Akhirnya.. jalan-jalan juga bareng papa.
Finally.. going on a trip with papa.
Eh yang namanya jalan sama ortu pasti beda sama jalan sendiri atau jalan sama teman. Nah, bedanya di mana?
Sst, it is definitely different when you go on a trip with your parents and when you are traveling on your own or with your friends. So what is the difference?
💖 Logistiknya segambreng
Saya rada-rada ngeri lihat barang bawaan segambreng gitu. Bukan apa-apa, papa kan sudah 73 tahun, masa mau bawa ransel berat? Bisa ditebak kan siapa yang bakal jadi kuli panggulnya yo? Ok deh, pas pergi dia masih kuat bawa tapi belakangan saya yang manggul ransel.
💖 Lots and lots of Logistic
It gave me the chill seeing lots of stuff we would take. The thing is my papa is 73 years old, would he carry heavy backpack stuffed with those stuff? Guess who would be the one who had to carry it? Ok, so he had energy carrying it when we left Bogor but later it was me who carried it.
💖 Berdoa Dulu
Kalau saya jalan sendiri, boro-boro saya ingat berdoa. Jalan ya jalan aja, yakin percaya Tuhan menyertai dan melindungi.
💖 Pray First
When I travel on my own, I never remembered to pray. Off I went, believing God is be with me and protects me.
💖 Dia Siap Duluan
Mau sama papa, teman atau pacar.. yang namanya cowok, pasti kalau mau jalan dia duluan yang siap. Ya, kan kalau cowok ga perlu dandan. Habis mandi tinggal ganti baju, pake sepatu.. beres dah.
💖 He got ready already
Whether it is papa, friend or boyfriend.. male always get ready first. Well, they don't need to put on makeup. All they need to do after bathing is put on the clothes and shoes.. and they are ready.
💖 Senewen
Tiap kali mau jalan-jalan saya memang jadi sedikit senewen. Tapi jalan bareng papa bikin saya tambah senewen soalnya kalau dulu saya masih anak-anak, saya yang dijagain sama papa mama.. nah, setelah dewasa, posisinya jadi berbalik, saya yang merasa saya harus jagain si papa.
💖 Nervous
I have got nervous everytime I would go on a trip. But going on a trip with papa increased my level of nervousness because when I was a kid, papa and mama looked after me.. well, now I'm grown up things go differently, it is me now who feel I need to look after papa.
💖 Jalannya lambat
Kecepatan jalan si papa pelan. Ya, faktor umurlah. Tapi jadi bikin saya suka jadi susah menyamakan kecepatan langkah kami. Soalnya yang menurut saya sudah lambat ternyata masih juga cepat karena si papa ketinggalan tiga langkah dibelakang saya.
💖 Slow pace
Papa walks slow. It's due to his age. But it is difficult for me to match our pace. What I consider as my slow pace turns out to be still fast as papa can't keep up with me.
💖 Pipis melulu
Repot pas waktu kami dalam perjalanan pulang. Doh, saya kasihan campur bingung dan senewen waktu si papa bilang dia nahan pipis. Masalahnya kita pulang naik mobil colt dan ga lewat jalan tol. Mau pipis gimana coba?
💖 Frequently pee
We were on our way home when he told me he wanted to pee. The problem is we took a car and it didn't take toll road. There was no way for the car to stop so he could pee.
Hari Senin, 24 April 2017 kami berangkat jam 6.10 pagi ke stasiun Bogor Paledang.
We went to Bogor Paledang train station at 6.10 in the morning of Monday, 24 April 2017.
Kirain saya kita kepagian. Keretanya berangkat jam 7.50 pagi. Wah, masih sepi dong.
I thought we were too early. The train left at 7.50 am. The station would be empty then.
Kenyataannya sudah banyak juga orang di sana. Syukur malah kita kepagian. Kalau ga, bisa ga dapat tempat duduk. Masa mau nunggu sambil berdiri?
The fact is many people were already there. Thank goodness we got there early. Otherwise we wouldn't get any seat. It surely wouldn't be fun to stand while waiting for the train to get at the station.
Kertas print out bookingan tiket tidak otomatis berlaku sebagai tiket lho. Harus ditukar dengan tiket beneran. Ada mesin cetaknya yang disebut CTM (Cetak Tiket Mandiri) yang tersedia di stasiun. Di kertas print out bookingan tiket ada barcode jadi taruh aja di depan barcode scanner nanti langsung data pemesanan muncul di layar monitor. Lalu tinggal tekan tombol print di layar monitor.
