sih orangnya? Jadi ikut apa kagak?

It was almost six am. Goodness! Where is she? Is she coming or not?

Ini sih naga-naganya bakal jalan jam enam dah. Bodo lah. Dari pada gue sutrisno.. eh, maksudnya stress, mendingan kite foto-foto aje dulu yuk. Maklum, kan eikke blogger. Penulis blog yang doyan motret. Ah elu mah, kucing buang hajat aja elu foto dan jadiin postingan di blog, begitu ledekan teman-teman saya. Hehe.

Man, it looks like we would leave at six. The hell with it. Better taking pictures than driving myself crazy with stress. Hey, I'm a blogger. I'm a blog writer who likes taking pictures. Girl, you even take picture of a cat pooping and write a blog post about it, my friends like to tease me. Haha.

Sambil juga perhatiin keadaan bis. Wih, keren juga ternyata. Ada cooler box yang posisinya persis di atas kepala saya. Ho-oh. Cucok. Gue bisa ngademin kepala di situ.

And surveying the bus. Man, it's kind a awesome. There's cooler box right above my head. Yep. Perfect. I could cool my head on it.

Sambil sarapan ah.. kan tadi di rumah sarapannya jam 4 pagi. Sekarang perut sudah mulai nabuh genderang.

Along with having breakfast.. I had it at 4 am. At 6 am my stomach was playing a drum in there.

Aih, roti saya ada namanya. So sweet. Foto dong foto. Hehe.

Well, my bread has my name tagged on it. How sweet. Quick, take photo of it. Lol.

Setelah gigitan pertama.. emm mak, perasaan kemaren aye pesen roti keju. Kok rasanya daging? Apa ini keju rasa daging?

After the first bite.. umm ma'am, I thought yesterday I ordered cheese bread. This one tastes meat. Is this meat flavor cheese?

Rekan saya ngakak. Sori Ke, semua roti daging.

My colleague bursted her laugh. Sorry Keke, it is all meat bread.

Wow, ini kejutan kedua. Yang pertama ada tambahan peserta. Trus ada roti keju berubah jadi roti daging.

Wow, this was the second surprise. The first one was an additional participant. Then we had cheese bread turned into meat bread.

Kayaknya bakal jadi seru nih jalan-jalan kali ini. Yihaa!

It seemed this would make one fun trip. Yeehaw!

*  *  *  *  *

Saya mau tamasya berkeliling-keliling kampung.. eh?

I want to go on an outing around the village.. um?

Jam enam lewat baru kita berangkat.

We left shortly after six. 

Ok Lembang, ini dia kita datang!

Ok Lembang, here we come!

Ah, centeng kantor yang biasanya terkurung dalam ruangan imut dan sepi ini bener-bener menikmati pemandangan sepanjang perjalanan.. rasanya plong banget! Melihat indahnya pemandangan jalan tol sudah bikin mata berkaca-kaca.. heits, lebay abis lu, Ke..

Ah, this office's bodyguard who usually stuck inside a tiny and quiet office really enjoyed the view.. felt so freshing! Seeing how beautiful the toll road is brought tears to my eyes.. wait! you're so exaggerating, Keke..


*  *  *  *  *

Gila, ini musik apa musik??

Damn, what kind of music is this?? 

Perjalanan bahkan belum sampai seperempatnya sewaktu saya memandang Dewi tepat dimatanya, menghela napas dalam, mengatur kata-kata yang tepat karena rasanya ini berat sekali untuk diucapkan..

It wasn't even one fourth of the trip when I looked straight into Dewi's eyes, took a deep breath, thinking of right words to say because it was so hard to say it..

Wi, sori banget.. gue sudah kagak tahan, cyn. Gue sudah coba bertahan tapi ini soundsytem bis kagak pake kira-kira ngatur volume. Jantung gue sampe endut-endutan rasanya. Jadi gue sudah sampe di batas daya tahan kuping dan jantung. Gue harus move on. Gue mau pindah ke tempat duduk yang di belakang itu ya cyn.. 

Dewi, I'm so sorry.. I can't take it anymore, luv. I have tried to stay but this bus soundsytem blarring like crazy. My heart jumped. I have reached the point where the heart and ears can't take it anymore. I have to move on. I want to move to the back seat right there, luv..

Dan Dewi pun melepas kepergian saya dengan melambaikan saputangannya.. untuk kemudian dia pun tertidur pulas..

And Dewi waved her handkerchief when I left her.. few moments later she fell to sleep..

Saya menarik napas lega. Memasang earphone. Musik yang nyebelin dan soundsytem yang ga kira-kira itu ga terlalu berasa ngegeder jantung dan kuping. Ah, mana saya duduk persis di samping jendela pula. Sedap. Kamera, mana kamera?

I sighed a relief breath. Put on my earphone. The annoying music and that blarring soundsytem didn't feel hitting the heart and ear that awful. Ah and plus, I sat right to the window. Nice. Camera, where's the camera?