After you booked the ticket it will come out in form of print out paper but it does not automatically valid as a ticket. You must print the ticket on the ticket print machine that you can find in the train station. There is a barcode on that ticket booked print out paper, put it infront of the barcode scanner so all the booking data may appear on the monitor screen. After that just click on the print button on the screen.
Gimana perjalanannya? Ah, lihat saja foto-fotonya ya.
So how was the trip? Ah, just look at the photos.
Rencananya dari Sukabumi mau langsung ke Cianjur. Bingung juga lihat jadwal kereta Sukabumi-Cianjur, Cianjur-Sukabumi dan Sukabumi-Bogor. Bingung ngatur jam berapa harus balik dari Cianjur ke Sukabumi. Masa mau putar-putar Cianjur cuma dua jam (kalau mau balik ke Bogor pake kereta yang berangkat jam 15.45)? Mana puas?
The plan was to go directly to Cianjur once we got at Sukabumi. It gave me a dizzy looking at Sukabumi-Cianjur, Cianjur-Sukabumi and Sukabumi-Bogor train schedule. Arranging the time to get back from Cianjur to Sukabumi. Would it be enough to have just two hours in Cianjur (if we would take the 3.45 pm train from Sukabumi to Bogor). That wouldn't be enough.
Lha, lebih bingung lagi saya waktu pergi ke loket untuk beli tiket Cianjur dan melihat tempelan ini di kaca loket.
Gosh, it gave me more dizzy when I went to the counter to buy ticket to Cianjur and seeing this notification on the counter's window.
Saran saya, kalau mau ke Cianjur, jangan pilih pas hari libur nasional. Soalnya tiketnya tidak bisa di booking.
My advice is if you want to go to Cianjur, don't go on public holiday. They don't have ticket booking system when it comes to Sukabumi-Cianjur ticket.
Yah, jadi deh kita jalan-jalan di Sukabumi saja.
Well, we just had to have enough with Sukabumi.
Lantas mau kemana di Sukabumi?
So where to go in Sukabumi?
Kalau pergi sendiri sih saya pasti nyari objek wisata yang tidak terlalu jauh atau pergi wisata kuliner aja tapi papa ogah jadi kami cuma ke Jalan Bhayangkara, Gang Kaswari buat beli mochi.
If I were all by myself I'd find nearby tourism place or find places that sell the town's famous meals but papa didn't want to go anywhere so we just went to Bhayangkara street, Kaswari alley to buy mochi.
Ceritanya bersambung.
To be continued.
Finally.. going on a trip with papa.
Eh yang namanya jalan sama ortu pasti beda sama jalan sendiri atau jalan sama teman. Nah, bedanya di mana?
Sst, it is definitely different when you go on a trip with your parents and when you are traveling on your own or with your friends. So what is the difference?
💖 Logistiknya segambreng
Saya rada-rada ngeri lihat barang bawaan segambreng gitu. Bukan apa-apa, papa kan sudah 73 tahun, masa mau bawa ransel berat? Bisa ditebak kan siapa yang bakal jadi kuli panggulnya yo? Ok deh, pas pergi dia masih kuat bawa tapi belakangan saya yang manggul ransel.
💖 Lots and lots of Logistic
It gave me the chill seeing lots of stuff we would take. The thing is my papa is 73 years old, would he carry heavy backpack stuffed with those stuff? Guess who would be the one who had to carry it? Ok, so he had energy carrying it when we left Bogor but later it was me who carried it.
💖 Berdoa Dulu
Kalau saya jalan sendiri, boro-boro saya ingat berdoa. Jalan ya jalan aja, yakin percaya Tuhan menyertai dan melindungi.
💖 Pray First
When I travel on my own, I never remembered to pray. Off I went, believing God is be with me and protects me.
💖 Dia Siap Duluan
Mau sama papa, teman atau pacar.. yang namanya cowok, pasti kalau mau jalan dia duluan yang siap. Ya, kan kalau cowok ga perlu dandan. Habis mandi tinggal ganti baju, pake sepatu.. beres dah.
💖 He got ready already
Whether it is papa, friend or boyfriend.. male always get ready first. Well, they don't need to put on makeup. All they need to do after bathing is put on the clothes and shoes.. and they are ready.
💖 Senewen
Tiap kali mau jalan-jalan saya memang jadi sedikit senewen. Tapi jalan bareng papa bikin saya tambah senewen soalnya kalau dulu saya masih anak-anak, saya yang dijagain sama papa mama.. nah, setelah dewasa, posisinya jadi berbalik, saya yang merasa saya harus jagain si papa.
💖 Nervous
I have got nervous everytime I would go on a trip. But going on a trip with papa increased my level of nervousness because when I was a kid, papa and mama looked after me.. well, now I'm grown up things go differently, it is me now who feel I need to look after papa.