*  *  *  *  *

Taman Begonia, Lembang

Begonia Park, Lembang

Setelah pantat nyaris berakar dan kaki hampir jadi kaki gajah saking lamanya itu perjalanan.. akhirnya sampai juga kami di tujuan pertama.

After I almost grew root on my butt and felt as if my feet have turned into elephant's feet because of the long drive.. we finally arrived at the first destination.

Hii.. angin dan udaranya lebih dingin dari Bogor.

Ooh.. the wind and weather are colder than Bogor.

Makan siang dulu? Soalnya semua peserta sudah pasang muka menderita akibat kelaparan dan kedinginan gitu..

Are we having lunch first? All the participants have put misery faces out of hunger and cold.

Eh kagak, fotoan dulu.

Nope, took photo first.

Doh, rasanya gue kalah heboh sama emak-emak itu.

Gee, those ladies were merrier than me.

Lah, lagi lapar, kedinginan dan kebelet pipis disuruh berpose. Noh, senyum gue yang paling garing deh.

For crying out loud, I was hungry, cold and needed to pee and I was told to pose. There, my smile told about the misery.

Makan siangnya jam 12 teng. Ibadah dulu. Kelar ibadah (dan habis pipis) kita muter-muterin taman dan foto-foto..

Lunch would be at noon. Had service before that. After the service (and after went to the toilet) we walked around the garden and took photos.

Kenapa dikasih nama Begonia? Dewi nanya. 

Why do they named it Begonia? Dewi asked.

Sesuai dengan nama bunga yang dominan ditanam di sini, jawab saya.

After the name of the flower they planted here, I answered her.

Iya tapi kok Bego-nia, Dewi nyengir sambil mengucapkan kata-kata itu perlahan-lahan.

Yes but why Bego-nia, Dewi grinned as she spoke it slowly.

Wkwkwk... saya ngakak karena baru ngerti. Bego dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya goblok, tolol banget. 

Lol.. I laughed loudly because I just got it. Bego in Indonesian means so stupid.

Itu Bego yang beda.. kata saya, ga munginlah bunga cantik-cantik begini dibilangin bego..

It's a different Bego.. I said, there's no way these beautiful flowers are called bego..

Saya yang bukan penggemar tanaman pun betah berada di sana.

Hey Snowhite, I met one of your dwarfs

Cinderella is coming to the ball, where's my prince? Andre! 
Even I who am not a great fan of plants enjoying myself being there.

Puas foto-foto, baru makan dan sesudah makan.. mager (malas gerak) akibat kekenyangan.. hehe.

After having a blast with photo session, off we returned to the hall to have lunch and after that.. didn't feel like going anywhere with full stomach.. haha.

*  *  *  *  *

Tahu Susu, Lembang

Milk Tofu, Lembang

Ah, tujuan berikutnya. Yuk kita beli tahu. 

Ah, next destination. Let's buy tofu.

Kayak apa sih tahu susu itu? Saya juga baru pertama kali ke tempat ini.

What is it like this milk tofu? Well, actually it was my first time visiting that place.

Rasanya gimana? Biasa aja. Lebih legit dikit. 

How does it taste? Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a little tasty.

*  *  *  *  *


Dua tujuan terakhir kami berlokasi di Bandung. Mereka mendapat sisa waktu dan sisa tenaga. Sudah sore dan hujan pula. Kalau saya sih semangat dan mood sudah tidak segarang ketika berada di dua tempat tujuan pertama tapi emak-emak lainnya batereinya bener-bener pol.

Our last two destination are located in Bandung. They've got the last time and energy. It was afternoon already and it rained too. My excitement and mood were not as high as in the first two destination but the ladies really had none of it.

Beli oleh-oleh. Ngiler kan lihat kue-kue itu.. haha.

Buy some snacks. I bet you drool seeing those cakes.. haha.

*  *  *  *  *

Sudah hampir jam 8 malam waktu kami kembali ke Bogor. Saya rasa tampang-tampang kami sudah tidak seceria foto di bawah ini. 

photo courtesy to Mrs. Dwiyani
It was nearly 8 pm when we got back in Bogor. I think our faces didn't look as cheerful as the ones we had in the above picture.

Perjalanan yang panjang. Terima kasih Tuhan buat satu hari ini, semua selamat.

It was a long trip. Thank God for this day, everything was well.

Oiya, saya juduli perjalanan ini sebagai kerja sekaligus jalan-jalan karena selagi saya ikut dalam acara outing ini, saya juga berfungsi sebagai tukang potret dan mendokumentasikan acara-acara adalah bagian dari pekerjaan saya di kantor.

Oh by the way, I put this trip under the title business and pleasure because while participating in this outing I was also doing my work as a photographer and making docummentation is one of the things I do at work.