💖 Jalannya lambat
Kecepatan jalan si papa pelan. Ya, faktor umurlah. Tapi jadi bikin saya suka jadi susah menyamakan kecepatan langkah kami. Soalnya yang menurut saya sudah lambat ternyata masih juga cepat karena si papa ketinggalan tiga langkah dibelakang saya.
💖 Slow pace
Papa walks slow. It's due to his age. But it is difficult for me to match our pace. What I consider as my slow pace turns out to be still fast as papa can't keep up with me.
💖 Pipis melulu
Repot pas waktu kami dalam perjalanan pulang. Doh, saya kasihan campur bingung dan senewen waktu si papa bilang dia nahan pipis. Masalahnya kita pulang naik mobil colt dan ga lewat jalan tol. Mau pipis gimana coba?
💖 Frequently pee
We were on our way home when he told me he wanted to pee. The problem is we took a car and it didn't take toll road. There was no way for the car to stop so he could pee.
* * * * *
Hari Senin, 24 April 2017 kami berangkat jam 6.10 pagi ke stasiun Bogor Paledang.
We went to Bogor Paledang train station at 6.10 in the morning of Monday, 24 April 2017.
Kirain saya kita kepagian. Keretanya berangkat jam 7.50 pagi. Wah, masih sepi dong.
I thought we were too early. The train left at 7.50 am. The station would be empty then.
Kenyataannya sudah banyak juga orang di sana. Syukur malah kita kepagian. Kalau ga, bisa ga dapat tempat duduk. Masa mau nunggu sambil berdiri?
The fact is many people were already there. Thank goodness we got there early. Otherwise we wouldn't get any seat. It surely wouldn't be fun to stand while waiting for the train to get at the station.
Kertas print out bookingan tiket tidak otomatis berlaku sebagai tiket lho. Harus ditukar dengan tiket beneran. Ada mesin cetaknya yang disebut CTM (Cetak Tiket Mandiri) yang tersedia di stasiun. Di kertas print out bookingan tiket ada barcode jadi taruh aja di depan barcode scanner nanti langsung data pemesanan muncul di layar monitor. Lalu tinggal tekan tombol print di layar monitor.
After you booked the ticket it will come out in form of print out paper but it does not automatically valid as a ticket. You must print the ticket on the ticket print machine that you can find in the train station. There is a barcode on that ticket booked print out paper, put it infront of the barcode scanner so all the booking data may appear on the monitor screen. After that just click on the print button on the screen.
Gimana perjalanannya? Ah, lihat saja foto-fotonya ya.
So how was the trip? Ah, just look at the photos.
Rencananya dari Sukabumi mau langsung ke Cianjur. Bingung juga lihat jadwal kereta Sukabumi-Cianjur, Cianjur-Sukabumi dan Sukabumi-Bogor. Bingung ngatur jam berapa harus balik dari Cianjur ke Sukabumi. Masa mau putar-putar Cianjur cuma dua jam (kalau mau balik ke Bogor pake kereta yang berangkat jam 15.45)? Mana puas?
The plan was to go directly to Cianjur once we got at Sukabumi. It gave me a dizzy looking at Sukabumi-Cianjur, Cianjur-Sukabumi and Sukabumi-Bogor train schedule. Arranging the time to get back from Cianjur to Sukabumi. Would it be enough to have just two hours in Cianjur (if we would take the 3.45 pm train from Sukabumi to Bogor). That wouldn't be enough.
Lha, lebih bingung lagi saya waktu pergi ke loket untuk beli tiket Cianjur dan melihat tempelan ini di kaca loket.
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The ticket to Cianjur was sold out! |
Saran saya, kalau mau ke Cianjur, jangan pilih pas hari libur nasional. Soalnya tiketnya tidak bisa di booking.
My advice is if you want to go to Cianjur, don't go on public holiday. They don't have ticket booking system when it comes to Sukabumi-Cianjur ticket.
Yah, jadi deh kita jalan-jalan di Sukabumi saja.
Well, we just had to have enough with Sukabumi.
Lantas mau kemana di Sukabumi?
So where to go in Sukabumi?
Kalau pergi sendiri sih saya pasti nyari objek wisata yang tidak terlalu jauh atau pergi wisata kuliner aja tapi papa ogah jadi kami cuma ke Jalan Bhayangkara, Gang Kaswari buat beli mochi.
If I were all by myself I'd find nearby tourism place or find places that sell the town's famous meals but papa didn't want to go anywhere so we just went to Bhayangkara street, Kaswari alley to buy mochi.
Ceritanya bersambung.
To be continued.